Schwarze Sonne patches and more?

I feel like this is the only version I can wear in public. Any word on more patches being made in honor of our fine lad? I have the basic Schwarze Sonne coming in the mail as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Theory_and_Practice

Shave yourself, buy new clothes and fix your diet. You look degenerate and I'm afraid that you will only hurt our cause if you continue to present yourself in this manner.
Also, wearing printed clothes and/or symbols is infantile and simply unnecessary.
I'm sure you mean well but you'll have to do much better than this if you want to be useful.

The Black Sun in general well at least before NZ throws outsiders off… "It sorts LOOKS swastika-ish but it could just be a cool design… I don't wanna call the guy a Nazi if I am wrong" whereas Hakenkreuz tattoos or patches get you instantly shunned

Delete this dude. I can tell where you're from. Other than that, nice patch. Link?

Idolatry. Stop it, get in shape and gather like minded people around you.

I think this has changed as the New Zealand shooting increased awareness of the Black Sun. Just look at this.

U wot

Unfortunately you're probably right… However I still think your average 18-35 self absorbed zoomer is not going to pay attention.

Muh patches.
The theme song of the jew anti-White movie "Romper Stomper" mocks Whites who are simple enough to get attached to icons and patches.

By worshiping symbolism you fall into a a cycle of vanity towards something that doesn't benefit you at all. The inner urge to show off your colors or In-group favoritism originated in the natural law of self preservation. This was hijacked and corrupted by religious indoctrination, which made the act of protecting yourself into the farce of believing in something that protects you. Well, it doesn't.

So never mind what the history of Black Sun symbol is, or how others react to it, you're still only wear it for your own vanity. The benefits are only in your head, in real life it's mostly worthless or even more dangerous. That's why the worshiping of false idols (idolatry) is always bad.

I like the music, you know…

In a way, people who get tattoos or associate themselves with imagery used by notorious military or political groups, are attempting to capture the "hard" essence of those groups or people.
Same way as young women will emulate the style of the most popular female "celebrity" at the time, in an attempt to subsume their essence and become more attractive.
Young and insecure men on the other hand, are attempting to project a "hard" image by donning these symbols, because they do not feel that their physique is suitable deterrent against attack in itself.
Wearing something you haven't earned, or the insignia of an in-group to which you do not actually belong, is a dangerous game, for it makes you a target not only of that group's enemies, but of that group's real members.

It's catchy, but it is a piss-take.

Fair enough. I can appreciate the truth. I appreciate the advice.

Can you? If youre talking about the shirt, then yeah no, Im not that fuckin stupid.

I wont lie, it is a lot of idoltry. Its why I wear it. To shitpost IRL to the man that effort posted to our sins. Though youre right, the in shape thing is part of the plan. Gathering like minded, now that I dont know about.

Its also just for the shitpost of it all but, none of your points are incorrect.

Like I said it's about self preservation. In nature it's about physical signalling strength to intimidate potential enemies. The human laws perverted this principal into making humans believe that they can hide behind false idols for protection. It's all make-believe, with the added danger of trusting a lie instead of knowing your own weaknesses.

Gonna tell me to shave my beard too cuck?
German men have worn beards for forty thousand years you cuck

Sorry that was uncalled for. I too need to shave work out and get new clothes.

Knock on your neighbors door and ask them if they can sense that there is a war coming. Get a dialog going and fish for responses onto which you can reply red pills.

I feel like that will get me put on a watch list more then some patches. Still OP btw

So many faggots in this thread.

Every time I see someone with a subtle fascist/natsoc symbolism in public I go up to them and talk to them extremely excited and ask them vague questions to probe if they are pro-white or not and end up having based discussions and brofists and so on IRL.

More people need to wear some kind of symbol so we can meet each other in public.

Yeah fuck auburn
t. Crimson tide

Everything will. They want you dead. You need to group up, build defenses and fight fear and persecution with merciless violence. And remember…Du bist nicht allein.

Fuck roll tide.
War fuckin Eagle

Like legit, thats kinda why its just gonna be the one with the runs so I can at least deflect at first until I determine why theyre asking me about it. Though Im sure my mixed ass might throw em off.

Alright…thats a good point. Ill keep those words in mind. Thank you.


…Mixed with what?

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Mexican but they think that theres French and other shit in that mix before it even got to me. Far as they go Im fairly fuckin light skinned. Even got bullied as a kid in school for it. Called me white as walls n shit.

Other half is European linage

Why is it reversed?

Video related.

Because Im a faggot who forgot that forgot to reverse it cause I shot it with front cam. I just now noticed that too, fuck.

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You are aware of the fact you're not white, right?

If you whack a couple jews I'll give you a full pass to call yourself white.

I stopped wearing those after the only people that would approach to talk about it were all Hispanic men.

Mexicans are pretty white on my book

You're a fucking retard.

Not so bad I suppose… A large chunk of Mexicans have at least European ancestry through the Spanish conquering Central America anyway… Could he worse.

It's an ancient symbol you fucking disinfo kike shill


The windmill of friendship and tolerance

This is like wearing the jew yellow star.
No thanks.

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You're a faggot if you are unable to stand by your ideology in public.

If it gets you locked away and prevents you from excercising it, then yeah, it's fucking stupid. (((They))) are powerful, make no mistake. Aryan wits is needed to topple (((them))) or (((they'll))) use the propaganda playingfield that (((they've))) created against you. Also, trash shilling. Is this the best you can do?

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The black sun is legal in every country in the world. Even Germany. Try harder, faggot.

I appreciate that my dude


Hopefully one day


((( )))
Stop trying to subvert the white diversity


That's not what the video is saying you mutt. I tried to spell it out for you but evidently you lack the brainpower to comprehend its meaning even then. Good luck with life

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Schwarze Sonne is the astral sun, it appears black. Hitler & co knew a lot about this, he read Schertel's book.

The Sun of Africa or the Negro Sun, are Aryan symbols that must be respected

That's the point you fucking retard. The video is wrong. It is some braindead fucking moron like you who doesn't realize the "fake" version he is crying about isn't fucking fake you stupid sack of donkey shit.

What book was that sorry? Ill put it on my list of reading material.

Get the version where he marked parts of interest.

End the LARP and join the fight.

I’ve never seen the so called fake one actually used by the NSDAP before, does anyone have proof of its usage?

I'm not fancy /fa/ggot fop, but goddamn, clean yourself up a bit son.
More importantly, The sonnenrad isn't a fashion statement. If you're gonna wear that thing so blatantly you better be on your way to a fight or an antarctic expedition to the Hollow Earth.

Attached: 3bb12b33e3fa119b1059f6ec7233713ace54d03c34e9d0e321e5e0eb5a7846b9.png (200x300, 49.77K),_Theory_and_Practice

You know mexicans can be white right? It all depends on how much spanish blood they have, some mexicans are almost completely spanish and others are almost completely indigenous. If OP's mexican side was like 75% white mixed with 100% white on the other side I would say he qualifies as white.

Spaniards can be white. Not mexicans. And even that doesn't matter, because Spaniards are forever honorary niggers for mixing with the mezito squat goblins on such an epidemic scale it created an entire goblino subrace.

How else were they supposed to get pussy?

Mixed raced individuals are not White. In a perfect world they would be classed as honorary Aryans (if criteria is met) and not allowed to reproduce.

user, I…

I mean if I'm on a boat full of dudes for months on end and all of a sudden I see women that treat me like a god I'm probably not going to be able to resist

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According to the Nuremberg Laws, if one parent was a quarter jewish and the other was full blooded, the child was categorized as of German blood.
You are purity spiraling further than the real Nazis

Give your beard a bit of a trim, make it look presentable.
I'd stress the importance of complimenting the badges by wearing a complete uniform (but I guess the cops will detain you for that).
I hope you're wearing a face mask or something OP because they might put you on the suspect list.

What's the point of trimming your beard if you are going to look like a crazy person?
Also, why would you wear the uniform and flag employed by a government that is anti-white? If you are dead set on wearing military shit in public at least wear rhodesian camo or something

No shit Sherlock, doesn’t mean he’s a pure German.
Wrong, they sought to create a new race. A superhuman race entirely of Nordic descent (not just German) composed of blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, increased physicality, and increased intelligence.

Of course, did you not read my original comment you replied to? I said the dude should be considered white, I never said he is of pure european blood. If you think everyone who should be considered white has to be completely pure, I suggest you take a DNA test because the majority of whites have at least a little foreign DNA, even those that live in Europe.

I gotta ease myself into this shit first man.

Fair enough and understood.


Yeah no I know, Im lazy about shaving since work doesnt give a fuck and Im single but youre not wrong. And no, no mask because that would make me look suspic as fuck.The the point of wearing it is to have it be..well as subtle as it looks but yeah. Not completely draw all eyes to me.

I god rhodie camo, the Fireforce repro obviously but its not modded for patches so I dont wear it that often.

Check out kommando store if you're into milsurp. It's run by guys from Zig Forums

He is not White, he has White blood, but he is not White. My definition of White is being of pure ethnic European descent at the very least. People like to say that every caucasoid or primarily White individual is White, they are not. If you disagree, fine, that doesn’t change the fact that all non-White blood should be eliminated through selective breeding when an actual White ethnic community or nation is inevitably established.

Is this a joke?

Yes, I’m well aware of how dire the situation is. The mongrelization will only continue on into oblivion.

Watch the video for a little more insight, it will not let me embed:

I got the embed to work.

Thats where I got my flecktarn from lmao. Good dudes

Thank ya, I mean, I take more pride I do in my White blood then I do my Mexican blood.

Also stop posting pictures of yourself on here, even cropped and with exif purged. If you weren't a youngling you'd remember Dusty the Cat. That story wasn't just about righteous justice, it was also an important lesson in opsec.

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/Pol\/ is a board of truth.

The Black Sun is at the end of Volsupa, just say you're really into the Volsupa Candle brand.

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Mutt lesson from a classic goblino amerimutt:

I’m a mutt and I agree to be quite honest. Having bean blood in me is only a hinderence. White skinned mutts like us tend to have this weird olive skin tone compared to actual Europeans. We also keep weird features. I have bean lips, and a white mans face. I don’t look like a mud man, but I still look pretty odd. I actually look Jewish because Puerto Rican hair is curly. One day, I’d like to live alone among Europeans of some sort and die of age, leaving a nice garden on some land that others can reap off of when I pass. Puerto Rican’s as a whole tend to be disgusting rapists and hedonists so it’s shameful. Being a mutt isn’t okay. I have intelligence, but my temper is kind of ridiculous. If someone fucks with me I tend to chimp out and when I hide it I feel like I’m going to explode. When I “chimp out” I will completely turn into a nigger with nigger rage. So, I have subhuman mental traits I can distinguish. I do have the few good traits with my ability to reason and empathize to an extent , which I assume isn’t really a Puerto Rican thing. I’m a bit sociopathic as well, mutts tend to be like this according to many studies. I can shove thought I don’t like down and not think about them ever. I have a dying grandfather that I refuse to see until he has died. Maybe that’s cowardice, but I don’t care much I just want it to be over. I used to abuse animals as a kid too. I would smother kittens because I thought they were too cute, never killed one just hugged them until they choked because my childish mind couldn’t get enough cat feeling. Yep. Mutts tends to be mentally ill as shit. I’m a lot more mature now a days, got a job, studying philosophy and welding. I don’t want to have kids. They will just get even more mixed. I have no idea what my kid will be like so, it’s better if we had some sort of eugenics. There’s something wrong with Puerto Rican genes, that’s a fact and I assume it’s the same with niggers and natives. Just something for some careless whites on this board to consider. Lol.

nobody has ever said a word to me and ive worn this shirt more than a handful of times through the atlanta/dc airports and downtown. im 6’2 and good looking but always ready to fight and have fought. people actually treat me nicer when i wear this shirt or i havent noticed any abnormal rudeness at least.

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I’m sorry to hear that, best wishes.

Maybe you should be discussing this in DEGENS…

Ground zero for a hyper-secretive death cult with a primary focus on absolute obliteration of the narcissistic supply that 97% of humanity seeks in a bid to fuel the ego. Degens has taken a decisive stance in this area and is in the process of fomenting global revolution staged from Discord.

To be witness to history in the making.

Degens sells itself, find out why!


(pic related, an actual member of Degens)

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Attached: degens9.png (2048x1536, 4.16M)

i like sunlight it feels good would you like to see how pale my ass is fag?

You know what tho. Because the symbol has become more known, I will keep a black sun pendant with me to flash if think I found a bad goy.

Are you me?

I assume this was for me. Quite the defensive one. Assuming you’re entirely ethnic European, do you have any Iberian/Italian/Slavic blood? I have a few friends who can’t even get a tan at all.

Is this nigger joking?

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no my moms side has cherokee blood but shes blond with blue eyes and my dads side are pennsylvania dutch. it is what it is im not having kids anyway. ill channel my inner savage on zogbots when the time comes. my sister has blond hair, blue eyes and cant get a tan though.

*glow nigger

Interesting. Am I the only White person here?

idk but itll be sad if i act and you dont as im only 94% white

your mom probably has no cherokee blood at all

Don’t worry. Everyone will do their part.
Actual number or is that an estimate?

its the lowest percentage possible based on what i know about my moms side. its possibly 97% white or higher but im not claiming that without further knowledge. all i know is my great grandfather on my moms mothers side had very high cheek bones and looked native. idk how native he was but i assume 100% for practical purposes since i dont know.

i meant great great grandfather on my mothers side. my moms grandfather on her mothers side had blue eyes and blond hair.

there is probably no cherokee blood in your veins, get your mom tested or w/e

Why the fuck would you want to do that? You're not serious about the the mission, you're a fucking liability until you shape up.

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Maybe look into that more. I’m too paranoid to get a DNA test and just looked through old family records (found out I have quite a bit of Polish and Prussian blood, never knew about that prior). There are ways to bypass having your data sold when submitting a DNA sample, I can’t remember what they were though, maybe ask in the QTDDTOT.

Yep, the black sun is well and truly blown as a subtle signal.

banned from FB for a month for an old profile pic, the black sun in a flower. NZ retards are combing social media to out the 'nazis'

Since when? It's the second most overt symbol after the swastika.

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