The dome of the rock is the next step in the prophecy. It must be destroyed and the third temple built.
The dome of the rock is the next step in the prophecy. It must be destroyed and the third temple built.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
Is it just me or have there been an absurd amount of blood moons since 2014? I thought these things only happened twice in 100 years at most
It's related to politics. Everything Trump is doing for Israel is to try and make this mythical event happen.
Well it is the (((media))). Of course they are interested in jewish fairy tales.
The end of their world, yes.
And thank the gods.
Well rabbi Dumbassowicz has his interpretation.
I think this combination of words could have a very different meaning from a Christian perspective though…
The kikes never seem to be able to see things outside of their closed little world, do they?
I suppose this is why they eventually get their shit shoved in as is evident throughout history.
In Christianity doesn't the antichrist come first?
Yes, though antichrists are many. They are called kikes.
For two thousand years people have dealt with this and still nothing has changed.
Depends on which tribulation timeline. Some argue shit hits the fan before the antichrist comes to (((save))) everyone.
Reminder kikes are primitive savages that believe this kind of shit masquerading as humans.
THIS! All of the turkikes are considered to be the ‘Antichrist’. Including that hideous fuck ‘paul’ the Pharisee.
This as well.
Their religion and culture is rooted in Africa voodoo and cannibalism. See spirit cooking
That's their Messiah user.
Well they do have nigger-tier IQs, after all.
Waiting for a bunch of Orthodox Jews to make the news having Hail Bopped themselves.
This is a retarded thread except possibly for the fact that jews don't just wait for the messiah but actively work to bring it about. In that sense, it's good to be aware of (even more) attempts at destruction and subversion.
You just have to inject your D&C agenda into every unrelated thread.
pic related
i thought mohammed was the antichrist
A Christian info graph. Deflect much Chaim?
Exactly in between niggers and Europeans. The permanent destructive effects of fucking niggers is something that human DNA never recovers from. EVER
Scofieldites are the retarded golems you get when you mix french and irish settlers with teepee niggers. Please die soon and take your kiked premillennial heresies with you.
When did they start?
My boomer relatives are Scofieldites. Christian Zionists who love the jews and swallow the holohoax hook, line and sinker.
de moon big
You mean the end of the jews?
And the reason why every Evangelical, Fundamentalist Christcuck in the USA salivates over who gets to eat the Jewish turd of the day. They all think that it will bring Jeebus back
Try never! This is why they are denied any type of salvation at all.
don't you goys belittle Muh superMoon it's happening now go get supplies from your local Retail giants:^)
The antichrist has been here for a long time, and in many different forms.
So, let the Moshiach come. People will simply denounce him or her, and probably throw him or her into a psych ward.
Watch them fall…I can't wait to see them erased from the Earth.
Semites, Muslims and anyone who has 'joined themselves to their 'body''…they are all about to be purged from the planet totally and completely. Watch and learn young padawans, there is no 'difference' between kikes/muslims and 'christians'; scroll over and pause for a second while the photos load…let me know what you notice.
LMAO…not a very 'effective' Messiah you have there then. Too bad there is no salvation for any of you or for your genetic line for your crimes upon the planet.
''You know who you are, right, lmao" GOd I am going to really enjoy this…it is even better if you don't understand who you are…it is delicious.
1. Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: 2. '〈Go to Noah〉 and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. 3. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.' 4. And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl, and cast him therein. 5. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. 6. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. 8. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin.' 9. And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle: for length of days shall they not have. 10. And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live five hundred years.' 11. And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjâzâ and
p. 38
his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. 13. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: 〈and〉 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations. 15. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end: and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: ⌈and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth⌉ shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.
17 And then shall all the righteous escape, (this doesn't mean you accursed KIKES it means your victims)
And shall live till they beget thousands of children,
And all the days of their youth and their old age
Shall they complete in peace.
18 And then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and be full of blessing. 19. And all desirable trees shall be planted on it, and they shall plant vines on it: and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance, and as for all the seed which is sown thereon each measure (of it) shall bear a thousand, and each measure of olives shall yield ten presses of oil. 20. And cleanse thou the earth from all oppression, and from all unrighteousness, and from all sin, and from all godlessness: and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the earth destroy from off the earth. 21. ⌈And all the children of men shall become righteous⌉, and all nations shall
p. 39
offer adoration and shall praise Me, and all shall worship Me. And the earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, and from all sin, and from all punishment, and from all torment, and I will never again send (them) upon it from generation to generation and forever.
At the risk of admiring digits, I relate to your dismissing the notion that the moon is important or portentous.
But maybe the world is more spiritual than we know, maybe the moon is special, maybe it affects us in ways beyond the obviously possible genetic avenues.
Just being a proper skeptic m8e.
P.s. unless this rabbi is prominent, I dont care about another end times scare story.
Use your shekels goyim…the kike who dies with the most shekels WINS!
Hi there.
I am the messiah. The Old Deus told me it was my purpose to destroy the demonic horror behind world jewry, after I managed to evade the demon's temptations in an altered mind-state.
It was somewhere around 2008-2009.
In my altered state, I was not sure what to make of the inky black void that opened in the high ceiling of my one-bedroom apartment. At first it was just a line, then it expanded into swath of inky oily blackness.
Down out of this came a hand, a claw really, which I can only describe as Gigerian. The claw beckoned to me, and its wet black carapace began to twist and meld and transform, becoming a throne.
I was offered all of existence. All the power I could possibly desire. Everything…
… And then I felt a presence behind me. Earlier that year, a family member passed away, one which I was close to, and who I should have been at the funeral of, but was not… As I stared, wide eyed at this throne, as I moved to rise and take it, something grabbed me from behind.
I could not see it, physically it could not have been there - I was up against a wall on a couch, there was no way something could be behind me - but it grabbed me all the same. Wisps of white light licked around the edges of my vision, and I felt a voice without words tell me that I didnt need that power, that I could do what needed to be done - what that was, I didn't even understand then - and that if I took that throne, it would rule me, as I ruled all.
I remember how it shivered. I remember how it moaned. I remember how that throne became a claw once more, and threatened me, slashed at me. It didn't matter, it was impotent, bereft of mortal will it had no power - and by mortal will, it had been defeated.
The Enemy is not immortal. It is not invincible. It is not omniscient.
It can beaten. It will be beaten.
And we shall be the generation to do it. I shall show you the way.
In time, we will stand once more in the Sun.
Don't be afraid as the darkness closes in - to stand before that throne is a test of your courage, of your will.
It is a test all of us must pass. I will show you the Way.
Checked. Praise Kek
Are you channeling Tarrant?
Well probably not, since you're basically street trash that says I am a Jew, yet your nose hooks and you diddle little kids.
Let's play pick a kike…it is a fun game where you try to identify the kikes and where they land in the infestation (NO CHEATING) by looking through a series of photos of shitskin, kike and 'christian' leaders. When you play pick a kike one of the things you begin to notice is that there are ONLY kikes in any significant positions of leadership in the world's religions.
"Come out of HER, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins." And who is this HER they speak of? None other than the slaughtering whore who fashions herself the 'wife of god'…
oy vey its anudda shemita!
No the historic documentation says that the temple aligned with the eastern gate, the dome of the rock does not?
The actual place the temple was located is nect to it on the dome of the spirits
It should be destroyed anyway to cause Muslim chimpout and WW3.
Let's help them build the temple, it would be peak accelerationism.
Kind of sucks that your god doesn't exist, huh?
See here…there will be no 'muslim chimpout' because they are all the same people. All are semites. The retarded muzzies don't even give a shit
There is only one God user…and his servants but the kikes never knew him and never will.
And his name is CTHULHU. And if you show CTHULHU the proper fear and respect He so richly deserves, He may choose to kill you later rather than sooner.
Our biggest threat is singularity, not the end times you silly rabbi.
Remember the tower of Babel? Well it's probably telling a story that reflected the collapse of a unified society a while ago (likely Bablyon or Ur).
Think of that, but on a global scale. Now you understand why nationalism is needed for more than just nationalist purposes. Hell, the fall of the Soviet Union nearly fucked this planet.
Did you know that one of the best methods of population control is through using fear?
Especially fear of a reckoning.
Though… ragnarok doesn't seem to be used the same way as the Book of Revelation, it's almost welcoming of the end times.
This accelerationism nonsense has to do with the kike prophecy. They have to make this happen by the year 6000 on the kike calendar. There are no do overs for them. If they fail, no messiah and no world wide enslavement of the goyim.
It's the year 5779 according to the kike time-line extrapolation of the Torah. They don't have a lot of time left to subjugate 8 billion people.
Jesus is not gay. God would not live a life of sin.
That's right. MESSIAH is here on Earth now. Pompeo announced it..
Pompeo says Trump may have been sent by God to save Jews
Imagine how good the Jews must feel about it… :D
You claim to know of me, yet fail to acknowledge or recognize me, while rejecting me outright!
No. Tarrant was an apostle of mine, I could tell from his writing, though he didn't know it.
Come over to >>>/holypol/
Yeah because all Jews know it will be before the Jewish year 6000 which is near. And the Moshiac (Messiah is already here. His name is Trump. He will rebuild the temple and America will appoint him as dictator.
What are you even saying?
You are correct. Flavius had indicated the correct position. And, in the last few years there has been excavations that have discovered the foundations for the 600x600ft platform there the 3rd temple existed and also the causeway connecting the two platforms together. The platform where the 3rd temple is to be built is actually the base for the 10th legion which consisted of at least 10,000 personal. The Jews pray to the army base that destroyed the place and almost illuminated [real] Jews from Earth. Jewish people must have some special amnesia about this subject but I'm not really surprised they want the large platform.
Fuck, I thought I only had to worry about super werewolves.
Do you really believe in this shit of "real jews"? Christians are cuck, indeed.
It really sounds nuts. They have to make a deal with the anti-Christ to make this happen as well. What sort of religion requires you make make deals with the literal devil? Also, I'd love to know what happen in Jewish year 6003 when the 3rd temple isn't built. Or in Goyim year 2026 when the 3rd temple is built and nothing happens at all and in 2036 no one goes there anymore like an abandoned amusement park. Do they get to pick another religion or get a time extension or what?
Describes every teenager on social media
The term Jew and Jewish can be used in so many ways. A book could be written about it. When I refer to someone as a Jew I can mean in the 'birth-right' sense, a religious sense or racially. However, with what we know to be fact and most of this is from the current Jewish people with their extensive study there are a sizable chunk of Jews that are not Jewish by birth right and or religiously. And, if not by birth right neither racially. And, that's if you really believe they are some distinct racial group (and some of them are) but most aren't. I hope I'm not causing offense to anyone with this and in saying that I'm Jewish myself… and I say Jewish because I'm Ashkenazi and my DNA test came back saying 'you whiter than a sheet of paper.' In any case, I struggle with the religion, it doesn't speak to me. Do you know what it's like to be told you you are special and you are different and you are better and you are worth a thousand other people and you are God's chosen people since you can remember? And then everyone around you grows up to be self-proclaimed atheists but are still Jewish? Ah, whatever.
You haven't produced any others? Slacker
Not related
Ironically the "antichrist" within Islam has only one eye. I wonder what ancient European deity could represent this?
Jews are mongrels user. You are not ‘white’…you are the closest dna to niggers of all humanity on the planet
They literally believe the messiah is the serpent (satan) who tricked adam and eve into sin. They hate christians above all people on the planet.
They also believe satan isn't a sinner. And I could go over a laundry list of sources to make my point or just laugh at the people who don't already know this that supposedly lurk this board: they're turning the goyim into servants of their lord the satan to get rewarded and finally have their worldwide kingdom where the goyslaves worship their israeli masters.
That is about as fucking funny as it gets since Jesus is the serpent, kingu. The appointed heir of God.
That fucking retarded kike woman couldn’t find her own ass with both hands and a map.
Check out this legitimately jewish post - the guy thinks christians and the rest of the world actually believe that Jesus is the serpant in the garden of eden.
They don't understand that this is radically different from anything in the Bible alone, and have no idea how hellish their religion really is.
Ragnarok is the end of the kali yuga and beginning of satya yuga.
Is that how old Judaism claims the world is? Did they get that from counting ages and lineages in the torah?
Israel is our Greatest ally, we're lucky to have them
6000 is when their kikessiah comes. 0 is when Yahweh supposedly invented jews. They are notoriously retarded at counting dates, and so there are a lot of "lost years" in the calendar. There is no way of knowing `exactly` when we are, It's around 5945 only counting a single inconsistency commonly known of. Don't fall for the trickery about it being 5779. by jewish calendar standards.
6000 years is also how long each age in a cycle should last in old Indo-European religion, if you do not apply loo-tier mathematics to the sources. Looks that you already have a grasp on that topic.
There is no way you are, faggot. The Emperor has been shitposting on this board for ages, your text is too poetic and dancing to be His. Further, He is not a servant to any being.
John 3:14 ←-Pi motherfucker!!
Do you know WHY you would have eternal life if you believed on him? Probably not…Christianity is such and FUCKING WASTE on those who have no ability to ever be born again (the second birth of a HUMAN/ARYAN).
Leave it to me to find someone who is more retarded on Zig Forums than that fucking kike bitch.
Riddle me this fucktard…
Who is Pythagoras and why is he important in Ancient Greek literature as a bulwark AGAINST the kikes? What similarities can be drawn between Jesus' Transcendental Rationalist philosophy and the teachings of Pythagoras? Why does John 1:1 use Philo's writings when talking about Jesus as the Logos. I bet you have heard of the Logos but haven't a fucking clue what it is… :^)
Alright, enough babysitting retards for now…why don't you go back to being ignorant of everything including the purpose of creation, a lot like that retarded kike. HAHAHAHA
Christkikes, I swear. Always trying to bring white men down to the level of niggers.
The snake was really only demonized as some arch evil devil thing when the primitive jews and their christomuslim lackeys came about.
Gentile religions, white or otherwise, were either neutral or positive about the snake, or just had cautionary tales about them, but they were not EBIIIIL like with Abrahamism.
Hell, even in the New Testament there is a positive trait about snakes that Christian are recommended to follow (be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves).
I don't think Jesus/Pythogus is evil user. I love the idea that mankind could be born from this place where he is dead/in Hell and I respect anyone that would come from above and be born here for the sole purpose of helping ('idea sperm of a father'/'memeing') anyone to be born out of the kikes Hell, or the material world. The part I found most hilarious is the idea that the kikes could achieve salvation or even be born into an upper realm no matter how hard they study.
I do think it is outrageously funny that the kikes think that the serpent would come back for someone other than his own offspring.
Their whole focus is a world of niggers they can rule over and that is all they are ever going to get in reward. Can you imagine the horror of eons of worry about ruling over stupid and violent dependant animals like niggers? BWAHAHAHAH that is humorous in itself…I wish them luck in their fucking hellish ghettos where their children are raped and NOTHING gets done because there is no one who is 'productive' on the planet anymore.
The only reason that they are capable of living as they do now is that WE FACILITATE IT and make things run. Can you imagine a nigger trying to fix a robot or build a bridge or bring in a harvest without feral parasitic niggers despoiling it all? There is a reason that things turn into a complete wasteland without Europeans…I imagine them living on this planet but it looking a lot like Mars and being devoid of Life completely when their chosesnite subhuman trash gets finished eating things down to a stump and setting back Life on the planet by 1 or 2 billion or more years. That is a lot of time to 'live underground' in your bunker waiting for life to appear again.
Man, I think that the European is genetically descended from higher beings, as well as memetically seeded. As a contrast to the brown hordes being manufactured soul-splinters of a certain volcano demon. I also think that the semitic end goal is getting everyone's souls consumed by that snobby thing, that their 'heaven' is ""merging"" with it. Not that it matters in the long future of our evolution, with everything becoming idea-incarnations after a certain point regardless.
What I am kidding? The so-called "material world" is made up of ideas too. The difference is that they are more specific down here. The same as how whatever is above is a more specific version of what's directly above it, and how the little atomic world below is all specifics of this one.
I wonder if that's why transjewmanists obsessed with the idea of living in a simulation. I would bet against it personally, they aren't `that` bright.
Jewish Group Says End Times Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled, Flawless 'Red Heifer' Could Signal the Third Temple
>The reddish-colored female calf was reportedly born in Israel on August 28 2018 and is being raised in accordance with the Jewish laws of the Torah, according to the Temple Institute.
How long does it take for a cow to be ready for slaughter?
>In your typical sense, a calf that is raised along side it's mother eating grass and then weaned at 8 months and then feed corn will take 12–18 months to reach the weight needed for slaughter. If you are doing a grass-finished animal then it would take 24–36 months to hit the target weight for slaughter.
Aug 28 2019 is 3 years later at the latest Aug 28 2022. At the earliest of 12 months THIS FUCKING YEAR.
Abbas's Fatah: Israel planning to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque
An Israel Antiquities Authority crane on Wednesday removed the 200-kg. ashlar, which fell into the nearly-empty egalitarian plaza, also known as the “Ezrat Yisrael.” No one was hurt. IAA archaeologists have yet to determine what caused the ancient stone to fall.
The Palestinians have since used the incident to revive their long-standing charge that Israel is planning to destroy al-Aqsa Mosque in order to rebuild the Third Temple.
The building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
temple mount prophecy precisely on schedule
don't want to defend jews, but if you don't think having a giant floating rock in the sky is magical, idk what to say to you
Come over to >>>/holypol/
Temple Mount: A Detonator For World War III
“The Temple Institute’s ultimate goal is to see Israel rebuild the holy Temple on Mount Moriah [Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif] in Jerusalem, in accord with the Biblical commandments.”
>Furthermore, according to the rabbinic sages — whose debates produced the Talmud — it was from here that the world expanded into its present form and from where the Abrahamic God gathered the dust used to create Adam, the first man. According Young Earth Creationism (influence.99k.org
>As for Adam being created on Temple Mount, it is now an established fact that the evolution of human beings — Homo sapiens — first began definitely in Africa (either East or South) where archaeological evidence of our ancestral Y chromosome and mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) has been discovered. It must therefore be very disconcerting for white supremacists and other like-minded people to learn that geneticists have identified groups of chromosomes called haplogroups — “genetic fingerprints” which define populations — that trace their ancestral origins to the “subhuman” races of Africa. The ethnocentric concepts of a God Chosen People, a Master Race, or the feasibility of producing perfect “Racial Purity” as in the Nazi Lebensborn breeding programme (en.wikipedia.org
You know, sometimes that notion doesn't sound all too bad, considering our current situation.
I just want a release - through fire and blood in the racewar or a quick end, zero to nothing through some divine intervention.
That fucking webm
Friendly reminder that the arrival of their messiah is
1) preceded by colossal global conflict
2) the age when they fully complete their global government project.
They are claiming this because they know they're almost finished.
So did anything happen?
>the coming end of (((their))) days
Part of their mythology is the belief that all gentiles will be their WILLING slaves. The only way people would be willing is under threat of death. Jews plan to impose global noahide law. Seven measly rules with only one punishment for breaking, BEHEADING.
Sound like another religion we know pol?
We have been though. But that time is over, can you imagine anyone being their WILLING slave at this point. No their rulership is over and it is time for them to die. They were warned, you know…but they never listen.
"What profit it for a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
In European Ethnoglobe there won't BE ANY OTHER RACES so no one is going to be taking any slaves because (((parasitic behavior))) of all types is going to be punished by death.
Very informative on moving Islam into the West.
Next they will compile a genome of jewish dna from around the world and try to genetically engineer their moshiach. Imagine a man with every psychopathic trait found among the highly psychopathic jewish people in one man.
Will he fulfill Christian dogma and be the antichrist?
No he will be jesus because jesus is king of the jews
the anti Christ comes first amid massive world war and chaos. it will be some time away still.
why cant i download this? its like a malfunctioning file
they can't prove that
out of africa was debunked
If they are willing to engineer a red heffer these kikes will be willing to foment global war to fulfill the other part of the prophecy.