In regards to the LBRP – let me relate a post of a comrade of mine:
>For anyone who has experience with angels here, will know that angels bask and thrive in bleak grey energy, which is naturally associated with illness, death and decay. It is not a coincidence that many people on the brink of death and experiencing near-death experiences often see angels. Why is this? It's because they harvest souls, guiding the weak-willed recently deceased to the kingdom of (((God))) - the infamous cube. That's the raw reality of the invoked energies and beings. Does it stop there? Fuck no, if only YHWH was that merciful. In the LBRP, one literally invokes the YHWH vortex right in the center of the self. You become a literal host for the most gruesome and relentless parasite in the known universe.
>In Satanism, we rely on no entity whatsoever to banish or cleanse. We utilize our own Satan-given soul to purge the unworthy and parasitical attachments and beings around us. THAT is what cleanses. Blasting something with purifying blinding golden-white light. Nothing of this "(((Raphael))) on my side, (((Michael))) on my dick and YHWH in my rotten heart" does any actual cleansing.
Links to Other Sites
Witchcraft + Magick
On the first link has links to our other websites. (The main JoyofSatan site is down for now.)
The second link has meditation practices.
The third is witchcraft.
None of our practices have anything to do with hebrew or other filth. (In fact, if you check out the first link, we do Reverse Torah Rituals -> rituals designed to completely destroy the root of the Jewish occult system and render them spiritually powerless.)
Try out for yourself what I link in the above. If you're a Gentile - you'll respond to them far better than any jew-corrupted magick.
For example - the "How To Clean Your Aura" page on the Meditations link. It's very simple to do. Do this instead of the LBRP to cleanse your soul of the negative gunk that you'll pick up from various sources (Anti-Gentile Curses that the Jews do everyday, people that are energetic parasites, etc.)
You recite SURYA (Mantra of the sun) while visualizing your body+soul engulfed in white golden light. Repeat this 18-36x at the beginning to increase the power. Then do an affirmation 9x such as: "My aura and soul is completely clean and clear of all negative energies, spite, ill-will, and curses directed at me. My aura and soul is filled with positive light."
To clear an area of negative energy is the same thing with different visualization and affirmations. Instead of "My aura and soul" - replace it with "My room" or "My home".
The mantra raises the energy and the affirmations direct it to its purpose. I do this one daily. It also kills off any symptoms of illness like allergies or a cold immediately after I do it. A healthy and clean aura manifests down to the body and keeps it strong as well.
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