The end of the electoral college

WIthout the electoral college,, the coastal states population will override the entire interior of the United States.

Support the end of the electoral college and the balkanization of the United States can begin,

The Northwest Territorial Imperative can happen.

Attached: electoral college00.jpg (560x370, 24.2K)

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"fly over states"


I'm from Iowa,, and we'll make you niggers pay to go through our airspace.

I meant >"fly over states" to bring up the fact that the liberals who call your state that want to abolish the E.C.

The liberals who bitch and moan about gerrymandering do my pictures,and are now rigging up drawn districts through the court system to make sure a republican never gets the WH again.

Districts should be drawn by the county lines, and we should mix in E.C for picking representation. that way most of the political power goes to rural population majority counties.

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just like sam hide xD

fuck that.

I want out of the Jewnited States of America.

I want a White Man's Republic.

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If we draw districts by the county line and use EC most congressional and senate seats would be republican.

xd yeah

Support the mass killing of liberals and jews in USA. Enough with useless political solutions. Violence is the only way. It was always the only way.

"repubilican" fucking zionist puppets flooding us with spics.

Screw the Union. I want out.

and the end of the electoral college paves the way to making that happen.

There is nothing that can stop the balkanization of the USA. There really isn't anything binding the states together anymore. Ask a 'Merican what it means to be 'Merican and they can hardly tell you. The child fucking politicians go on about "American Values" ask people on the street or at work what those are they can't really tell you anything that rings true.
The electoral college means very little anymore. The local vote is polluted by the illegal Spic rodents voting all over the USA. There is no legitimate elected representation anymore. The legal system is a fucking joke. The police are only there to kill, shoot and intimidate the white people to keep them in line. The military that so many cockless fucks worship in the USA would happily murder the civilians if it meant their checks would clear the Jewish bank. The FEDs through the Fed and IRS terrorize the population everyday yet no one cares. Let it end in fire. If the military is smart they will retreat to key bases let us kill each other until we stop and then they can support whoever wins.

How? Explain how you arrive to this conclusion.

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nice try, Bernie, but your spiclets won'y be voting in 2020.

Voter Fraud Exists – Even Though Many in the Media Claim It Doesn’t

yea he really skipped a few steps. cities would just spread their ruinous policies to the actual white parts of states.

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But how ?

Fuck off, newfag.

reality: republicans will run a competent person in 2024, win the PV and blue states will give him the election

pence will go down as a bigger troll than trump

This isn't your fucking blog.

You can win the presidency with the big states and ignore the rest of nation. You don't even have to be on their ballots. Last time that happened a civil war broke out.

Lincoln was not even on the ballot in Southern States.

When California, Florida, and New York elect some trannie, the rest of the nation will recoil in horror.

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I don't think that's how the map will look like but ok.

yes this is a good idea.

Who cares republicans are cucks


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Even boomers would hit the streets. Nobody will accept being ruled solely by NYC and CA.
FWIW, I think this is just bullshit campaign season rhetoric from the liberals. It's about as likely as our "Wall".

in actuality the electoral college is a ridiculous institution imposed due to the far flung empire the america was before modern communications
using popular voting for a presidential election wouldn't necessarily swing the bicameral system one way or the other
the problem with US politics is alot more ingrained then it's voting system though. we literally think transexuals are normal humans who deserve special legal protections. we're fucking insane so there is no rational political choice.

If we get rid of electoral college we should get rid of the two party system. This forces everyone to be independent fighting for the popular vote. It only makes sense to package both changes together.

You're a cuck.

As a FL native this saddens me. I've lived here all 30-something years of my life. Yet last I checked less than 30% of registered FL voters were born and raised here. The rest are Yankee transplants that not only cast ballots back in the Tri-State shitholes they come from, but down here too. They even brag about it. They have no shame. Mostly Jews that settle in Broward, rich assholes with property in Palm Beach listed as their 'permanant address' so they can dodge taxes, or third-world transplants down in Dade.
It's fucking sickening.
We have an "assault weapon" ban they got on the ballot for the upcoming midterms. Under FL law if it gets 65% of the vote it becomes law. The house doesn't have to vote on it and the governor has no option to veto it. It just becomes part of the state constitution. And those asshole Yankee transplants down in the tri-county area, Orlando, and Tampa/Sarasota will outnumber the natives by far. It will pass, and the 'GunShine' state will soon have more restrictive gun laws than CA/NY/NJ combined.
Permits to own pistols and any semi-auto rifle that can accept a detachable mag, has the ability to be modified to accept a detachable mag, or has a fixed tube-mag that can hold more than 10 rounds. Even the 'Jersey Legal' Marlin 60 would be considered an 'assault rifle' because it holds 15 rounds of .22.
I wonder if Marlin will make a 'Florida legal' version that ont has a 10 round tube.
This state has been overrun and fucked.

A few states have already legislated away their right to have a representatives and they automatically go towards the candidate with the most votes. that's technically not removing the electoral college but it is actually removing the electoral college,

"Diversey Pkwy" (Diversity Parkway)
"W Division St" (Division / Apartheid, also The West)
"Wiggly Field" (lol)
"Streeterville" (most generic street name ever?)

I guess you hobbyists won't be able to shoot targets and deer with your gun. Maybe if you'd actually use your guns for resisting tyranny you wouldn't lose all your rights and freedoms.

This is kike (((accelerationism))), the "kill yourself to win" shilling.
This is not Tarrant accelerationism.



Legal nukes in teh hands of teh fede3al government.

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Ēosturmōnaþ begins tonight, Anons !

that's not a new map of the United States,, it's a representation of the states by the population. The bigger the state the more the votes.

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Dissolving the electoral college will be a vital step in waking up the white population. Onwards, mein brethren.

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California is going to put up fake results on the 2020 census and grab a bunch more electoral votes. Trump is doing nothing about it of course.

This is how they took away gun rights from me. It sucks because the liberal population masses have a say over the whole state.

California, New York and Florida should get all the electoral votes.

The electoral college is garbage.

I'd support a popular vote on the condition that only people who have passed a major exam are able to vote, heavy on math, econ, civics, science, tech, etc. Since Democracy only works with an educated electorate, and an educated electorate of the masses is impossible, we must eliminate the uneducated from the voting pools.

fuck states, individual people make the votes. Individual votes get counted.

States are signaling their willingness to do so. In order for it to be legitimate, a group of states with a sum of electoral votes large enough to win the election must decide to do so.

Just wait until the hispanic individuals in another state outnumber your people in your state 3 to 1.. then tell me about how precious your individual votes are.

They used to do this.

it's illegal now.

We have their addresses.

Ahh yes, the overwhelmingly liberal city that decided to be ever so generous with the rest of the state's tax money and do everything they can to make life better for the homeless addicts. Then the city got overrun with dirty needles and piles of feces. Charity workers and the mayor decided to open another homeless shelter in a city-owned parking lot. The ever so caring and generous citizens of San Francisco decided to raise funds to hire a lawyer to prevent the shelter from opening since they don't want a homeless shelter near them. Because nothing says you care about homeless addicts like supplying them with needles and preventing them from having shelter.

Same group of retards decided they needed a high-speed rail between Sacramento and L.A. Excessive use of eminent domain was applied to take all the land they needed at well below market prices, then some real shady backdoor dealing went on with the contractor to the point that more money was spent than what was budgeted for it. Then they realized they couldn't possibly complete or fund the rail, so decided to abandon the project. They forgot that most of the money spent was federal funds, so now they are racing to complete a single short segment of the rail between two cities in the central valley(already connected by standard rail) about 23-24 miles apart in order to avoid having to pay back the millions they spent with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Millions spent, not a mile of rail has been placed. And since this is California, the state has made zero effort to find out where all that money went. Just another month or two and I'm out of this shithole state.

how is this not shilling for a popular election?
Don't you understand?
Some votes are MORE EQUAL than others!

ikr how am i getting the 00s lol

How ????

The current electoral college is a sham anyway since nonwhites and women are allowed to participate in it. It's totally unconstitutional based on the founding documents of the USA, and that's perfectly OKAY, because the constitution is a scam used to keep you pacified for the past 200 years as they keep changing it over and over again.


Mexico is a bit too small in that image bud.

Why balkanize when you can ethnically cleanse, keeping everything.

i pray to god every night the liberals are stupid enough to get rid of the EC…all of the people in the rural red bits will see that as a call to arms.Americas first revolution was over taxation without representation, Americas second revolution would be over the same thing. People in the rural parts are already fucking pissed about the liberal hellhole cities where all of the niggers and faggots live fucking over our states, many of us have tried to form our own new states to get away from that shit…..something like this would most certainly accelerate people's desires to go through with that and either form new states or to finally drive the niggers and faggots into the ocean like the lemmings they are….should have done that shit generations ago.

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I wish it would be abolished so this country can die faster

Liberals unironically want to take away our representation. they will win by 50.1% and abolish our culture. Ban guns, ban our rights, ban music, ban youtubers we like, ban our media, ban our games, shove trannies into cheerleader teams and porn, and arrest anyone that doesn't want to be replaced by millions of Hispanics and Africans. Censor anyone that has an argument against affirmative action.

Reminder that this is a jewish paid shill thread and it has been up for weeks.

Okay, (((buddy))).

do you honestly see yourselves as the "good guys"?

new amsterdam when :(


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No thanks, fag.

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Cal fag here. What is that third map?

you are probably one of the most malicious, evil forces the world has ever seen. the fact that you champion yourself as anything other than forceful is disgusting and dishonest.
you "people" are inhumane disgusting animals that use your power, money, and influence to destroy the lives of innocent people in exchange for more money, power, and influence, so you can reach that hand further and destroy more lives.

you will all answer for this, and the merciful actions of brent are not even enough to qualify for a taste.
you think being shot is bad? howabout having your culture removed from history. howabout having your children raped and turned against their parents?
no. we dont do that. thats you and your masters game.

its coming. thats why you people have to spend literally billions of dollars a year in attempts to suppress us.


why did you capitalize the L in Lol? are you niggerposting from a phone?

Attached: Brutal beating-PW6IUUefMjI.mp4 (404x720, 11.56M)

is there context to that video


Yeah but why was that spic not even fighting back

I’m actually disappointed because I thought this was a snuff film and not Pablo crying like a bitch

it's a dude who owed a drug debt. he didn't fight back because for two reasons, one is he was high on heroin, why he appeared to be asleep, and he knew that no matter how bad it was it was going to be worse if he fought back, people who get themselves in this situation aren't actually retarded, i mean by our standards yes, but they are smart enough to know danger when it's present, they are just walking dunning kruger niggers, they think they can pull a fast one on people and get caught because they are fucktards, that's what happened here, druggie takes a loan he knew he couldn't pay and thought he was going to dance around this guy.
regardless, who gives a fucking shit,let these fucks kill each other and shoot up with whatever they like.

In their countries though, not here. We need a good propaganda campaign where we make a compilation of these videos and just unleash it to whites who are still retarded enough to be conservatives

"law enforcement" is just code for the anti white commisars. If border patrol or ICE actually did their fucking jobs we wouldn't have spics illegally flooding into America by the truck loads every day. However if a group of white men said enough is enough and took some bolt actions rifles down to the border to pick off some spics the national guard would descend upon them like a hawk. Whites are kept alive to be tax mules to prop up a system that openly hates our fucking guts. Nigger on white crime pretty much isn't reported in the media but white on anybody else crime no matter how rare is amplified to extreme levels. Republicans are just democrats with 10 years of jet lag and the democrats are open commies now. Stop acting like the current two party system will save us even Trump turned out to be a complete shill after all this time

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hard to fight back when youre not really conscious and unable to inhale/breathe

youre taking the spic that beat him's word for it. spics label the people they hurt as enemies when they post it online to bring further humiliation.
unless you have some other source of proof.

might as well start believing it when niggers attack a random white person then post the video and say "he called them niggers then gets confronted"

Secure that bag!

you notice how everyone else reacted? i don't know about you but i've never had some wetback gangster just stroll into my house and do that much less have no one do anything about it…it's a wetback beating another wetback, the likelyhood of the story being true is extremely high given what we have here….should we try and contact the spic in the video and see if he's got a copy of the signed contract for the drug loan? you can believe whatever you want but thinking you're going to find evidence one way or another in regards to anything here is pretty retarded…

i agree with you, they're fucking liars but that's only when they are at a disadvantage or trying to gain one….whether the dude fucked his mom, stole his bike, tagged the wrong tag or whatever it is that pisses a spic off i really don't see him feeling the need to lie about it here. it's ok user, some people are more autistic than others and picking up on social cues can be difficult….nobody there seemed shocked this guy took out a loan for drugs…nobody seemed shocked this was happening in the first place…think about all of the things that are needed to create an environment where this is just kind of a, well, i guess this is happening sort of vibe…that's not normal. most people would rush to help their buddy getting beat, most people at the very least would be shocked on some level or another.

Zeroday exploit or simply tricking people into something that points to a link in browser tab that plays gore compilation with the header or context of video so they know its what scum the third world is composed of. My idea would be to add as much context as possible adding pinpoint on maps where the event happened, the local news article, etc… especially if the video took place in or near the border of a Western country.

You sound like a robot go back to 4cucks with this. No one here wants Zion Don.

May I have the source please?

wow, thats so uncharacteristic of spics. i forgot that their public involvement is very high, which is why they create such tight knit communities with low crime and corruption issues, because the weak are willing to stand up to the strong.


Wars aren't fought over people, but are instead fought over resources. For all inrents and purposes, we need a white khmer rouge to purge ourselves of cosmopolitan elements.

The European people are the world's greatest resource.

honk honk


checked trips of truth



Democratic Republic.
A pure democracy (one person one vote) is a form of Anarchy.

Bingo, shills from Zig Forums are desperately trying to conflate Tarrant pro white accelerationism with their own Frankfurt School Marxist (((accelerationism))), it's transparent as fuck every time it comes up

didn't revolt
not an ounce of resistance
outside of Ron Paul going on TV and complaining about it, not a single person actually taking action
didn't revolt
didn't revolt
didn't revolt
zero armed resistance
zero resistance
didn't revolt
zero resistance

What the fuck makes you think that the next time the government decides to kick them in the balls, that will be the one that gets them to finally take a stand? The nation is already a parody compared to what was created in 1789. Stop thinking it's gonna happen on its own, and start realizing that the future starts with you. The only way it's ever gonna get done is through a steady stream of redpills and politcal agitation, this burden is on your shoulders now, they're too demoralized to ever do anything about anything on their own.

If things are so bad that revolt can be only stemmed from badly made infographics then all is lost.

This happened.. Thing is they gave them to border patrol… I wonder what they do with them… Probably just let them go after writing down their names. These guys should have shot them.

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That's because the majority of voters for the past 25 yeas or so have been the "Silent Generation" and the "Baby Boomers", groups who have historically done nothing but be lazy greedy faggots.


If they get rid of the Electoral College, maybe the Dems will stop inviting anymore invaders into the US because they'll have their guaranteed majority forever.
So, every cloud…

Lel no.