Community Announcement: Possible Daily Stormer Shilling Incoming

Community Announcement: Possible Daily Stormer Shilling Incoming
Remember the feud we had with TRS? Well, expect a possible one with DS. (((Weev))) and Asthma-Dork are lying harder than chinks being confronted by human services after an user posted last night a thread about meeting Tarrant when the DS Bookclubs were still a thing.

Let's confront their major claims.
The BBS was nuked after that meeting and we don't know what Weev did with the archive so, no, you can't just Google their names. That doesn't prove anything. It's barely even evidence.
Textbook no true Scotsman fallacy.

Who knows what they will try and do but I say now is the perfect time to expose these Feds-I mean Stormers just like we did with those faggot TRS goons.

Pics attached.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Weev.

Weev's mother admits he is a Jew.

Attached: weev-the-jew.jpg (392x270, 23.77K)

Reported and saged this kike psyop thread, everyone else should do the same

Weev confirmed. Such a volatile little (((Ashkenazi)))!

Jesus christ.

Go fuck yourself weev. You and are the kinds of unfunny faggot shills that will be left behind by the resurgent White Race.

saged and reported this thread. OP is a kike shill


LOL, thise kike is Torpedo posting now. You can't fool us.

Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name, “Auernheimer”. Think about the likely origins of this name for a second. Even a quick Google reveals its origins. The most famous Auernheimer of history, journalist and author Raoul Auernheimer, had his way bought from the fires of Dachau by his uncle, Theodore Herzl himself. Come on, I have curly hair and brown eyes here. The claim many “journalists” are making that I am some sort of Nazi is preposterous, but I suppose you have to resort to ad hominem when the public overwhelmingly supported me on the basis of the facts of the case. — Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer

Attached: Jewish.jpg (1484x1177, 199.05K)

The user who claimed he met Tarrant at the book club said he met him in 2017.

reported saged and filtered. Fuck off shill

Look how salty this kike is!!!! Meltdown harder, faggot.

Kill yourself faggot, stop shitting up this board with your nonsense

Hahaha, oh boy! You aren't convincing us here, kike. Go away.

sage. OP is retarded as fuck

Nice ID, Weev. Fuck off.


Attached: vRh8o.jpg (250x250, 15.07K)

These changes won't work, Weevberg. You're only making this problem worse.

this is fun to watch

It won't work. I've already reported all your IDs, (((Bucko))).

Oh no, i've been (((reported)))
how scary! definitely a genuine reaction from someone who (((totally isnt a shill)))
Stop shitting up this fucking board

>(((totally isnt a shill)))
Says an actual Jew.

Thank god the stormer banned me before St.Tarrant, thank god only weev has my old account info.


I didnt admit to using multiple ID's. In fact I deny that. I find it funny that you think that Weev is lurking these boards 24/7 just to make sure some goy isnt saying anything bad about him. You're retarded and your thread is a fucking joke

Why hello there fellow anti-semites :>)


>It won't work. I've already reported all your IDs, (((Bucko))).

>Oh no, i've been (((reported)))
Implicit admission, kike. You slipped up and now you can't go back.

Bamp because this shizz is hilarious.
Everyone itt is either a kike shill or weev in disguise.
Heck, I might even be weev and I don't even know it.

Attached: 1dsob1.jpg (519x449, 34.45K)



Nice try. That's not an admission, no matter how you put it.

It's too late, kiddo. We already caught you with your hand in the cookie jar. Now go back to DS and never come back.


I know right? Like have I always been weev and just never knew it before? What could this mean for my entire existence? What if….you are weev too? Maybe everyone here on 8pol is actually weev….waoh

Attached: image.jpg (553x484, 28.82K)

here are screenshots proving that these IDs are not mine.
Now kill yourself, OP.

Attached: screenshot3.png (661x696 75.03 KB, 159.56K)

Right, because you can't boot up a new window in a different browser or anything. THat proves nothing. Fuck off, dipshit. I thought you were an IT guy for the (((Stormer))).

Go back to 4chan, you kike



And this proves that your assumption is more and more of a stretch.


It's obvious to any seasoned person that you are using multiple IDs here. In fact, it is beyond obvious
you stupid kike. I already told you, it;s too late. You can't unshoot yourself in the foot.

The bowlpatrol vs weev saga continues.

Hi Mosin.

Hi weev.

Not even

Im just here like a tourist laughing at the monkey exhibit. Though I am flattered that you all would give me so much credit.

Never change Zig Forums, stay paranoid my friends.

Attached: 6a2.png (292x292, 219.7K)

Any native here has an image folder. The fact you are downloading Reddit images on the fly proves that you are not a native.

Keep peddling this lie, kike.

Bold red text means im right

>It won't work. I've already reported all your IDs, (((Bucko))).
>Oh no, i've been (((reported)))

I've already archived this thread for future evidence. It's too late.

Very interesting how you're now sperging out to defend the (1) and the (3) who very obviously don't post on imageboards regularly.

Who the fuck can look at weev and not see that hes jewish? Daily Stormer niggers are fucking retarded.

These look like BBS filenames to me.

Your assumption is not my admission. You reporting me based on my percieved multiple IDs is still reporting me. You're retarded, and you can only reach so far before people realize you're full of shit

Can you at least make an attempt to type the way anons do, this is pathetic. OP is a sperg, but he isn't wrong about the wave of shilling. This didn't deserve it's own thread however. Before they would have been confined to the one thread, now they will be checking the catalog for other mentions and shitting up the whole board because OP told them to leave their containment zone.

It's not an assumption. You clearly, objectively admitted that you are using multiple IDs in this thread. Stop trying to be a word wizard and get your way out of this with convoluted excuses. We are way too autistic to fall for your horrendous lies, JEW!


I never admitted I was linked here. Nice assumption.

But just so I can indulge your paranoia
Yes, I'm an glow-in-the-dark Ooga Booga Boogie man come to shill for a place I don't go to by performing the worst damage control ever. You sure got me beat Zig Forums xD

I'm gonna need more popcorn.

Attached: courage-the-cowardly-dog-ooga-booga-booga-shirts-3.jpg (350x350, 108.79K)

TRS and TDS are the same weasels

Im now going to purposefully change my filenames to that just to fuck with retards like you

Gas yourself John

Only has Google images. These are all outsider memes. Try posting something ORGANIC!

Too late, retard.

Attached: kikedetected.png (635x829, 248.29K)

The jew is scared

Attached: bc7eb4v.jpg (345x431, 78.27K)

What if

I just

Did some


Reddit spacing?

Would that make things better?

Attached: 2019_03_22_081407.png (853x480, 570.69K)

Fuck off back to plebbit, faggot


AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, oh fuck! The gig is up, turbo niggers!

Attached: shitforbrains.jpg (1280x720, 111.13K)

It's Zig Forumsaks, btw

TRS and the AltKike are exactly that. Weev is a Jew. Anglin is funny but a race mixer and likely assisting the feds to save himself. But, the community of DS are solid Whites in the tens of thousands. Attaching other Whites is fucking erratic and sounds like more Qushner shilling to protect Trumplestein.

I never said to attack their members, just the kike staff.

And i thought he was retarded.
You're accusing everyone of "admitting" to some sort of wrongdoing. Fuck off shill

Silence, JEW!!!


Thats still not an admission, buddy.
This is an admission

I'm the glowiest glow-in-the-dark that ever glowed. You have every right to be paranoid, because we at the (((CIA))) are monitoring this thread and having a blast.

BT was a plant by (((us))) to get you useful idiots to A C C E L E R A T E (((our))) agenda and scare thr normies further into submission. Thank you Zig Forums my hands are just giddy on the amount of rubbing they will be doing this morning.

Attached: tfW8Vma.jpg (866x1280, 104.72K)

Go back to school.

Attached: Shill.jpg (500x309, 49.19K)

It just proves that the thread about Tarrant being known at some book club is fake. When people start asking questions about the shooters missing history, it's time to give them some fake history to keep them quiet.

Imagine having to post this much just to keep this shit thread alive.

It doesn't prove that at all. The DS had the chance to prove the claim wrong but instead they sperg with shitty, hasty reasoning. And Brenton had a detailed Facebook history, even commenting on news articles that date back years ago. Your knowledge is virtually nonexistent.

What kind of school opens up at 5am?

Attached: andrewcuomo428.jpg (350x263, 12.38K)

The fact that there never was a "DS Sydney book club" is enough to throw the premise of the thread in the trash. Beyond that, personal blogposts don't have any place on anonymous imageboards. Why would anyone seriously take them at face value?
Post it here so it can be examined. Like many anons, I don't use Facebook.


Fine by me. Fuck weev and azzmamidget. That said, Jim and Ron Watkins and Thomas Reidel are even worse

But there was because I was in the Brisbane one and we spoke with both Sydney and Perth.

Ok, where's your proof?

Okay fine, i admit it, im Weev, and i DID use multiple IDs in order to hide the fsct that im Jewish. Im currently camping the catalog to MAKE SURE that no other anons accuse me of being Jewish, but it looks like this time ive failed

That was three years ago so I don't have any. But you aren't thinking about this properly: they made the claim so the burden of proof is on them, not me. Pretty much every major city in the world had a Bookclub group but somehow Sydney didn't coz reasons? Give me a break!

>Okay fine, i admit it, im Weev, and i DID use multiple IDs in order to hide the fsct that im Jewish. Im currently camping the catalog to MAKE SURE that no other anons accuse me of being Jewish, but it looks like this time ive failed

Attached: Joomer.jpg (500x445, 48.53K)

I am, those anons who made the claim of such a book club existing (including yourself) have the burden of showing some evidence, not anecdotes.

I've reported all of your posts and will be sumbitting copyright claims on all of them to take them down, i have permission from the FBI and ds to do this.

Every Western major city in the world had one. You can ask any old Stormer about that.

ITT: two faggots slap fighting to prove who is or isn't the kike.

Thanks for the anecdote, but it still doesn't make the claim any more credible.

(((>I've reported all of your posts and will be sumbitting copyright claims on all of them to take them down, i have permission from the FBI and ds to do this.)))

Well, like I said, this shit was three years ago so Anecdotes are the best I myself can do. But be aware that you have Weev himself now threatening to take down this thread because I've exposed him.




Global reported.

Reported to the United Nations

Reported to the faggot police.

i have your dox now, faggot
