Lets face it guys, the cancer called islam has managed to spread its way into our lands and its only getting worse…while most people are either ignorant about its danger to the world or are just total cucks and traitors to their own people, they are choosing to side with the enemy.
We cant kill em all…and We can't just allow these paracites to leech us to death, we need a resistance plan, we need some kind of strategy to fight back this plague islam , based on my research in the cult and experience with the MuzzRats, i found 3 great effective ways to Damage islam
Reading the islamic texts i have found out that the prophet mogammads first victims were the TROLLS, people who trolled him in poetry and drew pictures of him or made fun of him , he had over 11 poets assasinated some were women because he knew it was a direct threat to his cult islam, this is why muslims go absolutly Batshit crazy when you draw mohammad ..they dont care about their God allah , mohammad is the target ..if you Desecrate mohammads image it really does have a powerful effect on muslims faith.
So heres what we need to do :
1- create fake accounts, pose as muslims our selfs and write outragious islamic claims, it will trigger unexpecting SJWs and Feminists turning them against each other, and others will just hate muslims even more, hitting multiple birds with one stone
2- we wage an all out meme war against Mohammad and desecrate his name and image, depicting him doing homosexual acts /Raping kids and animals..ect ect and spread those memes as much as we can…this will literally make muslims leave their faith and turn against it or if it reaches the news they will just go crazy and cause chaos ..it'll be interesting to watch
3- and last…is the most effective one…we Nuke Mecca!
God bless you motherfuckers..Don't be a
Nigger…Subscribe to Pewdiepie and see you in Valhala