It's tempting to view this as an unconscious coping mechanism. It's a cope but there's some truth to this, and a certain sub-type of apolitical people who are broken down to the level of IDGAF.exe are basically our cosmic mirror image. They can make good friends and many will begin to care in their own time.
Forget about those whose escape vector is materialism and status, or who regularly consume """news""" media. Focus on those who are instinctively drawn to nature, who have a strong bond with animals, who are happy to work low-level food-production or service jobs, who are unpretentious drop outs, bad artists (i.e. most artists), those drawn to traditional spiritual practices even if you don't agree, those who are sensitive. If they have turned inwards, praise anything they do that's directed outwards, and let them know how much you value and admire that about them. Hold back on your autistic critique of everything. Don't be a know-it-all. These are just normal people, in the best sense.
Which leads me to the second answer: not everyone in the social organism is meant to "do" politics and history. Traditional societies wouldn't have worked if this instinct was widespread, and the belief that it should be is the result of egalitarian ideology.
Because the current iteration of clownworld presents itself as a righteous crusade against the "old order" (basically gay star wars), a lot of the low quality political naturals have been drawn into its orbit. We are the remnants of a spiritual warrior caste, who either due to some kind of inner strength or defect, find ourselves exiled into the world of apathetic normies. (The paranoid in me suspects that all of the anti-normie propaganda is designed to increase our alienation, and prevent us from bonding with our people.)
The silver lining is that most of these apathetic types, whatever the root of their indifference, don't care too much about the conventional pieties so you can joke with them about (almost) anything and instead of "argh unbeliever!" if they care about you and you don't come across too intense, they are more like "lol sick". A lot of us were like this before we "woke up" after the clown cult crossed the line and made it personal. Maybe we saw a friend or family get sucked into that word, and that's probably what it will take for the good normies. Not facts and logic, but if you can spin all of that into a joke who knows. Just don't expect to "flip" these people into caring about the outcome of the struggle based on abstract or intellectual bait. Don't press them too hard, don't try to make politics the basis of your relationship, and don't make politics the basis of your identity, if you hadn't figured that out.
The best of these people are the glue that hold the family and wider social organism together. Here's the key:
If you can find an apolitical non-uptight woman who's happy and caring and not retarded, consider marrying her.
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