The practical value of white pride

The purpose of this thread is twofold, to describe in simple terms the practical value of pride in your (white) heritage and to provide an argument for how best to deal with Jordan Peterson and any other figure like him.

Most often the types of critique of Peterson I see put forward by other anons focus on the idea that he's controlled opposition and often what is suggested is that we or anyone else opposed to pc dogma disregard him as such and do our best not to associate with him.
This is counter-productive and I'll explain the two big reasons why.
For starters, what Peterson offers is valuable. He is someone with mass appeal whose basic pitch lays out the principles of the alt-right/dissident right/natsoc while he also credibly strikes at the heart of cultural marxism — the very fact that he mentions cultural marxism by name is revelatory. How many other people are there that have correctly observed that both the left and the right are wrong in thinking there is a role for everyone in society? How many of those have had any sort of popular appeal?
Secondly, Peterson is someone vilified by the left for daring to challenge their marxist dogma. Currently what the (((media))) are attempting and on the face of it appear to be succeeding with is a strategy of implicating Peterson in the Christchurch mosque massacre.
Any fucking idiot can see that a canadian psychologist's self help book isn't a call to arms against mudshits. Journalists calling Peterson a racist white supremacist and campaigning to ban his book create incentives for his fans to explore the broader sphere of content also identified by these same liars and traitors as being objectionable.

Having Peterson be associated with wrongthink is a good thing, it leads to a greater number of people being exposed to ideas that reject cultural relativism and promote tradition and nationalism. What he disavows is irrelevant, the conclusions to Peterson's logic are all nationalist in nature — which brings me to the second point of this post.

Peterson is someone who advocates chiefly for accepting responsibility and for the preservation of western civilization. He is also someone who should be fully aware of the relationship between pride and responsibility — in short, if you affirm pride in something then you either consciously or subconsciously accept responsibility for it.
The conclusion that any sane person would draw based on an understanding of the pride/responsibility relationship while advocating for the preservation of (white) western culture is of course to also advocate for white pride, there is no more effective a way to pitch to a broad mass a simple concept that will generate the results you desire.

In summation, instead of rejecting Jordan Peterson the more effective approach is to show people the logical conclusion to his arguments — that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

In vid related I go into further detail

Other urls found in this thread:

Althype also made a great video a while back on Peterson's individualist mantra. To my knowledge this is the only work other than my own that is critical of Peterson while not misrepresenting his words or assuming he is a bad actor.

Misleading thread title, op. You are a faggot.

As far as i can tell juden 'buy my rug' Peterstein's shtik has three components:
1.Reasonably good self help advice.
2.Individualist ideology.
3.Avoiding the jq religiously with the exception of compliments.

The first is fine but ultimately serves as a delivery system for the second which is suspicious because its not like you cant clean your room, be an individual AND be part of a group. Yes, those three things aren't mutually exclusive. Ikr?
The third component is quite odd and most revealing. You see the jew, particularly in its manifestation as the state of israel, is a racial nationalist ethnogroup that brutally suppresses its non jew underclass in stark opposition to everything JP claims to stand for. Is JP being coy? Is he shy? Does he wish to avoid repercussions from (((them?))) Or is he just a hypocrite?
He is either too cowardly, hypocritical and greedy for shekels to follow through on the israel issue even though it stands as a clear example of what he claims to oppose or he's lying while he presents himself as some form of individualist.

From his conduct and the ideas he sells it appears that his true goal is individualism aimed squarely at young white men. This is demonstrated when he 'accidentally' dressed up as a feeble Peppe imitation then got his bourgeois academic friends to point it out in a totally not scripted and super convincing way. Combined this with his boasting that he has 'received letters from people he 'saved' from the fringes of the far right' lol and i get a pretty clear picture of a snake oil salesman.

As always, contents beats label.

I'm of a somewhat different perspective, I don't care whether he's a hypocrite or not because the basic arguments he makes are solid. What's more, they're potent red pills.

Even when he straight up addresses (after the fact) the question he got on Solzhenitsyn's other book he does this by pointing out that disproportionate dominance by jews in fields such as entertainment, media and finance are a result of jews not only having on average quite high IQ but also that ashkenazi jews score higher on specifically verbal factors. Now of course what's missing from that picture is ethnocentrism but his arguments when applied to say for example black people disproportionately filling up prisons for committing violent crime are equally valid.

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Good post & a generally valid point, OP.

I would just pick one nit and say I dunno about your statement that "if you affirm pride in something then you either consciously or subconsciously accept responsibility for it." - - Here's the thing… I ampart German, and I am proud of some of the great feats of engineering Germans produce, but I absolutely suck at visual-spatial pursuits such as engineering.

I wish we of the Right didn't have sooo fucking many cucksas our would-be spokesmen, from Tommy Robinson to Nigel Farage to Stefan Molyneux to Jordan Peterson & etc…

Still, I support your basic premise.
I never punch right anyway.

pic unrelated

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Oh look more of the totally organic weekly shabbat humus.

Nobody gives a fuck what Jordan Peterson thinks. Right wing beta white male only needed a public figure to own the libs for them. The white elites like Jeff Bezo will ensure white people will continue to exist. Prove me wrong. Western cultures are being preserved just fine. Muslims opening a shawarma fast food joint or Chinese having a China town doesn't destroy western culture, that is just a retarded talking point you dumb fucks managed to convinced yourself to be true.

You white nationalists are just a bunch of shit for brain white niggers addicted to the thought of a white only country. You WILL NEVER EVER get your white ethno state. The goal of all the countries in the world is progress and prosperity, which means meritocracy, and meritocracy ALWAYS bypass race. That's how the world become what it is today.

Your moronic white nationalism is pure idiocy from the brain dead peasant class

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Do you have children? If yes, do you in any way feel a particular obligation to inform them of their heritage or for them to have ample opportunity to develop visual-spatial skills?
I've had the better part of six months to mull things over and go through several drafts before finalizing my thoughts and hitting the publish button. "Accepting responsibility" implies a whole lot more than trying to be good at something yourself because your forebears were. If you haven't you might want to watch the video, I've done my best to condense as much as possible into a reasonable timespan.

Are you lost?

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Good effort, OP, but I think this part right here is crucial, since JP may be over with soon as a cultural force.

He was fading a little some time ago, then he made a comeback in the Cathy Newman interview because she was so belligerent and it was fascinating to watch. I don't know if he will get another rescue like that. Maybe if he finally gets a new Patreon off the ground, for which he will deserve a lot of credit.

Have you seen his new clothing line? There's a clueless Boomer cringe to him.

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There's also the fact he's a jewish marxist.

Jew iq is questionable and jew presence is more accurately described by jew nepotism.

Wtf, the trips dont lie?
Amazon Nationalism when?

Based off what? He's still filling auditoriums and regularly appears on boomer tv to either give his opinion or defend what he's said on some contentious issue.
There's more than a possible patreon alternative on the horizon, his proposed online university is something there seems to be a lot of serious effort being put into. Not to mention the sequel to 12 rules for a tidy room and the continuation of the biblical series. Either of these things could make the man himself the center of conversation again.

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You can't be serious…
Unless of course you consider SJW opinions to be of merit…

The elites have plenty of use for useful idiots. I mean, look at you.

Yeah. He is literally a cult leader at this point. And he has the absolute support of the elite. Hell, he is their front man in the effort to quell the white identarian movement.
That support comes with full online support that includes consensus shilling on all platforms except for this one.
He is being sold to the public like a hip new TV show. And the stupid faggots that make up the majority of the population are eating it up just like they always do. Such good little consumers.

They are the dumbest, trashiest people to ever live, so none whatsoever!

No thanks. It's ok to be white doesn't need any help. That's the simple beauty that you will never understand.

This is stupefying.


Capped four your pleasure, lol.

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There is nothing beautiful or good about impossibly dumb white niggers!

The point of the video is to explain in detail that not only is the logical conclusion to Peterson's arguments that it's okay to be white but that it's fucking fantastic to be white.
Maybe try watching it before sperging out.

Do not feed the troll

Several factors. One is that there is virtually nothing he says that others don't say much better. History, politics, psychology, male female dynamics, anything. The internet is a big place, and even on non-racial forums, people tend to roll their eyes a little at him.

Another factor is that a lot of his self-help is a little empty. Clean your room, get your life together, blah blah blah. This shit will only help a small number of people who have grown up in abusive households, or have become infected with a bleak outlet on life for various reasons. I think you will be seeing a lot more testimonials of "I followed Jordan Peterson for 2 years, and my life was still a hell-hole, but at least my room was clean."

He has spent a lot of time attacking people who are more honest on some issues than he is, and it makes him look like a fool.

The "Intellectual Dark Web" comes across as lame and contrived. Things are moving too fast for people to think that Eric Weinstein and Sam Harris are rebel luminaries.

He is unfunny and kind of bumbling, and he comes across as too mercantilistic, as with his uninspired clothing line.

Last thought is that Israel is becoming a much bigger issue today than it has been in many years. Maybe ever. Peterson is entirely cucked on these issues. You get more truth out of a lot of liberal journalists than you do Peterson at this point. Not to mention race, of course.

Yeah, he might still have a big following for a long time. So will Ben Shapiro. It doesn't change the fact that so many people are moving past that. Trump might win re-election, but the culture war or whatever you want to call it has moved on past him, and many of his old supporters have come to hate him. Lots of people who like Jordan Peterson 2-3 years ago have come to despise him, with his deplatforming of Faith Goldy at a free speech conference being one turning point.

Those things might be extremely lucrative for him, but they mean little to most of us. In less than 5 years, the United States will probably look like France and the Yellow Vests does today. Maybe in 2 years. Maybe it will be far more extreme.

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JP is exploiting the opportunities available in today's political climate by jumping aboard his narcissism fuelled rocket ship and regurgitating snippets of information from several areas; none of which are particularly insightful or helpful to anyone who isn't an abysmal, left controlled retard.

Reminder that these posts are allowed to remain here.

You and Jordan Peterson may be talking passed each other. Be mindful that Peterson is coming from a very cucked form of “Cultural Christianity,” so when he means pride he is referring to the sin of pride, which in the context of one’s group means the sin of overestimating oneself merely for belonging to that group.
The line of attack I have been using is that this is one giant strawman Peterson uses to silence and shut down identitarianism. He gets away with this because there is another meaning of pride, the meaning OP connotes, which is esteem for the accomplishment of others (as in pride in one’s father). I refer to these as unhealthy self-interested pride and healthy self-giving pride.
What needs to be done when they try to shut us down for being “prideful” is to point out the strawman as unhealthy selfish pride, and oppose that with what we actually feel — a healthy altruistic pride, and finally to argue for white identitarianism on the basis of that form of pride. Ultimately, we need to walk the fine line between convincing Peterson acolytes that (a) the white race and white culture is under attack and (b) that it is worth cultivating while also advocating that this is a selfless act of healthy pride.
Perhaps they will then deconstruct culture from race, but that deserves an entirely new thread.

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it's all a weird angle to pitch at
you have family, your parents have parents, who had parents, who had parents, etc. who spent their lives among neighbors and their neighbors and their neighbors, generation after generation after generation, making a good life for their children, for their children, and their children, etc.
be glad of that, and want for your children, and their children, your neighbors and their neighbors, to have a better future and be among better people

good video

Is that really the case?

Even ignoring the above point, what other figures have even gone into detail explaining the reality of IQ as a relative measure and what the practical values of it as a predictive tool are? What other figures have thoroughly broken down the Big Five (or HEXACO) model and explained in detail how meaningful predictions can be made based off it?

Isn't that just arrogance though?

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wrong bucko he is globalist marxist satanist. wash yer penis and try again

Seems the Peterson shills from 4cuck fled here.




Yes, a synonym for pride in the unhealthy sense is arrogance and vanity. In the healthy sense, pride is dignity, respect, esteem, and satisfaction. I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m pointing out that Peterson is mischaracterizing our sense of pride in order to psychopathologize it.

No one here actually thinks they are amazing simply because they are white; in fact, our race’s accomplishments is so great and ours is so small that we are much more likely to feel unworthy of being white at all. Humility in the face of ancestral achievement is the appropriate response and is the complete opposite of unhealthy pride. And what’s more, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT PETERSON SAYS. So where do we actually disagree with him on? His slander of us, for we are the appropriate conclusion of his reasoning — not individualism.

This can easily be done by pointing out that Peterson acolytes already feel a sense of pride in the accomplishments of their race, that they already want to protect

How’d that last paragraph get there…

As a Satanist, he’d know all about the deadly sin of pride and it’s usefulness in persuading Christian sheep to stray away from the flock (folk). What better way to convince a Chrsitian (especially those strict Catholics) not to do something than to claim it’s a deadly/mortal sin?

How would Jewdan Petersen know?

That's actually a very good point

Optimum disinfo involves injecting ~1% toxin wrapped in 99% truth.
Peterstein is competent in this area.


If he gets whites to "clean their room" maybe lift and get into fighting shape, he has done a great service to whites. Not everyone needs to scream about jews, people will find out about the JQ in their own time, I'd rather have a fellow army of competent whites, handling their shit, than a bunch of incompetent man-babies.

JP is creating the white, competent army. It's our job to red pill the fuckers.

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Supporting Jordan Peterson means:

- to become atomized individuals pursuing their self-interest;
- which means embracing multiculturalism and open border by default because you're not supposed to care;
- denying that white people are groups of people, tribes and nations;
- embracing Marxist Identitarianism;
- erasing all of white history in favor of the UN charter's version

Followers of Peterson have been deceived. He is a false prophet.


If he gets women to do the housefold so men can do their jobs, we'd be where we should be. But Petersno is a matriarchal Marxist who is afraid of his own masculinity

Its not an idea, its a fact.

All that you need to know about Jordan Peterson is that he is part of the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) which Jews are currently trying to promote.

Brought to you by: (((Barry Weiss))) – Romanian Jew

(((Sam Harris))) – Secular Jew
(((Eric Weinstein))) – Israel-educated California-borne Jew, brother of (((Bret Weinstein)))
Jordan Peterson – Individualist Canadian Shabbos
(((Dave Rubin))) – Gay Jew
(((Ben Shapiro))) – Stereotypical Badger Jew
(((Douglas Murray))) – British Jew
Maajid Nawaz – British Pakistani ‘Secular Religion of Cuck™ist’, married to a degenerate “race is a social construct” modern-artist White woman from Tennessee
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Literal Africa-nigger married to Brit Niall Ferguson, who wrote a glowing history of the Rothschilds (possibly a British Jew)
(((Christina Hoff Sommers))) – Liberal Jewish Feminist
Joe Rogan – Stoned Meathead Shabbos
Charlie Kirk – Homosexuality-Promoting Zionist Shabbos
(((Claire Lehmann))) – Australian Anti-Tribalism Jew
Debrah Soh – Homosexuality-Promoting Asian Feminist, writes for Playboy
(((Michael Shermer))) – Christian-Convert ‘Skeptic’ ‘I Am Not Jewish’ Jew
(((Steven Pinker))) – Romanian/Polish Male-Feminist Atheist Jew

This is the Jewish counter-response to the rise of Nationalism.
And Peterson is a part of it.
That's all you need to know about Jordan "Why Hitler Was More Evil Than You Think" Peterson.

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White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

O hai!
You copied my idea!
But did it wrong

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Very helpful to see it all laid out like that. Shit, the Jews aren't even trying to hide it. It's as if they want to get caught.

wash your penis

No, just show his fans why he's essentially leading a suicide cult. Bring up how basically he espouses individualism and personal responsibility while advocating against identity or group politics. Then bring up voting trends by race and point out that every other race besides whites essentially votes as a cohesive block thanks to identity politics. Once they see this, remind them that they are increasing in numbers while whites are decreasing in numbers. Then finally ask them "Given this absolute reality, why should anyone follow Jordan Peterson's ideals if their end result is the collective suicide of his ideals? White nationalism is the only way you can preserve the ideals Peterson and you hold dear therefore make your pick, identity politics and saved ideals or individualism to the point where everything you stand for becomes extinct as time goes on? If you refuse to save your ideals then why should I or anyone else join your cult of slow suicide?"

It's really that simple. You introduce to them a reality that they cannot deny, especially since mainstream news outlets cheer the fact that whites will be a minority in the future, and then force them to think very clearly for an objection to the obvious conclusion. The reality is they will never be able to because people are tribal animals and will always prefer to group up with their tribe even when propagandized against it (see school cafeterias/churches).

His response to the JQ was muh higher IQ which does not explain the fact that there are more asian and white geniuses than there are jews of any level of intelligence therefore nepotism. He also blatantly calls himself a gatekeeper against white nationalism by seeking to bring people from the extremes back into the center. Enlightened centrism isn't a redpill, its an absolute joke, just like the rest of this guy's entire career. His self help is also bullshit as someone pointed out how his big 5 personality survey had no measure for falsification which basically BTFO him in an actual court case where someone had used it as evidence of good/bad character.

Althype is a great channel, he's a literally autistic and degenerate faggot but I cannot deny that the work he produces is of excellent quality (except his video on why he left white nationalism for third worldism, some of that was sloppy).

My autism detector just went off.

Practical value… that's an interesting way of telling people, you have no idea what value is. I've seen this before and it's always been young, American males. It speaks to the problems we face. It's this, 'what's in it for me', selfish, take, take, take, bullshit mentality. It's part of the materialistic, consumer mindset that has replaced community.

As for how to deal with enemies of the White race… I think everyone knows what needs to be done. For all his skekels, Peterstein and other jew agents have laughable to no security. Mostly it's at public events.

hahaha oh geez… Yeah? So where's the proof? Because you say here;
to which I'll point out, it isn't, because NONE of his fanboys read what he recommends. If they did, they wouldn't follow him. It's the one thing I'll give him credit for. Taking that gambit which I know, is based on 20 years of watching shitheads in his class barely get through the course. The most feverish leftist twats (or anything else) don't investigate the origins of the shit they repeat. It's very interesting.

Jesus OP, how much jew media do you watch? Apparently enough for you to imagine that manufacturered bullshit is real life which it isn't. It's theater.

Your stupidity is painful… Have you been asleep the past five years?

It's a fucking CULT. Unless Juden says it, the twitter bots don't care, bucko. This is just bullshit. He needs to die from his pharmajew and that will be that.

See how EVIL white race it is!

As of 2015, 15 Nobel laureates have been black in entire human history! only 15 Nobel prizes won by black people, 15!

There are 1,305,438,00 (1.35 billion) black people world wide. Roughly, and of course this is not entirely accurate. When white people are only 980 millions world wide, and whites won 590 Nobel Prizes from a total of 935 Nobel Prizes. Now you can see how EVIL are whites! Everything you see in our modern world, everything … most of it… is built by whites!

AS a white girl who marry a black man has 80% chances to be killed by her black person! And that is a fact, do a google search, do not belive me, so black people are more racist than white people!

Until you will win more nobel prizes than white people(590) shut the fuck up and go study, work, push your limits and win that nobel prizes, until then go fuck yourself, all you know to do is killing, rape, fuck all day whites girls (if you go black never go back - a slogan invented by blacks aka FAKE NEWS) , wich is not true if we read this studdy and many other studdyes:

Size and race


The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence.[6][21] A 2005 study reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".[22] In fact, a study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[23]

A study of 115 men from Nigeria found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[24] A 2015 systematic review found that it was not possible to draw any conclusions about size and race from the available literature and that further research needed to be conducted.[1]

Conclusion: Go fuck yourself black people, your black people(15 nobel prizes) intelligence is way far under whites people (590 nobel prizes) intelligence! AND THAT IS A FACT!

Proud to be a "EVIL" WHITE!

Women follow a leader. Men need to be worth something first. Then and only then will women follow.

Think of peterson as half a red pill. People aren't ready for the full dose, but they will be in time.

Peterson is a leftist cunt. Anyone who supports him gets the bullet.

I'd never heard of this man Jordan Peterson until I read on Twatter or somewhere that he is forbidden to travel to the schengen countries. So I piss away about an hour on Judetube watching some videos about him and I can't disagree with a word he says. Next stop Zig Forums where I see a thread albeit half trolls shitting all over Peterson. What I don't see is a single quote from him that someone disagrees with.

>(((Intellectual Dark Web))) ohh sounds scary
So the nefarious jews counter response to the rise of nationalism is a bunch of obvious jews and Joe Rogan?


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Yes, because most normalfags see them as old white guys. Not jews.

How fucking awesome would it have been if Tarrant named Juden Pterstein in his manifesto as the one who was most responsible for "radicalizing" him, and got him pulled off everything and deplatformed. It would be exactly what the fucker and his "$60 lobster tights" deserves. God he would have been even more of a fucking hero than he is now if got that cuckold taken off YT, twitter, and maybe even got his fucking site DNS registry removed. Shame. :(

Are you a fucking bot or just a retard? He's pointing out that they are nothing but a gang of Jews, the kosher response to try to lead the rising tide in nationalism in a "Kosher" direction of: "Ethnographies-nationalism is OK for Israel, goy, but not for you Evil Whites!"

user, by far the BEST proof he is controlled is when he is being interviewed by the Jew Ezra Levant–who Juden was working for at the time– and the topic of Israel comes up, and he says something that might be interpreted as being critical of Israel.
And suddenly, the expression on Juden's face changes, he starts stuttering, and he backtracks immediately and starts backtracking with "Israel is the only democracy in a part of the world that has none, goy.."
IT's hilarious. Anyone know which tape I mean? It's from early in Juden's "career" as a shill, and it's fucking hilarious. Also, anyone think his e-thot daughter would fuck for $10k a night? We'd raise the money some somehow, but he'd have to get it on tape and turn it into another Kelly Balthazar sort of tape…

Even assuming everything you have to say on the matter of the (((intellectual light weights))) is true, how are you going to market it to normies?

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Thats beside the point, what is of greater importance is that the conclusions to his logic are wrongthink, not that he states those conclusions himself.
not that I don't really wish the asshole would

This is getting funnier every time you post one. Well done.


Acting normal and networking IRL is.

You mad?

If you're getting life advice from a canadian you have problems.

More like a genocide cult

I am grateful for what I am, grateful for my European ancestors, but not proud, no man has ever had a point of pride that was not injurious to him.

So you're not proud of the fact that you carry within you a portion of the same greatness that allowed your ancestors to achieve what they did?

I'm assuming then you're perfectly fine with adopting niglets to raise as if they were your own children? After all what difference does it make?

The purpose of this thread is to push rebel media shill and controlled opposition jew.

If you are one to fooled by a obvious gang of jews you're pretty useless to start with.

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Ofc it's not the same. You can have pride in your ancestry without letting your ancestry DICTATE what your life will be or not.

Also, you don't need to attack niggers or mexicans to realize you have good ancestry. The quality of your ancestry eventually shows off by itself.

Yeah well that's not pride though is it? What you're describing is the feudal system.

Man Rushes Stage During Jordan Peterson’s Address

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Why do these people hate fun?

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Juden Peterstein is a controlled op cultural marxist and globalist Jew proves this assertion without a shadow of a doubt with just the video alone.

JOPB can't adress the jewish question because A: he's married to a jewess. B: He would never get any book published anwhere ever again. The first is a problem I award him no points for. The second thing is a problem that everyone on the planet shares. Otherwise, I've watched and listened to many of his lectures which have helped me a great deal, so as long as you can filter the useful information from him and toss out the dross: you're good.

Kill yourself you fucking plebbit browsing faggot

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His wife looks like a kike

Is he implying the (((old gurard))) were any better

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From his explanation of his and his wife's symptoms: I'd say they are both jewish.
Sicklecell disease and autoimmune diseases are very common among the inbred jews.

Wouldn't be surprised, his a false teacher who peddles the word of God for profit. The guy is in love with himself, his puffed him self up with all this pride, and all he does is repeat old knowledge and acts like his breaking new ground. His aversion to naming the jew says it all

$2k for that? who even buys that shit? lmao

Before Peterson, I was an Objectivist ancap. After Peterson, I'm to the right of Evola. Jung's isolation of archetypes validates the existence of a genuine human nature, and that tradition, hierarchy, etc are fundamental within it. His explanations of Nietzsche showed me God, the moral center, is dead. And it died by scientific materialism.

Despite his idolization of the individual, he managed to make me a collectivist (he's a man of many agendas, and many compete).This can be summarized by a quote of some author he oft repeats: (probably off by a bit) "You are responsible for your actions and the actions of every other person in the world simultaneously." Because you necessarily affect other people.

Modern Liberal/libertarian/enlightement, etc. etc. philosophy says we ought not interfere with the actions of the individual so long as there are no externalities onto others. But it's necessarily the case that your actions affect others! No, you do not have the right to cheat on your wife, divorce arbitrarily, or muddy the purpose by marrying penis to penis; you are ruining the institution of marriage in the broader culture! You shouldn't be free to dress promiscuously and use makeup; you WILL produce an involuntary sexual response in men.

You are banned.

God the living spirit is still alive and kicking. In fact, the world is full of gods, the living spirits. If you refuse to live and consciously worship, then the less honorable gods will simply use you as soil to grow their temples and totems on.

"God" isn't just your or some other personal Gods. It was a function within the culture that generated 1. meaning and 2. the sacred. It was the center of the culture that everything referred to, thus predicated upon.

Between the fall of Rome and the 1600s (and somewhat after), nearly every work of art in the West was directly about God or Christianity in some way. Every political order was based on God, e.g. divine right of kings, kings obeying dogma set by the pope, etc. Sacredness itself was based on God.

The Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution destroyed faith by 1. providing direct empirical, material explanations for natural phenomena, e.g. evolution, heliocentric solar system, etc. and 2. creating such prosperity of wealth and well-being that faith was no longer required to bear the suffering of existence.

The center by which everything referred to died. Thus things now refer to each other (things outside a center). We live in an infinity self-referential world. Here's vid that covers this:

The post-modernists were the first post-Nietzsche to point this out. They also liked the infinite possibilities of reference. Peterson rightly criticizes them for advocating infinite self-reference (he calls uses "interpretation"). However, in regards to their observation of self-reference (95% what they were trying to do), he shoots the messenger. They have enormous value in studying and understanding, especially from a right wing perspective; you can see how this mess was made.

Attached: Self-Reference.PNG (1195x629, 823.8K)

Fuck off nigger.