We are witnessing in real time the implementation of a Soviet-style system. At least in northern Europe and, under pressure from Brussels, soon at EU level.
If you read the Jewish press, you won't find anything on this subject.
We are witnessing the multiplication of measures adopted by forced march to protect Jews and their auxiliaries, the brown people…
Here is the project in its New Zealand version.
I hope you have mentally prepared yourself for what is coming in the coming years because it will be extremely brutal.
Tarrant's video is nothing more than a document showing people dying. It is no different from other video documents showing people dying.
The system operates on the basis of a self-proclaimed moral monopoly. This results in a double standard in information processing with, on the one hand, the good side - the system therefore - and on the other hand, the evil side. In other words, everything that is opposed to the system.
This double standard is fundamentally hypocritical and you will always find this hypocrisy in information processing everywhere.
The media thus find it perfectly normal to show violent images as long as it serves the political interest they defend.
A video that reinforces the ideology of the system and portrays the enemy in a bad light, especially if it is violent, will be broadcast on a loop.
Another major point is that the system has no problem with the eradication of civilians if this makes it possible to achieve its political objectives.
You can see in the following video the consequences of the destruction of Raqqa. Jihadist or not, the population was crushed by a flood of Western bombs.
The Jewish-democratic West has no problem with the elimination of civilians.
He had no more when he eliminated hundreds of thousands of civilians in Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
As soon as he decrees you as the enemy, you are excluded from the Good camp. You can no longer claim any rights because you are no longer a human being. You're good for the slaughterhouse.
So it's not what's shown in the video of Brenton Tarrant in New Zealand that's the problem.
The problem is Tarrant's political objective.
This political objective is the politico-military struggle against the planning of population replacement in all white countries wanted by Judeo-globalist finance and its democratic and Marxist associates.
Please note this term: political and military monopoly.
The states of the Judeo-Western system have reduced white populations to the status of hilots who are not supposed to act politically, that is, ultimately to be able to use force to defend their interests.
It is not by chance that the system so violently rejects the "Citizens' Initiative Referendum" and hammeres that only "representatives" can make political decisions. No matter what you think about it, what you have to remember is that the system sees this as a threat to its political monopoly.
The Jewish-democratic states have this monopoly and ensure that, in the name of pacifying the territories they control, they neutralize any desire for independence on the part of indigenous peoples.
What this Jewish system calls "the rule of law" is merely the political-military monopoly of the established Jewish banking power.