Rothschild the turbocuck

Rothschild the turbocuck

At the age of 47, Baron Benjamin de Rothschild has put the 4-billion-euro family fortune in the hands of his wife, Baroness Ariane de Rothschild. 'I think women today are better suited for business than men,' he says.

What about your daughters? Would you want them to marry Jews?

"You try telling them what to do. My oldest daughter's boyfriend - she is 15 - is a Saudi. He is a great guy and if she will want to marry him, she can. If she brings home a black man and he is a good person, she will be able to marry him. Our role will then be to educate him to be part of the family. She will have to choose the right person. Nowadays it is impossible to force a person to choose a particular partner. It doesn't work anymore.

Business bankruptcy when?

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So marry the Devil's spawn child, inherit fortune and live like deity.

And so it begins. The race is on boys.

That's fucking nothing compared to the Trillions they levy each day.
Other than that; Topkek. Elite family dynasties are even more cucked than the rest of us, because they get ass and mindraped from an early age and have to play out the shit that normies are supposed to follow.

It’d be terrible if some enterprising young Chad were to do this. A right shame crikey


Nigger, its rumored they own 65% of all assets on the planet.

>My oldest daughter's boyfriend - she is 15 - is a (((Saudi)))

By definition so is the Queen of England.

don't underestimate jewish women. They can be even more cunning than jew males when it comes to business and money

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it wouldn't be the first time jews drink their own kool-aid
i kinda wondering what the fuck are their parents doing
despite all their virtue signaling the top yids should be red pilled on niggers and women
can't believe they don't keep their spawn on a tight leash
maybe their getting old and their grip ain't as steady anymore

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kikes project their cuck fantasies onto everybody else through the media and the porn industry

Top kek, Ariane isn't even a jew.

The schmucks you see in the news are the pawns. Yes, even supposed 'elites' like the Red Shields.

The real dark nobility intermarries among themselves, and no one's ever seen or heard of one, yet they hold the entire globe by its balls.

I love this name, very common in Quebec.


Its more like trillions per year, but close enough

quads confirm

This is actually true, these are upper mid level kikes in the grand power scheme, unfortunately, most newfags never heard of guys like Aviv Nevo, and the unnamed (((people))) behind him that put him in control of Goldman Sachs, Time Warner, etc.

Don't care. Whenever I try to imagine what I'd do with that kind of money, it always ends up involving tying-up loose-ends and living like uncle ted(with a larger stock of food and an internet connection).

The most powerful person on earth probably looks like someone in the pic or is some mole rat rabbi in a cave in israhell.

Aviv Nevo is probably a mossad frontman just like Epstein.

Soros was probably made rich via insider knowledge by Rothschild through blackmail / pressure on the queen. His career path never seemed kosher to me.

Large money coming from dubious sources and too good to be true deals are automatically presumed to be mossad operatives or rothschild agents.

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Not to mention, if you attempt to oppose them, they have a literal army of niggers and faggots that they can send upon you, to destroy your business and its reputation.

Stan Berk is a former hedge-fund manager who hired Nevo in the 1980s after they met at a Los Angeles gym.

“His problem as an employee was that he had the attention span of a hummingbird on crack,” said Berk, who was very fond of Nevo. “He had no interest in doing actual work. I couldn't fire him against everyones advice because he was so entertaining he livened up the day.”

Berk, who now lives in Lake Tahoe, says there is no way Nevo could have become a savvy investor, or a consigliere of consequence to the likes of Dick Parsons.

Berk said that Nevo bugged him incessantly for a job at the gym, where they both played a pick-up game of basketball on most days.

“Somehow he found my office, starting showing up,” said Berk. “He’s a very engaging guy.”

What did he do? “Nothing, that’s the whole point,” said Berk. “He was like a go-fer, basically. He really didn’t do anything. The people who worked for me were traders and assistants to traders, money management guys. He didn’t work full time. He couldn’t keep to a schedule.”

Nevo worked there from 1985 to 1988. Then in October of that year, Berk said, “He just disappeared. I have no idea where, he didn’t tell anyone. All of a sudden he didn’t show up to work. I went by his apartment. They said he moved out. No one knew where he went.

“He reappeared a few years later. He called me from a brokerage firm in New York and wanted to solicit doing business,” Berk said. “He was very friendly with my family, my kids. ==We thought maybe he was in the Mossad and had a new assignment, we never could figure it out. It was really weird.”==

And even weirder to Berk when he saw that Nevo had befriended billionaires and media titans.

When's the last time you saw Jacob Rothschild? Remember the helicopter/plane crash over the Roth estate? Happened almost 2 years ago I want to say. Haven't seen or heard from him since, I'm thinking this bloodline is ended/being sacrificed like was done with the Windsors and the mulatto. I have a post saved somewhere about which family has the Pindar now, the name escapes me for the moment.

Lel. No.

You are such a faggot.

I wouldn't withhold the possibility of other jews running the show and the well-known jews are the de facto front for their schemes, but I'm willing to bet three things.
1. They're within the (((Bilderberg))). This is why the TPP was so important to them.
2. They can afford not to hide. They haven't had to fear anyone coming after them in the past and nothing has changed that.
3. They can't afford to lose pawns. Even if Soros and Rothchilds are themselves pawns, they are still important wheels of the jewish schemes carried out.

The last point is the most important. It doesn't matter how much influence jews have over any government, financial or miscellaneous institution, they need pawns to get anything done. Are any of you capable of realizing how much influence is lost if they can't leverage power like they normally do?

Removing pawns is as important as removing the front, and even their handlers. They need each other more than we give credit for.

yeah jews pull that kind of social mobilty that seems strange to the goyim that are trained to believe that hard work is what brings advancement, not being born a kike and knowing the right people

an american friend of mine had a jew work for him as a pizza delivery driver for a while, the jew seemed not particularly motivated but very observing, a few months later the jew went on to work for nasa
obviously it must have some sort of special kike that gets to move around in society

i guess he wanted to see what it's like to deliver pizza for a while, or maybe he was told to do it as some sort of training or lesson

we dont yet understand fully the practical workings of how the kikes run the world on the lower scale day to day

He's dead, Nat did it, hasn't panned out for him as it was done with assistance from anti-MBS Saudi faction, generally appears as though French branch has capitalized on the antics.

israeli jews are often extremely persuasive, great at verbal manipulation and come off as very likeable unlike the grumpy overly aggressive ashkenazim that come across as bullies rather than light hearted friendly guys

mossad picks guys that are best at socializing, building rapport and making connections but haven't used that yet to really advance in the business world

vid related

Very true. They are complete prisoners since birth and mentally trapped. Since their family dynasty is so strong they cannot get out. I read some takes suicide etc. We think we are brainwashed but holy moly. Nothing compared to those guys.

With offering only 2.7% annual interest rates, Rothschild is pretty shitty bank anyways. Just good for if you strive to have a universially known bank that has next to zero respect within Finances.

Julius Bär all the way, he at least financed Hitler.

There are a few Rothschilds that just got involved in academia rather than banking.

The Rothschilds support "artists" from fellow wealthy kike families as well that were not quite cut for banking.

If you decide to go into banking though and fail you might get suicided.

That got me wondering what was the reality behind the series of apparent suicides a few years ago.

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Yeah, but all Europeans are "white"
FUCK these assholes. How could such incompetence rule the world?

I don't think kikes care too much about blood since their own DNA is a ticking timebomb of genetic failure. Plus it's how they'd integrate themselves in a new society, offer up their women as whores to the ruling elite and slowly bring more of their vermin into the fold. That's why we have askenazi kikes with European features but their poisonous DNA ways shines through with big noses, sloped foreheads, beady eyes, urge to rub hands, etc.

Banks have gigantic buildings because there are tons of people working for them.

It's also an especially soul crushing career with extremely long hours and often zero life outside of work, only suited to the most NPC people.

I have worked for kike companies and they are great at layering and structuring so nobody really has a full view of things.

As such I believe suiciding people to be fairly unnecessary as nobody who hasn't been jew approved gets promoted or even hired.

Rothschilds largely marry cousins.

Muslim crime families in Germany do this too in order to keep a closer clan cohesion.

The main difference is muslims are only street smart level cunning but generally low IQ retards that eventually get everything they own confiscated by the police.

its quite telling that he says
"If she brings home a black man and he is a good person, she will be able to marry him."

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Provide more info on this. Seen anons state this numerous times. That the only elites we have seen and know are the highest level frontmen. You are proposing their are individuals who live in total privacy and are unknown to the public. Mentioning black nobility I thought it was common knowledge that assholes like FDR
were descended from the lineage of Roman rulers since the time of Christ or was it Constantine? Delano being his actual black nobility surname. Are you saying that specific hierarchs stay hidden and dont even get viewed by the public at any point for any reason?

Does anyone have a useful and truthful link/source on Jews? Or does anyone care to red pill me on this? Okay so they own many media outlets/hollywood/banks. What exactly is the matter with this? What and why are they trying to brainwash people? Is far-leftist propaganda and are SJW's part of the Jewish agenda? What do they want and why is it bad?

Lurk moar faggit.

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I am that's why I mentioned the things I already picked up. But info is all over the place and haven't found much clarification yet. Of anyone cares to explain that be quite nice :)

Can't find shit using Google as well

Welcome to the hurt box. Look a the recent AMA thread on the Jews, to take just one example:

Ironically, you can use the Jewish Duck-Duck-Go to get redpilled stuff on the Jews that Google censors.

It's just a fun theory because people like to dig deeper and deeper and deeper.

Ultimately knowing it doesn't change anything in your life but becoming deeply paranoid or blackpilled about your fate as human cattle in europoor.

You can have all the knowledge in the world but still be beaten to death by migrants in a welfare ghetto if you don't play by (((their))) rules.

Even though pizza gate is known for years there has yet to be a SWAT group storming the place and checking the #killroom.

In the end elite jews work as a cabal with no clear leadership and while there is surely some sort of hierarchy on who has the most pull in a country, they tend to gravitate towards a common goal of goyim debasement and world domination even if they don't directly profit. was another powerful jewish dynasty and one of them is close to Rothschild so they may actually have hidden money

Some copypasta from Quora:

The Goldmans, and their partners, the Sachses
The Lehmans, as Ted noted. Their bank was originally partnered with two other Jewish families, the Kuhns and the Loebs
The Lazards (French-American)
The Warburgs (British)
The Sterns (French)
The Wendels (French)
The Weinbergs (American)

Thank you I haven't seen that thread

Ahaha what the hell. I'll try it out

Thanks, this seems more accurate considering how convoluted and wide reaching their cabal is.

Lets do a quick analysis:

1. Rothschild is rich, very rich. They did not get into that position by hard work, but by scheming and outmaneuvering the enemy.
2. These people own and manipulate the media to influence your thinking process in a way that suits them.

Do you think, they will tell you the truth at any rate? No they will always give you just the information that they want you to have, to come to conclusions that are good for them.

That being said.

The ruling Sauds are basically jews. All of them. So Rothschilds daughter is together with a jew. What a surprise (at least it is a rich semite).

This will never happen, this is multicultural propaganda for the goyim (race mixing with low IQ blacks). Basically furthering the NWO.

Rothschilds love what they do, therefore they use every tool to further their agenda of white genocide. The media attention to their interview is part of that.
You can rest assured, that every word they say is a considered and prepared word.



I have met many of them. They aren't hard to find.

He's actually a bum.

I am disappoint

I thought that each de rothschild has at least 9 Trillion so a billion is absolute pennies.

Yup. Antifa is infact a social political army

4 billion for them is just change

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Money doesn't even matter to them at this point. When you run every bank in close to ever country nothing has a price for you. It's just yours.

Ya I know

It doesn't really work like that. There are a bunch of bastard Rothschilds and the entire "de Rothschild" line is arguably a bastard lineage.

You make a mistake of assuming that these creatures care about racial purity, for them race doesn't exist, only money. These parasites have set a system in place where they could degenerate themselves to be barely able to survive, and yet remain on the top because everyone else is sabotaged from competing. This is what being a kike is all about. Defying nature as much as possible.

Sounds like they'd never have sex and my daughter would end up a billionaire.

Louise Dreyfus undoubtedly made a lot of money off Seinfeld but it was nothing compared to her family's multi billion dollar fortune.

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Jews are in open rebellion

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Zig Forums isn't ready for that redpill yet

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Exactly this, I can’t tell if there is just shills or idiots here pushing what this Rothschild says as fact and something to feel whitepilled about.

In either case I expect better from Zig Forums and more people calling out this obvious bullshit.

They drank their own cool aid.

Hope your happy nathan, you brought thos upon yourself

No dummy, they are propagating an agenda through this "arrangement". Whether or not that Baron is effeminate who "left" money to her control (supposedly).

Why is he denying them the kissing of his hands? Somebody please explain. I'm an orthodox christian. This looks dodgy to me.

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I thought getting rid of them would be good for planet Earth but if they want to intermarry with special sandniggers, fine too.

decimals even

fuck off, jew

You smell that? Thats the smell of decades upon decades of paranoia finally amassing at these sick fucks door step.
Someone grab a rope, I'm leading with the torch!

Go ahead, Bauer. Appeal to idiots. They have no power here. You have no power here, either.

He is a gigantic commie cuck and he doesn't believe in the office. He thinks it's all about him as the pope.


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Well gang, I think we know what we need to do.

Someone has to seduce his underage daughter so she can use her fortune to fund our interests.

Take one for the team.

Yes, they do have a plan. Own political parties and media.

I'll tell you part of it is paranoia. They can never be part of a unified country because they are ethnically and religiously separate. So they increase diversity to feel safer. Of course this eventually leads to civil war and collapse.

They feel more comfortable as a face in a diverse crowd then the one off duck out.

I always think that when people point to Soros as being behind everything. I don't doubt that he's the enemy, but i'm pretty sure there's someone else, or a group of people, that he answers to.

The ultimate goal is to retain and accumulate more wealth. The secondary goal is to sow the seeds of dissent among the people in order to increase murders among the common folk.
This provides cover to their occasionally taken prey from the herd.

You said everything
Every Grand Lodge.

Who is Rufus Rothschild
Why can I find no confirmation to that ghetto rat in that vid by free-association-of-people being the bastard descendant of Lionel Redshield?

er, association-of-free-people

Their antichrist will be female

wasn't the first pope or the last to make the office all about himself

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because he is gay

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Okay, what the fuck. I'm not Catholic, and even I am horrified by this.

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Race traitor.

Reminder: jewishness is inherited through the father, not the mother. Matrilineal jewishness is a trick they use when they're seducing White women.

That's just what they say on paper.

The jew mix blood and lineage doesn't just disappear whether the father or mother. It doesn't matter which it is, some sects just hold a strict view.



Richest Rothschilds daughters on IG :


Attached: 20190323_155509.jpg (1438x1802, 1.02M)
First one tagged this account with an outlined drawing of your pic..

Like poetry.