University of Georgia fraternity racist video “Pick my cotton, [N-word.]”.
A fraternity at the University of Georgia has been suspended after members were seen using racial slurs
Racist video “Pick my cotton, [N-word.]”
They’re not wrong
Get to pickin niggers
Racist !! :-) Go pick cotton yourself!
FFs niggers, all we did was make you pick some fucking cotton, cut some shitting cane and occasionally pour some fucking tea and you STILL haven’t stopped complaining. Give it a rest you winging cunts.
"Pick my cotton, bitch…"
"Pick my cotton, bitch…"
"I'm not BLACK!''
People just want to suck the fun out of life
Pick my cotton. yo!
Honor black History, you racists fucks!
the potential to use cotton as a simple racist symbol is deep, if only for the trigger value alone
Withdraw funding. Trump just signed an executive order for shit like this the other day.
Also, it's funny how only non-whites, trannies, and fags oppose it.
Are you ever just amazed how much shit white people have allowed in their own system?
Funny how Whites cannot defend themselves IRL. Just muh niggers and shit in private.
Classic redditor OP, can't even say nigger
it's a well told story though
So these guys are going to get expelled from school Lifes ruined for using a Naughty word that hurts fee fees have their college have mandatory diversity training and publicly apologize for a video of a private conversation between students all for identity politics pushed by marx Communists for White Shame and guilt purposes ?
Always their downfall.
Since part of my family is from the south, I am very familiar with the idea that Whites picked cotton as well. :)
We probably did a fucking fantastic job compared to niggers. Can you imagine trying to get a dumb nigger to do anything? Atrocious.
I am politically correct. :-) Somebody should stay that way.
The lesson here is not to video tape your drinking binges.
Statistically speaking, white yeoman worked longer days and harder hours than black slaves. White slaves worked about as hard as free white men. Ryan Faulk does a good couple introductions to this topic.
The only good nigger is a dead nigger.
We've had better farm equipment for almost two centuries now, anyway.
It’s hard for me to laugh at cotton picking slave jokes. If slavery in America hadn’t existed, we would all be better off.
Regardless, I hope these lads hold strong. Never apologize.
Niggers lost all usefulness when the John Deere tractor was created. 1837.
1930, the mechanical cotton picker was created, and niggers became even more useless.
Gotta agree. We should have never let niggers, spics, and kikes into our system
god its hilarious how the left always loses its shit when you use NIGGER. All calm and composed and tolerant…but then NIGGER and they lose their shit. Haha
Truly we are blessed with one of the magic forbidden words.
Fuck off nigger.
They are wrong.
Bringing niggers to America to pick cotton was a jewish idea.
Whites do not want to live near niggers.
Go suck some baby dicks, jew
It is amazing how you little fucks have ZERO historical awareness prior to grade school.
It was not just their idea it was their total monopoly stranglehold on the scheme.
Rum to africa water it down trade for niggers
niggers to brazil/carribean sell niggers buy molasses
molasses to RI trade for rum
repeat never an empty ship sails
Only in Amerimutt land would you get into trouble for making a joke and even make it on the news, I hope Russia and the US both nuke one another, sick of Russian jew oligarch bastards and US kosher approved cocksuckers
Hi, jewish shill.
Dicaprio is a Female-to-Male transgender.
how dumb are yall? cuck recording tried to get the guy to repeat “im not black” and then baited the other guy into saying nigger. setting up his own butt buddy frat bros for what reason by uploading the vid? lmao cucks all around.
Meanwhile black people make fun of white people all the time.
Pick my cotton nigger
of all the racist slurs I've seen on the chans over the years, i don't believe 'n-word' is one of them.
It's Okay To Be White
Wait this is a great idea
It's like milk or the OK sign but a thousand times better
I worked on a golf course shoveling sand seed fertilizer mixes all summer, and trimming the edges of fairways. I've mopped floors in a cancer hospital around the sick and dying. What's the big shitass deal about picking cotton? It's an easy enough job.
And no one wants to point out the guy getting "whipped" and laughing is black too?
I don't know if you all noticed but those frat boys looked like they were seriously retarded. What kind of college boys is the US producing these days?
Fucking sick of (((censorship))).
I have come to the conclusion EVERYTHING (((they))) are pushing is a lie.
Feminism, all the queer shit, the races are equal….climate change.
If all this stuff were true it would all be self apparent.
But it is ALL a lie which is why (((they))) must keep pushing it out, forever.