BLM is out on a Saturday night screeching about Austin Shuffield after he slapped some nigger because she wouldn't move her car

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Disappointing lack of nigger chimpout.

I thought BLM was kill

based lives matter

The night's young and it's a Saturday. Stay optimistic

here's a twitter thread about it


we need a kikeout

Yea, Brenton Tarrant, king of Zig Forums, really upped the bar on what we expect in terms of quality.

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it's literally nothing, just another night in chimpmerica

FUCK, not THAT is OC, user!!!


Get this non-happening off our board nigger. This is literally non-news. At the minimum, we require a truck bombing and apparently a Fourcucks user is gonna deliver tomorrow. But this is garbage.

Do it again Dallas apes.
Dispense the nigger redpills.

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Killing niggers is always a good thing to do.

They blew that fucking nigger up didn't they? Haha. It was a distraction for Clinton's emails, but blowing up the nigger was worth it.

Niggers are detestable, but at least fight the men. Fighting women, even if they're negresses is pretty beta.

Pistol whipping a woman. cringe.


Holy shit, that's fuckin' rad.

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Also, some 4chinner said to watch for a happening on the 25th, but it was probably a larp.

Lol I've seen some negresses that would probably beat your asses

Hopefully not

All those Ferguson protest organizers are dropping like flies. They should be careful because they DON'T have Obumers money backing them anymore. Night Night.

Niggers gonna nig

Your mom?

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Whew and just like that you brought anime back.

Fuck around with that tranny trying to be all a real man never hits a woman and all you might get ktfo.

I love all of you my brothers, but some of you have zero experience in fights/violence

At this point I just want to see a bunch whites killed by niggers. That's all that wakes white men up, they don't care if niggers chimp on somebody's property. TX might as well be Europe to us up here, and nobody cares if they steal a bunch of korean electronics or walmarx food.

BLM criticized zionism… and for that no more gibs.. and maybe a few assassinations.


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Show me your boobs.

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Someone should ask the good bishop how he feels about the Knoxville Massacre, or how the MSM swept it under the rug while flooding us about Trayvon Martin & Mike Brown 2 thugs who were not victims at all for 2 years straight

That's funny
If you want I can show you a pic of my cock

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More like it expected a whiteman to act like a typical whiteman
We've been far too civilized for too long a period.

I haven't seen OC that great since the quark threads on /v/ back in 2015.

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Quads confirm that if he wasn't before, he is certainly a WN now.

You motherfuckers are really making me reconsider shooting up my local synagogue. Goddamn it, why bother if I'm just going to get anime-girl lewded?

user, that's awesome. Holy shit.

A post died for this reddit tier shit.
Did Austin Shuffield pull out a gun and blow the nigger's head off? If not then it's bullshit.

This is fifth wave feminism.

You're disappointing.

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I think you misread my post friend. I'm all for punching the shit out of a bitch.


Niggers more than whites parrot: you don't hit a woman
This is largely in part to the matriarchal structure of nigger culture.
The wealth of niggers is concentrated around their women in times of instability.
Their women get welfare, child support, whoring money, pity cash, and foreign aid.
When a nigger buck is in prison, where does his cantina money come from? It isn't coming from his crew, it's coming from his baby mamas.
When a nigger buck doesn't have street game, where does he get food and the latest bling? One of his sows.
When the po po is trying to hate on his game, another sow is hiding him.
When a young buck is being raised, he's surrounded by women, not men.

This matriarchal influence is seen in the music and art.
Melanin queens
Fixation on pussy and ass
Playing tough to get that pussy and ass

Attached: Sims_%u200F_@AustinSims22_Feb_23__I%u2019m_done_with_BR🤦🏻‍♂️_t2FTqMoDy3sxu1KU.mp4 (178x320 2.31 MB, 7.65M)

Pay attention to who is in charge in this altercation.
This is not an isolated incident.

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Another manufactured outrage brewing?

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Looks like every day in Niggermerica.


getting this message – "Not Found (yet?)"
have been getting server errors when i try to save pages on .fo and .is. i'm in USA, not fucking NZ. WTF is going on?

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Why is it a hate crime to slap a black but not a hate crime to shoot a black for wearing red or blue clothes?

It's not a hate crime either way it's just trash disposal

Just niggers being niggers I guess.

It's no different than Warhammer-style Space Marine pictures really; it's a form of flattery for someone who actually had the balls to do something and the talent to actually do it good.

Also shoot up your law office if you're going to kill a jew center at all.

cuz whitey be oppressun us and shieeet


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whose streets?Auschwitz!

The nigger that got shot in the head in the final video actually lived. I saw it on /b/.

Texanon here, I am thinking of buying land up north. I don't want my family to be smack dab in the middle of the coming race war.


Happening ? Wew . I bet if whites join forces every time a nigger Nigged this Shit wouldn't happen



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Monkey sure can take a punch. She should have just moved her car out of the exit instead of running her mouth and the dude should have shot her.

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Based and redpilled

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Why are those Groids attacking that lass?

she said "nigga" , thats a hate crime

or if we just didnt have jews then eveyrthing would have been ok


the whites that let the jews in are idiots

this. creates sense of false power.
Supreme power in a small cultures/communities/groups/circles makes one think that this power can be wielded everywhere else. This is why Jerry Springe-Maury Povich like nonsense is rampant; rioting, raging, yelling, fighting, partying, etc. in certain cultures/communities/groups/circles.
When said person uses false power in civilized society, they get a reality check.

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did they get the niggers that jumped the couple? and wtf happend anyways?

What's the purpose of this thread? Cheering for another lone nut? Lone nuts never founded empires.

Not with that attitude.

can we have more of these. im almost there…

Why part of two people fighting over a parking spot merits a response from the White House?
Nobody really gives a single fuck about two idiots fighting over a parking spot, regardless of the amount of times they screamed nigger or white devil at each other.

In Hillary's America, any White on Black crime would get full national attention and Transgender friendly National Guard troops will swarm out to hunt down the White culprit. Teaching him some tolerance with pitchforks & fire.

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Only a nog would be stupid enough to slap someone holding a handgun

So that is how my state when to shit.

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literally or metaphorically
I can see the value of both

Gone are the days of the Texas Rangers (My ancestors) when we used to administer a fucking pounding and death to all who stepped out of line.

only steers and queers come from texas.