i know about the JQ, hitler supposedly being the good guy, and fascism being the morally righteous worldview. so i say, hell politics and philosophy is pretty fun. maybe i should read more on the influences of the minds who have inspired my world view. so i buy myself a copy of thus spoke zarathustra so i can understand the concept of the overman.
i'm reading this shit, and i'm like "wtf does any of it mean." i don't know if nietzsche's words are intellectual fluff. the man is said to be a genius after all. so i say that i don't understand the context of nietzsche's work. so i buy works from hume, schopenhauer, kant, hegel. i also invest in some early greek philosophy. i bought republic, and while it isn't a difficult read by any stretch of the imagination i just can't find myself really, truly UNDERSTANDING it. i feel like there is more to be desired. the writers ideas don't go through me the way i think it should.
i don't know what to do. should i just abandon german idealism because i'm too much of a moron to understand? should i skip them and just focus on evola and gentile for fascism? I know of their ideas but i haven't read their books from start to finish. i mostly got summaries from youtubers like Cultured Thug. I still haven't read decline of the west by spengler and imperium is something i'm looking forward to purchasing. i don't have a disposable income.
am I a brainlet? should i just give up on politics/philosophy? keep in mind i'm a zoomer without a college education. thanks. also, anyone know where to get an accurate english translated version of militia by degrelle?
Read commentaries and google explanations of concepts if you really have to. Read slower, don't continue if you don't understand something fully.
I would shit on you for wasting a thread with what is essentially a blogpost but instead I will only politely sage because it's a good thing you are even bothering to pick up the books at all. Don't get disheartened.
Jaxson Moore
thank u friend. in my defense shills are out in full force these past few weeks so statistically speaking i most likely killed one of those threads.
Zachary Bennett
It doesn’t make sense because it’s pseudointellectual gibberish. Holy fuck, the chans are suffering massive brain damage. I was sarcasm posting in cuckchan and now they think C has vectors. This is awful. I know my IQ is too far from average to effectively communicate with normies but there was a time where most people in a thread would know when I’m joking and understand what I’m saying.
James Diaz
Thats a weird way to sage a shitthread.
Jacob Ramirez
Just read the books a few times over, re-read pages. People don't give philosophy a quick skim and then understand it perfectly straight away. Nietzsche is a genius, absolutely, he nailed the problem of christcuck/judaic/bolshevik morality almost perfectly - but he addressed it over a few different books. You need to read multiple works to get a good overall understanding.
I'd recommend national socialist literature above German Idealism tbh. Which NS books have you read?
There's nothing wrong with this, some people just aren't geared up for reading books and learning that way, some people learn better when taught by others.
there's two kinds of thought. One kind is the thought you do in the moment to make a good decision. The other kind is the thought you sleep on, put aside, and think again another day. You digest these ideas slowly over decades.
If you are under 35 years old or so it is impossible for you to understand the things that you can only understand from long term exposure to situations you encounter as an adult. You have to repeatedly encounter and digest these situations and ideas before you'll comprehend them.
The important thing to remember is that self-improvement is the best way to worship God. You can show your love to him by producing earthly works in his honor and improving your own ability to make more intricate works and digest more intricate thoughts. This isn't enough by itself but it should not be overlooked as a path to enlightenment. The works themselves have no value in the eyes of God and are insufficient, but your execution of the work and your commitment to the plan has value.
Dominic Smith
Why would anybody start with Nietzsche and Zarathustra particularly? The Geneology of Morals was his magnum opus, and besides he was looking back to Rome. Begin with the ancients, if you want to learn real history, and shitposting too. Read Aristophanes plays, especially The Clouds. The bible of the Helenist world was the Iliad, so you have to read it. You can skip just about everyone, if you canvas Greece and Rome, and you'll be a better man for reading them.
Josiah Phillips
what did op do that's so wrong?
Thomas Stewart
t. smoothbrain
OP did nothing wrong, jew shills hate book threads and constantly try to derail them.
Nicholas Jackson
QTDDTOT I don't care if you effort-post your QTDDTOT, they're still QTDDTOT!
Liam Myers
Polymath here, ignore everything this genius just said. Be best.
Brandon Perry
no genuine autist would ever consider purchasing a philosophy book. it's worthless garbage from the mind of an elder autist who thinks too goddamn much. i already think too goddamn much. why in the fuck would i want to cram even more autistic rambling inside my brain?
no, it fucking didn't
Colton Young
Wrong, that would be Twilight of the Idols.
Michael Morris
If you have a closet full of sneakers, you probably should just shut up.
Elijah Smith
I’m an idiot? What the fuck ? I’m retarded? I’m retarded
Jonathan Rogers
He also covered why that was a result of organized religion specifically, and not a feature of Christians themselves.
Organized religion tends to replace virtue with morals and dogma, which leads to their corruption. Virtue has grounding in reality. Morals and dogma are basically justified paranoia and ritualism.
A lot of the time it is fluff. Its only in recent years that simplicity in explaining things has become a virtue. Mostly thanks to shrek'd attention spans. But back then those who could afford the time to read could afford to devote many hours to it each day and thus could reread the same section of a book multiple times in a single sitting.
James Reyes
some people like feeling the book in their hands, smelling the paper, turning the pages. there's nothing like it. reading on a screen hurts me.
Jace Martin
also, hardcopies can't be edited from the cloud when a change of meaning suits them
Aaron Wilson
How would a noobie in programming understand your sarcasm? That would be like me telling you to pull your FWD engine after removing your hood. Unless you have experience as a good mechanic you're not gonna get it.
Christian Powell
lrn2code feggit
Andrew Nelson
I don't know about the rest of it, but Plato was a blowhard with a terrible system that inevitably lead him to wrong conclusions. You can't just have 100+ page long chains of logic and then uncritically accept the answer provided. If you make a SINGLE mistake, the whole thing is rubbish. When I read The Republic, I found one such mistake (where by his logic he claimed that a craftsman that produced numerous shoddy works was better than one who produced few excellent works), and he continued the chain of logic for at least 50 fucking pages before I gave up.
Wouldn't be surprised to see other people doing the same sort of thing and hiding their inadequacies in big words.
Robert Reyes
Not everyone is meant for computer software
Jonathan Ward
C does have vectors. The fuck you think Fortran is for?
Ryan Barnes
Instead of worrying about why shit is what it is focus on persuasion. Learn to convince others that the right is moral. Wake up as many whites and white sympathizers as possible.
Focus on pointing out that the left is evil and destructive, that jews are hateful and covetous. Point out that zionism is literally treason and that jews are literally devil worshippers according to the bible.
Plato was satirical. Nothing he was saying there was meant to be taken seriously.
Luke Ortiz
Act like lunatic before a court date and pretend nothing bad will happen user.
Jordan Adams
Perhaps you just don't have an interest in philosophy. What about Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Computer Science? You're not white unless you've mastered all of those. If you're lacking context, you might also wish to read history books to better understand the time period.
Hunter Butler
Wew. Confirmed for brainlet. Maybe you should stick to online Python tutorials? Perhaps Kode with Klossy?
James Powell
Persuasion is not about what you say, but how you say it.
The Socratic method is a great example. Ask someone if they are opposed to white nationalism. If so ask them if they are opposed to black or jewish nationalism. If they try to say it's somehow different ask them to explain how that isn't racist. And so on. The next time you talk to them they'll have moved towards accepting your position.
Instead of talking about affirmative action as harmful to whites, talk about how it makes it so that everyone assumes women and blacks didn't actually earn their degree. This hurts blacks. You don't want to hurt honest, hard working black people do you?
Never talk about muslim grooming gangs or call illegals "undocumented." This has no punch. Talk about muslim child rape gangs and criminal aliens. If someone tries to "correct" you ask why they are covering up for criminals.
Morals in religion beget the virtues we all hope would could possess the problem is explaining these concepts on the ignorant youth which is why dogma is created. For a pastor his main concern is to get as many people into the kingdom of heaven but the reality is the vast majority of people wont.
Jeremiah Jackson
And what if they say ethnonationalism is a stupid concept?
Mason Garcia
Specific citations needed.
Austin Young
Welp, we've covered all our bases.
Justin Jenkins
Too bad people did for over a thousand years.
Oliver Long
Think of a way to paint their ideology as hateful or at least stupid and yours as loving and intelligent.
Nations have been around for 1000s of years. Every time people have sought to force ethnicities to live together it's ended in bloodshed. Globalists are just trying to start wars either willfully or through their stupidity and short sightedness, nationalists just want everyone to live in peace. Strong fences make good neighbors and all that.
You don't sperg that jews are the devil. You shift people's mindset incrementally. Taking a the_donald normie to being full 1488 is a step by step process. Start by noticing. Hint at connections. Suspect motives. Leave them bread crumbs to follow.
Sometimes you run into a brick wall, but most of the time you can get someone to where you want them to be.
the absolute state of Zig Forums Plato was literally the most important philosopher ever to write. If you can't even be bothered to read him, then you have no business telling people what philosophy to read.
OP, read Plato. If you don't get it, stop there – you're not an intellectual. Otherwise continue your education. Also watch some good videos in the history of philosophy. You'll have a better idea what you want to read next once you have a general idea of what different thinkers have said. Here's a quality lecture series: https ://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9GwT4_YRZdBf9nIUHs0zjrnUVl-KBNSM
If you are smart enough to at least consider contrary to mainstream views, you should know that contracting a mind virus feels like enlightenment, it feels like being shown the Truth They Don't Want You To Know. It feels like waking up. That's why religious cults using opening your eyes and waking up as metaphors. You're at the point where you're saying Hitler was a good guy. That should give you pause and make you question whether you're thinking conspiratorially.
Jose Rogers
read myth of the 20th century and disregard philosophers. you can ask someone who just read all of (insert philosophers) works and ask them the greatest truth presented and theyll stumble every time. now ask someone who read alfred rosenberg what they came to know and theyll tell you dozens of profound truths about history and nature. for example, nobody capable of critical thought will remain a christian after reading about how the christcucks murdered their way to influence. nietzsche will tell you nothing about the prussian crusade or racial history. whenever i read philosophy all i see is the type of shit i used to type in random comment sections coming down off a molly roll. dont waste your time, search for historical truths to find out the nature of man. its hard though as the victors write history and much is left out leaving people confused so they seek philosophy to fill the void. and it never does.
Grayson Davis
This is also true when people try to force ethnicities out. Allowing people freedom of movement is what minimizes violence.
So the majority of White people throughout History weren't White - gotcha. So Whites didn't exist until a couple hundred years ago? Jesus the dogmatic nonsense these assholes post on here.
Make philosophy a lifestyle. Learn more and come back to what you don't get later. I started at like 14 and now I'm almost 30 and I learn all the time. No one gets everything quickly.
Jose Diaz
What is a good order in which to read Nietzsche's works?
Nietzsche talks about history a lot but Myth is a great book and reading National Socialist authors is definitely superior to reading bloviating philosophers
My sister and brother in law were almost there during the Zimmerman trial and I was helping to finally open their eyes. Within 2 years they were right back to be complete normie nigger-cattle. They can't help it. Its their natural state to be lemmings.
Jacob Turner
YFW you realize they simply just don't understand you.
Chase Cruz
i dont see the point in propagandizing or persuading normie-niggers without being the dominant force in society
Ian Bailey
The artistic writing they do to try to convince the reader that they are an intellectual is complex, I too, prefer more direct things. Just look into Mein Kampf honestly, or ask for alternatives to that information that can be read much more easily.
Never ever ever read Siege it's a bunch of faggots trying to lead you on the wrong path. A shitty old mod who's story I dont know, will spam "reed siege" and never provide reason, but give empty insults in reply to our responses.
Dont read the old english version of thus spake zarathustra, my god, thankfully there is a modern english version. Problem with Nietzsche is he wasnt an intellectual. I looked into whether he was actually anti-semitic, and he was against the anti-semites, even perhaps saying if jews take over europe then so be it. Yikes. I even heard Hitler only took a few things from Nietzsche and discarded the majority. Then again, oh I love when he said how man is that juggler on the rope over the abyss, with the übermensch being at the end of the rope, and that man has gone from worm to man but is just as much worm as he always was. Obviously not direct quotes.
If you read Evola you'll come across his idea that women should pretty much just be compliant with men's sexual demands. There are tons of weird things these philosophers go on about that nobody ever gives a shit about.
Look at some powerpoint slides on identifying logical fallacies, understanding Utilitarianism, the deontological, and teleological ethical systems. Look at the radio frequency spying devices the American intelligence community failed to keep confidential, look lots at anything related to intelligence and spying. It gets you to understand how the world really works. Lying, spying, cheating, stealing, betraying, etc., and any other type of crime… it's always one step ahead of our justice systems, as law enforcement is more of a response than a preventative approach. Before the jews took over, we didnt have so much spying without warrants and probable cause. It's ultimately the main vulnerability that let them in. But I can't also argue for spying on citizens without probable cause or a warrant. Honestly it would be another problem altogether. Perhaps the only way to fix it is race law. Just dont let them in at all.
Michael Bailey
Lol. You are convinced that being a white supremacist and facist is the correct worldview, yet you admit you don't have the intelligence to understand philosophy.
You have to logically conclude that your racist worldviews do not necessarily have any logical basis either then.
Anyway, the echo chamber here is not a good place to seek enlightenment. You'd be better off starting in the Reddit philosophy sub.
Ayden Hill
we’re not fascists we are national socialists now go back to your cuckshed along with false flagging OPs
Every ideology is just a rationalism of instinctual self interest. Things are generally either off or on. People are not rational. We are a tribal animals that are capable of complex subterfuge. Books are for homos.
Grayson Murphy
Grayson White
Easton Cook
Fuck put of here boomer, this board belongs to us.
Philosophy is unnecessary at this stage. You faggots are busy reading Plato or Nietzsche when you should be reading field manuals. I mean this sincerely:philosophical navel gazing is masturbation. The smug sense of superiority you get by digesting someone else's ideas is your mind's way of feeling better about sitting and doing absolutely nothing but getting lost in thought experiments. We are a group of people on the cusp of eradication, surrounded on all sides, and being strangled by totalitarian governance…and you fuckers are still tripping out on The Cave or Eternal Recurrence? No idea that is going to further our chances of survival is going to come out of the mouth of philosophers. Go lift weights and buy bullets you queers.
Josiah Fisher
Jayden Brown
Why not doing both? Spiritual decline is the reason the West is cucked. Mind over body. This struggle is esoteric in its essence.
Metaphysics really helps to put rounds down range, huh? Do you want to win of do you want to jerk off to white women in wheat fields with edgy black sun desktop wallpapers and folders filled with all your precious ebooks? You all are so wrapped up in concepts that have no real world tangible benefits that you think silly ideas like "spiritual degradation" are of equal importance to ensuring the survival of your species. That's the point we're at. We lost our right to a noble and high culture because that culture bred weak men who veritably assured the death of our people unless we start looking at the world in a base, materialist, and animalistic. "Us good. Other bad. Kill other." Anything outside of that paradigm is a giant waste of fucking time. The reason this is such a painful concept for the lot of you is because the majority of you are weebs and neets who've never actually done a single real thing in your life; being trapped in a screen or a book feels like an activity to you when in reality it is a surrogate for real activity.
Luke Roberts
Here's something for you to ponder. What would you do if the internet died right now? If now was the time that ZOG started the crackdown? You don't even wake up and everything is fucked. It starts right at the end of this post. You're fucked, aren't you?
Jaxson Bell
Zachary Perez
How much Clausewitz does the average infantryman read? If you stumbled upon one of your men buried in Nicomachean Ethics instead of improving his fighting position or doing weapon maintenance, what would you do? Theory and practice are two different things my friend and we are well passed the point of being able to worry about theory. That's the problem with you faggots, you all want to be Hitler's version of a Leninist Intelligentsia vanguard that's going to ideologically guide the revolution. None of you faggots want to be a foot soldier because that would require moral fortitude and courage.
Jonathan Butler
Where do I subscribe to your blog OP >>>/cuckchan/
Landon Lopez
Learn more ancient greek philosophy. Learn about epicureans, stoics, plato, aristotle, and everybody else from Rome. Fascism is just a throwback to Rome. Also only read primary sources, don't read people's summaries or lectures about it. Don't let someone tell you what to think about x philosopher, actually read that philosopher's works.
Jayden Flores
Nietzsche is intentionally hard to read. He was kind of prick that way. Not to mention it supposedly written in a very German style that when translated adds an extra layer of difficulty. Depending on how much free time you have, it might be better to just read analyses done by other people.
Parker Bell
Nah, the reason Germany is dying, is you're bunch of weak pathetic cucks that need more slavs to save you.
Henry Robinson
Nigger logic
Nolan Adams
Good posts.
Eli Bennett
Really it's best to balance theory and practice. Reading and learning our true history / philosophy part time, working out that body part time. Especially if you want to become a leader you'll want to know Why we rebel against the ZOG jew, What we used to have, Where we are going as a huwhite rebel army.
Juan Green
You're american, yes?
Gavin Long
Yes. Now please share your military experiences and in what ways you have seen philosophy have a direct impact upon the efficacy of front line soldiers.
Ian Thompson
I recommend this channel. CS Lewis was undoubtedly one of the greatest minds of recent times, and thankfully was a fan of concisely explaining his ideas so that any layman could understand them. This has been further facilitated by the fantastic 'doodles' of whoever made this youtube channel.
Ethan Sanders
It's been a while since I've had the time to read (business owner) but I figured it would be good to chime in.
This sounds like BS but years ago in my late teens I was paid by a really rich family to read books. Their wealth was made by one man who is still alive and is most definitely apart of the whole upper banking elite ) I met his son online in the most strange way but for the first 6 months he did not tell me who he is.
We just talked a good amount, he was very strange, but he liked the way I thought about things and started to pay me to read books. Almost all philosophy of the mind/ analytical philosophy. For a 16-17 year old it was pretty dense, and boring. Some of the books were actually decent but most were just materialistic garbage - explaining away the soul. I think the son was a transhumanist and he even told me that he(likely a reflection of his class/family's attitude) pretty much saw everyone as a tool to be used. This family was also pure anglo.
Anyways, what I wanted to say is some of the books I had to read were written by Kierkegaard which really got me into reading and were the only books I was paid to read that I enjoyed.
One thing I learned from years of reading is that there are several things you need to make sure you are doing, namely:
1. Do you have the foundational knowledge required to understand the concepts of the book 2. Is the particular book best read now, or is there another book that should be read first. 3. Do you enjoy the book/material ; if not is there a way you can make it more enjoyable.
other tips: - Books/knowledge can be like food, sometimes you need to "digest" it a little and let your mind work out some of these concepts in the background.
- It's okay if you don't understand things right away or even at all. Keep chipping away at it.
Cults use social pressure. This is an anti social pressure vaccum. We came to the truth because it was true, not because it made us feel good. The truth gave me crushing depression until my soul hardened into steel. Zig Forums is nothing like your cummies mystery cults. Its all naked and public. Anyone can witness or dispute us. But they wont because they cant.
Asher Garcia
Imagine getting btfo and then claiming you were merely pretending to be retarded
Nathaniel Moore
Not seeing that. Trying too hard to fit in postNZposter?
Henry Smith
You are such a fucking nigger. Actually made me reply. Neck yourself.