A few questions about heroic Brenton Tarrant

Sup, bros.
Like any normal person, I’ve enjoyed the kebab-removal show provided by Mr.Tarrant immensely. However, after watching the video for quite a few times, I’ve noticed several odd moments.

1. Why did he even bring the shotgun to his first target area, when he had 2 semi-auto rifles with at least 6 mags (as seen in video)? Of course, emptying a 12gauge and dropping it on the floor look badass, but it’s very inefficient. He dropped only 2 kebabs with 9 (!) shots, and still had to finish one of them off with a .223.

2. This whole “I’m going to run out and get another rifle, meanwhile feel free to call 911” moment looks just silly. Why didn’t he bring the second rifle with him? It was much better option than a shotgun anyway.

3. If he just HAD to run out, why not bring gas cans in, and burn the wounded? It would’ve been quick, efficient, when the building would catch fire, he might have gotten those who were hiding.

4. And of course, the crown jewel, noticed by many anons. The kebabs are acting weird as fuck. ONLY one tries to escape, ONLY one zerg rushes him (almost successfully), the rest are crowded in two corners, not moving, not screaming, not panicking, like perfect targets or Hindu cows.

I’m just asking questions. #subscribetopewdiepie

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the two "corners" are exits, look closely. as soon as he started shooting the shotty all hundred+ of them bolted through the small doors, causing the pile of bodies

i'm think the guy who rushed him was trying to sprint past him while he was turned the other way. except tarrant moved as he was doing this and he bumped into him. but this i'm not sure on

Why does a dog lick its balls?
Because it can!

There was a large exit right in the middle, plus another one on the right. Are you telling me kebabs are stupid enough not to go for the best avaliable exit?

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>hey guys I'm one of you but I'm really concerned

What's wrong with that? It's totally desease-free.

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To answer your #4 – People panic by going any which way in the immediate moment. After that point, the first person to go for the door is a target. Every person in the piles waiting to be killed knew that they might survive if they did not move.

The first instinct was to dodge out of the line of fire.

Look at these filenames and realize that this is a shill.

I guess if they ALL rushed him a bunch would survive, but a scared human brain doesn't think of that
the back exit was their only choice

Feel free to do better. Until then shut the fuck up or take it to Zig Forums.

1. I presume he must have wanted to experience killing someone with a shotgun, he will have seen it done in the movies, thought yeah it would be cool to off someone with the shotgun but knew it was no good for a killing spree, for that he needed the machine guns, but he took the shotgun as well just to experience a kill with that.

2. Maybe mistakes due to nervousness and inexperience, it's not like he'd done s killing spree before, maybe he was high, maybe he spoked pot to calm his nerves before he went, so maybe he wasn't thinking the best, who knows, maybe he knew the cops wouldn't show and he'd have time to waste, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3. Shooting people is more fun than burning ; )

4. The speed at which the muslims had all got into the corners means it was planned, they clearly had prepared for such an event and the plan they'd all agreed on was to pile up in the corner, presumably the young ones were covered by the others to protect them, stupid plan really as there was enough of them to rush him or alternatively all try and run out or some rich him and others run out, but looking st it from their perspective they didn't know how many shooters there was initially.
As due throne that rushed him, o don't think he did, it looks like whilst brenton had turned to the right and was shooting that group that a guy from the left saw his chance to get away, he clearly was trying to run behind Brendon and to run down the corridor, if he'd have gone for brenton instead maybe things would have been different.

Because a simple shotgun is one of the most effective anti-personnel weapons a regular person owns. AR-15s are nice for battle rifles but you'll notice that Brenton killed far more kebabs with the AK clone than the AR. The 5.56 round is designed to pass through and wound rather than kill.

Would you want to run around carrying three rifles?

Idk. Tis a shame but you know what they say about plans and bullets flying.

Did you even watch the video? They were all trying to escape. That's why they were crowded around the corner windows. They were desperately trying to get out. Typical stampede behavior, lol.
An unusually brave young man. Glad he's dead. Most of us, if roles had been reversed, would have ended up being in the corners trying to get out the window.
I like to imagine that I'd charge an islamic gunman but I've only been in one life-threatening situation and it was not comprable.

I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction.
t. The asymmetric warfare user.


1. I presume he must have wanted to experience killing someone with a shotgun, he will have seen it done in the movies, thought yeah it would be cool to off someone with the shotgun but knew it was no good for a killing spree, for that he needed the machine guns, but he took the shotgun as well just to experience a kill with that.

2. Maybe mistakes due to poor planning, nervousness and inexperience, it's not like he'd done a killing spree before, maybe he was high, maybe he smoked pot to calm his nerves before he went, so maybe he wasn't thinking the best, who knows, maybe he knew the cops wouldn't show and he'd have time to waste, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3. Shooting people is more fun than burning ; )

4. The speed at which the muslims all got into the corners means it was planned, they clearly had prepared for such an event and the plan they'd all agreed on was to pile up in the corner, presumably the young ones were covered by the others to protect them, stupid plan really as there was enough of them to rush him, or alternatively all try to run out, or some rush him and others run out, but looking at it from their perspective they didn't know how many shooters there were.
As for the guy that rushed him, i don't think he did, it looks like whilst brenton had turned to the right and was shooting that group that a guy from the left saw his chance to get away, he was clearly trying to run behind Brendon without brenton knowing so he could run down the corridor, if he'd have gone for brenton instead maybe things would have been different.

Remove yourself from the gene pool, reddit faggot.

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Yeah, he was definitely trying to run past him. Didn't stop the faggots trying to label him a hero.

A person's reaction to something like this is generally ingrained. I grew up in the hood and I've been shot at before. I've also fought a lot and have stabbed people with a small switchblade (I usually carry a bowie knife and a Sig P229 in my car for close quarters combat nowadays).

For me at least, the decision to run or fight comes naturally, but many people I know freeze up when confronted with a dangerous situation. Freezing up is also a natural response, therefore it tends to be the go-to response for most people. This response evolved due to the fact that dangerous predators like wolves and lions see moving targets much better than they see still ones and associate running targets with prey animals - you aren't going to outrun a wolf or a lion so you're much better off freezing up and hoping the predator gets confused.

Obviously freezing up in an active shooter situation is a terrible idea - you're just an easy target, but to overcome a strongly ingrained natural response is difficult. It requires training, or you're just one of the lucky ones that naturally possesses a warrior instinct to assess a dangerous situation quickly and make the correct decision. If I was in that room, I would have jumped out of the window and ran the fuck out of there (I'm not stupid enough to attempt to fight a guy with a rifle from mid-range), or I would have drawn my bowie knife and hid somewhere in a narrow hallway, waiting for him to walk by as a large knife is much more deadly than a gun in extreme close quarters (although there were no hiding spots in that room, so the former option is much more likely).

I don't really blame the people that froze, they aren't fighters and haven't had a rough-and-tumble upbringing, so they were lying there and praying, hoping that the shooter wouldn't enter the room or would think they're dead and not fire at them, or have mercy on them as non-threatening targets and refuse to shoot them.

Zig Forums here

1. Taking 2 guns is smart. He had plenty of reloads for the AR and reloading a shotgun takes a long time. So using the shotgun till it was empty then tossing it effectively gave him a few extra shots before having to reload. The likely hood of both guns malfunctioning is very low, so having 2 long guns insured some kills.

2. Semi-autos malfunction more than people realize. It's likely his main AR was jammed. He was saying fuck over and over again when he went to the car as if something was seriously wrong.

3. I'm guessing his plan was to detonate the petrol bombs, but for some reason decided not to. Maybe he forgot his detonator or lost it when he was knocked down.

4. This is pretty common in a shooting situation. Most people are frozen with terror and try to just hunker down and hope they aren't killed. Probably the most common thing people ask in the comments of any shooting or execution video are things to the effect of "why didn't anyone fight?" or "why are they just waiting to be executed?" Most civilians are never in a situation like this so they really don't understand that your brain just isn't working logically.

I was thinking the same thing. As per #4 fleeing in abject terror is much more likely than an attempt to fight.

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Just use a drone, you can kill more and get away with it clean.

You could have asked these retarded questions in your last thread exactly like this one. I can tell it's you by the way you posited them.

1) The shotgun, like any noisemaker is always used first as a means of disorientation or crowd dispersal then efficiency. Targets scatter from the loud bangs in all directions. Same reason he used a strobe. Same reason cops flashbang. Same effect cluster bombs have in a Blitzkrieg.

2) No idiot is going to walk in with 3 rifles on his back and a handful of gasoline jugs.

3) Why cremate the bodies for them when you can go get more at another mosque? Only a fucking moron would waste time playing with dead bodies.

4) Sub 50-65 IQs, and never being on the business end of a weapon. Gun shots and machetes are background noise to these savages… when they are on the other side of them.

See you next time you post this slide, you fucking cuck refugee.

Why do any of it?
If his goal had been to kill Muslims, he could have joined the US military (they take foreigners) or signed up with the Kurds.
If his goal had been to kill Muslims that were invading his country, he could have done so in AUS (his own country), rather than NZ. Had he wanted to kill as many as possible over a period of time, he could have used improvised explosives (evidence shows that he already knew how to craft them - the police disarmed an IED on his car.)
Instead, had his goal been to give the government an excuse to crack down on gun-ownership and freedom of expression while attention-whoring, he could have done exactly what he did.

yeah. he wasnt a hero. mussie was trying to flee

The fact he is an idiot explains all your questions.

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People make mistakes user.

His adrenaline was pumping and he was just acting on instinct. You don't really think clearly when you are in the middle of slaying 50 people.

I think that he planned to burn down the mosque, but he got excited or scared or something. Thats why he says "that didn't go as planned" when he was in the car driving off.

This isn't noticed by many Anons. This is just demoralization/false flag shilling. People tend to be scared and do weird shit when they are being mowed down by semi-automatic weapons.

Doesn't matter if you know you will never use any of this weapons ever again.

That was obviously his plan but he decided to just kill them. Propably because fear of police shoting him in back while he plays with gas.

Not true. At least three escaped. Propably even more.

That was (and still is) the plan! So far everything worked flawlessly, the gov and media dance to his tune like idiots…

That's what people do in the threat of death…
Ever seen torture/execution videos? Victims mostly act weird!

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you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

In the age of Tarrant, we have two options.

Train and fight, or have as many kids as possible and homeschool.

If you're being a faggot and just browsing the internet and not doing or encouraging these two actions, you're dead weight.

Aim for ten kids or a hundred enemies. You choose.

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Fuck off Nigger.

The idea of having ten kids is absolutely nigger mentality. Nobody who isn't a millionaire can reasonable maintain that without gibs from government and even then your kids will probably grow up with daddy issues. Have a reasonable amount of children, build a good family structure and show them love through your time not material possessions.

JIDF was better at this, this is fucking amateur hour

fucking end your life shill. Fucking kys.


I'm as white as it gets

t. albino nigger

Mosf of these questions are pretty silly OP and are just another case of hindsight and you armchsir quarterbacks telling everyone how YOU think Brenton should have acted.

He says himself "Did not go as planned" after he leaves the first mosque… He then goes on to talk about how he dropped magazines instantly and how he had attempted to go for ease of access in the way he was carrying them on his person instead of retention and "if you go with ease of access you CAN fuck yourself". Who knows how much these things threw him off… Plus thr shotgun thing as someone else said… He needs no reason other than he wanted to.

As for the gas… He does goes back to the car, picks up a can and then seemingly decided against it and puts it back down. He references this in the car as well. "Should've stayed longer…. There was time for the fuel… But shit happens… I wouldve liked to burn that mosque to the fucking ground…"

If you haven't figure this out yet, his music playlist was specifically chosen as a way for him to keep time in his head of how long he had been there and what he actually INTENDED to do was start burning down the mosque when Arthur Brown's "Fire" was playing Which wouldve been even more amazing

He decided against that and who knows why? He had just smoked like 40+ hajis after planning for 2 years, sometimes things DON'T go as planned or sometimes you might not THINK they're going as planned as you have no fucking life experience on mass murders to compare it to, which is what happened to our hero Brenton

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Why was there a magazine on the floor in front of him when he's going inside long before that muzzie hit him?
It was a false flag.

No it wasn't. If you notice at the beginning oc the video when the camera is moving around and briefly pointing in his lap, he has a whole cluster of magazines strapped to himself… The "ease of access" he mentions that if you do instead of "retention" then you can "fuck yourself"..

He specifically says "Mags fell almost instantly" and "I know I left at least one full magazine back there, possibly more"

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Fuck off back to reddit, (((bro)))

Adrenaline is a strange substance, inhibits clear though and you nearly shit yourself (some do), even if you are the one dishing it out.
Training helps, that is why the military put their recruit under so much stress.

It was different when Commander Breivik did strike. Norwegian government was relatively cool tried to play it down.
I refuse to believe that NZ gov is so much more stupid. They probably did nothing they had not contingency plans for. St. Tarrant told them what he plans and they did anyway.

So what?

Why? Am I a crack nigger?

You might as well be. You can't expect to have the time to raise 10 kids and still have any kind of day job. You're bound to be the "present absent" father.