
Real suicide?

Attached: suicide.png (645x350, 42.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?source=hp&ei=8ceXXP2HBZCt0PEP8Jqj8Ac&q=parkland students christchurch&oq=parkland students chr&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.…0.0..0.162.1842.18j3……0….1…….8..41j0i131j46j46i131j0i10i3j0i22i30.R7I2Y6HYHQg

Cleanup crew

Didn't Zig Forums predict that they would martyr Hogg?

Yah, but I think they meant right after it happened while he was on stage. When you combine these two recent suicides with the cop deaths it looks a little suspicious. I wonder what happened to that THOT who claimed to have talked to the shooter in between firing.

They’re getting scared that Hogg is gonna get busted being the instigating shooter. He shot first , pulled the fire alarm, rose his bike home, ditched his (was it a glock Dave? It was a glock wasn’t it. Probably a g17 9mm would be my guess) gun in one of several ponds on the way home, grabbed his camera , rode his bike back to the school that was under lockdown during an active shooting , managed to slip past coppers and ( ( (deputies) ) ) in order to gain entry to the school to live stream the shooting , even though he was the shooter some four hours earlier. Oh yeah who were the dudes in heavy armor and helmets on the third and second floor? Oh yeah blue team after shit Hogg fucked it up


I assumed it would be some side thing with no cameras. If it was on stage it would open a wide variety is questions. The vegas shooting footage and public question made the kikes completely bury the story.

Is this the kid that called out Hogg?

Attached: hogg_gonzalez.jpg (552x400 69.28 KB, 75.55K)

Why is this even news? People off themselves all the time.

go back

They are needed at new schools and they are planting the "dead" seed in the public's heads so they are more likely to overlook the visual similarities.

Okay, I'll leave this schizo-boomer thread.

Kill yourself lowjew.

fyi: Alexa Miednik was the thot who talked about a second shooter. She apparently has no social media anymore, yeah, very normal for a girl of her age…

Come on, we deserve higher quality shills than this.

You forgot that you have an ID.

Whether you're a Navy Seal or a Crisis Actor, you mean nothing to the people paying you.

Well spotted.

Who cares.



Yeah dipshit
Kill teams deployed shits happened and sheeeiiittt


No I haven't. Is hate/chan/ too hard for you? Go back to kikechan.

It was a shit fucking thread. Put some fucking effort into it instead of just reposting yidder shots.

Can someone explain to me what's happening, I'm not from America.


28 of the parkland survivors visited christchurch within the last year. Strange connection there..



google.com/search?source=hp&ei=8ceXXP2HBZCt0PEP8Jqj8Ac&q=parkland students christchurch&oq=parkland students chr&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.…0.0..0.162.1842.18j3……0….1…….8..41j0i131j46j46i131j0i10i3j0i22i30.R7I2Y6HYHQg

Note the pic of the student with a (cohen) from a film studio

No, seriously, who cares. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. What does it mean? Nothing valid or usable. No one is going to give a flying fuck about this and we can't (won't) use it for anything.

Thank you for correcting the record.

No one cares about your shit opinion either, shoo

never forget the holocaust at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School l where 600 students died

I mean

never forget the holocaust at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School l where 6,000 students died

What about the other thread on here? We had a thread about the first "suicide" victim, but it's gone now. There's no way it already got pruned even if it was anchored.

Okay, bye.

You've just proven me right.

They haven't released the name our age of this one, why did they plaster the dead thot's name and picture all over the news immediately after she "offed herself"? Was she the example and this second one some kid who freaked when he heard?

Attached: judas1.jpg (358x482, 73.09K)

60,000 students died at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
do not forget them, 600,000 lives were lost

==Never forget the 6,000,000 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students that lost their lives, senselessly due to holocaust gun violence==.

Damn I can't find too.

But what about all the survivors, user?
We musn’t forget the survivors.

You should enjoy your cultural enrichment while you lrn 2 cod


Loose lips sink ships, False flags will continue until morale improves


Sydney Aiello
No name yet? "kills himself" Sources say the student was a male sophomore.

Notice how it doesn't mention names. One person killed themselves for whatever reason and then a copycat. Welcome to reality.

get off this board you sad sack of shit.


Broward County Tattoo in Fort Lauderdale, is offering really shitty tattoos for any survivor to have placed on the wrist or forearm free of charge so we never forget, I mean so we can never forget the survivors, even if the were not there like David Hogg

What's wrong with you?



oy vey goy this is just guilt suicide, yeah that's it!
hehe stupid goys

(Parkland kids visiting Christchurch)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 11.34.01 AM.png (741x523, 426.96K)

I've read stories where some of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School survivors were loaded into cattle cars and then shipped by rail to Disney World in Orlando, and were then forced to watch kiddie porn Clock Work Orange style by Michael Eisner

Attached: parkland student.jpg (900x539, 96.38K)

sounds like some fucked up masturbation fantasy.

Some possibilities :
Suicided, because they suspected he or she was about to talk.

Actual suicide, caused by MKULTRA psychological damage.

"Disappeared" and given a new identity, for use as a glow in the dark asset.

Get the fucking hell out of here shithead shill

Are they trying to statpad the deathtoll by guns?

They want to keep it in the news because the Congress is going to try to do national red flag laws. Always respond to Parkland coming up by pointing out that Cruz was a known problem child who should have been arrested long before, but was not, because Scott Israel wanted to manipulate his crime statistics in keeping with Obama era policies.

Are you being paid overtime, rabbi?

Nobody died at parkland. Nobody died at Sandy Hook. Nobody died at Umpqua. Nobody died at pulse nightclub. Nobody died at the batman shooting in Colorado. 423% increase in "mass casualty shootings" under Obama vs prior 30yr statistics.

Theater. That is all it was.
5 men enter a room. Nothing comes out of that room that isn't controlled. 1 man says x, 4 men say y. Only Y will be believed.

Contained. Controlled. Narrarated for the public. Nothing more.

This is literally correct. I also read earlier this week that the defense reported that the cops WILL NOT turn over the complete body cam tapes. No fucking reason given.

Something big is going on with this but, holy shit… they are seriously bumping off teens. Damn man these people do not fuck around at all.

these kids are committing suicide because they were molested by scores of news journalists and very famous celebrities
Alec Baldwin & Rachel Maddow orchestrated the molestation, and sexual abuse of dozens of these Parkland high school students after the shooting occurred

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suicide, especially teen, is a social contagion, the mere reporting of these suicides is bound to illicit more therefore driving the conspiracy even deeper.

this shit wasn't a false flag, it was just the product of a decades long, nation wide psyop that has been and is currently ongoing.

damn they have real low standards

To tell you the truth.
Been so swarmed by TARRANT threads to the point of overdose that I have no clue what these two Parkland shootings are about.

Hahahahahahahahahahah recycled overused response by this board for the past decade. Shut the fuck up twat, feed us something of worth. A response that isnt taking trash talk toward you nose niggers that isnt selected from the word bank your intelligence sources provided for you. It's sad and reeks of Jewish faggotry. I know your folks have failed even in making movies these days but cmon. You're still not trying.


well its a new offing , hence "news" retard

Clever, new angle attempt. Too bad it won't work here. But I do give you credit for the pivot. Unfortunately for those looking to block out reporting of the facts, we already know everything and have had it on the private servers for awhile now.

If you are another of those fake survivors you have to be shitting bricks right now. Hogg especially I would think.

you get the shills you deserve
-Thomas Jefferson

imagine organizing all of this to get some child sex.

thats dedication

is it because they knew it was a false flag?

Wow it must really be a slow Sunday at the office. This is golden.

honestly, hogg should be used a dummy for rail gun testing.

at the end of the day, personally i don't give a shit about the rhyme, the reason, or any of this other shit, i just want it to fucking end.

false flag or not you have to admit that we've all been under a psyop since birth, even if it is a false flag it is still part of the overall psyop we're all living under….there will be random causalities and events as a product of this, you 're a big boy, you can make up your own mind as to what this is…like i said, either way i don't give a fuck, all that needs to happen right now is we need to keep moving forward and waking people up…even if it's just enough to be concerned with saving their own ass, once we've stopped our people from wanting to commit self genocide then we can worry about taking our shit back and all of the rest of this shit.

but sure, i'm some goy glowworm mother fucker, lol, part of the reason we can barely get anything done is we're too busy shitting all over ourselves… regardless, good luck and god bless user..

The one thing that I know for certain, and this is fucking insane if one considers it, is that we are quite literally the publics only source of real data. Think about that completely. Education, media, social media, TV, etc. We are quite literally the only thing currently keepiing this world afloat at this moment in terms of data.

I know… it's fucking crazy… we should be getting cash out the ass for this but it's just insane to consider.

It wouldn't be effective if we were. The fact we work endlessly, anonymously and without any expectation of compensation is our power. No group under the control of perceived value can contest with our real value. We are, very divine. Anonymous.

You're right. I am just exhausted and grouchy as fuck. But yeah, no doubt about that. Has to be this set up as it prevents control.


that said, anyone who pays attention notices that as soon as big dollars start getting thrown around honesty and integrity go out the window.

very very few people can refuse the sort of money that gets offered once you start to be come effective…..and as gross and despicable as i find it, on a certain level i can;t blame them when i look at the current landscape, probably wise on some level to take the money and fucking run, lol.

but digressing, money and truth are very rarely playing the same game.

but yeah, i agree, could you even imagine what we could do with the proper funding? lol

Can't have any loose ends.

Based Saint Nik

Attached: Nikolas-Cruz.png (480x600, 491.85K)

You can't be a saint if you're half jewish.


Attached: D9C18CDB-1604-4331-BF83-7E042A672CFF.jpeg (644x476, 110.69K)


Fucking BASED!

Trust the Plan and trust Brenton!!

Mossad niggers are faking their own deaths and moving back to Israel

You can't be a saint if you're 0.0000000000001% Jewish

What will happen to the operators who did most of the shooting?

Hogg committed the shooting

Wait, did they already off some of the glownigger shooters?

No, it was those glowniggers tossing weapons in the truck

There was no shooting

Ok, well whether you believe there was an actual shooting or not, is there evidence that they're cleaning up the adults who participated

The school was CGI

Sure, whatever, but you sure as hell can't be a saint if you're half jew.

For example, it looks like they wacked this guy:


They're being accidentally'd.
They were talking to their counselor or handler and said they wanted to come clean about the truth.

screenshot of Broward sheriff's deputy it looks like they killed


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