Best ways to Fight Back islam

Lets face it guys, the cancer called islam has managed to spread its way into our lands and its only getting worse…while most people are either ignorant about its danger to the world or are just total cucks and traitors to their own people, they are choosing to side with the enemy.

We cant kill em all…and We can't just allow these paracites to leech us to death, we need a resistance plan, we need some kind of strategy to fight back this plague islam , based on my research in the cult and experience with the MuzzRats, i found 3 great effective ways to Damage islam

Reading the islamic texts i have found out that the prophet mogammads first victims were the TROLLS, people who trolled him in poetry and drew pictures of him or made fun of him , he had over 11 poets assasinated some were women because he knew it was a direct threat to his cult islam, this is why muslims go absolutly Batshit crazy when you draw mohammad ..they dont care about their God allah , mohammad is the target ..if you Desecrate mohammads image it really does have a powerful effect on muslims faith.

So heres what we need to do :

1- create fake accounts, pose as muslims our selfs and write outragious islamic claims, it will trigger unexpecting SJWs and Feminists turning them against each other, and others will just hate muslims even more, hitting multiple birds with one stone

2- we wage an all out meme war against Mohammad and desecrate his name and image, depicting him doing homosexual acts /Raping kids and animals..ect ect and spread those memes as much as we can…this will literally make muslims leave their faith and turn against it or if it reaches the news they will just go crazy and cause chaos'll be interesting to watch

3- and last…is the most effective one…we Nuke Mecca!

God bless you motherfuckers..Don't be a
Nigger…Subscribe to Pewdiepie and see you in Valhala

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Other urls found in this thread:


Call Trump a fat Rabbi and then have all the muslims back a single Asian Democratic candidate.
We all know who REALLY supports Yang
Jihad's LARPing as Aryan Whites.

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If you nuke mecca, all the muslims will just power down and drop dead to the floor.
I wish. Mecca has been destroyed before. They'd just pray towards the fallout zone.


I'm distributing the Koran for free in NZ but it contains the Manifesto.
After download, I report the fresh Muslim to Kiwi Police.

Kiwi Terrorist doesn't get online anymore, Android is turned off within 180mins after reporting to Police.

Poor Kiwi.

you are absolutely disgusting. Islam is a beautiful religion. if only you took some time to read about what it teaches you wouldn't think this. the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said "Anyone who kills a sparrow for nothing, it will cry aloud to God on the day of resurrection, saying, ‘O My Lord! such and such a man killed me for nothing, he never killed me for any good.'" Islam warns against violence and hate. isis is NOT following the teachings of the quran. they are extremists who teach little boys that the only way to enter heaven is by explosive belt, and they teach girls that being a woman means being a slave to your husband. when in reality islam teaches us that good deeds will get you to heaven and that husband and wife are equal in the eyes of god. so i ask you to research before posting stuff like this.

The best way is by removing jews first. The rest of the pieces will fall after that.

None here have any desire to do so. Get your people out of our countries before they're next. If you want peace then that is what must happen. Otherwise your people will suffer the fate once reserved for the jews. Flee while you can.

Jews are having their own problems with islam..Mohammad exterminated all the jews from Arabia dude…you're giving the jews way more credit than what they deserve ..they dont control islam or muslims…the Quran controls them

I think we can kill many of them which will cause the rest to flee. If there was a rapid and continued assault, Tarrant style on mosques and the shitskins doubt that they are protected, the Muslim men will begin to fight a jihad, further engulfing street shooting wars and the women and children will flee. Take no prisoners, kill any and all of them.

It would take a lot of rage and Aryan allegiance, but we can take our land back. If we win, the niggers won't want to fuck with us either. Bonus points. Then, we could work on the Jewish question with our momentum before they can attack back

Introduce Muslims to the beauty of Instruments, since Wahhabism forbids Music Instruments.

Pretty much THIS…this whole fucking place is flooded with muslim subhuman trash either larping as kikes or larping as 'aryans'…I guess that is all EITHER GROUP OF SEMITES has, larping as something of ACTUAL VALUE.

Wow user…why didn't we think of that? Nothing like letting a 7th century barbaric savage learn music appreciations will solve all our problems with subhuman half niggers…

no one

What did you do for the White People so far?
Did you kill any Invaders yet? Did you bring any collaborateurs behind bars yet? No? Did you spree the word of our Saviour Branton Tarrant around yet who is clearly into the old Religions? No? So be quiet and enjoy some music or don't. Just stop with that hyper "its 30mins past 12, we are lost, RACE WAR NOW - but please not me, I am to beautiful to die kek"


Look shitskin, it's the jews that are keeping the white man from removing kebab.

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Ya'll are a bunch of muslim faggot trolls trying to save your own Asshole by trying to shift the blame on jews to keep pushing your islamic agenda ; )

I just explained it for you nigger. Without jews you pissants wouldn't exist.

Using small arms would take too long. Fun sure but way inefficient. To use the big toys we need to remove jew. Simple as that.

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Nuking Israel and DE-electing Trump

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Look at the shills coordinating…
You and OP are on the same team and we can easily see that.
Take you weak-ass D&C somewhere else.
You have created a resistant organism here. We are immune to your tactics because we have seen them FAR too many times already.


Indeed, it is known to Zig Forums.

This is their current shilling tactic that they started in the last day or two.

It's like they think we won't notice the complete disconnect or something….
Their bosses must be real dipshits. They are out of ideas.

We know who and what you’re. There’s no peace on earth without Shari Law! Tell me the Quran doesn’t say that. People who don’t except Islam must be killed or taxed (enslaved). There will come a time when we remove you from the US!

I bet your birth certificate's carbon dating is still fresh. Certainly more fresh than the upcoming mohammed memes.

Fuck off you dirty brown muslim cousin fucker, your Allah and pedophile prophet wont save you so you better leave our lands before you get sent to your 72 virgins up in heaven

I'm not the stinky, you ignorant cunt. Learn to follow the fucking thread.

Ooops! This is bad. This is really bad for our white integrity. Don't you ever spew that shit ever again, shitnigger


Reminder, the god of abraham is the demiurge, yaldabaoth.

Very true! We are immune to their weak tactics. Fucking Mecca revolving sand niggers.
They don't even need to try again, we will be here! Anytime, anywhere. We'll make sure our homelands are no longer safe for them. Probably nigsperm is what's making us immune to their shitposting. My kids will definitely live in a niggerfree nation very soon. Heil kek!

These new shills have absolutely no idea how the board works….
Ignore when you can.
Call them on their bullshit when you can.

Stormtards are going to nuke Mecca. I'm sure the Saudi Air Force is on high alert.


Nice try. But I thought I told you that this shit doesn't work here.
Go get your team mate and shit up the thread some more


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And bump the shit out of the Gilet Jaune and Brexit threads.
These shills give no shit about NZ. It is a distraction.
They are sending the Army in on the protestors in Paris WITH LIVE AMMUNITION!
They are going to deny Brittons their right to break away from the EU

This is all happening RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

I know exactly how to follow the thread…you think its not obvious that you're a triggered muslim pedo worshipper posing as a white dude? Fuck off to the desert cousin rapist

We can meme an accidental launch you know. Be glad we only gave the world Trump.

You stupid fucking cunt, I don't worship that pig fucking demon allah. Unlike you, I'm white.

Vive la France!
Brexit now!

That is what these faggot shills do not want you to look at!

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Seems like they slow down when ever France and England get mentioned….


Never ignore a chance to talk some sense into the low IQ minds of inherent terrorists. We don't get this chance around in public due to jew media.

This thread is holds-up-spork-tier.

Then why are you so triggered and you try to divert the subject whenever islam is brought up you lil faggot bitch?

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Vive Gilet Jaune!
No new referendum for Brexit!

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You realize that your prophet doesn't rank near high on that subhuman scale, right? You follow a murdering pedo.

Are you talking about Jesus?
He was the Son of God, not a prophet.

Have you seen what is happening in France?
Do you know that the British government has only 4 days to make good on Brexit, or else tell the people that they are going to ignore the popular vote?
Have you been following what is happening at all?

I literally just called the demon out by name and you still keep on. You're clearly a jew looking to distract.
See newfags? This is why you remove jew first.

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No, I'm talking about Jesus, faggot.
I'm clearly talking about the glorified child rapist, Mohammed.

Nothing makes me happier and more hopeful than what France and Britain are doing. A true nation and Brexit all the way!

Now, fuck off you retard sand nigger.

You can't argue with a shill, user.
Just keep posting the shit that they don't want you talking about

Like the fact that Macron, the president of France, has given the Army the order to shoot protesters.

Like the fact that Israel bombed the shit out of Palestein the same day that the Aussie spook shot up the mosques

Donald Trump says we should recognize Israels sovereignty over the Golan Heights

And yet you spend your time diverting attention away from the Jews and toward their pets.


Remove all halal meat suppliers.
Ban public displays of religion (hijab, Burma etc)
Only allow secular education

This would curb a significant portion of Islamic growth imo.
Seeing has you'd be curtailing or removing things they cherish or need.

Are you an accelerationist?

Yes goyim, no more Christian schools because of the bad muzzies!

Oops, I meant burka not burma. Fuck

Not for his benefit, it's to point out the absurdity of these desert dwelling goatfuckers to newfags.

Burka shave?

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I knew it. You are clearly a sub human muslim impersonating a white person. Fuck the jews and fuck you. The jews are your enemy too, but the sad news is that, you both share the same cursed blood. We exterminate the both of you.

More government regulation is the answer, amirite?

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Yes, we can. And we will. Along with killing all jews.
The world will be populated by white people only. We will ensure that in less than a generation from now.

Fuck off jew. Once you kikes are removed from our governments Muslims will be deported on an industrial scale, but your removal has to come first. Stop trying to get the goyim to fight each other while you evade mention. This is what Trump/Tarrant "nationalism" narrative is all about. A Zionist ploy to start a war between different groups of Goyim.

kys torkike.

The only reason we don't get along with them is Jewish tricks. It would be far more sensible for us to join forces and handle our mutual problem.

Then the deportations start.

islam is a problem, jews are the cause of this problem.

muslims have historically invaded us but they've been too scared recently because Europe was strong. Europe was weaked by jews, causing the resurgence of the islamic problem.

To deal with islam, deal with jews.


A kike who can't spell, what a surprise.

With all do respect …The only reason you dont get along with them (muslims) is because you're an infidel in their eyes and their book tells them to kill infidels and kill jews and kill everybody who doesnt follow their can't get rid of jews and you can't get rid of muslims…the only thing you can do now is tackle their ideology and thats it

You think we're stupid? Apparently, not stupid enough to click on your jew made tracker website. Fuck off this thread already.

Wow alot of undercover pedoloving muslim shills are butthurt and are using faggot antics trying to shift the topic LOL!!

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You muzzies arent very smart are you?

Fuck muzzie and kike scum

The kikes play the muzzies like pawns. Why do you think the mudlimes circumcise like the yids?


You want to make muslims kick-off and go crazy?
Let me tell you a secret; a secret from before the time of most of you here.
Back in the 80s, in the UK, the apostate author Salman Rushdie released a book called "The Satanic Verses".
I'm talking protests, riots, book burnings and a Fatwa (muslim kill-on-sight directive) against Rushdie.
30 years has passed since the book was released, yet muslims are still triggered into rage by the mere sight of the book.
Think how you can use this information.

Autistic pedophile warlord as it's prophet.
Rapes kids, throws fags off buildings,beheads apostates etc…
Here newfags can learn the truth about your "beautiful religion" from an apostate who broke free from the (((elite's))) biological weapon… Islam.
Now, fuck off and die you lying sack of shit.>>13021990

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< If you hate jews you're a jew

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you're defective

You are right.

But still, semites have to leave our country, one way or another. If they want to leave in peace, then fine, if not ……….. well. This is where the adventure begins.

Oh gawd it's hideous


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What a bunch of retarded boomers

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Daily reminder, nukes are a jew myth.


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I want to desecrate your corpse.

Use their methods against them.
Rape white women, and impregnate them with white seed. *Remember, this is a board of peace, and nothing here is to be taken literally.*
White women are fucking useless as it is, and will gladly fuck anything, other than a white man, so think of it as taking one for the team.
If it is all about the birth rates, you need to spread your seed. White women have been brainwashed by the media to gravitate towards any race, other than their own, so depending on them to take the initiative and save their own race is failed logic at best. Any nation infested with Mudshits and Niggers will actively push interracial breeding to the white women, and encourage it.
Rape, is horrible, but it is one of our enemies techniques to spread their seed quickly through a land they wish to conquer. Know your enemy, and their practices, and you can destroy them.

Hello jew.

Pretty hilarious.
Hitler burned books tho so i dont disagree in principle. The difference is theyre burning books in a host nation they are forgein to. They can burn all the books they want in their dessert shithole for all i care.


After 9/11 people were burning korans and posting them to the internet, throwing pork on mosque properties, making pics of mohammad as gay or as a pig fucker and so on. One guy make vids of him shitting on korans. Others took pork and placed it on halal foods at the market.