You need to correct your terminology. Kebab is someone with Turkic origins or those closely related to Turkic people (Example: Albanians and Bosnians). Kebabs are not Middle Easterners, North-Africans or Pakis.

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when your house is being attack by cokroach plague you dont need to know what type od cokroach it is
you just kill them

Turkic people are different though

It's pretty easy to spot the difference between a Turanid and a Arab

Anything between Israel and China is kebab, unless it shits in the street.

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You’re complicating things. It’s simpler than it seems. If a muslim/brown person/whoever lives on his land and on the land that his forefathers farmed, the land that is soaked with the blood and sweat of his tribe, he’s much more relatable to an aryan/white person. The tribes you call kebabs (with exceptions) are nomad invaders, rootless in their nature, cunning, low culture and encroach on the aryan/white soil.

nigger you are dumb

albania and bosnia existed before the turkic invasion of anatolia sure they cucked out but they're not turks

I said or those closely related to Turkic people (Example: Albanians. Don't cut off my words. The Ottoman Empire TURKED them so most Albanian's have Turkic blood in them

Except none of the "Kebabs" are brown. They are either central asian or mixed european. (Kurds don't apply)

by that logic spanish people and north africans are germanic because of the visigoths and eastern french people are slavic because of the burgundians

I thought kebab was any Middle Easterner, called kebabs because all of them have kebabs as part of their cuisine. Retarded thread btw.

Westerners have rice in their cusine as well. I guess that make's all westerner's rice muncher asians?

Yes everyone is mixed mutts

That’s why I used slash. It’s either or.
All of the mentioned turkic tribes except maybe tatars in Russia, are rootless faggot cunts

pinoys are roman
japs are chinese
maori are chinese and germanic
french are roman and slavic
indians are germanic and arabs
blacks are roman and germanic

In the end they still made their own culture and calimed the lands for a few hundred years

Turkic people have nothing to do with Arab's or North African's. They are not the same ethnicity

Again, this is a retarded thread.

You’re just a butthurt aryan wannabe turk.

Kazakh people are whiter than most Americans


Kazakh people live in a steppe they claimed long ago and it was a no man’s land before. They have the right to live there and be there. Everything to the west of Urals, Caspian Sea, and beyond Central Asia should be a Turk free zone

But this is true.

Guess American's and Aussies should fuck off back to their own country as well then





What do those Wahabi Arabs got to do with Turkic people? Turkic people invented Kebabs btw

Your just assmad we Turkic people have strong cultrue and connections. We are untied with our Turan brothers. You hippies with your 200 year old countries with no culture besides modern degenracy can fuck off

spaniards have a romance language that is descended from vulgar latin they colonized the philippines and gave them their language so by op's logic they're roman
japanese language still has chinese characters in it therefore japs are chinese
maori were colonized by the british but they're from china
the french are a romance language country that was settled by slavic peoples and germanic people
indians were colonized by the british and invaded by the arabs
blacks were colonized by european nations

Assmad displaced cunt's with no culture or connections unlike me and my Turan brothers

kebab = moslem and eats kebab as part of their cuisine, either doner kebab or shishkebab

whatever ivan

Westerners have rice in their cusine as well. I guess that make's all westerner's rice muncher asians? Fuck off muttslime

Cleverly thought out, good job.

greeks eat kebab too but they call it something different.


We dont care.

Who’s assmad, it’s you niggers who are trying to prove you are people and not roaches. I made up my mind long ago that you are nothing but parasites. And yeah you don’t have any culture. Stay mad, rootless mutt parasite

All other Turkic people from Central Asian has been in their land for 1000 years. If it wasn't for the Soviet's we could of prosphered more than ever


All Muslims will hang.

You’re so fucking mad and weak you base your whines on the fact that I’m supposedly an American or a colonisator or whatever. I’m not, fuck off

Central Asian Turkic peoples have been on their land for a long time, as I said before, everywhere beyond that region, to the west and south, should be Turk free though.
And idk about the Soviets ruining their chances, but today there’s a lot of resources there that can be developed that’s for sure

This is a Muslium girl from Khazhkistan. Should she hang?

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They're all going to get PewDiePied by white RWDS and lonewolves anyway, so what does it matter?

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We Albanians are totally white people! Not turks and gypsies! Stop doing this to us! I bet OP is a Serbian.

Im not just talking about Turkish people though. Im talking about the whole Turkic ethnicity. Or are you too much of a ignorant pea-brain to even process that?

Your name, history, culture, religion and loanwords don't say that though. The Turks turned you into one of them

Traitors die first, user, don't forget, many whites are going to die along with all the shitskins; coalburners and wannabe semites, especially.

They're all going to die anyway, your kvetching isn't going to matter when none of them are left. Go shoot up a mosque or synagogue, rack up an impressive score, then suck-start a 12 gauge in that order, please.

How is she a "traitor"? Her whole country/background is a muslium origin

Me no care. Oppose islam or repare to die.

Attached: bulldozed.png (900x643, 659.18K)

This man is a half Albanian, half Turkish. He is also a Muslium. Is there anything wrong with this?

Attached: Kivanc.jpg (650x500, 23.71K)

yeah hes a muslim

Who here is actually turkish?

Any white although that is a mutt incapable of seperating themselves from semitic filth at this point essentially already is, they'll weed themselves out here shortly; when DOTR comes, (((it))) all burns no matter who is holding onto (((it))), some of the Christcunts here will probably start singing a different tune, I doubt the white muzzies however few of those there are will.

Shes is a pure asian with blue eyes. How does this mean she is a mutt? You people are the mutts compared to her

He's a turkroach mutt, turkroaches all get squashed, newfag.

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Not if I can pork her first.

Blue eyes originated around the black sea area which means either a Eastern European, Anatolian or Caucuasus/ Circassian person had. Are you any of those?

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You people are delusional living in fantasy land. In the 60's Americans thought there would be a great purge that would kill every single slav/commie yet look at today, there are still commie countries and slavs are more populated then ever

I'll be honest, I'm mostly German with some Celt and can only trace my lineage ~700 years, but it doesn't make you any less of a faggot.

There's only one solution.

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Nazi scum killed off a massive amount European men in a shitty world war they made and yet your still supporting them
(btw hitler loved Turks)

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Most Zig Forums guys aren't actually white.

So how about you pick up a history book before pretending to be nazi-wannabe BITCH

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Americans are delusional and you picked quite possibly the worst generation to attempt to use against me in a fallacy that I'll probably remember after I'm gotten some sleep and have forgotten this AIDS bread.

Stay mad cockhead

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Niggerfaggot, this was a natsoc board right up until Chodemonkey let you cockgobbling trannies into it. Also, this isn't the 1930s or 1940s, Hitler is only respected for his attempt and what he managed to do right.

Except I was on this board when goons were a thing

Not on nigger-tier Zig Forumss like this one, although, I can't attest for the glowniggers that give us their manuals.

This board was bad before but after that dumb- cunt went on a rampage, his ugly mug is everywhere on 8pol and on top of that "muh mossad" retards add the icing on the cake

Turks itt

They really are roaches, both physically as well as mentally.

Surveys and /walk/ threads literally proved most Zig Forums Americans are here on DACA

Is this a trick question?

By turk you really mean greek right. People need to remember that there are greeks in turkey.

I'm several of this board's old namefags I did it for free, too and even spread a phrase that I stole from treeniggers, which had some minor traction here. Also, I don't give a fuck what you say you are, you may as well be pic related, for all I could tell even if I believed you which I don't.

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Cope harder when your fantasy of a Turk being a smelly brown manlet is crushed

The 2016 election was the first exodus from here and a lot of that cancer is still here. Also, most Zig Forumss have been compromised for a while now and this one has been in the public eye for at least 2 years now.

So, a bunch of Q boomers and Trotskyist cuckservatives conserving kike power?

niens one as well thanks to here

Have you heard of the byzantine empire? Turks aren't the only ethnicity in that region. There are greeks. I don't know how many greeks but more than likely they are on the western side.(If you look at an infographic of turkeys IQ on a regional basis you really begin to see the disproportionality of the IQ range.)

Attached: Turkey.png (1024x626, 36.88K)

Sorry what were you saying hun?

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Also what makes you think they aren't lying?

Ok sure go on damage control once I debunked what you were rambling on about ;^)


exept bosnians arent turkic they are just muslim serbs

Hey nigger

hi arap

fuck off siptar. You came over from the caucasus with the turks, genocided the aromanians, stole their language and larp as illyrians when you arent even native to the balkans.
look it up, Kosovo has been Serbian for longer than Albanians have been a people.

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you lot need some real UNNA women

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anyone want one UNNA

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Black Lives Matter

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fukin whyte dogs took everything from us unna

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