The purpose of this thread is twofold, to describe in simple terms the practical value of pride in your (white) heritage and to provide an argument for how best to deal with Jordan Peterson and any other figure like him.
Most often the types of critique of Peterson I see put forward by other anons focus on the idea that he's controlled opposition and often what is suggested is that we or anyone else opposed to pc dogma disregard him as such and do our best not to associate with him.
This is counter-productive and I'll explain the two big reasons why.
For starters, what Peterson offers is valuable. He is someone with mass appeal whose basic pitch lays out the principles of the alt-right/dissident right/natsoc while he also credibly strikes at the heart of cultural marxism — the very fact that he mentions cultural marxism by name is revelatory. How many other people are there that have correctly observed that both the left and the right are wrong in thinking there is a role for everyone in society? How many of those have had any sort of popular appeal?
Secondly, Peterson is someone vilified by the left for daring to challenge their marxist dogma. Currently what the (((media))) are attempting and on the face of it appear to be succeeding with is a strategy of implicating Peterson in the Christchurch mosque massacre.
Any fucking idiot can see that a canadian psychologist's self help book isn't a call to arms against mudshits. Journalists calling Peterson a racist white supremacist and campaigning to ban his book create incentives for his fans to explore the broader sphere of content also identified by these same liars and traitors as being objectionable.
Having Peterson be associated with wrongthink is a good thing, it leads to a greater number of people being exposed to ideas that reject cultural relativism and promote tradition and nationalism. What he disavows is irrelevant, the conclusions to Peterson's logic are all nationalist in nature — which brings me to the second point of this post.
Peterson is someone who advocates chiefly for accepting responsibility and for the preservation of western civilization. He is also someone who should be fully aware of the relationship between pride and responsibility — in short, if you affirm pride in something then you either consciously or subconsciously accept responsibility for it.
The conclusion that any sane person would draw based on an understanding of the pride/responsibility relationship while advocating for the preservation of (white) western culture is of course to also advocate for white pride, there is no more effective a way to pitch to a broad mass a simple concept that will generate the results you desire.
In summation, instead of rejecting Jordan Peterson the more effective approach is to show people the logical conclusion to his arguments — that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
In vid related I go into further detail