I wish to form a political group that would serve as a highly-organized political movement/party, which would hopefully lead to the eventual creation of a new state. How do you believe this could be accomplished, Zig Forums?
I wish to form a political group that would serve as a highly-organized political movement/party...
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Low quality spam post
Kikes aren't even trying these days
the first step to creating your new party its to stop using cuckchan
lmao nice try
Do you have any friends?
Yes, a few. One would be in on it if I asked him to.
There's nothing wrong with my post.
This isn't spam.
Create a political organization named something along the lines of the Anti-Israel Organization. As the name implies, the group is chiefly about exposing the pro-Israel ties in America, and the defense for this (among many others) is that American politicians are more concerned with serving Israel than American interests.
A political group like this gives you full license to constantly name the jew and how politicians are serving jewish interests. As a political organization it is both your responsibility and advantage to alert and update Americans to all of the latest betrayals by politicians.
All of this would of course put you at direct odds with AIPAC and basically all jews in general. An ace in your sleeve would be able to condemn AIPAC, but you should reserve this mainly after they've condemned you. Another ace in your sleeve is citing Trump's memory holed promise to ban all lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
Secondary to that is that any reasonable White American on the fence would easily agree that it makes no sense for a politician or affiliated group to serve any other interests than America's. That logic will take you far. Once the "antisemitism" accusations show up, you cite that logic, and in addition add that your organization has discovered that out of all countries being served through American politicians and affiliates, the one country they serve the most is Israel; therefore, (insert responsibility blah blah).
Shits outfated. Where is you fucking money, you white faggot?
Depends on the country you are currently residing. Best advice I can give is to offer an ideology that isn't rehashed liberalism. It's all going to got to shit again in the next recession, and everyone is going to blame capitalism and big business for the next crash. Be sure to capitalise off of that. The next couple of years will be ripe for fascism, or atleast some off-shoot of it.
Thank you both. I really appreciate the time and effort you took to respond to me; it means a lot to me.
You definitely won't get anything done here. Why don't you try doing what St. Tarrent did you fucking Fed-Kike cock sucker. While your at it get your mom black bulled and livestream it to reddit
Also, forgot to add, don't be too proud or shy to ask for donations from supporters or sympathizers. They won't give unless you ask first. Your organization WILL need funds in order promote itself, function, and overall look like a serious group in order to attract new members. I learned this the hard way.
Fuck you.
What if the organization was able to fund itself? One of the ideas of the Italian fascists was that their state would function autonomously, including in the economic sense.
What are your personal experiences with this kind of thing? I'm interested.
Ignore the (((faggots))) trying to down your morale OP. Every major political organization is ZOG controlled. If you do try to create your own, chances are you will run into (((them))). And (((they))) will not hesitate to blackmail, infiltrate or threaten your loved ones just to control your newly created party (if you somehow do). Prepare, read books and observe what the politicians did in the past to bypass the ZOG.
You need an ideology that can't be subverted by the ZOG before it is possible to do any meaningful organizing against it.
Well in order to have your organization to be self-sufficient, you'd probably need some assets for your organization to make money off of. Fascists and revolutionaries in the old days used their party papers to promote their message while making a small bit of income on the side, while keeping some their own boys employed. I haven't had the chance to utilise this due to family obligations that have taken me away from committing further to the organization I've founded, but it could be a useful way to circumvent the deplatforming on social media to take a step back into print media. Keep in mind though that they will try and shut you down through your bank accounts now.
As for my personal experience, keep your message for the people (don't go full 1488 because only 99/100 people will relate to that and their current problems). As for race and immigration rhetoric, always give people an economic "out" for them to have a reason to support you. Example, "immigration/welfare is costing us X amount of dollars. We can't afford this." This gives your normie supporters a chance to save face and say "I'm not racist, I just don't see how we can afford this." etc.
The main thing to remember is that everyone is legit scared and disgusted by these globohomo types. They will always come up to you after a demonstration and quietly let you know they fully agree with you. Your duty is to make sure they know that someone is out their fighting for them. They will appreciate that and support you, not directly, but the support is there. Just make sure not to make yourself completely unsupportable and show you care about your people and their problems.
many anons are infiltrated in their local political parties user. we are working to subvert the system.
Basically you need to choose between being an infiltrator or being infiltrated. If you publicly recruit, you’ll be recruiting feds. 100% guarantee. So always assume anyone you don’t know is one. Get them to distribute fliers or take their money, sure but don’t trust them and don’t get entrapped. Look up what happened to Matt Hale of the WCOTC. Got totally fucked by the system.
Well, you have a potential group of two. Which is great.
I suggest that you listen to a few of Harold Covington's broadcasts as he can impart a lot of wisdom on forming a group and you'll learn a few things to be wary of from the earlier shows.
Good lock, user.
I think structure is more important than ideology in preventing subversion. You need a activism structure like bitcoin, where there are no leaders, and one offs dont speak for the whole.
You need to make your political party as much like the new state that you want to create as possible. This will lead by example and inspire supporters. More importantly, it means that when your enemies are destroyed, the administrative machinery necessary to create your new state is all ready in place. The idea is to start with the end result that you want, and think backwards to what conditions are necessary to achieve it.
Look at this place. What would you compare Zig Forums to? Nothing, because there is nothing close to the effectiveness of the truth of this place. Zig Forums has no leaders, and is immune to political correctness.
Call me and we’ll talk
Start with making friends. Pool assets. Buy land. The first step to a new state, is a folkish movement.
1. Create specific, comprehensive, but highly focused platform
2. Demand Autonomous region to implement your platform
3. Setup online petition to track US citizens desiring an autonomous region ruled under platform
4. Step up pressure, always hammering home the discord cannot stop until your demands for an autonomous region are granted.
5. Once you hit 5million people signing petition start moving them into targeted state
6. Take over state apparatus and start implementing your platform
7. Nullify federal law with local law
8. When Feds crackdown organize mass civil disobedience to shut down all commerce. Utilize greater white diaspora to pressure politicians
9. Outlast the 4 year election cycle politicucks
10. Get your autonomous region.
11. Cement rule and deepen international ties to other nations
12. Declare independence.
This user gets it. We won't beat ZOG by being part of it i.e. forming a political party.
The first step should be using/creating uncensorable communications and payment platforms because that's clearly where they'll cut you off first.
need to find land, halfcucks thought of invading Tuvalu, here's a crudely drawn plan, it'll work right?
also didn't david duke try to invade an island with a bunch of rag tag tards?
through mass genocide and rape
shoot up a temple of defenseless Muslims.
Invading anything is the surest way to get international siege going and starved out
an ethnostate for 1 day would be far better than this hellhole that I live in now for the next 40+ years unless I rope before I croak.
anyway, war was already declared, we're uninformed partisans of a ethnostate war.
Wait till people need a leader to guide them, right now everyone is /comfy/. but accelerationism might be fun, it helps speeds up this ride before a crash
Crash mrkt
Stay focused on the mission, brother. Sending you love and support. Always remember to drop ammo for your bretheren.
There is already anons with their own.
Politics is a dead end street and a massive waste of time.
This has a lot of historical precedents which should be obvious to anyone who looks even slightly.
Face to face communications cannot be censored - don't rely on the internet. Cash is untraceable. Easy!
the intent of a 'revolutionary' party is to use political activity as a means to promote an idea or ideas, not to get elected and pass initiatives.
With Lenin and Mao the assumption is that any significant effort will be outlawed when it starts to become even slightly potentially effective and forced underground (which then forces an underground mode of political action, also not aimed at gaining office but in controlling public opinion).
I'm saving to get a private island, that should become the next White ethnostate, I still need a few million dollars, but I'll try to make it happen.
If anyone is seemingly trying to get you to commit, or agree with anything illegal they are probably a fed looking for a excuse to arrest you. You’re far more valuable free than you are locked up.
This except when you get shoah'd you burn down the internet and electric grid.
step 1 : read SIEGE
step 2 : realize Howard Covington has been trying the same shit for decades to no avail
dont run before you can walk, dont walk before you can crawl
link up with a pre-existing group to make contacts, Patriot Front are good because theyre actually fascist and also anonymous, not to be confused with American Identity Movement, who are gay and probably feds
why not create a manifesto and distribute it. If it catches on, it means that your idea has merit. If you aren't an idiot, you'd have a book binding machine from aliexpress and would be churning out pamphlets and handing them out. Book binding machines can be bought for around $2000
Read Lenin's marxists.org
Even following a sometimes successful model it still fails though. YMMV.
It takes a John the Baptist to prepare the way for a Jesus. Similarly the NSDAP existed before AH dropped in to spy on them for the govt. The Soviets were hijacked by the more organized Bolsheviks.
Don't wait; organize. When/if a leader comes, they'll have more than a pile of shit to work with.
Pre-existing groups may just be dogs with fleas, so hoping they'll solve anything may be wishful thinking.
Creating a United Front is a good idea for any movement. The civil rights movements in the US was a popular front, as well as the Anti-(Vietnam) War movement. Every movement needs cannon fodder.
You're phishing, govt I'd wager.
Form an anti circumcision lobby
If you have to ask you aren’t ready, user.
1.Self improve in body and mind.
2.What a man will kill for and die for is what he believes.
What do you believe, user?
If you don’t know you have no business expecting others to follow you.
3.Commitment. Make no mistake: They hate us and want us dead.
Are you ready for that? Is your family?
You could just stay at home and enjoy a few more decades of relative safety and ease you know? The more you resist the more likely it is that you will end up imprisoned or dead.
read siege
4.Successful solo actions of whatever type you deem appropriate.
5.Quality over quantity.
Two good men are worth 20 tourists and faggots.
If you’re still in the fight after all that then you really don’t need the advice of a Tuvan throat singing enthusiasts forum.
This right here.
You wouldn't you dumb nunce.
Want to know how I know you're a jew?
Wrong place to start such a movement.
Forget the internet and head for a biker bar.