On Christanity;

One thing that Zig Forums (clearly) cannot understand is that there is Jewish Christianity, and White Christanity. I remember an image where it was "Jesus Vs Jesus." The Jesus on the Left had actual quotes of the bible, and the Jesus on the Right had what essentially the Westburro Baptist Church believes. I don't have the image, but I think that it perfectly describes the take we should have on Christianity. It should be the Conservative religion that it used to be; especially the one pushed by Secular Protestant denominations of old, rather than the pussy-footing (((diverse))) especially Catholic-like denominations of now.

Furthermore, I have a saying:
Christianity for the white man, Islam for the black man, Judaism for the dead man.

pic unrelated btw

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>its never condemned (((them)))
oy vey

Fuck your kike religion.

The only religion for the white man is NATIONAL SOCIALISM and the only Holy Prophet is THE FÜHRER!


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The only good version of Christianity, ever, in the entire history of the world, is The Gospel of Terry and TempleOS (the legitimate 3rd temple of myth and lore). Prove me wrong. PROTIP: you can't.

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Jesus was there to Uncuck Jewish people, and pave the way to civilize the world.

Hitler was there to Uncuck the German people, and pave the way for a new, beautiful world.

One succeeded, one failed.
They were the same.


pick one rabbi

You should go to a middle eastern shit hole and criticize islam

How was spring vacation, desk monkeys? Did you sitting in your 10x10 cuck sheds with your measly allotment of shekels make you feel good for a week? What a rewarding job and life.

I think it's equally likely he's a mudslime.

Can you link to chat logs?

Nah, Jesus was a filthy yid.

The FÜHRER was truly holy and if there is some higher power then he was most assuredly blessed by said deity.

These are intentional D&C threads.

Man I don’t even hate Christians, since many whites are Christians. Although many whites are lost I still lament their loss
However why does it fucking matter. Christianity is an ideology. I’m not even arguing in favor of paganism. I’m arguing in favor of the 14 words. That’s all I care about.
You can argue all you want about white culture or history or whatever. It is all irrelevant and trumped by the simple perogative of trying to secure the 14 words above all else. There are arguments against Christianity, about it hinders whites, and for Christianity, about how it is important to our history/culture. Focus shouldn’t be Christianity, however, whites themselves are more important

Christianity is what gave us modern science, because it was the first worldview which encompassed the Lawfulness of Nature. The blessings of European posterity are entirely owed to our adherence to Logos, through Jesus Christ.

Brainlet detected. Talmudic Judaism is based on rejecting Christ, it is the antithesis of Christianity. (((Judeo-Christianity))) is an oxymoron and is a political term that was created after WW2.

It's obvious the kikes want us to stop talking about Tarrant and have decided to crank out as much D&C as possible to keep us distracted. Sage.

Christianity halted progress by establishing the monastic education system dumbass.

Is that why so many Christians openly oppose scientific discovery and accomplishment?

Yeah maybe the Gnostics perhaps. And the mainstream Christian churches tried (and quite successfully) genocided them (see the Cathars as an example)

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The block for many is that Christcucks will always cuck out for the nigger and jew so they can never really be trusted. The last 70+ years have taught white men that

How big is your nose you double talking heeb?

I tried to teach people about the true path. But they were too dumb to understand it.

no, all chr*sti(ns)anity is jewish

fuck off and kill yourself

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It's literally Illyrian the Turk subhuman living in Bosnia, who came back after the mods got corrupted. He also shills endlessly about how Charles Martel was bad.

Just like there are good jews and bad jews, right?

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If you insist on lumping all the people of Judaic faiths as being Jews, then yes.

>go to shit after making contact with (((christianity)))
but cuckstianity invented science amrite

chr*stcuck morality is incompatible with ethnonationalism

you can't even talk to these people, they unironically believe that we "snow niggers" were fudgepacking cave-dwellers 'til the noble and enlightened jews came and taught us how to be human by worshiping their god

I was reading Diophantus the other day and came across that 5th century Christian denunciation of the pagan philosopher, he could only think that even though the pagan was genius, he must be in the Inferno due to his lack of faith in Christ. Had the work of Diophantus been studied more, "Algebra" would have easily come to fruition in the West much earlier then it did, but it took until the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation for his work to be appropriately understood again. Although its ironic, how often back in the 4th through 8th century, how many Christians had to try and "save the souls" of these pagan authors by saying all the pagan math and science was the work of secret Christians, like Porphyry was said to once be a Christian by Augustine of Hippo, Porphyry's book of Logic becomes the standard textbook throughout Medieval Europe, yet his book "Against Christianity" is rooted out and destroyed all throughout Christendom. If he was so wise in Logic, I wonder what his arguments about Christianity would have been?

You only use the word "logos" because a 1st century jew, Philo had to jewify Hellenic works and concepts, like everything (((they))) come into contact with, the jews proscribe all origins to that of themselves or derivatives for control.

jewsus was a jew himself, therefore he implies this

What did Jewsus teach us?
That JEWS come before US!

No I am not!


BULLSHIT! You are too dumb to understand what I tried to teach my people!

sorry but you don't own all gentile goys here

another christian doublethink

The collapse of rome fucked up european education which was preserved by the monastitc system dumbass. Fuck all monotheism but what happened is what happened.

Threads like this are part of the reason why anons that dumped this (((place))) miss Imkampfy, even if he nutted out and wordfiltered nigger, at least he kept you out.

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no retard, the romans had guilds, not actual institutions that cloistered men and faggots

My people = White Occidental European!

No shit retard. It all fucking collapsed and christian monasteries were all that was left of education in the west because you forest nigger germanics had no idea how to maintain an empire


You don't own us jew

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You are a stiff-necked, trashy race of MORONS that even I will be forced to turn my face against!


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What is Positive Christianity, faggot? I'm not going to spoon-feed you, I'd rather concave your skull with my boot.

Nigger, they wrote out all the jewry, Positive Christianity was as much Christianity as National Socialism is Socialism.

Its still christianity

Yea and thats why he was still buddy buddy with the catholics. Revisioning ass sobs

Also, I hate myself for phonefagging right now, I don't have any of my literally fucking "pagan" NSDAP ceremony pictures.

Only in name, kikelet. You're getting PewDiePied next.

How fucking brainwashed do you have to be? Doubled over backwards fellating the failed hero of a race youre not even part of trying to seperate him from his semitic pandering. Goddam go back to the_donald.

Mein neger, I never was a part of that trash, I am from 8ch from before the KEK faggotry ever began, I've shat on Zig Forumss you'll never even witness for being only half as gay as what that little cripple kike chodemonkey has done to here; even my current board's (((Zig Forums))) has trannies manlier and only slightly less retarded than you.

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In which you must mean, "my faith" because historically and by doctrine you can't have "a people" and believe in Christ, by doctrine you will always have more in common with the foreign Christian rather than your own kin. Its right there in Acts 8:26 with the baptizing of the Ethiopian, weird the jews have never gone after the Ethiopian Christian Church nor has the Ethiopian Christian Church ever invented anything or drawn great works of art, especially when they converted very early.

Of course I have heard all the ways White Racist Christians try to get out of being Christian and judging by race, and I actually hope for the best of them all, because if they truly believed the doctrine, we would lose rather quickly to miscegenation. But given enough literacy and devotion, to only Christ, the mixed race Church always forms.

Its no coincidence most of the New Testament is written or attributed to be written by a literal Pharisee jew, Saul, who miraculously saw Jesus Christ, who told him everything! As a Christian you must also have to accept Saul, as Paul, and thus all the problems in the jewish race can be repaired by their conversion to Christianity, because Saul must be a "True Christian", which Europeans over many centuries have found not to be the case at all. The jews need only accept one more part of their own tribal law which they can throw away and revert back to their own racial jewishness whenever its the most beneficial to their ethnic interests.

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Go to Ethiopia they have great Christian art. I'm a heathen and I appreciate it.

The rest of your post is on the right track

Christianity could be used as a vessel. The same way viral DNA can be edited to change the nature of a retrovirus. Catholicism, with the Pontiff aka the Pope as the leader who can speak and pronounce cannon law, could be used to reform Christianity into a pro-Aryan religion. Hitler should have become Pope instead of Fueher. BY DECIT DO WAR was Mossads moto after-all.


>>>Zig Forums

Seriously, get the fuck out. Nobody wants you here. Kike worship isn't beneficial for whites. Anti-white globalist semite worship is kikery and submission. End your fucking life.

Christianity threads on Zig Forums have been an echo chamber for every opposing group to Christianity. A few weeks ago there was a thread with an image about how Jesus is a copy of pagan deities, which has been debunked to death.

The Jews hardly even consider the Torah.
invidio.us/watch?v=typ2pl2L47k Marching to Zion has answered already.
I used to not understand why people on Zig Forums would be against the Jews, and have threads about freemasonry with overwhelming support of Freemasons despite it being much more Jewish than Christianity's origins. I also didn't understand why there was such a giant blind spot for elite satanism even though it has it's ties to Judaism. Until i looked at the Christian threads and saw the pagan and occultist posts. It's funny because the Jewishness in satanism can also be used to dismiss paganism and occultism since it connects to Helena Blavatsky's Jewish NWO. invidio.us/watch?v=gUEaocjj0ug
The Jews worship a baphomet style God that is made up of male and female aspects, so it can't be the same God as the Christian God who exclusively male. The Gnostics and New Agers also have a divine male and female.
self-godhood or human godhood is a core belief of satanism/theosophy, the pagans believe in this one.

That's fine, but to ignore the history of anti-semitism from Christianity contradicts the whole "Christianity is jewish" throw up from Muslims, occultist, Gnostics, atheists and Pagans.

straight white married christian male here. Christians built american and the western world…..Your welcome.

Alot of churches are completely zionist mindcontrolled but some people you can snap out of it by pointing out the dozens of places we were warned about the synagogue of satan. Also remind them that blindly siding with the jews means your literally on team anti-christ.

Also if {{{they}}} ran jesus as a psyop they probably wouldnt have crucified him. And he wouldnt have kicked their shit over and full on indiana jones on them with a whip. Also let me point out the extreme irony and meme material crucifying a carpenter is…..



Come over to >>>/holypol/

Christianity killed more Aryans than Islam could ever hope to kill. Prove me wrong.

Read Hitler's Table Talk before you open your mouth about things you have no idea about, retard.

Hitler only tolerated the Christian churches for the popular support, he thought all religions, Christianity included, were obsolete and would eventually be totally replaced by science.

Now fuck off, kike

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sure thing chaim

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You guys need a new playbook.

There's no way anyone here is that dumb. Stop

That's funny because Hitler's Table Talk has weak credibility, he also said pic related in Table Talk.

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Shit wrong picture.

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Come over to >>>/holypol/

Take the blasphemy challenge christcuck, oh wait you just did simply by thinking about it

well that sucks 4u

Like Constantine, who gave special protections to Jews? Like Augustine, who argued for the rights of Jews? Like Gregory I, who censured church officials for their treatment of Jews and whose views were repeated for centuries? Like all of the popes who reaffirmed Sicut Judaeis? Like Martin Luther, who always encouraged Jewish conversion? Like Cromwell, who literally imported Jews to England because of his religious beliefs? Like when almost all of those "jewish expulsions" were nobles playing kick-the-can to dodge debts and the Jews just crept right back in after a few years? Like those famed inquisitors who dealt with Jews by sprinkling some holy water on their heads? Like when the Catholic church explicitly condemned and opposed National Socialism and worked to undermine it and protestant churches joined them?

Christians have been the best friends the Jews have ever had.


Oh shit! You've just denied the holy spirit! You're doomed to one forever in hell! Oh no! You just did a blasphemy! Jesus isn't going to help you now! He's going to walk up to you and say he doesn't know you! Uh oh! Better pray! Oh, what was that, you can't, because you're eternally doomed from hence forth? Sorry about that christ cucks. But you just got the short end of the stick and that's just how it goes sometimes!

Pretty much all denominations
Celebration of the actual Kristos, Lucifer

it's actually an extremely convenient strategy; pretend you totally hate your enemy, and how you are based for it, but slowly concede to them using whatever excuse is fit i.e "they understand the old testament well! they are useful!" or "if they convert(pretend to), they can stay!"
I can't help but think jews are very aware that the long term strategy their ancient fathers devised to bring down their Roman masters has ultimately succeeded

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it is quite simple:

jewish christianity is like dry wetness.

OREMVS ET PRO PERFIDIS IUDÆIS, you Zig Forums faggotts

u sure showed him

Nice Cherry picking.

Augustine argued that the Jews should be left alive and suffering as a perpetual reminder of their murder of Christ. ike his anti-Jewish teacher, Ambrose of Milan, he defined Jews as a special subset of those damned to hell. Augustine claimed to "love" the Jews but as a means to convert them to Christianity. Sometimes he identified all Jews with the evil Judas.

Ephraim the Syrian wrote polemics against Jews in the 4th century, St. Jerome identified Jews with Judas Iscariot and the immoral use of money ("Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed… their prayers turn into sins").
f you look at the 13 century European Christianity, they had Blood libels and Host desecration, Their Expulsion of from Spain, Pope Paul IV issued papal bull Cum nimis absurdum, Luther's 1543 pamphlet On the "Jews and Their Lies", 18th century Poland Russian Orthodox Church's policies on Jews, 1772 Catherine II, the empress of Russia, in the 19 century Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) built the walls of the Jewish ghetto in Rome, and they were restricted to the ghettos throughout the Papal States in 1870.

In the 20th century American Jews petitioned Pope Benedict XV on behalf of the Polish Jews, they go in a Pope who was compromised for them.


In the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church Alleged That the Talmud Contained Blasphemous references of Jesus and censored it in 521.


In the book Judaism on trail, Jewish converts to Christianity, such as Pablo Christiani and Nicholas Donin claimed the Talmud contained insulting references to Jesus.

In 1681 Johann Christoph Wagenseil Translated a collection of Anti-Christian Polemics from Jewish sources, the name of the book is "Flaming Arrows of Satan, that is, the secret and horrible books of the Jews against Christ, God and the Christian religion, includes Jesus in the Talmud. The Frist Book Dedicated to topic of Jesus in the Talmud was a Latin book "Jesus in the Talmude" by Rudodlf Martin Meelführer in 1699. In 1700, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger published Entdecktes Judenthum (Judaism Unmasked) Which not only includes Jesus in the Talmud but became the basis of a lot of anti-semitic literature like "The Talmud Unmasked in 1892 by Justinas Bonaventure.


Christianity has plenty of anti-semitism in it's history.
There is also nothing wrong with conversion if it's followed through completely.

Don't reason with 1 Digit LARPagans, their minds have been rotten by idiocy.

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Atheist here, but that middle pic is somewhat misleading. Catholics saw that they were losing western followers to more-liberal, progressive protestants, and tried to incorporate elements from protestantism into their own practices, like for instance giving mass in the local language instead of latin. Catholicism is by no means not conservative though, and many within the church and laity aren't happy with these changes, but have so far gone along with it so as to not cause another schism (like what happened with eastern orthodox church).

Ok post, except the thing with the Orthodox at the end. It was the Bishop of Rome, after all, who decided to leave Chalcedonian Christianity and thereby comitted heresy.

Terry died broke after getting run over by a Trump train with no brakes


Please, user.
I can't take much more of this place.


Modern Christianity is for trad thots who have never read The Bible

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There's no "white" version of Christ insanity ya dumb cunt.

Its always been a Jew created ideology to mentally enslave us for Jewish world conquest goals, using our natural military might and strategy as whites to deliver control of the planet to (((them))).

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No, jew. Try again.


He’s not wrong you fucking cuck nigger

Lying shithead.

What gave us modern science was known correctly as the renaissance and it was a time where rejection of Christ insanity was widespread and where people were investigating the old Roman and European pagan values and teachings which is what led to modern scientific advancement.

If Cucktianity continued to reign supreme we'd be no better off than the niggers now in Africa and Detoilet squatting in mud huts or barely still standing broken down houses.

Satanism is for humans. Keep your jewish shit to yourself.

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Sounds extremely abrahamic and adam-esque