The Russia Conspiracy was jewish collusion.
Now is our time to attack so the kikes have to defend instead of spin their Russian conspiracy theory.
The Russia Conspiracy was jewish collusion.
Now is our time to attack so the kikes have to defend instead of spin their Russian conspiracy theory.
Other urls found in this thread:
For anons who haven't seen my game, spot a kike shitshow…find the turk/kike aryan in your religious leadership. You anons tell me if you think there is anything 'strange' about the appearance of the muslim, kike and christian leadership…try identifying them by their 'religion' (just for shits and giggles so that you can see that they are all the same GENETIC peoples) an not 'separate nations' or 'separate religions'. Talk about 'mystery babylon' the aryan whore 'wife of god' eh?
Them little hats change but the people underneath all stay the same.
Semites are semites.
collusion isnt illegal. the fact that aipac exists proves this. i use this argument constantly irl. only "anti semites" care.
democrats will never go after jews to any relevent capacity.
white genocide doesnt exist, but jews are white and the holocaust is the only "true" genocide
What will the world do when the tapes of these fiends feasting on still-screeching, half their heads skin peeled away, babies and children, surface?
What happens to people when 2 conflicting rule sets suddenly exist upon the same spacial plane?
A more recent one.
Glass this whole regions…then there would just be clean up
Probably nothing user…and I am not being sacracstic here. People KNOW who these people are, their crimes against humanity are absolutely legendary beyond human comprehension and people do nothing now.
Imagine being the Jewish people and praying at the wailing wall thinking it part of your temple when in-fact it was the retaining wall for the Roman Barracks that housed the 10th Legion (a total of at least 6,000 solders and as high as 10,000) that pulverized everything into the ground and slaughtered the fuck out of your people almost to extinction in 70AD because you made that much trouble for them the only way forward for Rome was without you. lol what a religion!
Kikes aren't jews user. Kikes are turks/turkic peoples from the North and the Aryan people from the east, but they aren't jews. The jews all died when the traitors josephus and pharisee paul and titus destroyed jerusalem…after they overthrew the Republic of Rome.
It's an entirely different ball of wax to actually see it.
I knew it. I spoke up about it. I condemned it. Then I fucking saw it. I haven't told a single person what I saw. It's beyond any comprehension to the point I can only rationalize it by accepting that monsters and demons actually walk this planet among us.
Those things are not human and I swear to the God that I firmly now know exists that I will lay my life in opposition to these things.
You think you know but seeing will completely change everything you thought you knew to be true.
Why don't you tell people what you saw. Kyle Odom was brave enough, no one believes him though…but I went through his senators list and fucking hell those people he pointed out…dude there is something CHILLING ABOUT THEM…something WRONG on like a metaphysical level. But here we are all anons and if no one believes you NBD but you could (potentially) save another anons life.
It's safe to assume that anyone in the know would've discovered these things aren't people at all. Remember Roald Dahl's The Witches? That is how I imagine it to be.
The noises are what fuck with me the most.
They don't seem like they're coming from here.
These are the things we are meant to protect our people from and we handed them the keys, the car, the house and the boat.
We failed so bad. I can't look a person in the eye and rightfully bring them into this. I am mentally broken.
All I have is rage.
Yeah…me too user. Something along those lines, which is why I TELL THEM that there is no redemption or salvation for them. It is interesting to see them trying for it on Zig Forums though…trying desperately to 'go another round' on the planet when their time is actually up.
I am pretty sure that everyone in the know is aware of them as well. But that doesn't explain their cowardice. I couldn't live with myself if I was afraid of them enough to be stopped by that fear anyway…yes, sometimes I am afraid but it won't stop me either. Because it is all a shit test to see if you will DO WHAT IS RIGHT AS WELL. I had this experience a long time ago where I was 'tested' and I already know the exact lengths I will go to to make sure that they are driven from this planet. I wish that every human had endured the 'test' that way we would all know how far we will go to free the Earth.
I also think a lot of the 'demons' reside in Asians too…I have seen them do disgusting stuff to living things.
Rage. Welcome to my world user. :) I have such rage that you would think a human body couldn't hold this type of rage.
They are something like this as well. The sound effects are a little over the top in the video and I have posted it here before so I can't embed it but this guy gives an accurate if somewhat lite version of the things they do on this planet to humans.
That is why I call them The COVENant people, man, I got banned, deleted, fucking reported and banned more when I first started talking about the COVEN on Zig Forums…they finally just gave up because they could see that I WON'T STOP and no one understands what I am talking about anyway.
I've lost 60lbs in a few weeks. I destroyed my computer. I don't bother with a VPN.
If evil wants to come for me, I thank God for the opportunity to stand in opposition of it. There's no higher purpose.
Funny you should mention the Asians because I've had that same feeling; that they are among millions who are part of the heebhive and don't have the same intricacies or soul as we do.
Oh dude, THAT kind of rage, yes, I had the same thing happen as well, though it is moderated over time as you grow together with it and become one person with it. I am not a heavy person but I lost 30-35 pounds putting me well 'underweight' for my size and I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, ALL I FELT WAS THE BURNING RAGE!!!
Thankfully it mitigates over time as I said and you learn to focus it or die. I wouldn't even be remotely surprised if others simply killed themselves from the power of it. I kind of feel the same way, but over time I have developed a plan of action as well and tempered my rage so that I can function. I had to put aside my life and the life of everyone I knew to work on my plan (it is really good to hear that others KNOW Rage too because that means that you are a backup to me if I fail or am killed before I can accomplish my goals). Think of a way to deal with it if you can…you were given a gift so that you would accomplish the final end of these horrors on this planet.
There is no 'wishing them away' it is going to take direct action and there is a REASON why you were selected. There is a reason why I was selected, and I sort of assume that we are like a club or something that travels down through time always standing to protect humanity against the enemy who is killing it. When one of us dies the RAGE force passes onto the next one who might STAND FOR HUMANITY in the face of EVIL. So IDK,think about it, think about your experience. I have met several people who have experience with RAGE and we all know and have different talents as well and we react differently to. You are basically BRAND NEW TO IT. So think as hard as you can about WHAT YOU SAW, think about WHY you saw it, think about your special gifts or the reason you were selected to defend humanity (by this I really mean OUR people, Europeans/Whites).
I am good with science and fantastic with detail and very creative. I have met others who were physically superior and some who are morally superior…but all know RAGE and live to defend or even like me to attack and eliminate the parasitic plague. You might have abilities within the Ethereal realm as well, whatever comes your way focus that rage and refine the fuck out of it so that you can learn your position as a defender or attacker.
I agree there is no higher purpose. You probably know all this stuff already, but I couldn't risk not passing on my own experience. Also the 'morality' that is laid down for us is a weapon against humanity that keeps them from ever fighting back against the COVEN (that is why they control all 'religions' and 'moral' guides) but now that you are 'changed' these no longer apply to you, you are different and special, your life now belongs to defense or attack and ONLY YOU AND GOD (as you know God) can decide what is moral any longer.
IDK…If I think of anything else or you want to talk I will watch the thread so that I see it if you respond or have any question for me or if you want to share some of your experience…not a fucking person around me had any inkling/not a clue of what I was going through. I suppose it is good for you to know that others are out there and many have gone through what you are experiencing as well. Sorry this is so long.
Anyone with half a fucking brain knew Trump was not 'colluding' with this fucking Russians… It's every patriots duty to rub the filthy noses of those who lied into this fact… grind their noses into the ground a skewer their anus' with rusty ice picks
The asians bother me more and more as time goes by. Remember that stupid movie about the wall and gunpowder? Sometimes I think the wall was built but that the 'bugs' got over the wall and that they now reside 'inside' people in Asia…ok so that is weird sounding…but I think of it as the Alien face hugger things from that old movie. Like they might have something inside them that prevents them from being human and that the people who bred with them carry the same thing…if not a 'physical entity' a spiritual one.
Clif High was talking about his dad a couple of months ago and he was telling this story about his father where his entire command was experimented on wearing these night vision goggles that could see in the red spectrum. Anyway, the goggles had to be removed and destroyed because apparently, you can see the 'other beings' in the red spectrum of the night vision goggles. And they would be flying along in helicopters, attached to people and when an enlisted man would simply start going nuts and firing on the other helicopters, people, whatever the formation or circumstances. I guess he could SEE the demons traveling with the helicopters to gorge on the souls of the war dead…and just couldn't take it because when you can see them, they can see you too…so they were grinning at this man and he freaked out and let them have it full bore with the heavy duty helicopter machine guns. Didn't even care…so that was just one example of a man that this group experienced in Asia/vietnam as well.
It is interesting that the jews and the bugs get along so well. They are spiritual brothers. Shoot remember that bug person who came on Zig Forums and said that they had developed and nano-specific bioweapon that could be programmed to target whatever race they wanted…and that doesn't count the North Korean threats of a bioweapon that kills all males. I know someone else who says that they 'live underground' in great hives and only come up when they are ordered to F E E D…but that might be too creepy for people to deal with…
Collusion IS illegal for the goy you grotesque anti semite.
I'm at the point that I've gone back and re-read many books with this new understanding of the world. I can see there works in the pages. Everything is misdirection.
The grandiosity of this plague and the detail of their works force my mind to reach beyond it's prior allowances.
Fucking monsters as in not from here, creatures that assume the likeness of their hosts.
So I'm left to posit this entire life I've been given and everything laid before me is some sort of test. I feel as if I've been here before but didn't pass. I now believe that we have roughly 200 years of actual historical occurrences in which we can assume most the things were told happened, happened but I feel as if what came before that may be 99% contrived out of thin air.
All I know is they call themselves Jews but are not Jews at all. They secured a lair in Israel to conduct their heinous acts with impunity and this isn't even close to their first time having done this.
Weird! We were just talking about something similar to your comment in another thread.
I definitely know what you mean about the misdirection though which is why I linked you to my blog /sarc/jk ;)
I also think they have done this MANY MANY times, perhaps hundreds or thousands. This might be why you feel like you didn't pass before and you are trying now. It is not 'easy' being born into the Spiritual Realm. I sure hope that I am able to help in some way, sometimes I feel sad because I have learned so much and I have no one to share it with. But you should know that I sympathize and really understand what you are going through as much as our experiences can be correlated (they sound so similar in many ways). It is so tough too because as I said before no one understands what we are experiencing. And there are many details that I forget to share like the need to renounce the material father as well as the material mother so that one can be born as a spirit.
Anyway, it is good speaking with you user.
This really is the best time to destroy them.
Do you think Trump cucking so hard for is(not)real may be to protect the unwitting occupants who are used as a clock for the beasts against what's coming, or would you say that's nothing more than wishful thinking on my part?
Not sure what you mean.
American or Israeli citizens?
Not sure I get your meaning.
jews? "elites"? Democrats?
Do you mean the jewish masturbatory fantasy of ruling over an enslaved class of muddled brown people, or the seesaw effect from the Democrat/MSM's total loss of credibility?
I'm a bit of a dreamer myself, so I'd like to know where your hopes lie.
jews? "elites"? Democrats?
I call them the architects, there's nothing elite about those creatures. Yes, have you witnessed anything in Trump's actions that would lead you to believe he has intentions of removing the synagogue of satan from the land of Israel and that there is a cluster of people who have been led to believe they are actually jews whom stand in support of said action?
I believe he acts with good intentions as he has never drank alcohol in his life, much less drugs and his mistress was a midlife porn actress, not a gay tranny 5yr old named sparkles. I also believe he may think there are "good Jews" despite knowing of the tribulation and the desecration of the hebrews
as a halo fan I love that people use the term glass now
This has some potential.
>Yup Israel kikes screaming Jerusalem is there rightful home land. Good for you braking the (((narrative))).