1/4 of the German army was Jewish under German racial laws. The NAZIS had Arab SS! The NAZIS party was more diverse than the rainbow coalition. And don't get me start on black German soldiers!
Red Pill: NAZIS Arab SS, black soldiers, 1/4 Jewish
Other urls found in this thread:
Who bred German women with their BBCs. Hitler was a fucking cuck for that shit.
At this point these aren't even slide threads, these are mudshits with room temperature IQ thinking they're shilling properly
entry level redpill i guess
Here is proof of black Nazis! They existed!
It was a strategic move. In a World War, you need whatever allies you can get. If Nazi Germany had emerged victorious, there is no guarantee they would not have declared war against those lesser countries straight afterwards.
This the real NAZIS GERMANY. ;) youtube.com
No one believes you.
[Citation needed]
Nuremberg laws outlawed Aryans having sexual relations with non Aryans
Fun fact. The US Army was segregated at this time. Blacks were mostly driving trucks or carrying a rifle if they were lucky. A few got fly plains, but that was the exception. The US Army was a very racist institution during WWII. en.wikipedia.org
Only fucking 150 thousand jews served in Axis forces at maximum. Shit thread, started with lies. OP is a faggot as usual.
For fuck's sake, it seems like since the NZ shooting, lots of retards joined Zig Forums and Zig Forums.
They'd have left them to their own devices, unlike parasitic anglokikes.
JIDF inbreds have been losing ground for years online. Too many goyim know. They can't infiltrate like they once did without their jewishness giving them away.
"And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
Numbers 12:1
Can you stop saying stupidites, nigger ?
I find it funny that the same handful of pictures are always used when talking about minorities within the German army and Waffen SS, the posters speak like it was a very common practice but can only come up with the same 5 pictures. Who gives a fuck if a few thousand people that fought on the German side were minorities, the other 4-4.5 million were Europeans.
If you think National Socialist Germany planned on 'purging' the earth, you're still buying into the hollyjew propaganda and don't actually understand their racial standpoint at all.
Fun fact. The US at this time put jews in internment camps. It wasn't just the Japanese.
At least try blending it Avi
This is literally anudda shoah
Just for example: It was forbidden for Polish and other White people to join the SS. Arabs and Negros were welcome.
That is what National Socialism is. Socialism.
My grandfather from Finland was in the SS, what are you talking about?
KYS kike
Here you go, poopdick:
Don’t mention it!
That said Hitler was a bit too lenient. Nobody’s perfect though.
That was outlawed you retard.
Look everyone (((torpedo))) spreading disinfo and still does not know what national socialism is.
Is national socialist.
Fucking hell is obvious you are not from around here this is how you embed a video.
8/pol/ is about to hit their original population a lot people are leaving with a few staying and lurking. These are mostly shills who suck at their jobs.
Though information like this is useful, hitler isn't necessarily racist he is a race realist and has no reason to hate other races who are away from german homeland he only hated the jew and wanted them out of the european continent.
The only national socialists that seems to hate other races and rightly so for being in one homeland and killing and raping is Zig Forums
Op is a fucking faggot.
Forgot to have it sage.
Are you dumb? Why the fuck would they attack people that they trained and armed themselves? Hitler never wanted world conquest if that's what you're getting at, nor did he want war in the first place. Read Who Started World War 2, it is a book jews cry about till this day.
This thread is so fucking gay
I hate to break it to you, but NatSoc and anglo rockwellism are not the same. National Socialism only problem with other races was mixing of races. If race mixing did not occur everyone could be an ally, except of course the jews, because they were seen as the end product of all racemixing - this is actually why racemixing was outlawed because they claimed to have empirical proof that racemixing leads to amplification of negative traits in human beings. In a win scenario racemixing would have been stopped even in non-aryan countries in order to advance humanity.
Influx of spam to lock up the reports.
the reason the idea that the nazis were racists and wanted to eradicate non blonde blue eyed people (the blond, blue eyed criteria actually only applied to full jews that relinquished jewishness and wanted to be officially german) was because much of the british empire was rebelling and were looking for new forms of government. The propaganda continues to this day, because they know the only thing preventing many lower races living in intolerable conditions from joining and giving their lives for the natsoc cause is the fear that they will not be accepted on account of their dna.
we need to distinguish here between SS and Waffen-SS
Mein Neger
I was talking about Polish people. Is Finland Poland? No. Retard.
Btw: Yes, of course, sure, everyones grandfather was in the SS. In 500 years some retards will tell someone the same story.
Is there a Polish flag on that wallpapers? Judeo-Jesus, spend this guy some eyes for his ugly head.
big difference between SS and Waffen-ss units…
hell the baltic Waffen grenadiers were the ones that guarded the SS officers on trial at nuremburg…
With SS I meant Waffen-SS. Same there. It was strongly forbidden for Polish people to join. No way. Same with Czech people and others.
But Arabs and Negros were welcome. That says it all.
You do that has been proven to be fake, right? The guy who supposedly discovered admitted to David Irving he made it all up but that "Isn't it what he would've said, though?"
The only Hitler/Bormann documents that are legit is Hitler's Table Talk (and even those some people think Bormann slipped in his own additions as Hitlers words, mostly the stuff about Christianity since Bormann was an avowed anti-Christcuck) and the only legit record of Hitler's words during this time in the bunker is his final will and political statement and whatever second-hand stories from witnesses we have.
I am not saying Hitler DIDN'T feel this way, and how could you NOT want to basically read a version of Hitlers Table Talk but for the final days of the war, literally up until almost the final day… But it's just not true, user
Ive read a few companions/dissections of HTT and am of the opinion that its pretty legit and the detractors are either jews or have a hard time humanizing hitler himself.
So Shitler endorsed niggers, kikes and sandniggers for the military.
oy vey the captcha ban trick
He didn't endorse them just needed more manpower and if he won they all would be going back to their homelands. But of course your jewish you don't want anyone having a homeland of one's own.
2% of the population was jewish, but 25% of the army was jewish
okay i don't really believe that
Polish divisions were not formed due to history not hatred. Polish people were ultra nationalist and would never fight under a German flag or command, just look to WW1 for examples of poles deserting their German led divisions. It wouldn't make sense to form a polish SS division if they were all just going to leave.
2% were full jews ie both parents were jewish. A german with a jewish mother would be considered half jewish by german law but fully jewish by jewish law. This is where a lot of the confusion stems from. it all went back to the kaiser who passed a law that everyone who marries or has children with a jew is automatically considered jewish by the state, even if they followed other religions.
there were actually ethnic poles fighting in the waffen-SS units, there were just not enough volunteers in poland itself. The waffen-ss was comprised of mostly of volunteers and was open to all ethnicities (barring jews), the only prohibition was on traditional or religious symbolism as there was a belief that these symbols should be allowed only for germanic units, so basically a dutch unit would be allowed to use a rune or a germanic mythological symbol but an african or slavic for instance would not. It is interesting to note however that for all intents and purposes the germans considered finns/balts to be germanic by blood, but slavs and peoples from the balkans were not. perhaps this is what you were trying to articulate?
Hitler was a SJW ballerina shaking a niggers hand what's new
PSA: You Nazi scum fell victim to my trap thread. Praising Hitler for his Diversity while ignoring his hypocrisy. This is a message brought to you by the Jewish Justice league.
Hitler was a decent man whose misplaced leniency you abused.
We have changed since then.
The holocaust never happened but it should have
and it will
They are coming for you Nazis. You can not hid, you can not run. Mosad will get you.
But they have been coming for us all for a while now, newfriend.