What's a good Corporate Democrat vs Commie Democrat issue to inflame?

The Coalition of the bitter angry losers can't hold.

The big corporate money users should be the most precarious group member, right? More susceptible to feelings of envy, manipulation, and betrayal?

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Ask why they accept capitalist money.

I'm thinking more about some touchy subject that could we could harp on that would trigger the Commies or the Corporate Whores to lose their shit at the other.

You aren't red-pilled yet.

I know. I know. I know.

I just have to hate the open borders party and it would be entertaining to see the Democrats Balkanize.

inb4: I know the Republicans are pro amnesty and open borders too - just not as much.

Shills got here early

The money thing could work although commies would probably be willing to ignore that AOC and their other savior's are filthy rich by some sort of mental gymnastics.

The idea of pointing out inconsistencies in fiscal policy would work better, such as Hillary's speeches to CEOs and saying you need to have two political faces. If those ideas are memed hard enough we could slowly chip away at their minds to demoralize them as front runners emerge.

To do this we need to create as much division in the Democratic party candidates as early as possible in their campaigns. Then as people drop out and encourage their voterbase to vote for someone else you need to show how that other person goes against what they believe. Could be a good strat given how many schisms there are in the left right now.

I just love their panic and hearing their elaborate mental scaffolding under stress.

I started listening to NPR after Trump won just for schottenfreude.

Good one about money.
I wasn't thinking specifically about donors.
Harping on conflicting loyalty to donors is exactly the type of betrayal rage waiting to happen.

I know bitter, victim inner monologue people. Their minds just search for some betrayal in one of their relationships to fly off the handle about.

Seems like work. I'll have to just keep an eye out for anything during primaries and throw a screenshot of an article or make a meme and throw it on the other chan.

I think most of the Presidential hopefuls are saying they aren't accepting corporate money though they actually are through a different chute.

I wonder if there's an ultimate thread to pull that would be any different than them always already eating themselves.

Continue pushing against white males and women from being the leaders of the party. There's too many whypeeple in charge as is.

Attached: mrpopo.jpg (1280x720, 36.3K)

Male CEO pay vs low level cunt pay
Gender wedge and drive it the fuck home user

Just make their coalition of niggers turn on White Women more and more. It's quite literally their most gaping weakness.

It's obvious: accuse those Democrats of supporting corporatist jews and israelis that oppress poor brown Palestinians.

Everyone is generally susceptible to the same emotional responses. The most powerful one is fear. Lust, greed and embarrassment/praise are good, but fear is the big one.

Make them fear each other. The first pic is a perfect example. Jack's allies have turned on him and are using his own weapons against him.

This is your rift. Push the idea on the pro-censorship commies that their corporate allies are supportive of state enforced censorship rules because they'll have an excuse to use them against the commies. Push the fact that commies are running out of fake nazis so they're going after kikes, women, fags and feminist soyboys next.

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Accuse them of being anti-semitic, lol.

There is plenty of time to conduct research on all the candidates as they are now. The more there are the better in this case. It would be most important to energize voter bases as evenly and passionately as possible for as many candidates as possible.

What I'm thinking is to recreate what happened between sanders and clinton in 2016. Manipulating people to create smaller groups of extremely dedicated followers for as many candidates as possible so that not enough of the democrats can unite on a single candidate to end up winning.

This troll is looking for fracture points to further divide white people and the US population in general.
We have much more in common with our left leaning brothers than we have differences.

If we are ever to form an effective movement, we will need their numbers.
These shills are spreading their shit not only on Zig Forums, but on every board on 8 right now.


I bet this same thread is on Zig Forums right now, looking for fracture points on the right.


Anyone actually in the US wouldn't need to ask asinine questions like this!

What the fuck are these images?
You are not from here…

we did it, 'pedes!

Why does a Knife Party song trigger you so much?


I actually went to leftypol after seeing this

Attached: fmoaei4jflavcomfi.png (1250x343 89.86 KB, 149.16K)

White people are not my adversaries.

Nice Strawman

You are here to divide the white population by finding fracture points on all sides. If whites are atomized down to small groups that spend all of their time infighting, we will never be able to unite against those who would see us destroyed.

Finding common ground is what we need to do. The Gilet Jaune have done this in France. The people are united against the Jews and their banks.
In the face of Jewish power and control, the left-right false dichotomy falls apart.

Yeah, it's an absolute shit show over there. I go every week to see what they are talking about. They are much more divided than we are at this point. No wonder since they have had a thousand different groups pushed under the same banner…
It was inevitable that they would fall apart.
The country was first divided by political parties. Then the separate parties themselves were targeted for more atomization. It keeps the people from forming a large enough bloc to get any real control back.

It's all very Machievelian.

You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water though.
Their perspectives on things can be enlightening on how a large portion of the population thinks. If we stay in our bubble all day and never look at things from outside perspectives, we will never be able to generate the kind of propaganda that will unite our people.

They support each other.

It honestly seems impossible to do with white people on the left because the idea of rising up against the jews is, for all intents and purposes, synonymous with rising up against the federal government.

Despite all the publicity revolutionary-inclined commies are getting right now they make up a nearly negligible amount of the democratic party and the rest of the whites on the left wont take part in it because they want big government.

fracturing and destroying their world view could be the closest change they have at getting a "reset" and becoming attuned with the concept of the white race.

In case you haven't noticed, the population of people on board with white nationalism is just as small as that of the revolutionary commies.
If you spend a bit of time reading over there, you will see that we actually have a decent amount in common with them.
They recognize the same power structure as we do being the problem, they just use different terminology.

It only takes a small and dedicated number of people to foment revolutionary change. That is why the opposite Zig Forumss both get shilled so hard. This is also why the dedicated people on both sides have been polarized so far to either extreme.
They want us a far away from each other as possible. Because if the radical left would ever unite with the radical right over common issues, it would be fucking game time.
The Jew fears this more than anything.

Watch as I get attacked for even suggesting such an alliance is even possible…

Their worldview is as set as ours. But if you take the time to filter through the shilling and bullshit over there, you will see that we aren't all that different.
They see the shills praising Tarrant over here and paint us with a broad brush. People from here see the shilling for Marxism and tranny pride over there and we paint them with a broad brush.
Anytime a conversation gets down to the nitty-gritty of actual policies and details, the shills jump in to shit it up. They use the same tactics to divide the left that they use here.

That is why OP wants advise on fracture points…

I guess they don't want anyone to read what I just wrote…


An easy one I saw on reddit's /r/politics when salt mining is just to say either "A true socialist needs to win the nomination, a corporate Dem can't win" or "A moderate Democrat needs to win the nomination, a far-left socialist can't win". Instant shitstorm either way. The second one might be more effective on Reddit actually.

There may be some parts within subgroups of the DNC that are okay, or okay for x purpose,
But I hate the Democratic Party.

People who see the world as a blessing and a challenge are not as susceptible to spiraling into a rage like excuse making, story telling victims.

Honestly, ideas and talk of revolution and totally overthrowing the system. Mild leftists that have comfy lives just want to "progress" the system and talk of overthrowing it violently makes them uncomfortable because most of them are pussies. The commies will support that type of rhetoric and will take the others hesitancy as betrayal.

A snapshot of who these shills are. DNC money. Probably siphoned from tax dollars.

Deal with a traitor before you deal with your enemy,
But the DNC is overtly anti-White. Fuck them and the White traitors inside it.
A reason to break up the party - The Whites would be ejected from them and vote with their interests instead.

Yes! So much this!
This sore spot will be there to poke at up until election day, during the term, and out of office.
In this era this can probably be used one way or the other for every office from city council to state to President.