Brenton Tarrant Can Predict The Future

Brenton Tarrant is an IQ ~140 genius. Everything is playing out as he expected (maybe a little better than expected) and right now he needs a confidence boost to fight his court battle with pride and vigor.

This thread is for proof of his genius and proof that his plan is working as he designed. Your doubts will melt away in the sunlight of his vast intelligence. We can trust Brenton and he needs to be able to trust us.
I hope some of the content of this thread can get to Brenton some time, we need to send a lot of mail, in different formats and with different information. He's currently denied access to TV, radio and internet, some memes will count as news I'm sure so lets really spam him with every variation of everything we can, hopefully they'll allow some of it through to him.
user told me his address was this:

Do we have any alternative possibilities to this that we should also send mail to?

It's okay to have doubts, there are many posts presenting "unexplainable" details. Just be open minded, the more you read about him, about what he did, about what came after, the more you will see that there is an unstoppable tidal wave of proof confirming his genius.
Easter Eggs, references, predictions, bait, skill and talent.

To begin:
Dante Alighieri wrote in his Inferno, that at the center of Hell the devil had three faces.
One black, one red and one yellow, to represent the three races of man.
In Satan's three mouths lay Judas, betrayer of Christ, Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus.

Dante placed Brutus and Longinus in the mouths of Satan with Judas because he considered their assassination of Julius Caesar to be the beginning of the end for the Pan-European empire. This betrayal of Caesar and the Empire of White people was a crime second only to the murder of Christ himself.

Julius Caesar was killed on the 15th of March, it is NOT a coincidence that Brenton chose this date to act.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gab wins

Chris Kyle killed Muslims defending Israel.

Brenton Tarrant killed Muslims defending western civilization.

Yet the media heaps praise over Kyle.

Someone ought to ask Clint Eastwood if he's going to be making a movie praising the effort that Tarrant made.

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Who radicalized Chris Kyle?

Roof was radicalized by the Daily Stormer and Council of Conservative Citizens.

This is one of my favorites.

Brenton didn't mention any real alt-right leaders in his manifesto.
This is most definitely deliberate.
I think we can tell from the way he words some of his points who his intellectual inspirations are, and they are certainly not Candace Owens or PewDiePie. Who could have foreseen that it would be milquetoast centrist Jewden Peterstein that suffered in response to this. This punishment came so swiftly after his condemnation of Brenton Tarrant it almost feels like divine retribution. His book was removed but Mein Kampf remained in store, maybe a Jordan Peterson fan out there will make do with what's available? We can only dream.

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Neither of the first two were "radicalized" on 8ch.

Ask his son too
See if he cucks

Also Zig Forums is continually a board of peace

What's radical about 8ch is that it tries to get you to stop masturbating, to learn trade skills, to find a wife and have children, to own your own land, know how to provide for yourself and be self sustaining, to get fit and armed. All this to prepare for the coming segregation that will result in a civil war, started by jews acting against us for removing ourselves from their sickly perverted perspective and society. To truly fight against the jew, one must first unplug yourself from it.
This is why in all instances, jews show the most fear and hatred towards anything resembling a Volkisch movement, in America or abroad. That is why they kill people who try to live off on their own, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and so on.
The time is fast approaching to pool resources, acquire land and start building a new civilization to welcome the coming man.

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I hope Zig Forums does not go "GOD EMPEROR" meme for Brenton, we have enough cancer as is.

Bush and 9/11.

Spread the word of the Hero Brenton Tarrant. Incite all the inferior races to kill each other, while white people kill the survivors.
Kill their non-combatants first. Kill their children. Kill their women. Kill their elderly.
Kill journalists, that are all tools of our enemies. Kill corporate suits, that are all tools of our enemies. Kill all marxist activists, that are all tools of our enemies.
Kill all bankers. Kill all jews.

Chelsea Clinton has been blamed for the shooting. I would have never imagined that the acceleration would be so quick and so effective. Already these people are attacking their powerful white allies in defense of the one politician in the tribe they have really chosen, Ilhan Omar. We are on a path to the ostracization of all white people, it's obviously best that this happens before we are outnumbered in our own lands.
I hope that the left will cease their criticism of Ilhan Omar, and give her the freedom to publicly state her most extreme opinions, this can only be good for us.

Listen to the creepy clicking in the video.
They click their fingers in rejection of our customary and ancient applause.
Why? Because clapping can be triggering.

The symbolism:
An invader, screaming at a pregnant white woman, that she should feel the guilt, responsibility and stress of this attack "deep inside" her, while simultaneously clicking instead of clapping to spare some "other" people's fragile emotions.
Is powerful.

Who could see and hear this creepy clicking cult and not feel threatened personally?

Attached: NYU students rip Chelsea Clinton after New Zealand - Copy.mp4 (1663x1069 9.45 MB, 981.6K)

What the fuck is that clicking sound.

Passive agressive hmm hmmmmm thing black women do while moving their head sideways.

Eugh. It sounded like an oversized insect sharpening its mandibles. Whatever it was, it wasn't human.

GOD EMPEROR was a good meme for getting people to forgive Trumps minor errors before the election.

But now that he's in office it may be contributing to his "beyond criticism" position in some people's minds.

I'll be sure to help put a stop to any "GOD EMPEROR BRENTON" memes the moment he becomes president of Australia, ok?

hey fellow annons! could we make an extra thread for the next shooter asap!??!!!! first of all: they deserve it! second: its better to follow the events and his/her story will not be lost in the deepshits of /pol.^^^

i mean honestly, brenton tarrant wrote history, he was the first one who livestreamed a fakcing rampage!!! and this motherfacker doesnt even has his own personal thread on Zig Forums. we suck! ( he has 2, mine and 1 other, but its not the same, we collect only from the other thrreads)


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Fuck all the Islamophobes on this website…your time is up infidels…Submit or Die

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They snap their fingers instead of clapping, it's supposed to be less offensive or something I think.

You really don't see it?
Jewden Peterlover is an agent of the elite.
Removing his book was done in order to bolster his image.
And this after he was definitively called out on all his bullshit just a few short weeks ago.

It's bait.

If that's the case, then this whole thread is bait…

If anything Peterson is motivated by greed.
Maybe he's happy that someone fell into his 4d chess trap or something, I don't think he's even that smart.

He's losing money from the biggest bookseller in NZ and he's had his fellowship rescinded from the most prestigious institution outside of the USA.

The acceleration is working at least, even if Peterson benefits so do we. More people are now aware that these shrieking SJWs will take advantage of any "tragedy" to silence even their most meek opponents.

I chose death than. Unironically Allah is fake god and this retarted "religion" is cancer of humanity.


You will not ever be able to stop people from talking about and trying to take your guns.
No amount of persuasion will end their lust for power over you.

Brenton was right, the 2nd amendment is being slow boiled into harmless steam. You can draw a line in the sand wherever you want, it doesn't matter. The majority of normies will still let someone cross if it's only by an inch.
Jacinda Ardern has taken a mile and I don't know if the Kiwis are American enough to resist.

Only if our enemy is accelerated will people realize that the line in the sand must be made into an unbreachable wall of steel.

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wtf is that font

Tarrant was the kid in the fatherhood video being tazed by Podesta.


NO. He was a fucking fagot and coward

Obviously not 140 IQ but higher than your 80 nigger

Monospace Consolas

Well, I mean, maybe he's not as brave as you are sitting in your comfy chair posting anonymously on the internet.

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What was the "noble cause" for which he sacrificed himself?
He was a crazy coward man

His Race. You wouldn't understand.

Fuck off Ahmed

Go back >>Zig Forums

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If he wanted to keep his race he would have had children

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nice post reddit

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You're thinking of libertarians and marxist trannies. Keep projecting your inadequacies if it helps you sleep better though.

Maybe he did when he was traveling through Europe?

Thousands of women around the world are now desperate for his warrior seed. He'll make more money from his Nobel prize than you'll make in the next 27 years, but you won't get that reference because you clearly didn't read the manifesto.

Are you a winner?


immediately the satisfaction of feeling like youre doing something to defend your culture from being overtaken and replaced.
in the long run i guess he had plans of accelerating western countries into civil war

They are censoring Peterson's book to once again try to meme Peterstein as a "right wing" figure, so that young White males curious about the shooting will read Peterson's book and become zogged into becoming lobster cucks instead of reading Brenton's manifesto and joining a RWDS.

The only real irony here is that Peterstein goes around saying that if you don't let people speak then it leads to violence, while also going around saying that ethno-nationalists need to be excluded from all public debate because they're racist.

Attached: peterson_and_christchurch.mp4 (1280x720, 15.4M)

Is it possible to order some loli manga from Japan and have it mailed directly to Tarrant? What would happen?

I definitely find him so sexy.
I'm sure I'm not the only girl who thinks this…


be his pen pal/waifu
that would be great for his morale

it's an obvious shop you boomer

Youre messing with me right? I cant tell anymore.

user i.

Loud noises might trigger inner-city yoofs


no fucking shit, libtard nigger! I want to know if he warped the head on the original.

I guess the shop was less obvious than you thought lol.

No he’s not he’s a fucking idiot and most likley a false flag to get guns removed from nz
I hate threads like this,
You’d think a poll browser would mention judiasm in his manifesto, yet only demonizes muslims, which is somethings jews want.

Fucking mongs.

Isn't it also amazing that that lugenpresse and juden have been so terrified by the collective autism that seems to find the loose strings to whatever "clever plan" that they come up with when it comes to happenings in the US, take for instance the supposed mail bombs and shooting followed after that as the "mail bomb" narrative was falling apart faster than they can keep together; That now they have to turn their attention to any potential overseas happenings and use it like it happened over in the US.

If Kiwis willingly let themselves be disarmed by traitorous government then they were lost already.

"Muslims will integrate, we won't lose our freedoms, if we're the majority we're safe, our children won't abandon our culture"

Lies and delusions that Tarrant has proven false. Even conservative boomers believe these things. I would never have believed that a country with so few invaders could Islamize so quickly.

Why have we heard no accusations of cultural appropriation?
Because this is cultural SUBJUGATION.

NZ are covering their women for fear of offending invaders. Their police are receiving religious indoctrination at a mosque known to have converted and radicalized Islamic extremists who died fighting the US in Yemen.

No one knew how quickly and how powerfully this could happen until Brenton showed us.

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He does mention jews in his manifesto.
He doesn't only demonize Muslims he criticizes all foreign invaders.

He started the manifesto with:
Jews have lower birthrates, he says they can be dealt with in time.

He explains exactly why he targeted Muslims in HIS attack.

A Christchurch Mosque with a history of radicalization, an ex church, like the Hagia Sophia. The group with the highest birthrates. And finally "GAS GAS GAS". Are you completely blind to any and all symbolism, as well as his literal words.

You are a lying retard, your reading comprehension is pathetic, you don't understand any Zig Forums references and the entire manifesto went straight over your empty brainlet head.

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Prophet Brenton

The memory hole. 10 years jail for possessing the manifesto and 14 years for sharing it.


Goddamn you're glow is blinding

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Anyone harvest some keks by finding some Kiwi forums and blogs and reposting the video and manifesto just to see what would happen?

What the fuck is your problem, nigger?

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The cops are closer.
Brenton is wearing no shoes.
The cops are wearing boots

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2 of the biggest cops they could find
cop trick to make some one look small.


New Zealand is being over run by muzzies, and it pissed one guy off

get a less disgusting font user

ok calm down cia man;
now go kill yourself instead

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IQ 140 is not genius level, it's only gifted.

The Girandoni Air Rifle was invented by the Austrians circa 1779. It used compressed air to quietly and smokelessly fire around 30 shots before its detachable air resevoir was removed to be recompressed.
General Mortier, who later became the 13th Prime Minister of France recalled that during a battle against the Austrians, in the silence following his order to cease cannon fire, one of his sergeants leaped into the air before falling down, they assumed that he was in a fit. Astonished to find him dead, once they had undressed him a ball was found to have struck him which must have been shot from a Girandoni Air-Gun in the adjoining field. On account of this treachery they executed every member of that Austrian corps that fell into their hands, considering them not as soldiers, but assassins.

To prevent atrocities like this occuring, the 1949 Geneva Convention established internationally agreed definitions for dealing with prisoners of war.
In the Geneva Convention, there are 4 critera to be considered a partisan prisoner of war.

1) There is someone at the head of the organisation, who assumes liability
2) They can be identified by a sign or mark, which is visible from far away
3) They carry their weapons openly
4) They adhere to the customs and laws of war, during their operation

Brenton Tarrant meticulously ensured that he met all of these conditions, therefore in international law he is not a terrorist, but a partisan prisoner of war.


Terrorists wear no insignia, no uniform, they hide their guns and suicide vests and they don't adhere to the customs and laws of war.

Members of Islam, every single one of them worship a book, a book they consider law. In Islamic law which they preach at every mosque in the world, is a clear declaration of war against our people.
Brenton walked into a headquarters of a occupying invasion force in which they preach their plans for violence against their enemy.
He did it in full uniform, wearing military insignia, carrying his weapons openly and under instruction from the head of his organization.
He killed enemy combatants with only minor civillian casualties.

And he will obviously be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and military honors for this act. He is a genius.

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Found many Kiwi's on Fiverr looking to make a dime as translators.
Sent them the Manifesto for translating into their native Language.

Sent in tip to Police about them having it (mostly non white Kiwis).

Kiwi no more showing up online. Hope brown Kiwi is okeey.

are you even trying?

Brenton Tarrant is a tiptop bloke.

"Why attack immigrants when “x” are the issue?
Because the “x” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility
immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy
them first."

just notice my quads from last night oy veyyyyyyyyy

>Brenton Tarrant can predict the future kikes actions
Is it new to some people that jews and leftyshits are predictable?

We've read his manifesto. We know.

If true, then Andrew Anglin did something right.


You think these little dumb fucks with small time shit can do anything? No way. You have to go to extreme lengths and capture everything. 60 years ago these guys did bombings, hundreds of them, they did political assassination. They needed to do a lot more.

Lesson 1: The military will be called in. That's why it has to be wholescale and much wider.

"Since 1963, the FLQ had been involved in over 200 bombings in Quebec. Now the self-described revolutionary movement was changing tactics.

The kidnappers threatened to kill Cross unless the government released 23 prison inmates charged with crimes committed in the name of the Front. The FLQ insisted these people were political prisoners. They also wanted their manifesto to be read on national television.

At first, both the federal and provincial governments - led by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Premier Robert Bourassa - downplayed the kidnapping. The Quebec government said it was open to negotiate with the FLQ and even allowed the group's staunchly separatist manifesto to be read on Radio-Canada.

"We have had enough of promises of work and prosperity," the manifesto read. "When in fact we will always be the diligent servants and bootlickers of the big shots … we will be slaves until Quebecers, all of us, have used every means, including dynamite and guns, to drive out these big bosses of the economy and of politics, who will stoop to any action, however base, the better to screw us …"

Tarrant was clearly a Mossadi stooge:

>Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater, stayed in an (((Aga Khan))) hotel there

>Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity

TL;DR: sage and kys, ziokike shill

T-series really isn't sending their best these days.

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Women. Putting the I in RUIN.

yeah seem legit, kike

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Already retaliations are demonstrating to people the seriousness of our situation. Thanks to Brenton there are now 51 healthy, living children that have seen the horrors of Islamic immigration first hand, that's 102 parents that will remember this when it's time to vote.

They all knew they were moments from burning alive, and they all know it was a migrant's retribution for the deaths of migrants. He failed because these people will never be able to carry out a lone wolf attack with the skill, precision, intelligence and forethought that Brenton did.

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Brenton is a real hero

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Man Don Jr is a fucking cuck, i thought he was better than his father, not by much, but still…