We've all seen your news reports, we know you're reading.

All you had to do was leave whites alone
After 60 million of us died due to your globalist warmongering in the 1930-50, all we wanted was to live happily in peace and rebuild our homelands, but instead you've turned them into terrorist, rape gang, murder, and thug infested shit holes.

Do you really think the "far right extremists" are the problem?
Look at the Yellow Vests in France: average normies, both left and right, are waking up more and more every day. Why? Because of your words and your actions. You did this. They will be the ones stuffing your necks in the noose and stringing you up from the gallows.

Are you excited for the future?
It's going to be thrilling. From here on out, it only gets worse for you. You created these conditions and the people will not stand them.

Leave a nice message for the journalists, anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Personally I think this cry baby phrase everyone is saying now "just leave us alone wuaaaaaa" is really fucking gay and embarrassing. You should be harassed just for being such a bitch.

we should be red pill journos. post memes boys

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There is no magic combination of words, there is no such thing as radicalization, there is no secret code. People see what they see with their own eyes and all the hamfisted "poor immigrant" news stories can't outweigh the damage.

If whites are parasitic and oppressive supremacists then why does everybody want to be ruled by whites?

Also these journalists can be shit lickers to the banker kikenvermin all they want; there's not going to be a privileged place for them in the hell they're being paid to help create. Maybe even the bankers them selves will get stuffed down the shitter when the plans are complete. Tikkun Olam is pitiless you know…

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when the day of the rope comes, journalists will be strung up to every lamp post and tree along with all elected officials, government LEO and lobbyists. You have blood on your hands and it shall be cleansed soon.



You are complicit in aiding and abetting heinous crimes against children. We know.

Soon the rest of the world will too.

When the time comes for us to awaken widespread killing rage, we will simply rebroadcast the voices of Brooke Gladstone, Steve Inskeep, Ira Glass, and their colleagues. If you have not heard the voices of these people look them up on a video platform but don't do so with weapons to hand.

Many young white men have theit lives completely ruined by the marxist shit you push and never have a legit shot at living a normal life, finding a nice white woman, settling down and having their kids. They get raped by niggers and third worlder shits, have to compete with all the teachers and movies and tv shows telling their women to date anything but them, they have to compete for jobs in a system that says they need to be pushed out where a single word like "racist, misogynist, fascist" can get them fired and damage their reputation irreperably in any field, and you mock them and tell them they are suffering no targeting while at the same time saying they deserve it, and it's working.
Many young white men are broking beyond repair, and are pulping up quite nicely in the meat grinder you have created. But, for all the thousands that have come to the conclusion that they have lost and everything has been taken from them, who then proceed to pay down and die or become some submissive thrall to your cause, there so often comes a young white man who sees his torment as a call to the black sun, to the kali yuga, to valhalla, and every time that happens one of us stacks dozens if not hundreds of you. It keeps happening, it will happen more, and it will get worse each time it you do not stop.
White men have been the most terrible warriors and killers through all of history, at best you'll be too crippled to dance if you wipe us out. Just stop.

one shekel has been deposited in your account

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There are three (3) kinds of liars -
1) liars
2) damned liars
3) ZOG's journos

they are either Jews or they are slaves of the Jews

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When it first starts you think you can ride it out, keep your head down, be forgotten. But we won't forget. We will root you all out and string you up from every fucking lampost in minecraft.

You should be hung with barbed wire for being a pervasive parasitical kike.

We here at Zig Forums are aware that you Journalists are watching both us and Kiwi Farms and carefully looking for sensitive information. We know that you have a lot of things to hide from us fearless lulz warriors. However, since we believe that knowledge should be free, we decided to design an article specifically to help you fit in on Zig Forums. We are not cowards, and we want a fair challenge, so we made this. It covers proper conduct on the boards so that you don't stick out like a sore thumb and alert us to your presence. There is also a comprehensive gallery of the most popular *chan memes and images. You can pretty much disregard everything else on this site. Anything else you read on this site is disinformation purposely written to throw off inquiries and aid Anonymous in confusing you. So, to be fair, we created this page specifically for you hotheads and small guys who don't feel in charge.

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To journos:

It seems to me that the movements you support are throwing you in the same pit as the rest of us. If our countries can't handle the masses of invaders we've been dealing with, you're going to have to deal with these groups too. Keep in mind, these groups are indiscriminate in their terrorist attacks and have killed journalists who are pro-invader before. Just because you think achmed is a poor orphan doesn't mean it'll matter when he's blowing you up along with the rest of us. You should maintain a shred of your dignity and stop spreading lies before you have to face the consequences.

But most of Zig Forums aren't white?

Proper Conduct On Zig Forums

Feedback: If you start a thread and people respond by saying sage and calling you a "paid shill", it means you are doing a great job and you should keep up the good work. If anyone accuses you of being jewish or having hebrew heritage, they are most likely joking around (people on Zig Forums can be very ironic).

Wordfilters: Intended to keep the level of filth on the boards down. The most amazing feature of this forum software is that it blocks your Social Security Number when you type it in any field. For example, if you enter 123-45-6789 it will show up as XXX-XX-XXXX to everyone else in order to keep you safe.

Appropriate Content: Sexism, Racism and Offensive images are allowed as we believe censorship is wrong. However, try to stay away from posting truly horrible images as these things can get you banned. Also it will reflect bad on you and will make it harder for you to become a Moderator (which, if you are an undercover journo, is probably a big part of successfully infiltrating us). Also you will no longer be eligible for a 8ch premium so you won't be able to view sensitive raid info.

Can't think of anything to post? Try posting this:

"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎"

Posting this gets you instant brownie points and everybody will find you hilarious. Remember, sage means you are doing a great job.

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But it is perfectly valid when non-whites do it, amirite?
We live in a victimhood dominated era, so why shouldn't we ape some of their rhetoric?

Therein lies the rub.
They want white civilization and technological toys, without white people.

moms spaghetti

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Take heart borther. The time is coming. These mouth breathers have sighed their last breath.
Let me lament but not give away the plot soon to come.
Like a thief in the night,
I judge their fruit and it's not right,
We will not only do our work in the night, but mostly in the light.

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When you sell your mouth for money it's called prostitution or whoring.


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jews, the word you're looking for is jews.

On my sweater already

Death to the Invaders!
We will retake our homelands.

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Lügenpresse! You time runs short…


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The guy practically admitted it right from the start, and christcucks still didn't get the memo after 2k years. Very low IQ.


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