why is Zig Forums so vehemently against violence?
might makes right, you won't solve any problem being a bunch of pussies shitposting.
organize dammit.
Organize dammit
Because alphabet agencies are watching duh user
based fedposting
hi guys.FBI here.
I really need to uncover something or I'll lose my comfy desk job.
Your correct but there hasn't been a single attempt to organize anything in the USA or Europe that wasn't infiltrated by the glow niggers for over 100 years.
Lol, fbi.
Who is saying we don’t organize? We’re just not dumb enough to do it electronically.
PS: you will never see us coming. We’re already everywhere.
its unironically much easier to push out ethnic populations with legal and financial weapons and direct physical threat. besides glow in the darks are waiting to swoop your ass.
than* not and
holy fuck glows fucking with my posts now
Everyone on this board is pro-violence except for the shills.
They are weak cowards, they shit stirrers an nothing more. None of them have the guts to cause real change and take back the power for the People. The Founders are pinning in their graved
I love Zig Forums more than my life, I don't want to see it taken down over terrorist bullshit
Just join the military, dude. You can kill as many shitskins as you want.
Don't talk about it openly but we are VERY MUCH for violence.
fellow neonazi racists im opening up another headquarters at 123 fake street washington dc usa
I just killed half a muslim in my backyard. I used there shitskin as compost. Bite me glownigs
Why, my dear user, Zig Forums is a board of peace! You'd think you'd've learned that with all your lurking! You *have* lurked the required amount before posting, yes? It would be a shame to have to scold you!
Zig Forums is not against violence.
Mossad agents are.
They got a taste in NZ and now they are scared of it.
i guess we're a board of hard-working intellectuals with loving families to care for
Too many people think that lamenting and being intellectual losers like Tip Steakface and Karl Radl who masturbate over muh Anti-Semitic Socialists (They'd cuck sooner than Trump did. Trust me) is a solution.
The solution is that these fags need to be shot and given the Tarrant treatment like the kikes and Muslims should be receiving.
Yeah, I think we underestimate the number of shills on here.
This is what an attempt at consensus cracking looks like.
Sage and report shill threads.
Nigger detected and filtered.
kek, now that is funny user.
Eat my dick glow nigger
Thats untrue from my experience.
Men follow leaders. We need a hero.
All of you are saging and your comments are still here…how to explain
We do. Not here, obviously. But you know this, glownigger.
The power in (((politics))) is rallying behind a party. Join a party, go to meetings. You will be amazed how many likeminded people you will find there. Thats where you organise.
'For a different age I was born' every man has once said.
For each was to honesty born, rather than to all this cowardice bred.
Thus, for a gilded time we mourn, insisting such days forever dead…
Yet of all the feelings ever known…
… Longing for a time not your own…
… Is when true cowardice is shown.
Especially if dark the age has grown.
Hey OP, how come you FBI goons won't do a god-damned thing about leftist violence, but you watch whites like a hawk and come in here trying to provoke gullible people?
For like dawn, light in black sown.
All darkness will be overthrown.
All darkness will be overthrown.
Instead one is given a great gift, born in darkness and darkest days.
He’s given trials, mountains to lift, aye, the very (((minotaur))) in his maze.
He’s called to be strong, to be swift, a hero upon which his sons gaze.
Stop shilling your honeypot, faggot
So appear you king or appear you slave, among the good or a people strayed…
With actions now, the future pave, for the coward is he who delayed.
Product of his age, cradle to grave, but an age makes not, it is man made.
It is man made.
That image, name '0', is the very first image I ever saved off what would one day become Zig Forums, many years ago.
I have never forgotten.
Because the right is a paper tiger. There isn't a bigger myth in politics than the myth of the strong, martial, alpha right-wing. Tarrant wasn't shit either, guys like him pop up every 10 years. In-between those 10 years leftists cause more pain and misery to their right-wing enemies than you can ever imagine.
If the right was the hot shit alpha thing everyone wants us to believe the opposite would be occurring, The right would be the antifa on the streets and leftoids would be the ones in internet forums. This is completely inexcusable and anybody with a brain would see how pathetic it all really is.
Mongoloids here ask where the "white mans" anger went as 3,000 Greek leftists rush Obama (nbcnews.com
Your collections of funny looking leftists and handful of wins in street fights against gay antifa guys in San Francisco don't change this fact.
The are the images of real "acceleration", real direct action, real death squads, real political warriors.
Oh look, the same old copypasta.
*These* are the images…….
Say it with me boys:
Go brush up on your Yuri, retard
I love all these excuses
Hello Zig Forums. If fascist groups got 116 Million a year in state funding here (thats what Antifa basically gets in Germany) your "real death squad" (aka scrawny soyboys in masks trashing starbucks and REWE to get some quick gibs) would be a stack of bodies in the next ditch.
I am German and the leftists burning down Hamburg were deliberately allowed to trash some areas of the cities by the cops. They are the states overton pushers, they are the ones who make a bunch of noise so that the leftist cancer the politicians utter doesn't seem absolutely inane and outrageous to the average lemming.
But you will probably deny this and call me a conspiracy theorist.
You know the "cops be watching me bro" is just an excuse when 90% of the internet right has no problem conversing with police, having them among their ranks. If you want proof of this try to make an anti-cop thread right now and see what happens.
lol you have to say this because you have absolutely 0 proof of the shit you just posted.
And even then what does it mean really. Leftists can be motivated easily by money but the very idea of "white genocide" isn't enough for you. The supposed destruction of your peoples existence still isn't enough for you to do anything while the average leftist just needs 5 Soros bux.
You have had every excuse to start popping off on leftists for like the past 20 years. Unless you are posting from prison right now it is safe to say you haven't done shit, you aren't doing shit and you will never do shit.
The founding father of Fascism was murdered by an antifascist. I mean just how much more pathetic does it get? To create an ideology and be murder by its opposition in the same generation. I really doubt there is any parallel like this on the left. Beyond pathetic. And you don't have to believe in meme magic to understand what this means for fascism.
no fuck you fed, formless and unstoppable
Don't you know that organising, defending against scum like antifa, taking down corrupt governments and taking your countries back is what feds do? You're never supposed to actually do any of that stuff. That's just fucking retarded. You're just supposed to think about it while posting Hitler-worship and whining about kikes.