since Feb18th this girl is missing. she was last seen in the house of her who is the main suspect of the police and was already arrested twice. several police action were not able to find the girl nor a corpse. there is a wide public interest in this case as also the family reaches out to the public. some people believe she is in Poland; some believe she is dead.
her instagram:
Missed 15 yo girl Berlin
Other urls found in this thread:
her full name is Rebecca Reusch
NYPA kraut fbi
fuck off
you wanted to let in the shitskins, this is what happens
As far as I know they only searched the woods.
But in Brandenburg are also plenty of old buildings & bunkers from both the Nazi-Era and GDR (DDR).
Did they check those?
There are also 3 refugee homes within 25km reach of her home.
and the jews , jews are the root
you kick out muslims and leave the jews , the problems still exist
Hopefully he got some noodz before putting her down. She's pretty hot
You kick out the jews and the muslims are still there. Stop pushing the muslims vs jews when you know they work hand in hand, both of them need to be dealt with.
albanian smack dealers did this?
Hmm… almost like fathers shouldn't let their teen daughters act like thots.
1. Why should we care
2. She looks like a thot, probably got involved with Turks and ackbar'd, blame the white trash parents
Germany used to be fine, before rapefugees came there. But nice that you blame the girl, Muslim scum. And even if you are no muslim, you just as bad.
You almoust had first post but you was not fast enough.
did she had some muslim boyfriend in past or something?
Jews and muslims work together. Even today it is sunni muslims + jews vs shia muslims. Don't get fooled by Palestine. Saudi Arabia is still under Israeli control.
Shia Muslims are still Muslims.
This is horrible but why does it deserve a thread on (((Zig Forums)))?
Jews were kidnapping, raping and ritually murdering white children before it was cool
I would impregnate her with my 9 inch Australian dick.
Maybe it would be easier to return Shia back to middle east than start war against people who are not our real enemies. Do you want war with Iran or Assad? They did nothing to us.
All pedo scandals are full of jewish people and crypto jews like freemasons. That is why jews like islam. It is basicly same religion with diferent names.
may be a jew, but
is probably not too far off the mark. Either it's Kraut FBI or the family. I take that as a sign of hope. There's people out there looking for a missing girl and despite the whole St. Tarrant business (or maybe because of it) they turn to us and our weaponized autism in their quest for help finding her.
checked. nice trips. even in ID
I don't know if we can help but Zig Forums weaponized autism did miracles before.
Once Europe gets its shit together the storm that will sweep over the Islamic world will put the Mongols to shame. Your men and sons will be killed, your daughters and wives will be forcibly reeducated. Your temples will be ground to dust, your writings will be burned to ashes, history will not remember your desert demon cult.
forgot pic
I am not muslim. But do you remember when Hitler took bigger fight than he could handle? I don't want to repeat same mistake because it would be our last mistake.
Anyway. If you want to sell this to public, you will not sell it as muslim holocaust but as returning muslims back to home. Your extremism doesn't work that well on NPCs.
(Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Freemasonry) = Talmudism
According to the US Department of Justice statistics whites commit the majority of crime
"According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well."
"In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment. In 2013, an estimated 10,076 people died in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes."
I'll bite, where/what are all the gangs filled with Whites. Talk about unbelievable.
Could it be a case of a young pretty girl running away with her boyfriend? It happens more often than what's thought.
What's this? Spics are white people now? Oh I understand Rabbi "one for thee and three for me" eadinfjorskins. Diversity is out strength except for when the jews need to boost their stats.
Here you are, in a place filled to the brim with morally bankrupt degenerate white niggers but gangs with white people are somehow unbelievable.
It's pathetic the distance some of you faggots will go to try and pretend like nothing is happening. She is our woman and her shits been fucked up. That's the beginning and end of the matter. That's all you need to know. They don't discriminate between this girl or your girls. Get up and do something about it.
Name one, one, all-white "gang"
LOL, I am not the one who wrote that report. Do you think If I failed to answer you, that equates to all white gangs doesn't exist?
Stupid white nigger.
Now you are thinking like a black. Blacks are the only people who refer to each other as sisters and brothers as if they have an obligation to take care of each other. Now you dumb white niggers are trying to do the same. HAHHAHAHHAHA
Enjoy fighting with misogynist sect of your own kind.
If she disappeared in Germany she's 99% dead thanks to Muslim migrant.
Truth must be spoken the real problem isn't muslim rapefugees the real problem is politics like Merkel Juncker Macron and all other ultra left neomarxist bastards they need to be punished first! They must be punished They must be punished They must be fucking punished!!!
Killing of ultra left wing bastards isn't crime!!!
Actually really great idea. Winning harts and mind
Ok rabbi. You been found. Maybe next time.
She looks hot. I'd kidnap and make her preggy too.
One account leads to her calling herself a crackhead.
She probably ran off with her dealer and is sucking Muslim or Nigger cock in some rundown hostile at this point, if the crackhead part is true.
Pretty girls get hooked on drugs, and run off all the time.
Yes, unbelievable, utterly.
npcs in the west currently accept their own genocide, its not a matter of acceptance
its what you put on the tv and the radio and the mormies wont and cant care
so long as they have their hamburgers and pensions they will not raise a fuss
that is not true at all. that is what jews belive in. boomers accepted white genocide because they will die soon. everyone else is pissed as hell.
she's in my basement guys, everything is fine.
Are you faggots sure she's not Eastern European?
Cause she looks like that.
The main suspect is related to her. So it may just be eastern euros doing what they do.
White by whom's standard?
Spics are regularly declared "white" by (((officials)))
It is a multicultural family full of vibrant drug dealing diversity
She could also be kidnapped and held in house somewhere else while being raped over weeks, like this one belgium woman who got raped by refugees over 2 months in italy:
Terrible but truthfully Germany is one of those countries that has wrongfully accused us of a lot of bullshit so our desire to help it isn't very high.
Still though… pisses me off that they cannot defend their own kids. We all know the end of this story given the shit happening there but still, probably wouldn't take long to do some magic and track down some leads. Just pisses me off those countries aren't kissing our asses for all the shit we have done for them.
That seems unbelievable.
If 84% of white people died every year there would be hardly any left.
Are you stupid or just trolling?
I'm thinking stupid….
and pajeets, and arabs, and all amnner of caucasoids
i raped this girl and dumped her
she had shitskin connections or what?
how the fuck she has 60k followers with only 3 posts?
was one of her parents turkish or something? that body looks mixed
This shit is month old news in Germoney.
was she found or what? how the fuck do people disappear in 2019?
The FBI count beaners as white. Of course politically, they get to identify as people of color, and biologically they're lazy mestizos.
how many gigs of porn on your computer Abe?
I know this is doublechan, but you’re still a sick fuck regardless. Kys pedo
definitely soviet slav rape offspring. could be worse the jewish commisars could have got her grandma.
agree tbh
girls with a beauty like her deserve to be gangraped and gangcreampied, until they get pregnant. feel like organizing some rape session?
you are a sick fuck for pretending to not be a sick fuck, as you are a sick fuck deep inside too, just that your being a sick fuck is restrained by social constructs. double standard at its best.
This is stereotypical pedo/sociopath/degenerate "logic". Pedophiles truly believe "everyone is into kids, they just hide it better".
doesn't look like she's worth the effort, she's a fat midget that will look 30 when she hits 18
so the conclusion is that only a thirsty shitskin could have kidnapped her to fuck her
Fuck off sick freak.
We used to solve cases like this in under 24hrs no matter how cold the case was - but you fed faggots covered up Pizzagate and demonize us over things like Brenton posting a FacebookLifelog2.0 link here - but give FaceFedbook a free pass for livestreaming the Mossad op - so go find the thot yourself.
in the time its taken me to write this I would have already archived her instagram for clues and be scripting a program to scan through the archive for clues. t.baph
It's funny to me how these lefty shills like using the word nigger and they think they're allowed to say it as long as it follows the word white. Only niggers chimp out at being called niggers, the equivalent of the word "nigger" for whites is "racist" and you already know that one won't work here so your scrambling to find an insult that works.
FBI calls even the darkest wildass Indian Mexicans "White". The FBI also calls any full Nigger with a Spanish name, or from a Spanish speaking shithole "White".
Some will be along shortly to post a famous pic of IIRC "Houston's most wanted". Its about 60 Mex and Nigs, all of who have "White" for "race".
This is not how a 15 should look.
Good job Mom, she was mistaken for an adult and now shes in the woods somewhere, rotting.
What a fucking shame…
more like 35
Back to reddit.
someone enlighten me on what the issue with the jews are? comparing jews to muslims is like comparing AOC to ben shapiro
i am generally interested
Kill all moslems.
(((who))) do you think are the ones bringing in the moslems just like how they opened the gates of Toledo to them in the 700's
700s? lol im confused as to how thats relevant
how do i reply to a specific person
nvm i think that worked
but how is the religion the same from jews to muslims i feel like the correlation only exists in your head
They opened the gates to moslems in the 700's just like how they're using NGOs and 'refugee' programs to bring the saracens into our nations today.
Da fuck is wrong with you German cuck? Letting your daughter runaround like a thot with 15 full of make up..
With millions of shitskin inbreds in your country..
Your truly are cucked!
Da fuck is wrong with you German cuck? Letting your daughter runaround like a thot with 15 full of make up..
I agree 1000%. Zig Forums will try to deny it, but take a look at all these white criminals.
White Supremacists BTFO
doesnt really answer my question, what are they doing today? not some book by the perspective of hitler…
How's that making it better?
A 15year old shouldn't look that fuckable..
Exactly what I told you, bringing in saracens also spreading porn and degeneracy amongst the youth
You need to lurk more before you post. This is not thread about sins of jews. Watch this for first redpills.
I cannot believe that, this shit is really happened every fucking day month year and we the white peoples are those bad racists who "don't understand the situation". I'm from Bohemia here is peace but for how long? When I see the news as you posted it's everywhere every fucking day. It's time to rise up it's time for change we must vote the right wing it's the last hope before civil war. Now it's five minutes to midnight…
Lol as if niggers try to take care of each other. They say "brother" & "sister" to sound spiritual.
They do it to sound cool.