Continuation of the previous meme threads in honor of our hero Brenton.
Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread No. VII
UV Mapping is going good. Ive never actually gotten this far with 3d modeling. Like when i render the textures dont pop up which ill figure out
you know what to do.
It's the a-okay sign user, flip it upright and you can use it to out people while making them look paranoid.
We won a glorious victory against the NZ police
let's evolve this sign to the next level, user.
When your real target is the Jew shoot up some Muslims. Seems like our women have become the holy warriors now.
Prodigy edit
3 eared ra88it
Here is my edit:
You're a pplebian slave who deserves to be treated like cattle. Long before Tarrant ever used the a-okay in the courthouse, journalists were already claiming it is a white power symbol and should be taken down. By adopting it as an actual white power symbol and use their words instead of your own you surrender control to them and your mind.
Basic meme warfare 101, slave.
Checked for Noice.
"hE Wuzz a Moosad aGeNt"
If someone could shoop the Black Sun into her eyes in that last part of the second pic, that'd sure make my day.
Youre a retarded inbred homie…youre probably a muslim that cant get over the fact your brothers and sisters got sent to their 72 virgins by some white dude
Not bad
Are you designing it in a specific game engine or a real 3D model [/spoiler] which could be imported into different game engines [/spoiler]
Here you go
11/10 would still bang twenty years later
Nice job ;)
I AGREE FULLY. The first picture showing the picture of a arrow pointing where to go next is FULL proof that this was staged with CGI and fake identities. The strobe light would blind the shooter too and cause him to miss his shots, but because it's edited it looks like the bullets hit the bodies, this would be IMPOSSIBLE if the shooter was getting blinded by the strobe light. Sloppy job Mossad.
These "its fake" shills are fucking retarded.
fuck you codenigger at least enable the bypass again
Sometimes you need to treat the symptoms before the disease.
Judging by the other post of the guy, it's to make joke of the tards who think it's a false flag.
Holy hell I wouldn't know how to make it more obvious. Looking at those edits and thinking it is unironic mossad posting requires an IQ below 75
I think people fell for it
Reposting my OC:
Of course. Their NZ experiment has failed. The fallout for this event reverberates loud and clear. Those that sort to convert us to blancmange and gloat at their achievement are terrified. (((Eat your own shit))).
Most of you are retarded. Your conspiracy theories are a joke. You are uneducated assholes. You have problems dealing with your emotions and other people.
Your are dirt.
Everything you believe is wrong.
You don't know shit.
Your identity is that of an idiot, tho you will never admit this because its too painful to admit that you are a uneducated dumb asshole.
I bet you are triggered by this.
Fuck you
>(((You don't know shit.)))
Filtered, homie
You too. Go shill on cuckchan. Your damage control isn't working here.
GoPro stock is up nearly 9% since the Christchurch shootings.
A storm is 'a brewin
thanks user
He posted on halfchan for some time before coming here, apparently.
Great work dude
Checked. Good work, user.
hopefully live leak won't take this one down
They will
The new race war trailer has been released. Get ready for some fine
Lol what a bunch of cucks
real fucking nice user
saved as well
what's the music?
or maybe this user is below even more layers of irony, deep cover triple agent mossad shilling so to speak.
thanks for noticing me senpai
btw, link to 74 Brenton Tarrant edits
I got the joke user, and it was really funny.
its I Am All of Me from shadow the edgehog
This post is a joke you absolute mongoloid
I don't know whether to laugh at someone believing the ruse, or to get depressed that it can even be considered as anything else.
im making it in blender and ill export it as .obj for anyone to use in different engines
theyll show fatal car crashes, chinks dying from chink related accidents, a crane falling in a mosque in mecca, murders, and more
When i rewatch that video i wonder what i would have done if i were a muslim in that situation. Why did they just pile up in the corner of the room without moving? Were they playing dead?
They are just (((running a business)))
Unobservant much?
my guess is panic. fight or flight situations can do that where they go with the group or sit like a deer in headlights. thats my guess at least. Maybe allah the merciful commanded them to herd like sheep.
Best Gore has more integrity then these (((soapbox fags)))
lol what an ignorant dipshit you have to be who has never been in a mosque in your life otherwise you would have noticed that you are required to take your shoes off before you entere it. That's why they have no shoes on.
You would have died m80… you would have died
this dude fucked optics and brought attention to the board. Why is pol playing into this
top kek
thanks user
What was wrong with the optics? You mean for (((normal people)))?
The feds are all over this site 8 will be censored and I can't talking about shooting and bombing people
it chases you faggots back to TRS
So optics isn't a thing now I like this site. Where will I go to shit post with mossad and cia niggers everywhere
what's TRS?
Dude the guy says he is an eco fascist thats not a thing
These are the cringiest false flag memes yet.
ok what the fuck
Great minds think alike? :^)
This is almost definitely a shill post, but I'm going to clear this up for all you faggots.
Brenton didn't give a shit about moderatefag fenceshitters. He went in with full knowledge that he would fuck everything up because that's what accelerationism is. He knew moderatefags would sit on the fence forever if they were allowed to, until the white race was wiped out once and for all. So he went in, shot 50 mudslimes, and left the rest of us to do our part.
I can't remember what the quote exactly was in his manifesto, but it's very applicable here. We have the guns, (((someone))) wants to take them away, why the hell aren't we going out and fighting to keep them if we know only bad things can result from a disarmed populace?
now go and get the fuck out
ayy lmao
It was used in the Shadow the Hedgehog videogame.
wooden doors
Are fucking retartded NZ is a cuck nation they will give up their guns. Some of pols dumbass strategy is goimg to destroy our board. He isnt defending us he is putting us in the guillontine i'm defending the right to shit post your boy is a jew who wants this board and others like it gone
Seems alot of people have forgotten that #christianity comes from the middle East. East n west cultures clash. Were we to go east we can't bring our culture but when these Muslims come west they bring all their shit with them. Whatever happened to wanting a NEW LIFE?
Orthodox Christians don't tolerate deviation. Muslims and jews are our enemy they will be purged but atheistic whites are a problem
Zero IQ post
How is it to live with a sub 70 IQ
Need to know song to related if anyone knows
Untouched footage (Bestgore rip) repacked with improved audio. Boosted up and filled in the gaps in the 5-song OST to the best of my ability. OG Kino as the man himself intended. Should make good source material for MLG edits and the like.
Meanwhile on 4/k/
made an oblivion edit. enjoy lads.
(((They))) are really afraid this time
Not my OC
Post the full size versions, last thread might still be up if you want to grab them.