The Great Fraud of National Zionism

National Zionism is the post-2016 cancer that became strengthened after the Brenton Tarrant attack.
How can we best describe the changes to the right-wing scene after Trump, and now after Tarrant? How have these figures morphed the National Socialist Zig Forums scene into something that's "good for the Jews"?

Consider the following paragraph, the creed of National Zionism, and you will see the direction that many outsiders are trying to move the board:

Attached: Trump-praying-hard-at-the-Western-Wall-600x300.jpg (600x300, 24.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Please post proof of this National Zionism on Zig Forums.

I'll just query my Zig Forums SQL database. While you're waiting, here is an Alain Soral quote from the article:
Last paragraph:
So in 20 years, we have gone from the problem being Catholic French, French and today, no, finally the problem is Muslim immigrants. But those who declared war on the native French in the 70s and 80s are the same today who tell us, let us be friends to fire those who were put in your face and educated against you. Because that’s what national-Zionism is all about, making friends with the people who are the cause of all our problems and who for 2500 years have been systematic and fierce anti-nationalists except for their own nation called Israel. So that’s clear.

So where's the proof of National Zionist on Zig Forums?

Why does it have anything to do with Tarrant at all?

You didn't know that Tarrant visited Israel? You didn't know that his massacre is a copycat of Baruch Goldstein? You didn't know that Brievik and Tarrant held Israel in high regard? I'm looking to advance the conversation beyond basic knowledge.

Also, forgot the links:

This is information propagated by israeli officials, so if you trust them?
How is it a copy of Baruch Goldstein?
Evidence of such?

I think you are playing disinformation game by propagating fake claim, invented by mossad agents here on Zig Forums.

National Zionism =/= International Jews
Reminder even Hitler was in favor of Zionism.
They are in favor of tradition, racial purity, they fight against muslims, they built a wall, they just want to be left alone within their own nation.
Don't try to conflate the average liberal American Jew with actual God fearing nationalist Zionists.

Hitler sent jews to israel, but he didn't want a jewish state in Israel.

National Zionism is the enemy of the Diaspora.

Surprised Zig Forums can't figure that out.

NatZion wants Internationalists within the Diaspora to return home jew man. Diaspora doesn't want to give up their power as geopolitical web weavers.

Zig Forums could do work here and accelerate things if Zig Forums could step back a bit and put on the strategy hat.

Attached: fascist-wheat-block.jpg (499x318, 24.39K)

How do you know? Did he ever say he didn't?

Shut the fuck up subhuman rat.

Not him but the evidence you are looking for is found in both of their manifestos. You are very smug for someone that doesn't know what they are talking about.

Yes, he didn't say anything about it such.

His actual plan is the relocation of jews to Madagascar.

It was released by Turkey first, then the Israelis either had to confirm or deny that.

Which bits do you believe about what this Brenton character has given us.
Candace Owens?
The drawings on his magick guns?

Breivik admit his zionism connection is literally made up and there's nothing to suggest Zionism in Tarrant's manifesto.

Nice try.

I have no reason to doubt that Tarrant paid them a visit.
Both of them killed a similar number of unarmed Muslims while they were praying. Both travelled to a foreign country to carry out their attacks.
I've read both of their manifestos.

Nope, israeli officials pretty much come out to say that.
Pretty much everything, he seems like acool bloke.
Spyro the Dragon.
You mean nordic rune and list of the crimes of muslim over the years?

Hitler ended the transfer agreement in 1939 after realizing that appeasing Jews was a losing strategy. He correctly recognized Israel as a criminal headquarters and refuge rather than a putative "homland for the Jews."

I have no reason to believe Tarrant paid them a visit.
Bull, chinese and burmese do the same. Praying muslims do not make them invincible.
Tarrant was an anglo in kiwiland, these muslims are actual foreigners.
So please point to the part where Tarrant and Breivik held Israel in high regard?

He says he doesn't have a problem with jews in Israel that mind their own shit. That is zionism. Hitler was a Zionist.
We know what aaliyah is you muppets.

Nope what you say is wrong what I say is right.

National Zionist apologetics. If you believe this, you cannot believe that Jews act tribally without regard to their stated political differences.

No, that is not zionism.
Zionism is the support of a jewish state in Israel, it doesn't say anything about jews in Israel.
See? You are a fucking jew trying to distort truth.

This is such a misrepresentation of history, and a frequent National Zionist talking point. It's been debunked here numerous times.

The same way on how muslims try to smear both Breivik and Tarrant as zionist when neither are.

He's just a shill.

How am I a shill for saying the truth?

It's muslims doing it huh?
Do YOU have a source that backs that up?
Or are you going to be a hypocrite?
You just asked the other user for evidence.
Where is yours?

Wrong, jews have to make aaliyah for their messianic prophecies, so zionists have to encourage all jews to Israel.

You can dislike jews and still be zionist.
Havaara agreement, he let them leave.
Despite performing an economic miracle in turning Germany around, he swapped the head of the jewish state, its creator, Rothschild, for money.

Yes, muslims are the ones doing it.

They are now trying to say anyone who kills muslim are jews.

Zionism by definition is the support of jew-controlled state in the region near mount Zion.

Dubs confirm

It's like they forget who we've been at war with for the last decades. It's always been Muslims.
I bet these users weren't even alive when 9/11 happened.

No, I disagree, both jews and muslims are the enemy, and they are trying to force a false dichotomy.

When St. Bowers attacked the synagogues, plenty jews come out and blame muslims as well.

This would be the main premise of the National Zionists. Those of us opposed consider it false, as we see Israel non as an independent, nationalist state but as a headquarters for the global parasite.
Selling Israel as an entho-nationalist role-model is part and parcel of National Zionism. From the article:

Israel is far from an ethno-state seeing it's full of arabs.

But I guess jews and arabs are the same thing so it counts.

It's almost like you're so young that you can't remember when we WEREN'T constantly warring in the middle east for the benefit of the Jews.

All you Tarrant shills are so goddamn obvious.
No one was talking about the muzzies like this before you faggots showed up.
Let's get focused back on AIPAC.
What do you think about that?

From the article, introductory paragraph:

So you are going to be a hypocrite and not back up your claim with a source?
No shit.

It's obvious because muzzies are the ones shilling this shit.
Cancer and exposed since the 00s.

You say torah, I say talmud.

These faggot shills and/or newfags even suggesting that 9/11 was actually muslim terrorists.
What a joke.

Shill faggot is obvious

My source is the behavior of these shills themselves:
- identity jews as "israeli"
- common deflection each time muslim are mentioned
- obsession with israeli jews and zionists only
- constantly praise the "anti-zionist" muslim politicians who are actually zionist in disguise
- discourage violence against muslims, constantly referring to them as "innocent" or "worshipers in prayers"
The last one is a big hint.

How am I a shill for exposing the truth?

9/11 was jews funding muslim, ZOG opening up the airspace, and muslims flying the planes.

So jews, traitors and muslims.

So your source is your opinion?
Do have screencaps of specific posts?
Article showing that muslims are somehow placing the blame on Jews?
Are you suggesting that this entire board has been hoodwinked by muslims FOR YEARS now. And that we are against the Jews because the muslims tricked us?

Are you fucking joking?

jews remotely flying the planes choking on their bagels with laughter at the live feed from the cockpit.

Dodging the question about REAL sources.
You are full of shit

Okay you are a moron
Conversation over

They have to be shills and not legitimate newfags. Even most normies doubt the official 9/11 story, and have done so for many years. The idea that someone would seek out a board like this one (you have to expend effort to find this place) and be unaware is too great a suspension of disbelief.

I know.
I just like to picture how fucking agitated they get when I make them actually work for their shekels

I do have some.

Yep, their goal is for whites to spare muslims after jew removal, because muslims are baste actually.

Attached: don't purity spiral goyim.png (1180x230 11.84 KB, 13.1K)

Proof? Anyway, these muslims are on the plane.

I don't see how Building 7 washes out the crimes of muslims?

It's the very same boomers now, but employed in reverse, every attacks against muslim is a zionist act, even when the muslims are in a foreign country.

What agency do you work for?

Attached: 74962d655a64a3193a8dad2c1d45aeec8a901b56809fd719541e5998399ad5ba.jpg (768x1024, 229.13K)

Zig Forums.

What agency do you work for?

Why did the towers fall?

Controlled demolition.

Drone strike technology didn't exist before 911, it was a live demonstration.

Attached: heyrabbi.jpeg (400x266, 34.26K)

So muslim patsies are the problem?
Did the fucking muzzies plant the bombs?

How did we know that muzzies were in the planes?
Because thier fucking IDs miraculously floated to the ground undamaged?

Try harder buddy
We have alot more information than your average bear here
Do you even green text?
inb4 this is Baruch Goldstein

A few dancing people is not proof of a massive conspiracy. If anything this is just an attempt to take credit for something they couldn't accomplish themselves to appear more powerful.
It's really not much different from shills trying to tell you only Jews could possibly have managed to defeat Muslims in NZ.

Hmm, I think you are covering hard for the muslims here, why?


You know that we will be here long after you leave.
Your efforts are futile.

How did you find your job?

And still no hard sources?

The bombs brought the buildings down, right?
So who did the muzzies have to be working for?

the direct cause of white genocide today is mass immigration. thus immigrants such as muslims are targeted. jews are blamed for mass immigration and liberal policies in general. so jews are also targeted. israel is a jewish nation so it is generally worse than the arab states who aren't offending europeans.
the rub is in the future who can be bargained with? arabs who proliferate themselves and destroy others in the homeland or jews with alot of power but few numbers in our homelands? i believe the diaspora jews would be more helpful in the eventual future war against hordes of non-europeans. they would not survive our europe's downfall should it come to that.

((Tor))pedo support incoming

Your explanation doesn't make any sense. The dancing Israelis didn't show any sign of wanting to be caught. One of them told the FBI "don't worry about us, we're not your problem. Your problem is the Palestinians." It would be far more likely that they were filming a terrorist event that would give birth to National Zionism, and were high-fiving each other because it was successful.

AAAAAND now we have shills openly supporting Jews.

I'm getting so tired of arguing with these asshats.
Are the mods seriously going to let open support of Jews and blaming fucking muslims fo 9/11 pass on the board now?

MODS clean this shit up!

i'd blame european leadership before i'd blame jewry for our current fucked up situation

No, it's declining birthrates and loss of culture, especially in the female.
Remember that America used to be majority native-American and there was no white genocide. Immigration is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. The problem is that Whites do not control their destiny, and they lost control while the US was 90% white.
White Genocide is strictly a problem with the Jew, the enemy within.

A jew told me, and I believe him, that jews are high iq and muslims are low iq.
I know that jews are disproportionately in control of global governments, even the most basic of research confirms that.
Now who do I blame for low iq muslims flooding into traditionally white christian countries?

Then you would be a shill and a complete fucking moron.
"Leadership" is blackmailed and otherwise controlled by Jewish money and interests. Without Jewish influence banks and monetary control, none of this would be possible.

Shifting the goal posts.
Went a little too far on that last one where you suggested that we could team up with diaspora Jews…

declining birthrates and count-culture that accepts mass immigration. i'd say 19th century america and europe were alot more healthy conscience wise during the napoleonic war clusterfuck than we were in ww2 or since.
it's the leaderships fault. everyone who profits from our current civilization's slip into madness is the enemy. there are 1000 white millionares for every kike.

So now whites are to blame and not Jews
Do you know where you are?
This is never going to work here.
Try Zig Forums

Did you guys just change shifts and put the B team in, or what?

They're a minority and we live in a democracy, so you can't put all the blame on them.
Nothing is going to change if you don't take responsibility.

as if these white christian countries do not possess enough iq to know what will happen when providing for the low iq arabs. it's a superficial argument. nothing wrong with shitting on jews but, actually, our problem is internal. it is systemic and it is a major racial flaw. the power handler's think that in their lifetimes it will be more profitable to import non-white labor despite the facts of those people and their lands.

(((Tor)))pedo backup again

Yeah because Jewish money and political power doesn't have a hugely outsized effect on our policies…

Its just a population issue, not an issue of who actually has the power to make policy, right?

We don't live in a democracy. We live under a rigged system run with Jewish money.

Oh my such linguistic abilities.
Yes their probably are 1000 white and black and brown and yellow millionaires for every jewish multi billionaire

there's a good chance he is trying to get it banned again. feels like it's banned more often than not this week.

Who is that JUST actually?

Hard Sources for what?

Flying the planes and crashing it into the buildings?

Anyway, hard truth on the matter of arabs on the planes.

Your lack of knowledge of this board is fucking glaringly obvious.

Here is what we're being shilled with anons. First shift in Tel Aviv. The B team.

Spot on. The kikes have been coopting the right to further the Israel expansion plan. All the "far right" leaders are adamantly pro-Israel.

Lol OP ton thread n'a absolument aucun putain de sens ici. Déjà parce que le concept de "national-sionisme" est merdique mais en plus parce que les US sont la pute d'Israël depuis des décennies.

Jews are genetically evil. They can't be left anywhere.

This. The "le Hitler was a Zionist xD" meme is pushed by kikes.

But (((america))) is a ZOG golem and bin laden was responding to the kike destruction of the ME. Reminder that American (((Patriots))) are ZOG pawns.

Bin Laden was a CIA asset?
Threw his body in the ocean so there is no evidence that was ever killed?

And here's the eightieth identical spam thread from Jamal.

Do you know any other nigger names?
You all keep using the same one
Is it on a big poster on the wall?

If only you knew Chabad things really are.

Brenton didn't propose making "friends" with Jews, just implied that they should stay contained in Israel. White people have a problem with empathy, we simply do not know when to withhold it. Despite knowing what (((they))) have done, some redpilled whites get a bad taste in their mouth at the thought of wiping out an entire people. We've experienced it first hand, after all. We know how much it sucks.

Don't really need to go any further than this quote: