Stan Berk is a former hedge-fund manager who hired Nevo in the 1980s after they met at a Los Angeles gym.
“His problem as an employee was that he had the attention span of a hummingbird on crack,” said Berk, who was very fond of Nevo. “He had no interest in doing actual work. I couldn't fire him against everyones advice because he was so entertaining he livened up the day.”
Berk, who now lives in Lake Tahoe, says there is no way Nevo could have become a savvy investor, or a consigliere of consequence to the likes of Dick Parsons.
Berk said that Nevo bugged him incessantly for a job at the gym, where they both played a pick-up game of basketball on most days.
“Somehow he found my office, starting showing up,” said Berk. “He’s a very engaging guy.”
What did he do? “Nothing, that’s the whole point,” said Berk. “He was like a go-fer, basically. He really didn’t do anything. The people who worked for me were traders and assistants to traders, money management guys. He didn’t work full time. He couldn’t keep to a schedule.”
Nevo worked there from 1985 to 1988. Then in October of that year, Berk said, “He just disappeared. I have no idea where, he didn’t tell anyone. All of a sudden he didn’t show up to work. I went by his apartment. They said he moved out. No one knew where he went.
“He reappeared a few years later. He called me from a brokerage firm in New York and wanted to solicit doing business,” Berk said. “He was very friendly with my family, my kids. ==We thought maybe he was in the Mossad and had a new assignment, we never could figure it out. It was really weird.”==
And even weirder to Berk when he saw that Nevo had befriended billionaires and media titans.