New Zealand launches its general closure: get ready for the EU's big white hun

We are witnessing in real time the implementation of a Soviet-style system. At least in northern Europe and, under pressure from Brussels, soon at EU level.
If you read the Jewish press, you won't find anything on this subject.
We are witnessing the multiplication of measures adopted by forced march to protect Jews and their auxiliaries, the brown people…
Here is the project in its New Zealand version.

I hope you have mentally prepared yourself for what is coming in the coming years because it will be extremely brutal.
Tarrant's video is nothing more than a document showing people dying. It is no different from other video documents showing people dying.
The system operates on the basis of a self-proclaimed moral monopoly. This results in a double standard in information processing with, on the one hand, the good side - the system therefore - and on the other hand, the evil side. In other words, everything that is opposed to the system.
This double standard is fundamentally hypocritical and you will always find this hypocrisy in information processing everywhere.
The media thus find it perfectly normal to show violent images as long as it serves the political interest they defend.

A video that reinforces the ideology of the system and portrays the enemy in a bad light, especially if it is violent, will be broadcast on a loop.
Another major point is that the system has no problem with the eradication of civilians if this makes it possible to achieve its political objectives.
You can see in the following video the consequences of the destruction of Raqqa. Jihadist or not, the population was crushed by a flood of Western bombs.

The Jewish-democratic West has no problem with the elimination of civilians.
He had no more when he eliminated hundreds of thousands of civilians in Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
As soon as he decrees you as the enemy, you are excluded from the Good camp. You can no longer claim any rights because you are no longer a human being. You're good for the slaughterhouse.

So it's not what's shown in the video of Brenton Tarrant in New Zealand that's the problem.
The problem is Tarrant's political objective.
This political objective is the politico-military struggle against the planning of population replacement in all white countries wanted by Judeo-globalist finance and its democratic and Marxist associates.
Please note this term: political and military monopoly.
The states of the Judeo-Western system have reduced white populations to the status of hilots who are not supposed to act politically, that is, ultimately to be able to use force to defend their interests.
It is not by chance that the system so violently rejects the "Citizens' Initiative Referendum" and hammeres that only "representatives" can make political decisions. No matter what you think about it, what you have to remember is that the system sees this as a threat to its political monopoly.
The Jewish-democratic states have this monopoly and ensure that, in the name of pacifying the territories they control, they neutralize any desire for independence on the part of indigenous peoples.
What this Jewish system calls "the rule of law" is merely the political-military monopoly of the established Jewish banking power.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The legal eradication of whites against legitimate defense=

The system - the states that constitute it - uses legality to justify its political-military monopoly.
Tarrant uses legitimacy to justify the refusal of this monopoly.
This legitimacy is claimed by Tarrant in the name of the right to self-defence, considering that the replacement policy implemented by the system in the West amounts to designating white populations as enemies.
He therefore targeted populations legally affected by the Western system in Western states.
Unlike a nihilistic massacre, without any purpose other than murderous pleasure, Tarrant's act is logically articulated in his manifesto. It is because this act is performative, insofar as it aims to exacerbate the radicalization of the system in terms of its anti-money laundering policy, that it also deeply destabilizes the Western system.
The challenge to the internal pacification of this system is not negotiable in his view. It is a strategic threat that could lead to its implosion.

New fronts, new frontiers=

The racial rhetoric used by Tarrant is, in a way, only the macroscopic extension of the white world of the ethno-national disputes of the 19th century that led to the collapse of the central empires in 1918.
In 1914, the Austro-Hungarian cosmopolitan empire, of which the capital Vienna is a Jewish stronghold, fiercely repressed the ethno-nationalist centrifugal forces present within it (Serbs, Hungarians, etc.).

In 1918, it no longer exists.

The current Western Jewish-democratic system can be compared to the Austro-Hungarian empire of 1914, when it engaged in violent repression of particular nationalities challenging the legitimacy of the Habsburg dynasty.

This is the internal contradiction of the system: the pacification initiated by the Jewish-democratic system has presupposed the preventive suppression of white populations, which have been closely associated, since 1945, with the very idea of war and conflict.
The system made a methodological error in two respects. First, by claiming to eradicate the ethno-racial fact among white populations, i.e. "nationalism is war". Secondly, by triggering the repopulation of the white world by masses of Third World auxiliaries, believing that they can erode the indigenous racial fact.

The result is precisely the opposite: an exacerbation of nationalist sentiment due to the tensions generated by the ethno-cultural incompatibility of the populations brought into contact.
In short: the system represses the expression of the deepest being of white populations through its so-called "anti-racist" social engineering (Holocaust religion, feminism, pacifism, antifascism) while organizing the implantation of millions of exogenous racial elements whose deepest being it exalts (xenophilia, Islamophilia, worship of the Other, foreign preference).
These allogens feed, through their hostility, the tribal conservation reflexes of Whites contrary to the intended objective. The more resistance the system encounters among Whites using this strategy, the more the system reacts by increasing the use of this strategy.
The system cannot risk questioning the effectiveness of its ideology without causing a public crisis of trust, and therefore legitimacy.
The more he intensifies his pressure, the more he polarizes both sides on a racial and cultural basis: the cycle of self-destruction of the system and the myth of Jewish-democratic "peace" is irreversibly set in motion.

Brenton Tarrant, Gabrielo Princip=

Tarrant's action is perceived by the system as as destructive as the assassination of Archduke François-Ferdinant by Gabrielo Princip in the summer of 1914.
It precipitates the fracturing of the system on the rupture lines created by the system itself: racial and cultural lines.
The system cannot recognize that it is at the very root of the systemic crisis. It therefore reacts by further accentuating the repression of racial sentiment among white populations (anti-racism, censorship, immigrationism, apology for the invader) and overemphasizes the qualities of non-white populations imported by the system into white states.
More than ever, whites are identified as the origin of any source of conflict and non-white populations are being imported as a means of pacification.

For the Judeo-Western system, war has its origin in the white race itself.
Any definitive peace presupposes its disappearance. This is what we all experience, collectively, every day.

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Censorship and Disarmament

Tarrant therefore acted as a sovereign political actor by designating the enemy as Carl Schmitt theorized.
He unilaterally challenged the political-military monopoly of the New Zealand state and, more broadly, that of the Western states united within the Judeo-globalist system.
That is why speech censorship and the disarmament of the people are so closely linked, and that is why the American constitution closely associates these two points in its first and second amendments.
The US constitution is originally an oxymoronic construction because of its anti-State nature, which aims to guarantee the people the exercise of effective sovereignty through these two amendments. The Founding Fathers of the United States had identified the State as the fundamental enemy of all people.
Although often described as "liberal", this constitution is in fact anti-liberal in that it incorporates the principle of latent conflict between the state and the people. It understands the State's desire to eliminate all political conflict, but even more so the notion of conflict itself. The state always reduces its citizens to the status of mere subjects like the British crown before the American Revolution.
The American constitution therefore follows the principle of armed peace between the state and the people.

Tarrant deliberately sought the ascent to extremes described by Clausewitz by emphasizing this very precise point (pages 6 and 7):

Brenton Tarrant achieved his goal through a very intense campaign theorized by the same Clausewitz with his concept of "Absolute War".
Make no mistake about it: all Western intelligence services have understood the scope of this offensive and have already lost all hope of limiting its effects, especially in the Islamic world where Brenton Tarrant's video is already being widely broadcast by jihadists.
There is no going back.

Bolchevisation of the State and the EU=

What is happening in New Zealand, which is already very advanced in our country, is the definitive abolition of natural freedoms.
Brenton Tarrant is not in favour of such an abolition. But, according to his manifesto, he considers that such an abolition will inevitably occur because the maintenance of the system requires the establishment of a tyranny alone capable of maintaining a semblance of order in states gnawed at by racial and cultural Balkanization against a background of Islamization.
That is exactly how the New Zealand State acted.

Websites, never associated with violent acts but guaranteeing freedom of expression, were immediately blocked on New Zealand territory (Dissenter, Bitchute, Zerohedge…).

And you want to know how to justify blocking free sites?
The phony charge of pedophilia, like 4chan.

Accusations of terrorism or paedophilia, these will be the two elements used to swallow mass censorship.
The only thing that has allowed New Zealanders and Australians to access these free media by bypassing censorship is their VPN.
Get a VPN, it's essential.
In a few years' time, you will be living in a Judeo-Bolshevik police state.
The European Union will adopt the principle of the Iron Curtain.

Anything that can interfere with the system will be discarded and crushed, unless resistance is shown.

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The states of the system are determined to impose this Judeo-Marxist tyranny under the EU banner.
The abolition of cash, the right to hold weapons, freedom of expression, already severely restricted, all this will soon be a thing of the past. The policy of restocking outside Europe will become radically authoritarian and planned, you will no longer be able to escape it by simply moving.
Please understand that in the long run, you will not even be able to leave the EU without government permission. Just like the nationals of the communist states of the Soviet Bloc 30 years ago.
You may not move any capital without the authorization of the State. Your every move will be recorded and analyzed.
The freedoms of your childhood will seem unreal to you.

Prepare yourself

If you have decided to leave your country for a state outside the EU or potentially outside the EU (Italy, Poland, Hungary, etc.), hasten your preparations. I am not calling on you to do so, but it is a warning: this decision still belongs to you, but it will not belong to you forever. Be aware of this.
Buy precious metal coins, especially silver or even gold.
Get US dollars. Don't listen to people who say that the US Dollar is monkey money and that it will soon evaporate. These people do not understand the economy. When the Euro begins to seriously enter into crisis, the only alternative for international capital will be the US Dollar. Its value will go up, not down. National currencies, if they return, will in any case be cryptomones to prevent people from bypassing tax looting.

Most importantly: good luck to you for the future.

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Bump. Great thread.

Bumping for an actual thread.

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Basé DP posteur

This is why I come here, excellent OP

Bump, great thread. How long before this is fully implemented, any guesses?

Great thread.

Full video for reference, in case someone's been living under a rock.

Attached: tarrant_full_video.webm (648x360, 16M)

In France they want to drastically increase online censorship notably and push to extend it to all the EU. Not even talking about taxes.

That is why it is crucial for the YJ to win

Yeah I'm actually thinking we might see something like the Hungarian/Czechoslovakian anti-communist revolution attempts there by the end of the year.

bump for actual thread not full of kikes and shills

Has anyone explained why the casings seem to disappear mid-air? That means the video is a deepfake, right?

fuck off

Unfortunately, no one can come up with anything plausible. Just responses like this nigger:

That doesn't answer the question, Shlomo.

Some kind of stream-lag artifact perhaps?

They're small and they're moving quickly, so neither the frame rate nor the resolution are adequate to see them. The video is also compressed and encoded, which removes information to get a smaller file size.

You may as well be asking why you can't see the bullets flying you fucking retard.

Many of the casings can be seen landing in a small scattering in front of the gate.
This has been pointed out time and time again.
Pay attention.

Good article. I'm hoping to read more analyses of the situation in the near future. Even when I've heard people 'denounce' Tarrant's actions, when they describe his motivations they CANNOT argue against the facts he points to about demographic replacement. And I haven't heard any other solutions proposed. Unfortunately, every shitskin group on the planet is goddamn SALIVATING at the idea that Whites might become so outnumbered that we can be enslaved and genocided except for maybe Nips. I continue to say that Whites should refuse to trade with any non-White group, refuse to offer any support, refuse to share any technology. Let them spiral back into animalistic savagery and then just nuke 'em from orbit. The crime of attempted White genocide must be punished reciprocally, meaning the groups responsible must be eliminated. There is no other way.

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this spamarino disavows the claim that inbred shitskin invaders being killed is bad
Will not even Japan escape the ((( scourge nya?

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Here's a casing bouncing off a wall corner, twice, and then hitting the ground.

You can even hear the clicks it makes as it bounces and lands.

Now kindly fuck off, you fucking retards.

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Good article.
I think the best thing we could do right now is address the most common tactics media use to disregard white genocide, namely denying it's happening.

Showing casual white worker that white people are actually disappearing and that other feel strong hatred towards us, might result in a person ready to fight for his children future.

I've found pdf related and I came up with idea of making map of europe with year when native nation will become minority, unfortunately I didn't manage to find any more of those, or at least not as reliable source as actual university.

Visualising white genocide can't be a bad idea.

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playing all these at once inspires me to make a remix, also my favorite part of the shooting.

hey nigerizealders
Have you read the comments on this VT article?

Look at this muzzie pally siding with 'whites':

If you still have doubt,

Masochee checking in

Blah blah blah blah every white country besides the US is cucked by Libcucks and muslims. No shit. blah blah blah good thing I live across the ocean from you retards.

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Yeah good fucking thing, cucks are not welcome - we'd rather have ishillraelis in this mf

Jews don't go around cutting peoples heads off with a dull knife and blowing people up and running people over. So yeah, I'll be over here in my Jew-controlled country.

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Dog brown hordes from the south are invading us in the US. We are arguably in worse shape than Europe. And our “right wing” is in bed with Israel and it’s foreign lobby.
Get off your high horse. White genocide is multinational and greater than the false divide and conquer “libcuck vs conservative” narrative

Nah, mexicans aren't as scary as muslims, and we actually have border patrol agents who arrest thousands a year, also we do have many miles of a wall. We aren't openly letting and embracing murderers and child rapists into our country. In the USA, if you're an Illegal immigrant, you're an illegal immigrant.

And we have 10s of millions of illegal immigrants in this country. We are being bred out of existence by Hispanic migrants. They depress our wages.
This is no endosrsement of mudslimes. They have infested the Midwest, in case you didn’t know. But nevertheless you should be concerned with the importation of spics as they overwhelmingly vote for the “libcucks” you claim to oppose. What is your solution for dealing with there never being another republican president again as white Americans become a smaller share of the population and Hispanics continually vote as a monolith for more porous borders and more immigration? As they alway have?

Not necessarily good for transfer/transportation, as people fleeing SA have found, with gold etc. being seized at the border. Crypto and paying a smuggler tend to be the most common successful options, often with nice price gouging for those who fail to plan ahead.

in the main room where BT starts shooting with the rifle, casings can be seen on the carpet. Brass on green is a good contrast. perhaps brass outside is not such a good contrast. they may appear to be white (reflecting sunlight) against a grey background and be filtered out on white balance.

I'm very concerned by immigration, and the Democrats taking away any and all chances of building an entire wall. I'm in upstate NY though so there's no mexicans here, I'm 2,000 miles away from that problem. I can only pray that the entire wall gets built before another democrat becomes president and we get so full of brownies that they migrate here.

That is why the only useful solution is violence. Kill all. Let no enemy alive. Bypass all laws. Bypass all authorities. All of those are only perceived "powers". Real power is within us all. The power to simply ignore everything and kill everyone that hinders white people.
Be a hero. Be violent. Kill your enemies.

I've never seen a false flag with this much footage before, combined with a very sane and sarcastic manifesto I think it's probably real. I've still seen no real explanations for how he got his equipment (I thought the mags were illegal at least).

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I’m in upstate NY as well. Take a trip to Syracuse sometime. The brown people may not be from Mexico but they are definitely here man. And there is a reason why the murder rate is so high in that city.
Whatever the case may be man I share your hope that the wall is built but may be to little too late. Stack ammo and guns man before emperor Cumhole (excuse me, cuomo) bans them totally

Archived and screenshotted

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literally cuckservative schizoposting

That’s spicy man
Fucking preach

I lived in Syracuse for about a year, I went to the department of social services and it was a horrible shithole, but they were all niggers. Niggers don't really bother me, they mostly shoot each other.

The next spree shooter needs to meme videogames as the inspiration for the attack to get all videogames banned.
It would be glorious. Gamers rise up!

Too thin, I redid it.

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sure, okay.

Well goodbye Eurofags it was okay while it lasted. I will help when the time comes by smuggling you American arms so you can finally find some balls and kill the EU bureaucrats. That is if there are any whites left to do the job. The way its going it will all be niggers

You're ruining the kike's thread selling (((Brenton))) as /ourguy/.
It's all laughably fake as fuck and if you think otherwise, neck yourself now for the greater good as you'll only be the jew's useful idiot to be used against us.

I remember saying on the flier threads that people needed to start treating this as a real punishable crime by the system. A month later someone got caught and was being charged with a hate crime. Think they even went through DNA/Finger printing analysis. I said it then and I'll keep saying it. Things have shifted and now every act you make has to be treated as a life and death, prison or freedom framework.

Everyone should take OP seriously. The lulz are over and now punishable. Act accordingly and with full knowledge.

Ugly little jew suddenly gets rich without doing any visible work

Uses money and free time to go to Pakistan and Turkey, but he hates muslims with a murderous passion

Goes to Israel


I don't really think that the EU will get to that point. You can't really sell the bolshevik narrative to the former Iron Curtain republics. Everyone from Central and East Europe know what it means to live under an authoritarian leftist and jewish super state.
Also it seems that Italy is doesn't want any of it either, Spain also seems to go down that way. The problem lies within France and Germany, where this kind of scenarios is possible. Poor germans, they have been brainwashed so fucking hard to feel guilty about the gorillions of jews they've (((killed))).
But I think that the next 5 to 10 years will clarify much on the matter.

Why did all those edgy twitter "right-wingers" suddenly feel not so edgy and are desperately trying to make a "false-flag" narrative about it? Does the very fact that you're on twitter and people "follow" you make you feel like you have a kinship with those BASED politicians that will totally save us? Pathetic people.

police drill on the day in the area for active shooter response.
too many things don't add up.
lack of screaming for example.
either way we should examine both sides of the argument.

Most are still afraid to embrace total war, despite the fact that it has already been waged 'quiety' against the Aryan race since the defeat of the Holy Third Reich. Demographic war is total war.

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I'm sure there was (((intelligence agency))) activity behind the scenes.

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You people really never get tired, huh? Is the pay worth it?

Langley faggot, get a real job.

I am only witnessing your mental illness

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I'ma brainlet (learning disability, 40 verbal IQ) can sumone pleese tell me what's hapning? Is the Jewz turning NZ to the soviet??

They're turning it into a maximum security prison, with a massive sensory garden. Waterfall and all.
Too bad about the limited internet.

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Neck yourself retarded schizo cunt

US has some remain of civil rights. Everywhere else is USSR any objection against state by word or act is illegal.

You can't but for this case anarcho tyranny plan B exists. Kosovo style Muslim invasion under NATO air support .

We should also translate the Erdogan analysis.

Everybody wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit.

You haven’t told us anything new, the old ((societies)) wish to achieve their goal of the indo Eurasian negroid, everything is set for it for years, Sweden is the vanguard, for them, this objective must be reached before the AI singularity

"He that will not work shall not eat"?
Jails/death for homosexualists?
Compulsory medical treatment for alco-narco-addicted?
Compulsory mental treatment for insane "artists-musicians-philosophers-politics"?

(((Your))) system is absolutely sionish.

So the treaties of Versailles/Trianon are anti-semitic?

I have to confess, I have never looked at it in that way.
Probably, because it is bullshit.

You can compare what you want, but the current Jewish-democratic system wanted the situation as it is now – without Austria-Hungary

Basically Austria/Hungary should have splitt before the war. Austria reunifying with Germany, as the German nationalist in Austria, like Hitler wanted. What Austria/Hungary mainly did was trying to pacify a bunch of insignificant, mini people at the cost of the Germans.

The other alternative was, do what England or France had done, just genocide the savages. For that they should have started centuries before, as England and France had done. I think that reducing the population of the retard people of central Europe by one third and selling them into slavery would have pacified them quite nicely, as the example of Eire proves.
But yeah, that would have been a little late in the begin of 20th century when the investments were done and German governed central Europe enjoyed one of the highest standard of living in the world.

Good idea, move to the shaboos goy regimes… MAGA!

Did he ever go up? How squares that with balkanisation of USA?


The thread is flowing over with shills


It’s a balance. US has more rights, yeah. But most European countries are still mostly white, whereas US is


Also, are you American?

No, thats the job of satellite courts known as noahide law through the Sanhedrin. Jews dont do work of gentiles, even execution. The islamic jihadi beheadings originate with jewish noahide law, applying capital punishment to violators of beheading, which is discussed at great detail in the law of kings. Islam has very few mentions of beheading. They usually use the term "strike at the neck". Thats because beheading is jewish biblical origination, not islamic. And the sunnis are under jewish monetary control. In the future, if jews get their third temple, you will eventually see Europeans executing other Europeans with beheading to enforce noahide law. How long that takes to get there? who knows.

Actually, the brown people want to kill Jews as much as the white people do. Nothing new abouyt that.

Good thread but you mistake gold or silver as being useful in any scenarios beyond what they are useful for as a material.

Nobody is going to want gold or silver in the time of dire needs and consequences.

You're not gonna use gold to float yourself back to the top. This assumes that there will be people wanting gold. Especially in such a chaotic environment as this. They will not and the problem with even trying to use gold at all is one we cannot change so easily. We as a collective or even as, individuals, do not have enough gold to effectively challenge another economy or power with it. Even if you raided and seized a surplus storage of it. You won't have enuff and realistically don't need something that only has value when people are told it has value (like anything… I'm not knocking FIAT or trying to start an argument about economy, but, we all know we can't eat gold or silver)

It's a metal used for way more applications than we give credit for. None of them will benefit the man trying to fight this war though. Unless he's a man with a good knowledge of electronics and otherwise has the tools to manipulate it.

Since might is right and economy is only applicable in places where those believe it.

Don't worry about your financial future or rather your ability to maintain yourself via economy as you won't need it. For if you're truly going to fight this? You need realistic things such as weapons, food, skillsets, a place to operate, people, and of course, anything, you can use to survive.

I stress that no anons should waste their money on metals that will not have any place in the future or now… Given that the economy of metal is no longer a thing. It was only ever used to manipulate people as any currency. (Come now we know Jews are experts at manipulating and exploiting)
Oh and not to mention how NOBODY is going to want to trade food or ammo for a gold block that they can't use in a time of crisis or war or any other scenario.

Nobody is going to want it except material niggers. For the amount of money an user can invest into gold? He can build as many AR15 rifles as he wants with no sweat.

Why am I assuming the worst? Cuz that's what a healthy mind does.

Expect the worst. Do your best.