My Thoughts

If we were to make the U.S.A Fascist/National Socialist we should invade Canada and make it part of the U.S.A, we should also invade most of Europe and liberate our European brothers from their kike governments, replacing their current governments with Fascist/National Socialist governments (we shouldn't make European countries part of the U.S.A though).

Attached: canadamap1.jpg (2000x1334, 99.07K)

Lets invade mexico too, and then we won't have any illegal aliens.

We won't have any illegal aliens if we simply deport them all

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You are kind of retarded OP.

Here, have the better version of that.

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the U.S. isn't going to exist past 2030-2040.

Would rather not have Quebec, largely for their benefit.

Okay. So why is there one longer than the other?

This is what passes for an intellectual in the USA now. Fucking retardant ass sniffer.

How is what I said retarded?

Rapturejew RAUS!!!!!

An arab from leafland posted a better op today, user. An arab.

We don't regret to inform that "your thoughts" are absolute shit.

How so?

You must not live in Canada, otherwise you'd know that it's far more geopolitically unstable then the US is, and it hasn't been this unstable since the 1980's, the knight of long knives(the betrayal of quebec), and patriation of the charter of rights and freedoms. In the late 70's, there was lots of chatter from splitting from confederation(mostly Alberta) to either join the US or become separate countries. The 70's also had the era of ultra-nationalist marxists in Quebec(the FLQ), which believed that a neo-marxist-lennist state from an independent Quebec is something achievable, to put bluntly it got so bad that martial law was declared. Fast forward to today. What's going on? Nearly all prairie provinces(Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta) are chomping to get out of confederation or sign independent treaty deals with the US to ship goods there. Maritime provinces like NS, NB are also grumbling with the "confederation is shit" and chomping at the bit.

Round it out that the current government is antagonistic to provinces that want to sell their goods and resources to the point that they ban them from public discussions? The changes of Canada not balkanizing is getting lower. Cutting Trudeau Jr., and the Liberals out will slow or possibly halt the process, but as much damage has been done to federal-provincial relations by Trudeau Jr., as was done by Trudeau Sr.

It was thoughtful and indepth. It was trolling non-moosies for not being moosies but it was well considered. You post is good topic but instead of qtddtot offer some observations and insights based on those observations. What are the goals, the challenges, the steps to take, and so on.

The future is an Free American Reich, and North America is ours by right of conquest. Remember the right of Conquest is the highest right. We will be an Aryan Empire of Freedom. Freedom requires duty and all will serve as soldier in the Imperial Army. This way we will not fear the government. BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ARMY.


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Oh, cool, it's another slide thread!

Attached: 3thard.jpg (284x354, 22.94K)

Yep, it's been what 15 minutes. The kikes are firing up the puters in Tel Aviv

no its just people from cuckchan

Indeed. But don't stop with just Canada. Invade and conquer all of america. Exterminate the shitskins living in South America, so they can't be mobilized by jews to attack America while it is restructuring. Destroy jewish political bases in Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and Chile. Let no territory in all americas belong to jews or shitskins anymore. exterminate them, and unify the land under National Socialism.

Canada falls under British Monarchy. If a country invaded Canada they would have to go to war with England basically. It's been 250 years almost, but I am down to kill some of those fags again.

England and America have 'chosen' to destroy themselves. This alone is enough to prove the Third Reich right.

The "nation" of Canada and USA are meaningless nowadays. Balkanization will happen in the US with the coasts versus the middle and in Canada with the east versus the west. The divisions that exist today are purely a loyalist/rebel position versus Britain that is no longer relevant. A unified North America will happen eventually but after much bloodshed and those country names will only exist in history books.


Checked. I think once the U.S. balkanizes and ethnostate is achieved, I assume their prairie provinces would join the new white state. In my view it would be a confederation of balkanized white states and provinces from Canada. Ontario would join up with what's left of Jewmerica in the northeast.

Why the fuck would you want Canadians to join up?
They hate america and are just as bad as those lime-haired commie fucks from California, only they're on more meth because the frigid winters turns them into reprehensible degenerates.
I guess the only lulzworthy thing about it would be watching the absolute WHORES canadians call women go running to insatiable nigger dick in the south.

There would be no niggers, they would all be sent to africa.