With the accelerationism ideology gaining ground on a variety of right-wing platforms and the newfound love of political violence among nationalists, as well as the increased tolerance of socialist policy among Zig Forumslards, it's time to re-evaluate the core tenets of modern extreme right movements.
Anarchy is firstly defined as a rejection of government. Political anarchy is this same idea, but mended of its lack of order with the notion that self-rule is possible. For those that see national identity as their core collective, the idea of self rule (see: white nationalism) is very appealing when faced with a government that hates them. Most nationalistic systems proposed by right movements have this as their goal if not one of their base ideological building blocks.
A class conflict fought between Jewish elites and the hard working class white man is a common theme on Zig Forums at least. Several institutional methods have been proposed alongside this- forming fraternities or trade unions; developing a strong family bond- whatever the nature of these, they form an essential structure in the definition of insurrectionist anarchism in that these small groups will band together and never compromise with class enemies.
Albeit decrying the degeneracies of modernity entailed by some 'freedoms', the basic idea that certain individual freedoms enhance the advancement of the collective as a whole still permeates right-wing movements. The hypocrisy on the statist left is 'no freedom may trample social agency'. In opposition, the ability to sneer and decide that there is no need to participate in interactions that seem harmful is ingrained in the rightist attitude- something many anarchists share.
Calling it what it is - White Anarchism
t. retarded left-winger with no understanding of the endgame of far-right politics
user, I don't think you can tell the difference between your asshole and a donut.
Racism is the most important ideal, all ideals derive from race.
It doesn't really matter what collective you align with. The idea is the same in that this collective is seeking self determination from ruling classes (capitalist or otherwise).
Destroying a government ruled by people who want you dead and your kids raped is not anarchism its self defense.
When the founding fathers declared independence did that make them anarchists? They created a government afterwards for their people.
Fuck off, you dumb faggot. Fascism is the only way to correct the current state of the west.
yet another retard that doesn't understand the endgame
Zig Forums really needs to stay in its containment board
It's super interesting watching people argue in real time.
This is fun to do before I go into work.
What's the end-game? That's super interesting. I've never heard of that.
Regurgitating an elite class into a new system seems like the path towards despotism. Unless you manage to annihilate all racial enemies the fundamentals of fascism will inevitably fail to protect the race.
Many anarchists are actually federalists since that is the least coercive form of organization over a large scale. If you think about democracy also being self-rule, then the Americans were very anarchist until the Articles were taken down.
Unlike the children who get triggered over wordism, I don't really care that much about what I am called. Only what is the result of my struggle against the jew. But I will address some points you make.
I reject (((government)))
Just government is fine. But (((government))) is evil and should be overthrown.
This is less of a "class" struggle than a racial one. Class is just a made up construct that can be defined and redefined to suit whatever brainlet ideology you want. Most Americans think they're middle class. Thus, class is entirely a perception.
Race on the otherhand is real and colours all facets of life.
Yeah man.
It's organic as shit, no one believes in that. OP IS A FAG.
Checking those digits. And agreeing with the point made. Expanding on that point; fullchan has been hit with eternal september. The symptoms of which are a plethora of threads about entry-level redpills.
Combine that with legitimate effort of jidf shills pushing nonsens.
Yes, no shitskins or kikes will be allowed to participate in politics (that includes voting).
And anarchy will? I'd love to hear the logic behind that one…
Actually, most revolutionary anons above a certain IQ have understood the importance of accelerationism. Screaming and crying about it was never an argument.
Accelerationists just had better arguments and better logic.
Get with the times, boomer.
hurr durr Mussolini was an anarchist because he marched on rome against the government.
Idiots like you OP deserve a mercy bullet to the head.
Any ideology that seeks to reject the state is pretty suspect, as the state is the organizing body of the nation. People who advocate for anarchism are just childish retards who are afraid of any authority, discipline or organization. Who will build roads? Who will defend the nation? Who will ensure that degenerates aren’t allowed to run free? Anarchism would be even more open to Jewish subversion than democracy is.
Much like national socialism has nothing to do with (((socialism))), standing up and defending our interests has nothing to do with your shitty marxist (((accelerationism))) ideology, even if some anons use the word "accelerationism." I see lefty shills like dogs trying to purposely play words games and mislead anons into your shitty marxist / anarchist version of this, but nobody is buying it no matter how hard you keep shilling it.
Stop calling this shit "far right" or "extreme right" politics.
It's not.
It's fucking normal human politics not bastardized by jewish, satanic bullshit.
I never equated fascism to anarchism. But in Mussolini's own words
The fascist belief system requires, essentially, blind devotion to the faith that the State is actually working towards the fulfillment of the nation's spiritual essence. It will in similar fashion become outmoded or be co-opted like other religious institutions. It also requires the punishment of heresies as a result, otherwise the faith is society can become compromised- compromising the State itself.
Fascism is stupid, very corruptible. Anarchist National Socialism, bitch.
This is actually a point people need to start getting clear in their head. Our position is not a radical one. Infact, throughout history we would have been seen as quite tame and timid. We are a traditional and normal position.
Room temperature IQ. It doesn't matter what kind of label you put on the new form of government which will serve the interest of Europeans. Respecting individual freedoms or having a thriving economy is even secondary (if a Western government is truly serving the interests of its people, then the country will be prosperous no matter what).
We are under attack, plain and simple, and winning this war is a matter of survival. If we do not fight, then our people will vanish completely, other than small irrelevant and impoverished communities. Left, right, anarchism, statism, whatever. We are long past the point of discussing political systems.
t. MIGA boomer
xDD le boomer meem haha
haha golded XDDD
upboated my fellow 4edditor XDDDDD
Go back to your containment board, faggot.
Come back when you finally grasp what fascism is.
Here. I've picked out the most basic book for retards like you to read
Ok apparently the link doesn't work. Just Google squire's trial
White people prosper from governance but they require much less of it. Shitskins belong in cages.
Correct, the best political system for whites is extremely limited government. However, the only way to reach this point would be a stage of fascism to kill off those that do not belong in society and instill a sense of morals in the community so that they will take care of degenerates themselves and we won't need laws or a police force to take care of them.
We only oppose our governments since they are anti White. If our governments were pro White then we would support them. Anarchy is not the goal in itself. However, anarchy results from the break down of power and right now we want the current western governments to lose power so something else can take it's place. This is the only acceptable option since if we continue on the current course with the current power structures they will continue to systemically oppress White people. This will be stopped.
The one thing the Jews fear and try to shut down more than anything else is a honeypot maintained by Jews?
Sure could'a fooled me.
To be fair jews will shut down anything whites cleave to including the ops we usurp from them.
Awesome image, saved, thank you
Yesterday, I'd have condemned him.
Now, after Smollett? The only thing he did wrong was not throw a few journalists, liberals and nig-nogs into the mix.
At this point, those people deserve to get raped by Mohammed's pedo cock.
a national socialist is still a national socialist even if he advocates anarchism as a strategy. go back to leftypol with your cripple understanding of ideology, or read Mein Kampf, Mytth of the 20th Century, Next Leap, SIEGE before posting your retard shit again
anarchism as an end goal instead of a utility is fucking retarded and goes against universal order
You are not a national socialist, you are a dumb nigger
Humanity has a permanent jackass population who are basically born in submission to violence, so broken they can spend their whole lives failing at peace and whining about how hard their life is. Permanent jackasses live in a vortex of lies that misdirect them into self-destruction and/or becoming somebody else’s problem. The real red pill is achieved by ceasing to be a permanent jackass.
welcome fren
And stop the reddit spacing, please.