The picture to the article says it all.
Adoptive Parents Murdered by 11-year-old
First never adopt.
Second it adopted a nigger=toll paid
not 100% is it
>Autopsies revealed both James and Lizette died of a single gunshot to the head.
I don't understand this obsession with darkies.
Live by the nigger die by the nigger.
This. If you want to adopt, adopt a white baby.
I get the distinct feeling white babies are kept off the list, or are given to fag couples.
It happened 10 miles from my house. I didn't care then and I don't now.
Let Uncle Ted explain as only Uncle Ted can:
"Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)
Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.
Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."
It is good to be strong, but I've always seen the way the right approaches this as flattery or brown-nosing.
As if to grease the palms of those successful people with praise, or as if from fear of losing favor with them.
Such as with this recent shooting, where a white male shot up a bunch a muslims gets global attention V.S. when a muslim(Omar Mateen) shot up a gay night club got little to no attention, despite having around the same amount of victims. Mudslimes outrank fags on the progressive stack it seems.
I knew that clown was up to no good. Kinda scary tbh, please stop.
Based + redpilled
spooky af
I heard about this shit a couple days ago. Only one newsanchor mentioned it was an adopted negro that came from a crazy family.
The daughter appears to have a nice rack of titties
lets just say they rape these kids and sell them to gays for life long slavery and some extra cash , as well as the money from the gov.
its pretty sick and if you knew why this is a thing you would applaud this kid for defending himself and taking vengeance.
3000% disgusting
It's more that there's a larger difference between a white men ans muslims than between muslies and gays
MSN article insists the kids are "Russians".
They deserved it.
Toll paid.
They’ll be bouncing on a nigger cock tonight probably
I want to white lolis, if you know what I mean
Based and lolipilled
Finding the uncensored photo was trivial.
So sad, since their REAL daughter is so beautiful. Sad that she wasn't enough for them and they imported murderous shitskins to ruin her life.
Not really, Chad deflowers girls like that without much time… she's not worth it.
Shes just Chads foam roller. Warmup before the head cheerleader gets to his house
Fuck off, Schlomo.
So those kids aren't black so what are they? They don't look like any sort of Russians that I've ever seen?
Also I'm guessing that Crazy Eyes Carlos there is the trigger man. I'm willing to bet Fortnite had something to do with why he snapped.
The daughter is a kike like her dead parents.
Oh boy…
Wrong nigger. She's redpilled for life.
Not that part tho.
This. Definitely beanigger.
Cuban, maybe. Cuba was a Soviet colony for a long time.
Damn, this is heinous shit.
Eckert is Germanic, you fucking Jew cunt.
I suppose that it should be pointed out that neither article yet confirms that the 11 year-old was actually one of the adopted kids or not. Also neither article agrees on the specifics. One stated that the father had one gunshot wound and the other stated multiple wounds.
I blame Confederate statues for this.
Okay sorry dude you got me. I’m a Jew and these people are totally German
One too many jew dicks.
They may be ugly but surprise - they're not Jews.
| Drs. James "Jim" and Lizette "Liz" Eckert of Alton, New …
Calling Hours will be held Thursday March 21, 2019 4pm to 7pm at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, 40 Hidden Springs Road Alton, NH 03809. A Mass of Christian Burial will be on Friday March 22, 2019
Exactly. Kikes almost NEVER adopt. They leave that to the brain-dead Christucks who worship the left-wing radical egalitarian Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef.
Ashkenazi blood has gotta be in him. No way he isn’t at least half Semitic. He looks like this guy’s goy son.
You fucking cannot take a group that has not itself mastered aspects of civilization and then throw it into established civilization and expect it to thrive. For fucks sake it is so retarded that they think a nice pair of pants and a liberal education will change things. When a group is hundreds of years behind another there is no chance it can suddenly morph into it.
my grandfather was adopted by a jew :)
myber he just forged official papers since it was the time of the weimarer republic which was kind of antisemitic.
(Numbers: checked. Toll: paid)
Just further proof that Nature (aka genetics) is greater than Nurture.
Whites adopting non-whites is frankly disgusting. You just know there are white kids out there that could use a good home, yet these families specifically ignore their cousins' plights and adopt foreign spawn. I bet they creamed their pants at the thought of how progressive they were, all those good goy points this would earn them on social media.
Well, they don't have to do any thinking ever again.
Which kid do you think did it, Zig Forums?
That woman looks like a tranny, but those udders seem 100% natural…so just a dyke with a carlos.jpg beard.
You want to know a sad fact in this clown world? One of the best journalists out there is a jewish faggot married to a Brazil monkey with two mud children.
For all we know there was rape going on. 11 year old boys don't flip the shit lightly (though you never can know with Crazy Eyes Carlos)
What i wonder about GG: is he only left alive because he plays into the hands of the global rulers?
I honestly can't tell anymore.
the mother looks like a fucking lesbian loon. daughter is seriously fuckable, bet mom left in her will the entire estate to the shitskin who killed her. daughter only get jew cock, then nigger cock
The happy side is that he is jew.
So what happened to the girl? Did the disgusting parents get her killed too?
She probably was sucking dicks while the parents were with the kids. By the way, kid are terrifying, you can't beat them for you be a adult, so you need control him without hurt them. Both are killed with shoots in the head. The woman was probably the first target, easy and probably was inside house, when the man heard the shoot sound, he runned, see the kid the man probably tried take the gun and stayed without make movement while talking for the kid leave the gun, making easy for the kid aim and kill him. Personally, the man looks a cool guy, but beta, the real problem was the woman. By the way, the man take many shoots, the kid hated him, probably because not spoilled him like the woman and want make him help in the farm.
Plot twist:
The girl asked for the kid kill them because his father didn't let her suck dicks. She get out for make a alibi.
That little beaner has straight crazy face, its good though means one less traitor , anybody who adopts a shitskin is far too gone. Even actual cucks don't adopt a nigglet.
The only sad part is the girl is now a orphan just like the shitskins her stupid parents bought.
Plot plot twist:
The kid liked the girl, but her liked the Jamal and want run out with him but the parents, principally the daddy that did'nt allowed. So she asked for the kid them for a love proof, the kid kill and go to jail, the girl sell out the farm, get the money and run for the Jamal. However, the Jamal foolled her when fucked her for get money, when get it, kill her and run out with another girl, his girlfriend.
Jamal foolled her while fucking her.
Just leave her and run ot with another girl.
kill yourself you retarded shitskin
you should adopt.
Hopefully their daughter learned the lesson her parents never did.
That's my queen.
Why are u even in the thread then faggot ? why are you replying then nigger ?
that actually makes a lot of sense
back to plebbit nigger
had he not mentioned Ted you would have agreed with everything, but he triggered your Pavlovian programming, get rid of that, the messenger doesn't matter, the message does
Maybe they're counting the entry and exit wounds separately to increase their numbers.
Now held up as the archetypal example of "White racists" convicting innocent dindu babies.
Note to any leftists reading this:
She is definitely signalling her cultural marxist credentials. The adoption (betrayal of daughter and cucking of husband) is a deliberate humiliation ritual designed to show ultimate dedication to the cause.
So sex slaves out of Ukraine
Too complex. It's just a mainstream group doctrine that requires nothing more then to be against whatever is passed down. It's the shirkers choice of politics.
George Stinney's expression in his mugshot has that "Ah fuck, I did it" look. At least they executed him.
…I wish I lived in such civilized times.
Also, question for theologians out there:
Do niggers go to hell because they are bad, or are they just animals with no souls?
I'm shocked (I'm not)
What is there more to do than just play honking sounds?
got pic of the daughter by any chance?
forget my post, im a retarted
that dyke looking mom
tbh how can you fuck that
only reason women should have short hair is to cosplay as men to escape an enemy occupied combat zone to avoid rape.
Fucking nu/pol/.
why adopt a nigger, when you can, atleast, adobt a white?
Jewish propaganda.
I don't understand it either. In my area at least it's a Christian phenomenon. Usually the same missionary cucks. Then there are the cuckservative figures like Laura Ingram that do it, in her case a squatamalan, then signal about it to their listeners.
This story just woke up one of my lolbertarian friends from New Hampshire, apparently the news isn't reporting that the girl was raped by the two boys after they killed the parents.
That's what your average spic looks lile, he's brown like that because most latinos are actually just native injuns who "converted" to catholicism and adopted the spanish language instead of the language of their ancestors.
wouldnt surprise me but post your source
Gonna need a source on that one
are those children niglets, beaners, or mudslimes?
LOL, that stupid bitch got ripped off by her supplier. Those are no russians, even russian mudslime kids are not as ugly as that. Probably got two for the price of one and thought she had a good deal.
There is no hell. I once asked a Baptist preacher about proof of hell in the bible and he muttered to me about Gehenna. I replied that Gehenna was an execution ground in a garbage dump near Jerusalem, not some eternal abode of the damned. He turned his back on me and walked away quickly.
What's more tragic is that media will lie and the real daughter will never know that this was always a more probable case with shitskins. She may be tricked into thinking she still, "loves" her brother, or could or should forgive him.
Instincts that lend toward extinction.
So is Bergstein. What's (((your))) point?
i leld
are we going to have to kill the kids too?
Is that Richter?