POTUS Patrick Little Condemns Andrew Yang and UBI

2020 Presidential Candidate Patrick Little Condemns Yang, his Shills, and UBI

Here are some points from vid related:

He's openly stated that he's a candidate that will address the issues facing white people. He also wants to expel the Jews from America and remove the "Federal Reserve" to institute a real federal bank of America, not one owned by the Synagogue of Satan.


Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for DACA

Though you glow faggots ran away
I haven’t missed your poop dick shit fucking shill threads
Kill little then yourselves

your shilling is going nowhere moishe

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Incorrect pal. Fuck em both and fuck them ALL. the world will burn before any other fucks become selected

Spotted the kike.

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stop pretending to support tarrant now you kike

I love that he goes the official way, but it ain't gonna fly against the jewish mafia. jews are a global parasite and need to be tackle exclusively before any other problem on this planet is addressed, and this has to come from all races, because the jews will not stop their genocides until only jews are left on this earth, at which point this planet will be a desert.

Did he manage to get on his flight to protest the AIPAC conference?

I’m not pretending anything
Nice shootin Tex from the hallowed thread
I’m saying FUCK ALL POLITICIANS to death. There will be no more selections and you must accelerate into the coming shitstorm. Good luck


"Muh politics will work, just keep voting stupid fucking goy"

With what army? ZOG RWDS? Dude will get shoa'd, if he's srs (unlike buildthewall trump).

On the same note, Mel Gibsom loves naming the jew, how come he's still alive and working in jewlywood? My alcoholic brain can't compute

Easiest way to deal with the kikes is biological extermination. Same way we need to deal with their shitskin pets.

They think they can live without Whites, but their DNA is already failing from inbreeding. Without us, and our recessive healthy DNA they will die out in less that 10 more generations.

So they can't live without us…and we can live without them…let's do this and kill those mother fucking parasites FOREVER.


Lead by example

He was black balled for ages, had to apologise and kiss some kike ring, RDJ had to vouch for him and really only got back in the game because he had the money and the suction to produce his own films which were all pretty damn successful.

Really looking fwd to his new one with Vince Vaughan.

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He looks like a semite.

Does Ryan Dawson shows up?

Still interested either way

((( )))

hopefully he runs in 2024, because running in 2020 against is just a waste of time, money, and effort.

Yeah hes a great candidate. Too bad whites dont care.

Accelerate it

better than his congressional run, where he supported sending jews to isnotreal and giving africans monies they do not work for.

The kike in that stream is implying that if you're pro-Palestinian, than you must support having your neighborhood being swamped by minorities

You psycho white niggers and your identity politics


Good job. Keep up with the anti-white rhetoric. Take the guns too.

I am anti-white nigger, not anti-white. White niggers are the lesser white, the bottle of the barrel in white genetics.

When will you white niggers learn your place?

We are all schmucks, Rabbi. Thought you knew.

patrick little is a huckster fleecing small amounts of money from social rejects

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Shills are crying as always

Trips confirm.

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The kikes are now using anime… fuck!

Pay for your HRT pills yourself, faggot.

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Every shabbat eh moshe?

This is true. But Yang's UBI policies alone would add another 3 TRILLION dollars to ZOG's annual budget with absolutely zero returns.

Voting WORKS retarded fucking goy!

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Chris Dorsey is there shilling Christcuck Biblical clownshow stuff for Jews, D&Cing Patrick. Why would Dorsey have issues with Patrick protesting AIPAC and naming the Jew?

So its either vote or go on a rampage?

why is he going on about some event in the 1960s, holy shit who cares.
He really has no idea how to garner interest rofl, the only thing that people might care about is the dual citizenship with Israel because of the media circus around russian collusion.
All this old shit is idiotic, ESPECIALLY the ship incident because it was politically resolved, compensation was paid afaik.

Wanna know how I know your a jew?

that's some boomer take.

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Fuck off jew.

Isn't he the one blaming arabs for trying to do the end of times prophecy?

Pretty good video. Keep it up Little.

You'll never see a dime, you know that right? It'll all go to niggers. That's how this shit works. Whites are the slave class tax cattle and everyone else takes their money. That's the game. Supporting some leftist promising free money is retarded.

Did any of the aut-righters show up, or was it just him alone again?

Because he's schizophrenic and thinks everyone but him and his friends are shills.

No, everyone will get $1000, you filthy white niggers will also get it. That's how UBI works. You are just in denial because you are brainwashed to hate EVERYTHING from the "left" no matter what it is. Murikkkans are some of the most brainwashed people on this planet.

how Jewish is Pat?

More than a Little.

He LOOKS "white jewish" and Whites NEVER do the sort of clowning over the top shit he does.

So it makes sense he is sent to attack the Yang Gang. What I like most about Yang Bag is if you are already on Welfare that gets subtracted from the $1000. Niggers and Wetbacks will quickly learn $1000 cash is better than $600 cash and $400 food stamps. IIRC correctly a 3bdr 1ba "unit" in the SF Projects is VALUED at $1800/month.

Reminder that the mods allow this.

This is the reality of who the UBI will be disproportionately going to, and it will all be out of your pocket. Faggot.

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top kek.

pat little is a marine so the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair are the two issues that redpilled him the hardest which is why he talks about them so frequently (because he is kind of spergy and doesn't understand how everyone elses brain doesnt work just like his). he's also met survivors of the uss liberty and believes their accounts more than any history book telling of the story. it's who cares to the stoned starbucks worker but it is an issue that military people will care about if they know about it, and pat's electoral strategy has always revolved in part on his background as a marine corps sergeant

The reality is you have no argument whatsoever and you are just making shit up as you go. You white niggers

Little is a big guy.

I wish he had a higher IQ tbh and could articulate himself better but having said that NO ONE is standing up to the ZOG machine like Little.

you can't diddle the little

The same armies of young 18-30 year old white males who followed orders and removed jews from their country for the past 1500 years of kike expulsions. Cool blackpill though.

Patrick Shittler is a glow in the dark

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Trump isn't articulate but can ramble for hours and dominate airtime, which is a talent in itself and is one of the things that was endearing to Trump supporters. Having a high verbal IQ doesn't mean being beautifully articulate like a (((Sam Harris))).

Also reminder not to give the post above any (you)'s, filter it and move on it's a goon trying to derail.

I agree with you on Trump but I personally feel it is different when this guy is dealing with such delicate topics. But like I said, no one else is doing what he is so to be fair beggars can't be choosers.

Jews diddle little things all the time, though.

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Mel .jews have started all the wars.Gibson
His new movie comes out at the start of Chimpout season,, i head it's about justified police shootings on criminal Youths

does that CIAnigger patrick little have death threats from the kikes?
why was he allowed to run in california without mysteriously "committing suicide"?

I've gotten death threats as an utterly irrelevant person from the establishment's faggot friends, it ain't hard. Are you actually making the argument they have to be dead to be pro-white? 2hiq4me.

Haven't heard that one before.

At least he speaks some of the truth. Better than nothing to be honest even if he is subconsciously controlled. Truth must come out. Doesn't matter who brings it out TBH. People have been lied too, for too long.


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Patrick Little has a little penis!

Who cares hes a protest vote. Its not like he stands any chance wining the election. I'm voting for him.

Is everyone who gives a shit about white people and Christianity a glow nigger to you faggot schizo's? If you're going to say shit then provide some proof otherwise you're just being a faggot. Only problem with candidates like this is they're almost always CivNat cucks and I wouldn't be surprised if he's one too

The only reason you're asshurt about UBI is because it will benefit whitey. You fags never had an issue with the welfare state or affirmative action or any of the other shit when if benefited your shitskin pets. Yang isn't even polling at 1% and you pants on head retarded dipshits constantly counter signal and bitch about him because your RNC handlers appointed him as your go to boogeyman of the moment.
Pat Little SUPPORTS reparations for niggers, but not a cent for whitey.
I used to support this dipshit, but his republican fetishism, political opportunism, and palling around with bloated kikes like mike pienovich makes him irredeemable.

who? what did this guy ever do

protip: cry like a bitch

lol nice, he's on a boat it seems.


You lack all nuance. He supported reparations for blacks at the cost of jews, because jews were the ones responsible for the trans-atlantic slave trade. He was attempting to disseminate that politically incorrect knowledge in a novel fashion, and people like you were too retarded to understand it, and work with it.

That's assuming you're not a shill, and just stupid.

Well for starters this is a faggot shill, just ignore this retard

I'm more afraid of Little being a CivNat then anything else, and UBI is for retarded commies who want free money for doing nothing which is why it has never worked unless your some small irrelevant shit country that has no power in the world. You gotta earn your money faggot so it actually has value, giving people free money is a great way of de-valuing currency and over-inflating every fucking thing. I mean you think the dollar doesn't buy shit now, wait till everyone gets a free influx of capital cause that dollar won't be worth a damn thing and prices will just keep going up, and when prices keep going up that $1000 you get won't buy you groceries for a week after enough time as passed

because he is just a clown to 'entertain' you user…like trump…it is a COMPLETE FUCKING SHITSHOW AT THIS POINT…anyone who can't figure out how much of a shitshow it is might be too stupid to live.

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Your logic is failing yet again, juden.

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why don't they just work together and stop bickering so we can actually get real National Socialism here?







Get comfy and redpilled,.,.,,.,…

fuck off, baked alaska

i just want the bag

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Is this a Jewish Haiku?

Literally reported for shilling.

Illustrating once again that Jews are fascinated by all things fecal related.

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Is this bait or are you really such a retard faggot?

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Get fucked shill blow your own brains out


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Am I getting paid for this? Of course I am.




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Titus would like some words with you.

Patrick Little is legitimately mentally ill

Glad you admit to selling out your race for a measly gnote you fucking traitor. will be the first to die in the purge.

Can’t buy rope without your yangbux

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Shut the fuck up LARPing, faggot.
Accelerationism is the way.

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Based and yangpillerino

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We know we know, everybody who speaks against your tribe is mentally ill, you've been saying the same thing about Bobby Fischer for the past 50 years.

no it isn't nigger and if you actually believed that you wouldn't post about it you fed shill lmfao literally including atomwaffen nuclear threat falseflagging in your fucking gay ass yang memes gtfo and stop changing IPs. where is your handler. they need to tell you to lurk for at least 3 more months to blend in better you glowing nigger