Aryan Spirituality thread

Manly P. Hall - Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them

This is required listening for anyone looking for a spiritual path.
100% required listening for protection against any brainwashing or dark arts.

This is him at the end of his life and what all his works discovered, out into one very brief summation of the esoteric/occult/psychic paths. This is before they killed him. He seemed to turn away from escapism in the end and discovered the true path of realism (cause and effect) (Stoicism if you life).

This is 100% essential for all non-Christians here. If you ignore this, you will be cursed by your own ignorance and sloth.

He warned you. Follow reason and truth.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also read the Myth of the 20th Century before you start believing in (((Esoteric Hitlerism))) created by the CIA and (((History channel)))

or Joe Rogan CIA types and the Antarctic nazis.

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Give me a tl:dr, I have shit to do today.

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>Also read the Myth of the 20th Century before you start believing in (((Esoteric Hitlerism))) created by the CIA and (((History channel))) or Joe Rogan CIA types and the Antarctic nazis.
I don't think you've looked into either Esoteric Hitlerism or where the origins of the Antarctica mythos. It was before there was a CIA. If you're going to refer to Alfred Rosenberg then also mention by his own admission he would have changed, added, and removed a lot about that book. Doesn't mean its all bad and isn't generally something worthwhile but it's nowhere close to perfection.

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Watching it now, about 15 minutes in.

Ironic, are you afraid shill-kun?


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Ok I've left it in the background for about thirty minutes
>Pray for the (((common good))) goy, don't worry about what that means, just do it lol
Getting tired of these crackerjack freemasons trying to scare the goyim away from the esoteric with their spooky theatrics. I'm starting to think they do it because they don't want the competition.

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Basically this.

You guys are too fucking stupid to be here. Shame on you. He doesn't even say "magic". WTF is wrong with your brains?

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He specifically uses that word several times, you disingenuous little shit.

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Is this a real statue?
If so, where is it located?

A very good lecture. For those too biased to listen, the gist is:

The mere act of believing in special/secret powers, whether or not they exist, and then the turning of it for selfish purposes turns back on you, leading to psychological aberrations and neurosis, all artifacts of ones own mind.

Hall, moreso than anyone else out there, had undertaken the Herculean task of compiling the philosophies of the world and attempted to resolve them into something coherent so that we can avoid the same fate as literally every other civilization/empire. This is one of the biggest themes of his work, namely that we are in trouble, it's our own doing, this has happened before in past eras, and the answers lie inside ourselves. It requires a return to Truth, virtue put into action, and a switch back to idealism (in the style of Hegel, Dante, Pythagoras).

As others have said before, one of these principles we need restored is cause and effect. Another is the principle of growth, and yet another is gender/duality. When one thinks about it, much of the current globohomo zeitgeist is actively opposed to all of these, in a most prideful way. We don't allow failure to manifest, but bail people out, and even reward failure in an inverted hierarchy. Achieving an integrated self is nigh impossible now, the social forces push people to predetermined buckets, like the Top-40 normie, the marvel watching pothead bugman; compounding that is the atomization that has been forced upon us, to the point where only those with the inner desire to rise above this miserable state will.

The situation you describe is one that will weed out the weak willed.
This is a situation that will result in temporarily delayed growth, but will eventually lead to the evolution of stronger minded people
- assuming that the strong minded people will be able to escape the collapse.

The world needs to be majority tong minded, or else we will continue down the path that humanity has followed so many times throughout history.
A big part of the problem is removing the weak minded among the elite. They are so protected that even a major collapse will see them retain enough power to reestablish themselves.

Without strong willed people in power, mankind will never achieve greatness. Hieracrchy is part of nature, so it will never be abolished. But with the current hierarchy we are constantly degenerating. This is because the top of the hierarchy is not strong minded. They are weak and as a consequence, they constantly seek power, self gain, and inversely, the lowering of others. This comes from the fear of weak people. Strong minded people resist the vices of man and seek to emulate the natural order.
Only through this natural order can new beings emerge. The natural order promotes growth toward excellence. We no longer have a connection with the apex of nature that existed before greed destroyed it. Only the destruction of selfish greed, to be replaced with the desire for excellence, will mankind be able to break the cycles of history and grow toward excellence beyond our wildest imaginations.

You know, it occurred to me recently that Ayran is the suffix of Europeans most dangerous MORTAL enemies.

KhazARYAN (kikes)
TochARYAN (muzzies)
Irainan (muzzies)
Poo in the loos (subhumans of one sort or another; who fucking cares)
Paki (child raping muzzy shit tier people; violent low IQ barbarians)
Bactrian (BactARYAN; a variety of fucking who knows religious mumbo jumbo)

So basically 'turkic/kike people' like Erdogan and the other assorted pedo/homo/rapist 7th-century barbarian shitskins.

So the people you are really speaking about are those who are going to be utterly destroyed off the face of the Earth.

It occurred to me as well…that I don't think it is a good idea to ally with our MORTAL ENEMIES and those who are trying to kill us. But I can see that you all going to do whatever you want so that is neither here nor there to me…

I developed this game I can spot a turkike an aryan for those who are not AWARE of what the fuck is going on…give it a whirl…spot the kike (our mortal enemies in charge of all our institutions and nation who are flooding our nations with SUBHUMAN SHIT and causing torture agony and rape of our people).

In the meantime enjoy the SHITSHOW of the 'Abrahamic religions' and take a gander at the kikes trying to escape out of the MULTICULTURAL scapegoat that they offered up to the gods of the Earth…

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Manly P Hall only talks the words of HP Blavatzky who was a big fraud. I trusted the guy and listened to many of his lectures on Atlantis and there's truth in them but it is convoluted with falsehoods. There are way better books on Atlantis and Aryan esoterism than that honorary freemason.

Ok then plz list some cause I want to read the legit stuff about those topics

Suck a dick manly p hall, if I ever get my hands on a secret power I will travel to the ice sheets below antartica and pull the german secret base into the sky to it can rain ufo missiles over israel, moscow and most of the rest of the fucking planet


That attack in Montreal just made me pray more. Sage and Christ is Lord.

(yes, prayer is “magic” to asshurt satanists)

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This is why you should adapt a Christian viewpoint before trying “magic.” The Pope and the Jesuits know this. Sage again for not knowing MPH was pushing his retarded Prince Hall Wakanda version of Thoth.

personally i think spoken prayer is more powerful, even if whispered. hymns or non-repetitive mantras are based too

You have. You're here wasting away and getting sicker

Never said that

polarity not duality… Duality is (((judeo-freemasonic-christian))) ignorance. Polarity is a push and pull, while duality is opposition.

We don't reward anyone but those working for the Jews or in the plans of the Jews, to their own destruction of course. Poor stay poor and sick.

Nietzsche's description of the "last man"

Yes, but realism and idealism

Ground zero for a hyper-secretive death cult with a primary focus on absolute obliteration of the narcissistic supply that 97% of humanity seeks in a bid to fuel the ego. Degens has taken a decisive stance in this area and is in the process of fomenting global revolution staged from Discord.

To be witness to history in the making.

Degens sells itself, find out why!

discord (dot) gg/Mun7Ab

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You do

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Holy fuck you are so ignorant it boggles the mind.
Watch this and learn something, you fucking brainlet boomer.

In case you still don't get it, Indo-European=Aryan. Iran literally means "land of the Aryans"

Pick one.

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Why shouldnt we use magic?

That retarded Zoomer thinks we're neanderkike. Fuck him.

Because it makes you a degenerate loser with reason and reality.


Arkansas, one of the most corrupt states in the union. At least, it was there.

This pretty much

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Esoteric Hitlerism is 100% in tune with Rosenberg's works. You are not fooling anyone Moshe.

This is what (((Freemasons))) sell to goyim while they dabble in the dark arts themselves. You will hardly find more hypocritical scoundrels in existence, they even outdo the Jews sometimes.


thals died out 40,000 years before some black sea turks converted to judaism

You forgot to mention that whites are the true Jews :>)

Manly P. Hall's Secret Teaching of All Ages for anyone who's interested

inb4 "I aint clicking that shit, nigga" It's 28 mb

Joy of Satan says that "the light" is a soul harvesting trap where victims are annihilated for all time and enemy ETs run it.

But I never heard of this "black orb" thing that a guy who missed out on the light claims to have seen. That same guy talked about what he thought were souls being harvested by spacecraft.

The way this illusory dreamlike false reality creates illusions of people who don't understand the truth, fascinates me. It's all so realistic, but I know this is a dream now. It's frustrating watching you pretend to not understand. I empathize so much with your illusory egoic struggles. I identify with them. It makes me think I'm real. Then I remember I'm dreaming this into existence.

It makes me feel nauseous. Seasick. Like the ground is slipping away.

I'm sick of pretending to be human, Zig Forums.

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So if you kill yourself, you escape?

where victims are annihilated for all time and enemy ETs run it.
Nope. You get reborn in another (((cycle))) instead


No we are not, and you won't drag us into spiritual annihilation.

I'm an idealist, that's why I hate subhumans and reject slave morality.

Yes, poor choice of words on my part. Other principles including rhythm and correspondence apply to the statement in my prior post: they are actively suppressed. Constant strife and chaos destroys rhythm, creating emotional instability. Identity politics and division (specifically hegelian dialectic through application of critical theory) destroys correspondence. Atomized people who actively suppress their internal life (leading to intense self loathing) have a hellish external life (from the perspective of their own subjective) leading to a fractured psyche/soul.

Nietzsche got a lot right regarding his description of these creatures, however he left out the metaphysical ramifications of such a life, which the "small souled" in small souled bugman, and the NPC meme wonderfully capture. Yielding ones autonomy is the same as yielding ones soul, causing the inner spirit to depart. They are cells in the body of globohomo.

I had listed first a return to Truth, which realism implies. No society not built upon Truth will survive. Lies give a temporary advantage, and then become your own downfall.

shut the fuck up nigger.

kill yourself roastie

Seems like you've already wasted it most of it..

>Nope. You get reborn in another (((cycle))) instead
Where's the proof of this? Why are memories erased then? Is that not in a way permanently annihilating one's existence?

JoS claims that the White Light after death is an alien cube-shaped vessel where souls are farmed until they dissipate (i.e. die). Apparently this cube is the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelations and was the inspiration for the Borg cube in (((Star Trek))) (mocking the goyim?).

I do remember a Star Trek Voyager episode where Captain Janeway was unconscious and near death where she saw an entity looking like her father trying to lead her into a bright white light but she discovered it was a trap. The entity said that everyone faces beings like him at death and they always go into the light.

Again, could be more mocking if it is based on anything real in the afterlife.

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Thank you OP for the audio book/ lecture. Quite informative, felt like I already knew it already deep inside


Fuck off

Scruton said it best. Magic is pretending you control the world.

Well, you are here, aren't you?
You just didn't remember yet. There is a layer of existence where nothing ever gets erased, it would simply be too overwhelming for your mortal brain and mind to remember anything (except in rare exceptions and when one learns how)
The totality of (You) is much greater than your current existence. Ego dies, Self and Superego do not. Immortality can be reached through awakening the Self and becoming one with the archetype, while retaining your individuality.
Aka this physical universe vibrating on current frequencies
Or escape/ascend , or transform the universe into an entirely different nature through synchronicity of gods

Simply not going into the light is not enough, you need to follow the green thunderbolt.

Black hole creates a horizon of events, where physical universe literally falls apart. White hole is just the other side of the black hole, as seen from the mental (frequency) domain. Where you go when you die. By going into it, you emerge in this world again.

These two saved this thread. Thank you.

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It is worthless to have a strong willed people and strong willed aristocracy if they are not moral. By moral, I mean adherence to Truth and universal law, not dogma. Of course some dogma and tradition is ok, so long as the basis is rooted in Truth.

With regards to the original point of this thread: we have been evicted from the garden of Eden for failure to obey the rules. The esoteric interpretation of this is many fold (as is everything symbolic, and the story of the fall of man is older than the merchants). We have the history of Atlantis, as told by Plato. A superior race, after a myriad years of prosperity through obedience to natural law, disobeys and abuses power and energy. This is the first disobedience of man, something Hall covers in his lectures, and all of human history since has been the ramifications since. In the Genesis story as we have it now, unless we also eat of the tree of Life, we will surely die. Beyond the kabbalistic notions of this concept, it means accepting the principles of life and virtuous conduct. This includes marrying a good waifu, loving her, and raising children, something very hard nowadays but not impossible (requires sacrifice).

The immutable laws of the universe are what they are; hermetic philosophy among others (several Christian mystics are very good sources on this) describing what they are. Ultimately you will have to KNOW them internally, which requires introspection and intuition. We will never rise again unless we return to the principles that gave us our racial characteristics and moulded us. Keep the rules, and they will keep you.

t. Gaius Tacitus, I'm still around, even with a kid and one on the way


yes, and that too

You call yourself redpilled? The presence of a Nazi base in New Swabia is basic knowledge. Explain the following:
It’s clear that the Germans established a large based in Queen Maud Land sometime before the war that was known to the allies. The war continued covertly in Antarctica until the late 1950s, probably ending with the nuclear attack on the base, unfortunately. Hitler was either in Antarctica or somewhere in South America.
Savitri Devi was a great woman. Never forget that Devi drew from Aryan Hindu thought. Hitler was likely the 9th avatar of Vishnu. When Vishnu reincarnates as Kalki and ends the Kali Yuga don’t tell me I didn’t tell you so

Beep beep motherfuckers.

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reported for judaism

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hitler is inside the hollow earth. Germans developed UFO space time craft. With the craft the germans were able to put hitler through a time warp. Hitler and the germans that live inside the hollow earth will come to liberate germanity.

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It’s only a matter of time. Vishnu manifests himself in this world when dharma (observance of vedic rituals, obligations, law, and norms) has disappeared from view. Just like his avatar Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gitā to Arjuna (Bhārata):
Is there here any doubt why Hitler is identified with Vishnu? Hitler’s ultimate goal was to restore dharma, destroy the wicked, the mlecchas and restore purity and righteousness.

Kali Yuga…transgressions against dharma. We see them today all around us. Confusions of caste, mixed marriages, pride of the low castes, misbehavior of women, little rainfall on Earth

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You're closer to Iranians than you think, you wigger.


Buddha said:
‘I consider the positions of kings and rulers as that of dust motes. I observe treasure of gold and gems as so many bricks and pebbles. I look upon the finest silken robes as tattered rags. I see myriad worlds of the universe as small seeds of fruit, and the greatest lake in India as a drop of oil on my foot. I perceive the teachings of the world to be the illusion of magicians. I discern the highest conception of emancipation as golden brocade in a dream, and view the holy path of the illuminated one as flowers appearing in one’s eyes. I see meditation as a pillar of a mountain, Nirvana as a nightmare of daytime. I look upon the judgment of right and wrong as the serpentine dance of a dragon, and the rise and fall of beliefs as but traces left by the four seasons.’
The spiritual path is an illusion.
Esotericism is an illusory.
I am an illusion.
You are an illusion.
Everything, including thoughts and mind, is an illusion.
This has been known for at least 2500 years.
Somehow the West forgot, or resisted learning.

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Is it going to take a big shit on the world?

There is no death. You were never born. Everything is a projection of illusory mind, which is a fancy way of saying it's a dream. We (as in esotericists, and possibly all beings) are on the path of becoming gods (or Gods), which is the real "secret of Freemasonry", but it's a trap. You reach that point and fall all the way back down. We are caught in a cycle like this.
The real meaning of dharma is interdependence. "This arises, (so) that becomes". You can't have an up without a down or a left without a right. All references imply that something else exists to contrast it to. So you arose, and because you became a this, reality as you experience appeared and became a that. It sounds ludicrous from a Western point of view but this is what you discover if you really go all the way.
We are eternal, in spirit. In flesh we are temporary. As interwoven dreamlike beings we are all fundamentally connected in a way that cannot be severed. If you practice compassion long enough you may one day look in someone else's eyes and see yourself within them.
Now, having said all that, I understand the racial situation has become unbearable. Nothing in Buddhism says you have to live with those who hate you. But it may be, because this so-called reality is stuck within a particular nasty dream, that things only get worse until you let go of it. This whole trip is about letting go of desire. Seeing your fellow man genocided would certainly be ego destroying, wouldn't it? And it would make you crave revenge. But by indulging in revenge you create future suffering for yourself, because, since this is a dream, everything here is connected to you.
What a trip. I haven't completely figured it out yet. Sometimes I get the great cosmic joke that is perceived existence, and sometimes I don't.
Really knowledgeable Buddhists often don't teach. It's considered ignorant, because you're failing to recognize that everything is a stupid illusion. In a way it's the same thing as masturbation. No matter what you do, you're just playing games with yourself until you realize it's pointless, stop, and let go of pretending you exist.
All these things I appear to say to you, I'm really just telling myself.
This process is fucking exhausting.

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Nigger, the Kybalion explains this easily. Being created mentally by the Monad does not make you the Monad, or the same thing as everything else. You are as distinct from another man as any two fictional people in your mind are, you are the same as an author's character proclaiming that he himself is the author. Just because they were thought in the same mind, does not make two distinct ideas be one idea. No two ideas `have` to be connected.

Getting up high enough on the mind-ladder that you have the same brain as the Monad is killing yourself. You don't get to do anything, because you already thought/did/are everything.

Also, I'll note that in Buddhism it's considered very very rude, to the point that it's common to take vows swearing never to do it, to explain emptiness plainly to people who are not ready to understand it. Obviously by posting this here I'm violating that vow, because likely only 1 in 100 here, if that, are ready. But I really like the white race and I don't want it to die, and I've seen miracles firsthand and I know it's the most powerful shit I've ever experienced, and if it can help the white race, and the world, free itself from Jewish tyranny, then I sincerely want you frens to have it. But it's difficult, since Buddhism is Asian and Zig Forums naturally dislikes that. Plato knew the truth but we don't have a living lineage of teachers stretching back to him, and that is actually kind of necessary for this, for reasons to complex to explain, because we are in a hurry.
The dickwaving contests between the different schools of esotericism are just dualistic bullshit, my team vs your team sportsball nonsense. We're either here to save whites or we aren't. Methods at this point are far less a concern than results, and the Buddhists have the methods. I have the methods.
I have the secrets. I'm offering them to you.
Or not. Your choice. The door only opens for those who knock, etc.

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You are a rude figment of my imagination, and so is the Kybalion, which I've read, thanks.
Big difference between reading and experiencing firsthand. You don't exist independently, so you won't actually be able to do experience it, because you are Mara. I've been nice about this for years, done now.

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Do you consider yourself a Buddhist personally? I found your posts interesting. I have never really researched Buddhism but I am sure that it would strike a chord with me due to my enjoyment of the philosophy of Epicurus and Lucretius. Dharma as I understand it is a cosmic, eternal principle revealed by the Veda, encompassing a variety of different ritual and social obligations. Is it much different in Buddhism?

Again, faggot. You are not the Monad. I'd suggest you actually go become it, so no one has to be bothered with your homosexuality.

There's many different forms. I practice the Tibetan tradition, but even that is broken up into several sects. If you are a minimalist there's Zen. If you are religious there's Pure Land. If you are a yogi, Tibetan. If you want to starve yourself as an ascetic (that's slow and unnecessary but some people like it), you can do that. Buddhism is basically Hinduism with all the unnecessary parts removed. There is nothing wrong with practicing esoteric Hinduism instead, although their (sometimes) acceptance of violence doesn't jibe with me personally. Buddhists say that Buddha taught 84,000 methods, and that reliance upon an single one of them made one the spiritual equivalent of an insignificant insect. It's really a lot more free-form than it appears from the outside.
Labeling me is limiting me. I'm not anything. I'm beyond considering myself human. I am a dream dreaming itself into existence, if anything. Bodhidharma, when asked, famously said he didn't know what he was.

KABBALAH EXPOSED – Some headlines from the site.

"The One God" - A Perverted and Stolen Concept, Corrupted by Jews
Lucifer and the Philosophy Behind Satan/Lucifer
The Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft
Rabbis Admit: Satan is Shiva
Jews Use Occult Power to Create Jew World Order
Ancient Greek Knowledge Stolen By Jewish Kabbalah
Exposed: Secrets of the Kabbalah
Jews Lying About Pagan Gods: "The Qlippoth" or "Husks", the Pagan Gods
The Kabbalah - The Truth Of "YHVH" - The Jewish God
Kabbalah Is Stolen From Pagan God Thoth
The Disgusting Truth Ritual Murder Is The Core Of Judaism And Christianity
Why Hitler Destroyed "Freemasonry"
Where "Angel" Was Stolen From
On the Kabbalistic Cube: The Cube Exposed
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Are REAL
Who is Satan To The Jews
Borg World The Age Of The Jewish Messiah
Jews Admit:They have cursed spiritually the Non-Jews/Gentiles
Book of Revelation and the 666 Explained - A Jewish Subliminal
The Kabbalah and Stolen 666 Decoded
The End Days and the "Messiah"
The Jews Have Cursed Black People
Jews Scape Goating Their Karma
The Jews Have Cursed All People To Death
Mana of the Heavens - STOLEN from Pagans
Hand of "God" - STOLEN from Pagans
The Jewish Book Of Life
The Stolen 6 Pointed Star
More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam
Shekinah And the Kabbalah
Rabbis Admit Satan is God of the Gentiles
Satan Is Victorious!
Knowing the Jews From their OWN writings and quotes
Torah and The Jews Exposed - FULL BOOK

There is also a great documentary that exposes the Jews – using video footage from their own rabbis. I encourage you to read the above articles and especially to watch the documentary if you wish to understand our enemy.

Get past your conditioned fear response to Satan and Satanism and you will find the truth here.

Jews spend hours a day doing rituals to curse the goyim … and they tell you that you're a soulless animal. The least you can do is spend half an hour right now to learn. Because you give a shit about the truth.

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I agree with you and I hate how much hebrew has been implemented into Magick practice. However, as I have said before many places, converting the Hebrew into, say, Frankrunes is a near-impossible task due to the Germentria.

The Kaballah, however cucked it is, is certainly the best germentria system we have, as according to the Tree of Life.

In Magick practice, the names of Gods are usually held as germentric placeholders. When I say Adoni when performing The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram: Part One (The Quabbalistic Cross) I am not actually meaning the word "The Lord Most High" (formal). Rather, I am stating a germetric phrase. The placeholders in the second-to-final stage (Announcing the vision of Raphiel, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel) are placeholders for Fire, Water, Earth and Air. These are also germetrically significant.

This is an area that Zig Forums seems to dismiss for Jewish influence. Magick is the ability to have the upmost influence on nature. A kind of Nature Plus. The Jews have corrupted even this, and have made an irreversible change sometime in the early histories of Man.

Btw, I've been meaning to link this to the board.

Yea list them then you confounded nigger


In regards to the LBRP – let me relate a post of a comrade of mine:

>For anyone who has experience with angels here, will know that angels bask and thrive in bleak grey energy, which is naturally associated with illness, death and decay. It is not a coincidence that many people on the brink of death and experiencing near-death experiences often see angels. Why is this? It's because they harvest souls, guiding the weak-willed recently deceased to the kingdom of (((God))) - the infamous cube. That's the raw reality of the invoked energies and beings. Does it stop there? Fuck no, if only YHWH was that merciful. In the LBRP, one literally invokes the YHWH vortex right in the center of the self. You become a literal host for the most gruesome and relentless parasite in the known universe.

>In Satanism, we rely on no entity whatsoever to banish or cleanse. We utilize our own Satan-given soul to purge the unworthy and parasitical attachments and beings around us. THAT is what cleanses. Blasting something with purifying blinding golden-white light. Nothing of this "(((Raphael))) on my side, (((Michael))) on my dick and YHWH in my rotten heart" does any actual cleansing.

Links to Other Sites
Witchcraft + Magick

On the first link has links to our other websites. (The main JoyofSatan site is down for now.)
The second link has meditation practices.
The third is witchcraft.

None of our practices have anything to do with hebrew or other filth. (In fact, if you check out the first link, we do Reverse Torah Rituals -> rituals designed to completely destroy the root of the Jewish occult system and render them spiritually powerless.)

Try out for yourself what I link in the above. If you're a Gentile - you'll respond to them far better than any jew-corrupted magick.

For example - the "How To Clean Your Aura" page on the Meditations link. It's very simple to do. Do this instead of the LBRP to cleanse your soul of the negative gunk that you'll pick up from various sources (Anti-Gentile Curses that the Jews do everyday, people that are energetic parasites, etc.)

You recite SURYA (Mantra of the sun) while visualizing your body+soul engulfed in white golden light. Repeat this 18-36x at the beginning to increase the power. Then do an affirmation 9x such as: "My aura and soul is completely clean and clear of all negative energies, spite, ill-will, and curses directed at me. My aura and soul is filled with positive light."

To clear an area of negative energy is the same thing with different visualization and affirmations. Instead of "My aura and soul" - replace it with "My room" or "My home".

The mantra raises the energy and the affirmations direct it to its purpose. I do this one daily. It also kills off any symptoms of illness like allergies or a cold immediately after I do it. A healthy and clean aura manifests down to the body and keeps it strong as well.

Attached: alt88.jpg (584x509, 46.05K)

Great to see my lord and savior Baphomet represented in such g l o r i o u s i t a l i a n s t o n e

Your friend is wrong. You are evoking while banishing, to equalize the seprate quarters of the magick circle and grounding yourself to the first few parts of the Tree of Life. About to video dump.


Huh, thought I had more videos. This seems to be it. lol

Oh, guess there is one more



Anyone know much about ROBERT SEPEHR? I happened upon this video that was really interesting, it starts slow and talks about blond haired, blue eyed people in ancient New Zeland and by the middle is not so low key naming the Jew.

I've never seen his stuff but there's one guy who used to post here who would absolutely screech and shit his pants whenever he was mentioned and would often accuse people of being him.

Attached: 0a3d68250bfb74ebb95707902c5882bb039039125bfcaa1a636cd703f2f5a7af.png (729x677, 403.81K)

Reminder Smiley did nothing wrong and /cow/ was wrong

Attached: The Truth by Smiley.png (4152x3060, 7.96M)

Attached: fringe.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

thanks, I'm looking at more of his stuff now.


Have you talked to them? /cow/ people are nerdy trolls, kiwifarms rejects. I find it kind of funny how Hotwheels realized he was slumming and turned on them. Everyone who hangs out there realizes that eventually, except the regulars.
And yeah, Smiley was alright, but he made himself a target, like that Bodhi Mantra guy, bu putting his face on the chans. Always a dumb move in the long run.

Attached: a060b8ff53fb6dc348f37f31bace952061ca05ab281b1bb419fecb77b7f08131.jpg (1200x1200, 276.57K)

They use a photograph of him cutting himself, performing the Mass of the Phoenix for a bunch of people on /4chon/. One person watching the video freaked out and interrupted him, and apparently called him on his cell phone.

/cow/ takes this as proof of his schitzophrenia. If you want to see more slander of this man, see >>>/cow/217834 their cycle thread

I've been looking into Ancient and Ice age Civilizations a lot lately and I think the reason "mainstream science" is suppressing the knowledge of them is because they verify Aryanism. I don't think the boomers that study this like Dr Robert M. Schoch can see why they have their findings suppressed because they don't see the Jewish war against the Aryan people.

"Gospel" comes from "good spell"

Paradise Found and The Arctic Home in the Vendas prove that the lost city of Atlantis is the origin of the Aryan Race, and existed where we now have the Northern-Arctic Circle. I highly suggest you read these books. They are easily found online.