This pendeja has been more successful in making socialism a rallying cry for nonwhites than any other politician in recent years. The media are propping her up precisely because she is converting a political doctrine primarily concerning economics (flawed as it may be) into a potent racial ideology. The Jews haven’t had a horse this productive in their stables in decades.
I predict the short term outcome of this will be the extinguishing of the “Berniebro” types from the left; white males who’ve forgotten they’re white and whom the brown identitarians will force out of the movement. I predict Bernie will once again lose the democratic nomination, but worse this time. No dirty tricks will be needed. He won’t have the steam that he did in 2016.
In the long term however, the demographic shift combined with this racial-izing of socialist ideas will spell disaster for the US unless these trends are reversed. Cortez, Omar… we will see more of these types in the coming years. White identitarianism can’t stop it - we won’t have the numbers - and if we play into this racial framework by claiming that ideas like capitalism, 2A rights, free speech, border security, etc. are components of white identity, then we lose many potential brown allies who would otherwise help us defend a more traditional American value structure.
So my question for the Natsoc types is: Do we try to wean the disaffected white berniebros onto a diet of civic nationalism? It’s easier for them to swallow than 1488-proof white nationalism. In my opinion the CivNat cohort serves as a good and necessary buffer between brown trash socialism and white identitarians since it allows white people to subtly push for white ideas while technically sidestepping racial arguments.
Or is a racial-political civil war just inevitable at this point and we should just be 100% open about the fact that whites are in a fight for survival?
I realize that a purely political/electoral solution is, at this stage, as hopelessly optimistic as the French army’s strategy in 1940. But is accelerationism the only answer?