Defining National Socialism
This thread will be dedicated to dig into National Socialism.
What is National Socialism in the current times?
Defining National Socialism
This thread will be dedicated to dig into National Socialism.
What is National Socialism in the current times?
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National Socialist?
No ma’am. Much much scarier than that.
Join in to remove the filth
Eco naturist?
Remove the filth to stay on this planet. It’s a very simple ideology to implement.
He's right.
NatSoc is the creation of a community that is in harmony with men.
Marxists believe they can shape men into whatever their retarded system tells them to.
(((Liberals))) want to destroy the Volksgemeinshaft because it's easiest to profit off the isolated.
So do you consider yourself a Fascist Socialist?
Larping incel losers who parrot the Jew psy op on the internet.
Socialism is the concept of managing the economy so that oligarchs (capitalists, judges and bureaucrats) can't exploit the people.
National Socialism was socialist. To some extent the US and "European socialist" economies are too. But the systems in place to be actually socialist (such as anti-trust laws) are often ineffective or unenforced.
Communism takes away all property under the auspices of managing it so that oligarchs can't exploit the people, but hands it over to bureaucrats. So communism and "democratic socialism" (which is buying votes) are not socialist in the real sense of the word.
The problem you run into with socialism is who managed the economy? Capitalists? Judges? Bureaucrats? Well, these people are precisely the problem. National Socialists tried to ride the line of stepping in only when they needed to, but letting the market be free when possible. This is what the US did back in the day when the economy was booming.
Another issue you have is that language changes over time. A faggot is no longer a bundle of wood. A gay person is no longer someone who is happy and carefree. Socialism is not defined as nationalizing the means of production. aka communism. So National Socialists, despite being socialist under the definition of the time, are not socialist under the current definition.
I hope that's clear. It's easy to understand how normies are confused by all this.
National Socialism
Three Principles
National Socialism is an all encompassing personal & National worldview. It arises from three simple principles that are interdependent.
Natural Law:
The guide
Logos, how things work: Reality-Truth-Morality. The structure & fundamental principles of existence. The basis of all Truth from which all morality must derive.
Natural Laws include but are not limited to:
The Survival of the fittest & adaptation. War, violence & struggle. Nation & bloodline. Loyalty, love & family. Strength & power. Hierarchy, merit & Elitism. Labour and inheritance. The will to live and inevitable Death.
Natural Laws are mandatory, we may try to mitigate or avoid them, we may even think to succeeded for a time but always & inevitably Logos destroys anti-Logos.
Reality & its rules always win.
The Cause
Our people: Our great ancestral extended family, bound together by our blood, by the culture that arose from it & our shared history. Over the generations our Nation functions like a super organism, struggling, growing, sickening & weakening, strengthening & recovering or dying.
Like a great river, our Nation flows generation upon generation from the past we inherit from our parents & grand parents, through us, the living embodiment of our Nation in the present & from us through our children into the future we bequeath to them. Our blood belongs to our people and we are not free to pervert it.
The Goal
Correct action: To consciously & deliberately act in accordance with Natural Law in the name of our selves & our people not simply because it is mandatory but because it is morally good. To internalise Natural Law as an act of personal & National will & make its meritocratic, hierarchical, elitism our own. This results in personal development through individual agency & will, mutual social improvement through community reciprocity & biological evolution through healthy eugenics.
To be a National Socialist I must act in accordance with Natural Law in the name of my people by improving myself, my children, my community & through these things my Nation.
To be National Socialist the State must place the survival & elevation of the Nation it serves & represents as its highest aim both materially, culturally & spiritually in accordance with Natural Law. The National Socialist State is not an end in itself but simply a means to the further development of our Nation by curbing our excesses where necessary, encourage the best in us and helping us to realise our full potential through education and the cultivation of a sane, healthy society grounded in reality and its rules. A properly functioning National Socialist state enables our Nation to express itself & grow in a natural and healthy manner.
Unlike Democracy National Socialism doesn’t play to the lowest in men but aspires to the highest and best, through rigorous and honest hierarchical meritocratic elitism combined with absolute accountability for those who wield power on behalf of our Nation.
Unlike Liberalism National Socialism understands that degeneracy - that which opposes Natural Law and makes us weaker - is morally wrong and a Nation that tolerates degeneracy will fall.
Unlike capitalism National Socialism refuses to place our people & their labour at the whims of capital manipulators in return for cheap consumerism.
Unlike Marxism & its derivatives National Socialism has a firm grasp of reality and embraces it as truth & morality instead of impotently denying it.
Unlike so many stunted & tragic life denying world views National Socialism embraces nature & life with all its struggles enthusiastically as a direct manifestation of the very principles we live by. For those with the strength to embrace Natural law the natural world is not a thing to be feared or despised but instead a touchstone of truth & purity.
As you can see National Socialism combines idealism with a vigorous and healthy grasp of reality. It is neither the precious intellectualism and unrealistic abstract ideas of academics and political theorists. Neither does it arise from the petty, selfish materialism of those who only know the cost of things but never the value.
But why would this be a shit thread, user?
With Natural Law.
(Checked for an actual contribution.)
How does National Socialism differ from Fascism?
They both have economic, political, social, and moral components. Do they differ more in principle or program?
Fascism and national socialism differ in what the ultimate goal of the system is. Fascism is the security of the state, NatSoc is the security of the people, or more specifically the type of people. Fascism can be applied to any group of people, even to so called "multicultural" societies. Singapore is a good example. NatSoc on the other hand, can only be applied to racially homogeneous groups of people, and will really only work with people who have the same inherent racial values as Europeans: that is, to say, no one. NatSoc can only work for Europeans.
What I'm going to tell you is true, but most here won't accept it.
The only real difference between National Socialism and the Marxist variety is where it originates from. The Marxist variety originates from that ill-defined ideological place called the "Left" and the National Socialist variety comes from the "Right."
Both of them eventually come to a realization of the power of national identity. Think of Poland. The National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany invaded that thing called Scond Polish Republic in order to reunite the German city of Danzig with the rest of the German Nation. The Second Polish Republic was "Right" wing shithole anti-communist country, a multi-Euro formation ruled by Catholicism, and teaming with the largest population of Kikes in all of Europe. Why would they invade such a country? Couldn't they find common ground in their mutual anti-Sovietism?
Of course not. Read Mein Kampf. It is an ideological war against the "Right" wing of Germany at the time. Socialism of any variety is born out of an intense ideological fight with the forces that exist to preserve the current state of affairs, and for the National Socialist German Workers' Party, that fight was with the "Right." The fight they waged for ideological hegemony amongst the German working class is against their "Right" wing opponents became the basis for their own war against the regime ruling over that thing called the Second Polish Republic. So they made a deal with the Soviets to carve it up along national lines. The Soviets came in from the East and took over the territory that would ''reunite' the Ukrainian and Lithuanian populations. Look it up with a linguistic map if you need to.
If you actually study anything seriously about Soviet history, you'll see the National Question looms large in literally everything they do, pretty much all the way up to its demise in 1991. In fact, the USSR broke up along National lines, without much of a fight at all. Once the nationalists wanted nothing to do with the USSR anymore, the system died without a whimper. Bourgeois republics go down much harder, as France is demonstrating right now.
National Socialism is not called national socialism in the current times
No true Scotsman fallacy.
At least don't spread stupidity.
t. Natsoc
National Socialism
Nation - A group defined by blood rather than by an arbitrary set of borders. The constituents of the state are all people of one genetic group, as opposed to country where the state's constituents comprise all people inside a geographic area. The word nation has the same PIE root as "natal" (birth, ie pre-natal) and "gene".
Socialism: Hitler's definition of socialism was, (paraphrased) "the science of engendering the greatest weal for one's volk". This was not adherent to any specific ideology, and different policies (or lack of any government acton at all) were all tools in the toolkit that could be used to accomplish this end. NatSoc is thus driven by an empirical "do what works best" approach. Generally, if there is dispute/uncertainty over what the best policy at any given time is, the chosen path forward should be taken according to the principles of long-term environmental, social, and genetic health: sustainability is prioritized. Hitler's vision of socialism could thus be described as an empirical, non-ideologically-driven, pragmatic governance with the aim of fostering the health, fulfilment, and success of one's folk/people/nation.
I find it highly amusing you would describe hitler's policies as "sustainable"
Lol SO?
Posts like these make me like these types of threads
OP you should look at our /nsg/
Neo nazism vs National socialism?
My ancestors lived thru communism and national socialism on their home turf. What have you guys lived thru, running out of chicken tendies or mommy n daddy hitting hitting the booze then hitting you as a liddle kiddo?
National Socialism: /b/ tard weeaboo faggots who have shaped a belief system out of the failed ideologies of the past.
I guess one thing you have in common with communists is that you answer identically "Well, the third reich wasn't REAL national socialism"
Apparently you lived through the nigger era
He was referring to you Nazis, learn to read you your retarded fascist fucks
He's speaking like a dumb nigger, and so are you.
You misunderstand, degenerate filth, it was real National Socialism, and we want it to return.
Yeah, but even most whites don't want anything to do with Nazism because of it's oppressive nature, so you're fighting a battle you will never win.
The best you can hope for is some small fascist State where you can all play Hitler together.
exactly. Under National Socialism in Germany the birthrate per 1 million was at .4.8 at its height and that was during war times as german cities were getting bombed by kike supporters from the west.
Back in National Socialism families didn't had to worry about:
- schools were all good
- education was free (school & university)
- kindergarten was free
- healthcare was free (financed by health insurance, but no wasteful private companies as nowadays in germany)
- Woman were respected for becoming & being mothers
- Father of the family made enough money to cover his family (1 wife, 3-4 children, 2 pets) and had still enough for holidays and some luxury stuff like a color-camera or a radio (back then expensive shit..)
National Socialism is the only solution to all our problems.
And even Lefties could be fine with true 3rd Reich style socialism. But they will cry until the they enter my Lager.
What oppressive nature?
In Nazi Germany people who were listening to BBC went straight into the concentration camp – Yet if you would have lived in the UK and tuned in to German Radio, you would also be arrested and face up to 7 yrs prison.
You have to consider, back then everything was different.
Many things people nowadays complain about the Nazi regime was also forbidden in such "open societies" like UK & USA. Homosexuality for example was forbidden and punished with high prison sentences in US, UK & Germany back then. So what were you saying again?
By wanking over pics you post over and over. Why aren't you out on the street pushing your "National Socialism" faggot?
You must be out of your damn mind. Nazism is highly oppressive, and highly authoritarian, regardless of the amount of Nazi propaganda telling you otherwise.
When banning all opposition, no wonder you get 99%.
It was another dimension.
You see America, you huge melting pot nightmare with extreme racial divisions, corrupted politicians sold to kikes or other growing minorities', whites dying to (((opioids))), extremely poor infrastructures for "the most powerful economy in the world", or even the sole fact that you have to live with non-Whites everyday in many parts of the country.
Germany was 100% White, 100% united behind their leader and their party.
This is something that cosmopolitan democracies could never understand.
My family lived in Nazi Germany, they didn't complained about it that much.
Worse was the MfS during the time of the GDR.
Yet worse than that was the nowadays ongoing Social Justice & Nannystate Germany is becoming.
One year after, 88% of the Germans endorsed Hitler and it only increased year after year.
Don't bother, not a single historian dares to conclude this. But they try to explain by weird reasonings sometimes, to avoid facing the reality that Hitler saved a completely collapsing Germany, threatened by a communist revolution and a growing unemployment.
Much more popular and efficient than any corrupted - by nature - contemporary parliamentary democracy.
your family not complaining does not prove Nazism isnt authoritarian, I'm sure some people were happy with Mao and Stalin as well.
Thats not true, Hitler only had 72,5% at the height behind himself, that was 1940 after winning over Germany's archenemy France.
You shouldn't forget that german Soldiers (Wehrmacht, SS, Waffen-SS, SA, Police Units) were not allowed to participate in political votes. That law was from back under Kaiser Hindenburg, they first got rid of this in 1948.
But he did had the majority of the people behind him yes. He was one of them, one of the ordinary People and understood them. And they understood him, he spoke like a normal lad and no private schooled gold spoon.
Yeah my grandmother fled Germany, but it wasn’t til after the war when the communists took over.
Never heard a peep out of her about it. Probably guilt because we have been guilted into believing what happened in Germany was the ultimate taboo, yet most living there didn’t seem to mind.
The Truth, as it has always been.
Yet you were allowed to critices and make fun out of political leaders. Satirical remarks were allowed and tolerated by law.
Nowadays this forbidden by German law.
You can't make a cartoon making fun of Merkel just like that, unless you were approved before release. If you criticize the current State you can face just for criticizing them up to 3 yrs or 10k euros fine.
Sure, Nazis werent perfect when it comes to freedom. But Nowadays so much is wrong and we still complain about the past instead of improving the future.
When I took history I was taught that Hitler rose to power through a ruthless assault on the German people and literally formed his own private army and took over, banned all opposition and started killing Jews. And no one did anything because everyone was too afraid. The hilarious thing about it I was taught this was possible because the Germans were a free peace loving people that didn't like violence (and had no guns) so that's how they were taken over.
Have you read this elaborated testimony of a man who grew up during the Third Reich too? I can't find it, would've posted it. He talks about guns rights, notably. I'm sure somebody here has it.
The thing that nobody talks about it that the commies plotted a revolution in USSR-style. They were actually happy when Hitler came to power because they thought this would be the start of the aforesaid revolution. But Hitler took care of everything, and he did it legally.
You're also leaving out of the equation how terribly the Germans got fucked by the rest during and after WW1. People had a lot of reasons to be pissed off and to go to war.
None of this disproves that Nazism isn't authoritarian, that's just simple facts. If you don't want to be an authoritarian and fascist fuck then Nazism isnt for you, simple as that.
Nazism is a form of fascism, how hard is this to understand for you people?
Cuckservative reactionaries and "leftists" status quo, "right" in your context are the same?
Jolly gee! It is like I actually tried to use my brain for the first time!
Just spiteful shitposting, don't worry
Poland is fucking kosher shit, right now and back then
You misunderstand Germany in between WW1 & WW2.
Germans knew how bad War is, something Americans don't know shit about.
Most did not want to have war, yet Germans went in because Germans did not question their superior in pretty much all cases. When someone of a superior rank told you to do so, you did so. It was allowed to say no, something many westeners misunderstand - during the Wehrmacht & Waffen-SS it was allowed for a Soldiers of all ranks to decline an order. Without facing a war court or any punishment.
National Socialism is a form of Communism.
Fascism is completly different area.
National Socialism was changed to be "fascism" post-World War 2, because Stalin did not wanted to be 'close' to Hitler. And the West complied and added it to Duce Mussolini's Fascist show.
This. Fuckfaces think that the Moscow blunders and the fact that so many rats existed in the ranks of the Wehrmacht was somehow strange. Only retards who didn't actually research about how Germans work say that.
I don't have it with me but I can confirm it being an amazing incite. It was out of a book with many testimonies I think written by (I think) an American. I have the book too… but not with me now. He stated how everything was done to create a feeling of connection to nature/the fatherland. Children were encouraged to hike and explore nature and throughout the country hostels were setup for their temporary stay while they explored. Also, the training they had was fitness and mental and this connection with nature was something extraordinary and made people very happy. Someone please find it and share.
Most "hwhites" are absolute shitstain who deserve nothing. Just like you Hartz IV subhuman.
I think I have found it.
If this is it then it was written by a kike, didn't remembered this detail:
Good reading nonetheless.
After reflexion I don't think that's it, I really believe the author wasn't a Jew
Get yourself the Book:
Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State - ISBN 0-8050-7926-2, ISBN 978-0-8050-7926-5
An accurate and scientific proof of his approval ratings is in there. Can't show you right now, am not around home for a while.
You mean me by that? Rape and plunder was still punishable by death in both Waffen-SS & Wehrmacht. A german soldier is honorable and respectful, a Officer may say, then claim "That is not german!" and execute them by hanging.
Declining an order is a different thing to making a mistake or committing a crime on purpose.
Geez man, you cant compare this to nowadays. Back then, it mentality of people were completly different to what you leftwing cuckold that you are is now.
Socialism is government ownership of the means of production.
National socialism is this while recognizing the value of race.
That's it. Don't let LARPER doublespeak tell you any different.
Socialism does not work. 88 kills the 14.
Lol, never read such a dumb assertion before.
cant compare? then why are you guys so desperate to bring back Hitler's garbage?
Nazism is ultra-nationalistic, highly authoritarian, and so are you guys, so I think Neo-Nazism and Nazism compare just fine
It's just an adaptation of the traditional forms of power, that have worked for centuries, to the industrial era.
You dont understand any point, you are near zero tolerant no matter what you think.
You are an arrogant brick who thinks he knows it all. Done talking you cucknorman.
Yeah no I read it quickly and that's not it at all, the testimony in question was written by a man who was a child/teen during the Third Reich I believe, and not a Jew. Well, I guess I won't find it…
It doesn't need redefinition you fucking kikes.
The National Socialist Workers Party of German defined it perfectly.
(((Current Times)))
Thank you for that link - documents saved and will read through. The little I read now is pretty amazing. The testimony I refer to isn't this and I'm searching for it right now.
Living in Hitler’s Germany
You asked for someone who had lived in Hitler’s Germany to tell what it was like. Permit me, someone who lived under the Swastika flag from 1935, when the Saar was reunited with Germany, to 1945, to give a short answer.
To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful. In the Hitler Youth the differences between Christian denominations or the different German states didn’t count. We all truly felt that we were members of 1 body of people - 1 nation.
Youth hostels were opened all over the Reich, enabling us to hike from one beautiful town to another seeing our fatherland. Every effort was made to strengthen our minds and bodies. Contrary to what is said today, we were encouraged to become free in spirit, and not to succumb to peer (or authority) pressure. In peacetime, NO military training was allowed by the Hitler Youth leadership; scouting yes. Incidentally, to “snitch on our parents” was frowned upon. At the very time when America’s allies, the Soviets, destroyed most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine, about 2500 new churches were built in Germany. NOT ONE Christian church was closed. It was the law that school and church had priority over service in the Hitler Youth. As late as the fall of 1944, the Waffen SS barracks in Breslau supplied two buses to take youth to either the nearest Catholic or Protestant church every Sunday. To be a registered member of a Christian church did not prevent advancement in the National Socialist Party. Germany was National Socialist, but free enterprise flourished during the entire Hitler years. No company was nationalized. No small businessman was stopped from opening up his own store. I myself worked during the war for a company that can only be called part of International capitalism. If you owned shares, nobody confiscated them, like the allies did in 1945.
The accomplishments of the ‘Nazis’ were incredible. Starting without money and with six million unemployed (a third of the workforce), they constructed the entire German Autobahn road network in a short span of 6 years almost without corruption - while seeing to it that the new road system did not unnecessarily destroy either the German landscape, or wildlife habitats and forests. Two years after the NS were elected to power, conditions were so improved that workers had to be hired n nearby friendly countries to help alleviate the worker’s shortage in Germany. Germany was booming while Britain, France and the US were in the depths of depression.
To help the workers get cheap transportation, the VW was designed and a factory was being built for their manufacture when the war started. Also, for the common people, villages of small single family homes were erected. The monthly payments were set so low that almost anyone could afford his own house. In Hitler’s Germany there were no homeless; no beggars. Crime was almost non existent because habitual criminals were in concentration camps. All this was reported in the newspapers and was known by everybody.
The press in the 3rd Reich had fewer taboos than the American press today. The only taboo I can think of evolved around Hitler, &, during the war, there was a law that prohibited “defeatism”. This was because of the negative role the German press played in the defeat of 1918. It bears remembering that the 'European Economic Community" was first coined by the Third Reich government. I remember many articles, both pro and con about this subject. One should also not forget that during the war at least seven million foreign nationals (nearly 10% of the population) worked in Germany, either as voluntary workers (Dutch, Danes, French, Poles, Ukrainians come to mind), or as forced laborers or as prisoners. I know of no instance where foreigners were attacked or molested (much less killed) because they were foreigners.
Rockwell used the Nazi imagery purely for pageantry to draw attention.
Pierce hated it from day one.
Covington ridiculed Nazi costumes.
White identitarianism is undeniable hindered by Hitler association, regardless of the truth of Hitler's virtue.
Speaking of the press, I have an article from 1943 in my possession that spells out how necessary friendship is between the German and Russian peoples. Between 1933 and 1945 there was a tremendous emphasis on culture: theatres flourished; the German movie industry produced about 100 feature films per year (of which not one was anti- American. Only 50 of them can be considered pure propaganda movies). Some the best classical recordings still extant were made in Hitler’s Germany. Actors from all over Europe but mainly from France, Sweden and Italy were stars in German movies. Germany always loved sports, and there was no lack of opportunities to partake in any sport one liked. The 1936 Berlin Olympics was merely a showcase of what transpired all over the Reich. In a book other races. Certainly the accomplishments of Germany and the Germans were given prominence, similar to 'the ad nauseum’ statements of today that the U.S. is the land of the free, etc. In my ten years in the Hitler Youth (actually 8, since I obviously couldn’t attend while a soldier), the Jews were never mentioned. Other sports that gripped our attention were flying (there was Hitler Youth flying training with their own sail planes), car races (British and Italian drivers dominated) and riding.
Frequently I am asked about gun control during the Hitler era. Claims are made that Hitler could take power because he disarmed the German people. That is nonsense. In Germany gun ownership was never as prevalent as it is in America. I would say that for hundreds of years one needed a gun license in order to keep a weapon. On the other hand, my father owned an old pistol clandestinely (about which we children knew), and there were gun clubs all over the Reich. Furthermore, Germany was always a country with many excellent gunsmiths. It is doubtful that they could stay in business if the laws were too stringent.
I would surmise that while Germany was Germany (before it was 'liberated’ by the allies) gun ownership probably was far more widespread than is acknowledged today.
Laws on the books were mainly to give the police a handle to arrest criminals with guns, not the ordinary citizen. Incidentally, just as Hitler had forbidden so-called 'punishment exercises’ in the army (the brutal methods still employed in the American army), so had he forbidden the use of clubs by the police. He considered it demeaning to the German people. I don’t believe I’ll ever see again a people as happy and content as were the great majority of Germans under Hitler, especially in peacetime. Certainly some minorities suffered former parliamentary politicians - because they couldn’t play their political games; the Jews - because they lost their power; the gypsies - because during the war they were required to work; and crooked union bosses - because they lost their parasitical positions.
o this day I believe that the happiness of the majority of a people is more important than the well-being of a few spoiled minorities. In school there should be emphasis on promoting the best and the intelligent, as was done in Germany during the Hitler years a fact that contributed after the war to the rapid German reconstruction. That Hitler was loved by his people, there can be no question. Even a few weeks before the war’s end and his death, he was able to drive to the front and mingle among the combat soldiers with only minimum security. None of the soldiers had to unload their weapons before meeting with the Fuhrer (as was required when President Bush met with American soldiers during the Gulf War).
Germany under Hitler was quite different from what the media would have you believe.
A letter from Hans Schmidt of GANPAC
This is another subject - I thought you were talking about life during Nazi Germany itself.
This is it! Thank you
You mean these?
or these?
There are also Interviews with US Athletes that admired Germany from visiting during Olympia. Even that one black runner, who felt more free in Berlin than anywhere in the States. But back then, Black person was normally seen only at the Zoo or Circus (for germans).
Because you keep dodging the point.
Yes, im the one that is intolerant here lol.
Keep projecting, good little fascist.
I am trying to explain to you, by what I know from my families experience. Yet you dont want to understand, you keep claiming its authoritarian only because people were like this even before Hitler came along. That is no valid point because you don't understand German Society at all. Hence talking with you makes no point.
Thank you for posting the full text. I found these extracts from a two years old halfchan thread that I had archived, wew.
None of these, but thanks for the references!
This is absolutely retarded, communism abolishes private property, national socialism maintains it
communism doesnt care for the individual, national socialism recognizes the health of each individual.
Shut the fuck up.
fascism is socialist
saying fascist socialist is redundant
Ok, I guess we're in agreement then.
I was on the OP topic of defining national socialism
You'd have to be completely brain fried to think we're not living in or at least on the prepice of a system more oppressive than anything Natsoc Germany could have ever hoped to acheive. You are probably just some ignorant Yank who takes his freedom for granted or some brainwashed European who thinks the Government is God and deserves to reap the harvest.
Communism and National Socialism are coming from Populism.
Populism is all about the People, or Unser Volk.
Fascism actually even for Italy was only a valid point the first 3 yrs, once the power was saved, Italy became populist as well and adopted in a smaller scale national socialism.
But go on.
Yeah sorry misread
That's national socialist "blood and soil" with more emphasis on the soil though.
Are you sweating kikes? That more and more people over 2 digits IQ don't follow your hollywood creations anymore?
You mean most boomers who were addicted to the electric jew for all their lives. Fuck right off.
No, just whites, as well as every other race
I think Nazis are the lowest IQ human beings on the planet after niggers tbh
Is that why nobody has ever expanded rocketry after the last low IQ nazi rocket scientists died off?
Not much more than shitskins.
Yes, because the V2 rocket symbolizes the IQ of Nazis in general, excellent point.
I dont have to look that far to see how retarded Nazis are, I only have to look at Zig Forums
What was your point then? In any system only the leaderships and the academic/warrior elites can actually be considered intelligent. The common National Socialist German was just as common as a pleb anywhere else.
But here is the catch. Third Reich plebs cared for their fellow countrymen. You are probably a subhuman "enjoying" mulitkulti and state welfare in Berlin or some similar shitholes. And you are probably itching to get wasted by your "friends" again and shown the door.
Worthless subhuman.
This picture supports the low IQ meme.
And the horrid QC too.
Surely much healthier and smarter than the common Amerimutt pleb.
Yes, and most of them were retarded and short-sighted psychopathic pieces of shit. My whole point was that Nazism was/is oppressive and authoritarian, yet here you are trying to convince me how smart Nazis were because some German scientists developed a rocket.
Yet your "whole point" was completely destroyed ITT. Too bad.