The Fall of the White Leftist Male

This pendeja has been more successful in making socialism a rallying cry for nonwhites than any other politician in recent years. The media are propping her up precisely because she is converting a political doctrine primarily concerning economics (flawed as it may be) into a potent racial ideology. The Jews haven’t had a horse this productive in their stables in decades.

I predict the short term outcome of this will be the extinguishing of the “Berniebro” types from the left; white males who’ve forgotten they’re white and whom the brown identitarians will force out of the movement. I predict Bernie will once again lose the democratic nomination, but worse this time. No dirty tricks will be needed. He won’t have the steam that he did in 2016.

In the long term however, the demographic shift combined with this racial-izing of socialist ideas will spell disaster for the US unless these trends are reversed. Cortez, Omar… we will see more of these types in the coming years. White identitarianism can’t stop it - we won’t have the numbers - and if we play into this racial framework by claiming that ideas like capitalism, 2A rights, free speech, border security, etc. are components of white identity, then we lose many potential brown allies who would otherwise help us defend a more traditional American value structure.

So my question for the Natsoc types is: Do we try to wean the disaffected white berniebros onto a diet of civic nationalism? It’s easier for them to swallow than 1488-proof white nationalism. In my opinion the CivNat cohort serves as a good and necessary buffer between brown trash socialism and white identitarians since it allows white people to subtly push for white ideas while technically sidestepping racial arguments.

Or is a racial-political civil war just inevitable at this point and we should just be 100% open about the fact that whites are in a fight for survival?

I realize that a purely political/electoral solution is, at this stage, as hopelessly optimistic as the French army’s strategy in 1940. But is accelerationism the only answer?

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Gas gas gas
Eco Naturism , remove the filth to join in

face to bloodshed you faggot. diversity fails almost universally, and certainly when the diversity is as intense as first and third world peoples. the breeding and "civilization upkeep" attributes of these groups couldn't be more different. they will keep using our tax dollars to breed like insects while raising their genetically inferior offspring like violent savages, furthering the divide. face to bloodshed is our only hope but we are so cucked that we'll probably fail to realize this collectively before our numbers are so low as to be irrelevant. jamal and mahmut are going to have a fun time looting the ruins of a society that they are not smart enough to understand. I wonder what they'll use the remnants of our tech devices for in a society that cannot maintain the power grid.

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These people didn't defend that structure in sizable numbers before this "Racialization" that you're squawking about. (Btw it's a flawed premise, politics and "voting" has been provably racial since the beginning - you're just choosing to notice it now that this horse faced sow is in the running.) White Separatism is the only "political" future for the White people's of North America who keep the entire house of cards afloat like Atlas holding up the sky. Which is why violence is inevitable because the cantankerous nigger hordes will never let their White hosts leave - lest the sky fall on top of them.

You mean the "The fall of the non-Jewish white skinned Leftist males". There will still be plenty of white skinned Jewish males who will masquerade around as "White Leftist Male".

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False, the god emperor said all jews are Republicans now

Do you want this decrepit, corrupt, genocidal system to last forever?
Then we need to overthrow it.
Ah but we can't because it's too strong, you tell me.
Okay. I understand.
Fine then. Let's make it weak. Let's make it incompetant. Let's try to destabilize the System.
By trying to elect the MOST corrupt, the MOST insane, and the MOST incompetant nincompoops that the democratic party can produce.

If you live in a closed primary state, register as a democrat and vote for Yang.
If he is lost, vote for Harris.

The less competant the elite is, the more unstable the System will become.

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Why does every jew look so unnatural. What the fuck.

Anyone have what percentage are open kikes and what percentage are crypto kikes? And I mean a serious estimate - not just calling every single one a kike.


It’s called being subhuman

No she hasn't you retard, she's an actress. Some disgusting street shitter is doing it, she's just reading her script.

She has been kicked off every counsel and when she doesnt accomplish anything she will have nothing to stand on to run for office again.

You just said it all with these 6 words. She is engineered.

That is an ugly spew.

Shut the fuck up, kike.

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No. Absolutely not civic "nationalism" is the cancer that brought to where we are in the first place.
The path forward is clear: shill them the 14; the 88 they must come to know and love for themselves.
Whilst ever you do not speak directly in support of White survival, you are LOSING the battle, because you are still bound by the frame constructed for us by the jews: that it is somehow bad, wrong, or "racist", for Whites to support White people. You cannot hope to break out of this frame when all your force is confined within it. To break through it, you must target something external to it.
You know what you need to do. We all know what we need to do. Stop fighting it.

The left is doing a wonderful job of eating and tearing apart their own.
Nancy Pelosi is nothing more than a gatekeeper currently. And by that I mean, the minute she's officially out, all the shit that they're mouthing off about and attempting to make it blatantly obvious they're in for a hostile takeover will increase 200-fold. She's too cowardly to step in and do anything, but she knows the minute she's not a part of it, the crumbling house of cards will just tumble even faster.

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While I agree with you, I don't think AOC worship will be the cause of that. It's really a long-term decline based on numerous factors, one of which is Bernie himself. I wonder how many Berniebros felt a little creeped out when he said that if you're white

Those were his exact fucking words, no matter how much others might try to spin them. Look at the comments & downvotes on this video of his.

Aside from this, Bernie betrayed a lot of his supporters, turning his back on other progressives like Tim Canova, backing Hillary, and doing the usual anti-Trump hysteria. He even bought into Russiagate.

I'm supposed to be opposed to that?

Sucks, but there it is.



Why not just let America die? It's already beyond saving and the majority of who will be suffering the downfall is non-whites.

Republican party was never white supremacist. The only party that ever supported:

-racist movements
-anti black laws (remember hillary super predators)

is DEMOCRATIC, I am not ironic here.

Democratic Party is fundamentally a technocratic party, Republicans are fundamentaly a Christian party.

This is why Republicans freed the slaves, combat abortion (vast majority of abortions are blacks), and now Trump removed harsh anti black Bill Clinton laws.

The whole reason why gun laws were introduced is to disable poor and dumb blacks from defending themselves. This and locking blacks up is why their fertility rates are so low compared to European blacks or Africans.

This is Democratic "deep state" which is extremely machiavellian and two faced.

The only way to make USA white supremacist again is to infiltrate the party which submitted the indians and conquered half of Mexico. The Democratic Party.

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I found this today while wondering "Am I SURE Sara Carter isn't a kike…" while looking at her ugly mug.

Seems legit.

Of course. Of course. Let's start over.

Of course he did!

I'm still not sure.

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It is delicious to watch the stammering, tottering, senile old bag try to placate the rabid chimps in the Democrat playpen while trying to present a civilized front to the rest of the country

Both parties are controlled by the same kikes in America.

god u are dumb, horse face cortez is not helping communists at all, she's openly announcing all the gay retarded shit they've been slowly implementing in the background for 60+ years she is blatantly ignorant, designed to turn off the only people who matter in politics (white organizational groups)
but but but my Overton window is being pushed ect. no it's not, it's being closed because everyone can finally see fucking bugs and shit are coming in.

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Fuck's sake dude… They literally got a fucking mischling model to shill this shit.

At age 17 (2012), Pipko's first book Sweet Sixteen was published by Archway Publishing, a self-publishing service from Simon and Schuster.

If you guessed the 'SA' in 'Supermodels SA' stood for SOUTH FUCKING AFRICA, DING DING DING, YOU WIN!

Fuck's sake…




You can't see my lip curling in disgust, but it is. Its curled as fuck.

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Reminder: Trump became president because the media propped him up.

That seems more and more likely to more I look at it.

Nope. Only way is overthrow and installation of national socialism.

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Trump has a kike instagram thot trying to get jews to shift to the republicuck party… Let that sink in.

At least we know they prey on their own…

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Oh man that's fuckin hilarious.

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Well, they picked the right spokesperson.

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To appeal to jewish men? Yeah, they did, except jewish men aren't quite as muh dik as niggers.

She’s cute, I hope she doesn’t get erased from this timeline. I like her dancing.

If the Jews are going Republican, there has been no better time to ditch the GOP.

if you're smart you don't make it about white survival until someone already sees that for themselves, you are working against a lifetime psyop on these people, straight up telling them without letting them find out for themselves 9 times out of 10 is going to end up with the rejection of the idea despite it being apparent and logical.


That's part of it, but also to shake off the idea that the Republican party is stuffy and lame. A lot of urban liberal Jews live in a bubble where they're still back in the 20th century, and they're still heroic rebels for speaking out against racism.

It seems like every other racer can come together to take down the whites even if they seem to kill each other all the time such as with the blacks. Whites have been splintered off all over the place so none of them want stand together because as soon as you get a white group together you have people who are against it such as whites for africa, whites for immigrants, whites for israel etc. The good news is that no woman is truely attracted to these leftist males so they should be eventually eliminated. They are not respected by either whites or the other races they fawn over. There needs to be a group that sticks up for whites, all the old ones were infiltrated through the fbi and made to look like fools.

the system can't last anyway, something is going to happen to reduce the population either voluntary or through starvation

aren't blacks only less than 20% off the population in the USA, seems like in the long term they won't really have that much effect compared to other races

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Holy shit…

Holy shit I just got it.


Also these kike families are always hilarious to investigate.

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Eh, I don't think that's going to appeal in that sense. Liberal jews would be more likely to complain about her being a sex object or a traitor to the ascendent than they would consider her someone to replicate.
That's a really heavy-handed attempt to appeal on the mud dik platform. Typical israeli shit.

What's that? You'd like some pasta?
Well you're in luck. I've got just the thing.

And I can't help but laugh at civic nationalism - its a self-defeating meme.

Look at the US.

We hear civic nationalists talking all about these Constitutional principles that they hold dear.
Freedom of speech. Right to bear arms. Limited government.
Yet these same civic nationalist principles, they claim, demand judgement on the basis of the individual only, not as collectives… Of course, their claims are somewhat suspect, given the men who derived those princples initially were slave owners and created the US as an explicit White ethnostate, but whatever.

The point is, this hyper-individualistic outlook forces them into a cognitive box, limiting the extent of their philosophical-willpower. It does so, in that it forces them to reject judgement in the context of racial groups as a collective, despite races acting as collectives.
For example: Hispanics support gun control (60%+ in favor, 30% against). And hate-speech laws (50%+ in favor, 25% against). And expanded government (70%+ in favor, 20% against). And Hispanics overwhelmingly identify with the left-wing political parties (60%+, increasingly from generation to generation after entry to the country to upwards of 70% by the 2nd generation). AND Hispanics demonstrate an elevated fertility rate relative to White populations in the US (still above replacement levels).

Thus, by upholding civic nationalist principles in judging Hispanics as individuals instead of as a group, many Hispanics would be (and have been) allowed into the country - for example in the amnesty of Ronald Reagan - despite the fact that collectively they do not believe in the principles upon which the nation was founded… Not that they would say as much if attempting to gain entry - deception exists, and civic nationalist arguments as-goes vetting procedures are underwhelming, nevermind the prospect of enforcement of civic values after entry (let alone over generations).

And this last point about enforcement is important, because evidence suggests that, like most ethnic/racial minorities in the US, Hispanics do not demonstrate a collective belief in the civic principles of the US (certainly not to the proportional degree seen in US Whites), but they DO behave as a collective, supporting left-wing political groups in overwhelming majority. Those promoting civic nationalist ideals do not demonstrate the philosophical-willpower to enforce these civic values, have offered no methodology to alter this condition, and all indications suggest they are bereft of such a method - if they were not, the populations which have been in the US for several generations, exposed to the values of the country and civic nationalists' arguments in that vein, would espouse those positions, but they do not.

While on the subject… Why do Hispanics support left-wing groups? Are they actually more left-wing in political view? Yes, but that's not the whole story - they vote as a collective, and they do so to serve collective interests. Left-wing groups in the US are the groups in favor of serving the left-wing predispositions of Hispanics (hate-speech laws, gun control, expanding government with more programs) as well as increased immigration, which they promote loudly, and increased immigration leads to an increase in population for the respective ethnic/racial minority in question, which in turn leads to an increase in the political power, electorally at the very least, wielded by that ethnic/racial minority. Hence, regardless of their political stance, Hispanics support left-wing groups as a collective to serve collective interest. We see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Blacks and other non-Whites.
In fact, we see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Asians, who also primarily support left-wing groups in the US (50%+, increasing generationally), even though polling of their political views suggest they may not actually be left-wing politically - they're merely acting as a collective in serving their collective interest.

Left-wing groups are, for whatever reason (ideology, personal desire for power or wealth, etc), very happy to assist in this endeavor, and in fact, the left-wing political party of the modern US is an amalgam of minority groups acting collectively in their own interest despite an absence of shared political belief betwixt the tribes. They are, effectively, a collective composed of collectives, each acting to serve their own interests, and a great deal of their effort is maintained in securing each individual collective's support and avoiding conflict among those groups where their perceived collective interests conflict. Further, these left-wing groups - aided by left-wing political/social organizations (several particularly influential examples bearing an overt Jewish composition or philosophy) - explicitly advocate for, and support the explicit advocacy of, the respective non-White minority collectives, whilst simultaneously doing everything in their power to silence, slander, demonize and deplatform any and all explicit White advocacy groups through accusation of association with 'racism', 'White supremacy', 'Nazism' and/or 'anti-Semitism', amongst others.

That is to say, the left-wing in the US, particularly the influential Jewish wing, advocates against explicit White advocacy. Which is why no such explicit White advocacy organizations exist in the US today which are not so slandered, and certainly none which exhibit institutional power and perceived legitimacy as might be claimed on behalf of other ethnic/racial groups' equivalents (the latter of which often exhibiting a far more seedy character than the former).
Ironically, this seems to form a neat little circle for the left-wing (especially Jewish) actors: by advocating against White advocacy and White advocates using accusations such as 'racism' or 'White supremacy', Jewish left-wing organizations create anti-semitic sentiment in White advocates and White advocacy organizations, which those same left-wing Jewish organizations then utilize to further slander them through accusation of 'anti-semitism' or 'Nazism'!
Its important to note that the left-wing political factions and their accomplice political organizations in the US also employ such accusations in opposition to any efforts to inhibit left-wing political aims at increasing immigration into the US from non-White sources, promoting globalist multiculturalism and miscegenation, and degrading national borders, even national sovereignty.

The left-wing has been so successful in their efforts in this regard, that the US population demographics are beginning to disintegrate. The White population - the only population which demonstrates anything close to majority support for the ideals which civic nationalists claim to hold most dear - is being displaced.

What conclusion do we reach from such analysis of circumstance?
We can discern that the civic nationalist position is philosophically-unequipped to combat this hazard, in that their civic nationalist ideals demand they make judgements on strictly individual grounds such as to ignore ethnic/racial behavioral trends. They will thus seek to argue in favor of judging a long line of individuals, as individuals, on principle, who can and will present themselves as sharing a belief in the principles civic nationalists claim to seek to uphold if such is required to gain entry to the country, and who will subsequently act collectively in their own interests once in the US such as to create new demographic conditions within the US that are no longer fertile substrate for the individual - and thereby societal - espousal of civic nationalists' proposed ideals.

tl;dr: Non-Whites don't care about civic duties or virtues, they act as collectives to serve collective interests, and civic nationalists do not have any mechanism at their disposal to change, nor combat, this state of affairs, even as they vehemently protest, on the basis of their civic nationalist principles, White advocates attempting such a feat. These civic nationalists are thus demonstrating that they are operating from an obsolete playbook, attempting to espouse civic nationalist ideals of individualism that were only able to be maintained in homogenous White nations bereft of competition from myriad non-White collectives (each serving their own interests), and yet, despite this failure, demonstrable throughout electoral politics in the US (and the West overall) over the last 30+ years, civic nationalists continue to suggest the old playbook is valid. The conclusion is thus that, if civic nationalists are allowed to attempt to carry out their proposed policies in the US, there will cease to exist a substrate for civic nationalists' beloved Constitutional principles and these principles will cease to exist in application in the US. Self-defeating meme.

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You're thinking of SJW types, they would never go for this anyway.

Her market would be the types of Jews who identify as liberal, but who are not peak social justice. One example of this is Bill Maher, who hates white people, but also Muslims and SJWs, even though he is a moderate version of the latter. The Jews who consider themselves reasonable liberals and like Bernie Sanders.

Being white is not just an identity, its genetics. The low test whites will not breed while traditional family whites will which will create a lower population of whites but with less freaks.

Nah, I'm thinking of the urbanite liberal jew who thinks of themselves as hip and with it and shit - they don't want any part of some married model shilling for the GOP dude, that's laughable.

Still don't see it man. I think the females will be put off by a more attractive female acting on the side of the perceived enemy, and the males will just see her as a cum-dumpster spokesperson. Which, to be fair, is what she is in both cases.

Of course it's not going to appeal to Jewish hipsters. Anyway, I don't see the point to this conversation, we're talking about different things.

We basically are talking about the same thing but you're trying to paint it as something different. And that's fine, you strike a likely JIDF agent.

You are the one that posted the sexy milker pics, aren't you? Checked, and yeah, you are.
Keep going though if you like, I'd love to hear you describe more about how some jew model cum-dumpster is totally going to appeal to the 'reasonable' jewish liberal urbanite scum as a shill for the GOP and zionism.

the hispanics voting as collective seems like a smart move, I doubt they care what they vote for as long as it benefits them. Whites don't form voting blocs except for the boomers who use their voting power to give themselves a payout. A rich white person looks down upon a poor white person so they don't vote together while with other races its different when in western countries. White people have the power if they are willing to take it.

This copypasta is excellent, but I would suggest not bringing up Asians at all, as they have shown themselves to be quite mutable. In the 1990s, they were more Republican than whites on average, but then a bunch of factors from W Bush neoconservatism to so many of them going to college and absorbing those belief systems moved them to vote Democrat.

While they are voting in terms of ethnic self-interest, they at least tried to play the game of electoral politics honestly in the beginning.

Yeah, you belong, you're totally with it. I mean, I really don't care, I'm here to have a conversation. Just not with you.

We're beginning to see early signs of that with the whole YangGang thing. Yeah, it will bankrupt the system, perhaps very quickly, but none of us really care anymore, it's just the excitement of getting something for ourselves. We no longer care about propping it up, we no longer identify with the system or that it represents us.

Not endorsing Yang, just pointing him out as an example.

Sort of.

No, no, no. Its not 'rich vs poor' on this one, by any means. Its what I described in the posts above. I'll reiterate:

Fact is, Whites already vote as a bloc for the most part; but because Whites are not allowed to organize into advocacy groups, they are politically crippled.

That much is true.

One problem is that "traditional family whites" left out a lot of the most brilliant examples of our race. It's sad and a little shocking when you see how many of our great men over the centuries did not have kids.

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They are just as bad as the rest. 60% of US asians are utilizing state welfare programs, and I don't view them as mutable, so much as self-serving.
And that's not a beneficial trait.

Yeah, because the Republicans they were voting for were ethnocucks and they were still growing, or hoping to. Asians flipped after Clinton's second term, when the demographic conditions/future in America became clear and they shifted survival strategies.

That's I need to know or care about.

Its an old meme, but it checks out.
Yeah, I do. But you don't.


Put a bullet through your skull, you fucking nigger.

Was is the jewish influence that made being called a racist something to be scared off. If someone calls you racist say so what, I have never heard of a black or many asians caring too much if they are racist. In Australia a politician named Frasier Anning tried saying something about how muslims are not so innocent and all these annoying white cunts started making such a big deal about it. I think something similar would be if you have a group get together and this 1 annoying cunt starts getting offended at everything. If you want to see some real dumb leftist cunts go to *eddit australia.

In theory it would, but only a dim-wit can't look far enough ahead to realize that its nothing but an illusory worm on a hook, just like trump's "wall".

You won't get UBI, even if you were to elect shang tsung. Its a ruse. The current president has really really demonstrated once again that the people are totally toothless and will accept you feeding them lies to get into power.

Everyone is self-serving, nigger. Conservatives/Republicans appeal to a different type of self-interest than Liberals/Democrats.

Have you killed yourself yet?

Which is why I said I didn't endorse him, you stupid nigger.

Beethoven was just an artist my man. He played an instrument. That's all.
He's not very 'great'.
Checked for deal with it artfag.

The jewish media will attack you, the jewish bankers will refuse to do business with you, the jewish academics will decry you and turn up their nose at you, the jewish government will call you evil, and the jewish intelligencia will sully you in the eyes of all.
You should try it though. I believe that's part of what will be required to succeed. Lots will fail before one succeeds. Take your shot in the spotlight.

Yeah, pretty much.

Except Whites. They aren't actually allowed to be self-serving. Its not allowed.
Because of kikes like you.

And I would say is that asians are RACIALLY self-serving. Which Whites are not allowed to be. Fact.

I never said you did you fucking #triggered kike idiot.

He is primarily remember as a composer, nigger.


Who gives a shit? I and most others don't think of him composing shit, we think of him playing the fucking instrument you whiny kike loser.
You kikes always over-valued artistic expression. Art can be powerful - but the sword will always be more powerful than the pen, and the Men who wield it, greater.

You are such a stupid fucking nigger who can't keep his argument straight.

I gave you the example of 20th century Asians voting Republican, and the Republican Party never supported Asian identity. They supported, at least in theory, small government and limited government interference, which Asians liked.

Whites like that as well. That's individual self-interest.

No, you just made a double-digit IQ observation that Yang won't deliver. No shit, nigger.

Berniebros can never be converted to our cause. They are irreparably leftist. When the shitskins kick them to the curb they'll smile and swallow it and say it's good that they're losing their white privilege.

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It can work if you are confident but you have to be strong and stand by your word but you also have to pick your battles. I have tried it subtlely by mentioning that jews tend to be rich etc but the best way to do it is to eg say something about the trucks of peace and then move on, don't be that guy who raves on about the 1 subject all day, too predictable.
Have you ever worked in a place in a place where they have the racist guy but he plays it off as a joke so anyone who says anything will look a kill joy, can be fun.

True. I think part of the reason things sound so different now is because we're reaching the end of any moderation. The battle lines are becoming clear.

This is unbelievable.

Show me the Youtube video of Beethoven playing the piano, you fucking retard. He is remembered as a composer. Nobody alive in the past 130 years or so knows what Beethoven's playing even sounded like. Even in his day, he was primarily a composer, there were no big concerts with him playing the piano. If you were smarter, I'd say you had him confused with Franz Liszt, but I won't give you that much credit.

This is so weird, you're playing into the meme of Jews being the truly great artists among us.

When it served them - and even then, it was a VERY close margin in most cases. As soon as Clinton had gone through, the score changed. And why should I give a fuck about like 20 years ago in terms of what is going on TODAY?

They never supported any identity, but they kept the immigration inflow going.

I think the asians liked that the republicucks in question were bringing in huge numbers of immigrants, including their families and shit, and were saying they'd be hard on crime, aka the niggers the asians were often living around.
When they'd built up a big enough base and the demographic score was known, they changed survival tactics.

No, that's group self-interest on behalf of Whites. Most republicans really don't give that much of a shit about small government or limited interference, they just don't want to vote for the other guy - the kosher sandwich in action.

Then why did you say

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Because it makes the point that it is mutable, nigger. Asians undercut the argument by showing that groups can change voting patterns.

Listen to rap then, you stupid nigger.

You know nothing about classical music. Not the first fucking thing. I doubt you even knew that the piano was Beethoven's primary instrument for composing and improvisation.

Fuck off and die, you stupid nigger. You've been exposed.

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Civic Nationalism isn't the way to go since they support upholding the current state
If you want to convert Bernie Bros then NasBol is the way to go

Acceleration is not a viable solution. It only accelerates the leftist agenda but normies will just accept the decline of society as the new normal and society won't collapse. It will just stabilize as something worse than before. Despite how objectionable this may sound to most of you the solution is unification with non-whites. Racism is used to divide and conquer. Non-whites are just too numerous to exclude. It's critical that they are with you and not against you. By unifying with them you simultaneously strengthen your cause, eliminate them as enemies, deny your real enemy the ability to use them against you, invalidate claims of racism against you and make the real problem more apparent to the average person since racism can't used as a valid explanation.

Jesus fuck.

So what do you propose we do?
Cuck shilling civic nationalism.

This here's the moment you lost any semblance of credibility, as well as hope for a future of Whites in the States.

There can be no peace between the clades of Man - only an eternity of war until one again ascends to the apex position among a mountain of skulls.

For Whites the world over, it's either Imperium or death.

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There's common ground in being against moneyed interests and bankers, but don't try to change people from one form of cuckery for another. Pic related talks about finding common ground with antifa types (who are probably too far gone to do anything), but it can be used on some of the berniebros to be fertile ground for conversion. It doesn't hurt to try

I feel there's some sort of truth or message to take from this here. For instance the black "safe spaces" that were a thing a year or two ago are essentially neo-segregation. The same underlying purposes are being used, just being applied in different ways or the logic being twisted to suit that purpose. That said, it should be stated Democrats are the reason we have black people here in America in the first place. It'll probably end up being some sort of bastardized Nat-Soc for the beans

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Not everyone is cut out to be a National Socialist. In the end it comes down to character, if they aren’t at least some modest form of racial nationalist by now they probably never will be.

Why be anything else?

Are you some kind of "Spaniard"?

Not to interrupt your argument with the Jewish shill but you are hitting on a key point: Non-whites do not vote Republican. Not even the model minority, the asians.

I spoke with a political analyst who worked for a major consulting firm, I asked point blank: "In what elections have Democrats lost the minority vote in any major election in recent years." He was a little taken back and said he couldn't think of a single instance. To the Democrats, getting less than 70% of the minority vote in an area is counted as a loss. And this isn't for a lack of effort. In California the GOP was all over WeChat and other Asian social media sites, they championed non-discrimination laws to protect asians on campus, even hinted that they would cuck out and keep the flow of cheap labor from China to America open. This did absolutely nothing to influence the Asian voters.

Does anything think these Chinese immigrants give a FUCK about America? They are learning all the tools of the trade and taking those secrets back to China at a record pace. They will soak up all the rights and benefits of American free enterprise, leave a withered corpse, and move on to the next host area. If the white community is destroyed by socialism and drug addition they do not care for even one minute. They will keep voting for politicians that let them have free rein on the country.

Here's how the Chinese community works: The top tier Chinese take the jobs from American workers at the tech companies and send the trade secrets back to China. The middle tier Chinese open restaurants and similar businesses and claim losses for 3-5 years, "go out of business" leaving the debtors without a penny, and start all over again. The bottom tier Chinese work at the restaurants under the table and subsidize themselves on welfare. They will never vote for you Republicans because you would shut down the free ride they are getting.

That's why you can't win over these non-whites. Voting Democrat is in their best interest because importing their 15 closest relatives to get higher paying jobs is far more desirable than seeing America prosper long term. Fuck those "model minorities".

No, that's why I want to remove the jews who control it, not give them even more power and import more third worlders to uphold their hegemony you dumb kike.


it's that, or hope niggers and spics vote to preserve white demographics in America, which do you think is more likely?

Not a great face tbh. Same issue as scarlett Johanson or Mila Kunis. Nice bod, uncanny valley-tier face.

I'm very glad Zig Forums has been so on top of the yellow menace over the past year.

They love pretending they're harmless and just don't understand the culture when in reality they're a ruthless hive of locusts. The chinks never forgot their century of humiliation. The pieces of shit are extending their tendrils all throughout society.

underrated thread

I just came here to express all the righteous fury that you already have.
Yeah, we need more people like John Q. Shitpost, not one of the greatest composers who ever lived. Even if he never wrote a single piece of music, his performance was probably better than anything 925f33 has done in his entire miserable life.

Not a great man… you better believe I'm fucking mad that I have to even visit this site with cretins like that posting here

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