In addition to Tarrant's manifesto

Frenchfag here. Remember this part of Tarrant's manifesto?

Let me add a few more infuriating facts about this specifically:
>For the centenary of the Verdun battle, the longest of the First World War, (((Samuel Hazard))), (((Joseph Zimet))) and (((Audrey Azoulay))) organized this "tribute": teens running on their graves

I understand and endorse the choice of Tarrant to target invaders in NZ, but someone really needs to do something against these kike rats.

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Other urls found in this thread:–16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

Wow, Tarant was really broken.

It would be a lot harder to get high numbers at a synagogue im sure. It's not all open like a mosque. Lock the doors beforehand if u do, stage it as a hostage situation like Mateen did and get a sweet 50bomb

Why don't YOU do something?

Thanks OP, my heart clearly wasn't broken enough already by that passage.
Every day, my love for Tarrant grows.

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Hahaha what a fag.

White nationalism is nothing more than xenophobia among the peasant class. The elites understand the value of immigration and they don't care as long as they have something to gain from it. They can live in gated lily white neighbourhood and you white niggers are the only people who have to deal with the non-white


nice buzzword, phaggot. fuck off.

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Dayum shame that you'll be the ovens next to your (((elites))).

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Not when day of the rope comes and we drag them from their homes and make them watch their children be raped by shitskins.

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Can we Clone Tarrant and vote him into office??? I just want all Muslims Dead and Islam gone

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See, this thing OP quoted, this is why bigots look like such perfect pictures of fractured weakness. People don’t actually have to hurt them for them to break. Leftists set about harassing bigota, but did Tarant name that? Nah. He was totally broken just by people peacefully existing at him. His idea of hellish torment was people just… existing.

For people to exist at all was a defiance of his rightful omnipotence. He wasn’t sociopathic; the display of emotion demonstrates that. But narcissistic? Ooh, yeah. In the biggest way. People he had never met were afflicting him with a daily vengeance just by being happy in their own lives.

They don't just "exist", they ruin our countries.

Dubs of trust. Let them exist, elsewhere.

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I want to live forever. I like my life and I want it to never end. I can’t get there by hatred and violence. If I had enemies, I would be less happy, so why should I have enemies? A more perfectly reciprocal ethic with more material efficacy is to wish success upon even those who have tried to harm me.

There *have* been people who have tried to harm me, too. I like playing with them sometimes. I don’t hate them. Did anyone even ever try to harm Tarant? I didn’t read his manifesto, but OP certainly didn’t quote anyone trying to harm Tarant. OP quoted a narcissistic injury. He hated people who never tried to hurt him.

What, you niggers hadn't read his manifesto already for yourselves? Do it now or fuck off forever

1) You can't live forever.
2) You can't live peacefully or happily with sandniggers and niggers. They ruin all places they settle into.

You only hear about that problem because the police are fixing that problem.


Senolytics, organ printing, brain-linked implants… Yes, yes I can.

Who's voice it is ?

or, we'll just upload an A.I. version of you to take your place

So you will be working with the "shitskin" to remove the white elites and let the "shitskin" to rape white children? Or you white niggers are the shitskin?

sounds legit

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He actually posted one of the dumbest things I've read in a while, had a good laugh for a few seconds.

Either way, it's the same scenario worldwide: White Flight. No difference here.


That’s called “lying”, and my favoritest thing about technology is that it’s not founded on lies. Scientists value integrity the way that I do. Their work cannot otherwise proceed.

A proper upload procedure would produce an entity who is truly me. I have a solid idea of what would be involved in satisying me that the work had been done properly. An improper upload procedure would, if it plausibly represented me at all, represent an eternal philosophical thorn in the foot of my malefactor. I don’t think I have much to fear on that front.

You don’t hear about bombings in third world countries because they’re ubiquitous and they go unsolved. In the first world, neither is true of bombings, and we tend to hear of *every* *single* *one*. Sometimes the peace is do advanced we hear not of bombings, nor of murders, but even of individual rapes. A slow enough day can put assaults in the paper!

Ok, there are so many reasons why uploading your body/mind/whatever to the cloud will not work which are all founded in what we currently know [scientifically]. Apart from what we know [so far] I'd like to look elsewhere for confirmation… we have found no alien civilisation that practices such a thing even though they have technology more than a million(s) years more advanced than us. If they can't figure it out (but also they can almost live indefinitely), do you really believe the AI fags saying we're on the precipitous of achieving this? Nigga, I can't even get a good audio signal on my fucking phone.

It is legit. You dumb white niggers ignore all white on white crime and immediately get your panties in a twist just from one case of non-white on white crime. You dumb fucks think non-white committing crime is enough of a reason to get rid of all non-white.

White nationalism from British people is laughably childish. It is basically a toddler screaming at their parents, demanding the parents to get rid of the things they don't like or else the toddler is going to keep throwing tantrum

True. We should denounce all these sexual abuses committed by White people.–16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany


You are just proving my point about you dumb white niggers ignoring all white on white crime and getting your panties in a bunch from non-white committing crime.

White people committing crime is unrelated to taking in immigrants and refugees. You are proving my point about

Britain doesn't need all these unemployed white niggers begging on the street. I guess we should just get rid of them and import better white people from other European countries.

This will be an issue to solve within Whites when all the trash races have been expelled.

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Remove thith at onth you bith

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The upload process that I actually want is an extension of the brain-linked implant concept. I want piecewise replacement with analogues and upgrades. Once neuronal replacement with hardware analogues is well underway, subset analysis with onboard watch-and-regulate tools can start generating and implementing software analogues for remaining neural structures. When all structures have software analogues the process is complete.

Full software transition is not necessarily the most desirable outcome of this process, since successfully completing it would also create a really good comprehensive biomechanical integration output from which software transition may actually represent a loss in resilience or capacity.

I can’t imagine the process taking less than months, and decades wouldn’t shock me. That’s why senolytics and organ printing matter. Those are more near-future “bridge” technologies.

Also, we have found no alien civilizations at all, and personally my favorite Fermi paradox solution is to imagine that they all retreat into virtual paradises forever rather than littering the universe with artifacts.

Speaking of alien life - I heard a rumor NASA found real xenofungus! We live in a beautiful era.

Bigots really are weak and getting weaker. People like me with more trust in society will do better.

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The mad lad…. how does he keep getting away with it?!?!!!!

Tarrant broke the system. He's a hero and you're a cuck. Or a fed. Not sure.

He was whole.

Thats a relief. Thanks!



Sure looks like Downesyndrome too

I find it hilarious that you are too intellectually cowardly to actually read the OP so you just stay on script anyway.

I love how he dwindled into becoming an omnipotent machine.
Fucking kikes and their god complex.

There are limits to imagination. Just because you imagine something being possible doesn't make it feasible in reality

The crosses and mass graveyards are sights to behold. It's very sad, a lot of unmarked graves so many futures lost for nothing. Estimated ages are most commonly below 24.

Lol Petain would absolutely hate Macron for similar reasons he hated the inept retards that were ruining his country in the lead up to ww 2 and during ww 2. I mean Macron is at the same level of those freakshow governments France endured during the 30's. There's a reason France lost so fast in WW 2 and a lot of it had to do with the upper levels of government being corrupt or just plain retardation (commies) that was destroying the country.

I am in shame of myself! Free Brenton Tarrant! Can I take the place in prisson of Brenton Tarrant? He don`t deserve that! We don`t deserve Brenton Tarrant love, we are rats!