Postering for a site where random people can report where traitors live

Guys how about we set up an onion that we can link to on posters for a site designed for reporting anti-whites in the area? Like our own spy agency that anyone can make a report to and inform us where all the race traitors are to be found? It would be amazing.

Imagine the triggerings this could cause. We could have our own place where people can fill out a form with details of every single shitskin and race traitor and where they live and even maybe have an interactive map on the site that shows little indicators for where each enemy lives.

Video unrelated but required to start thread.


Nobody think this idea has potential?

If you know the whereabouts of an individual whom you deem deserving of some type of repercussions for their behavior, you should either do the act yourself, or let it go.
The very act of posting their information in an attempt to induce others to do the work for you, is a way of delegating your own responsibility to take action.

I'm saying we should make a spy network where anyone can report to just like how ICE for example lets you report illegals.

I already know where all my targets are I just want to accelerate things by raising racial tensions and making people nervous and panicky that they're on a list that is being anonymously built up by everyone.

The only work I want other people doing for me is the work of intel gathering. I plan on killing them myself but I need to figure out which are the best and most concentrated and vulnerable targets to hit.

So you want to make a public list of all the targets you plan to kill in the future. If I were LEA, I'd say that is an excellent idea.

Based torposter.
I think it's a very bad idea but if someone does it, at least make sure that all the data can be easily downloaded unlike

No it's a dumb idea. You fell for the psy op of white consolidarity.

Don't just react to what you know, plan for the desired outcome you want. Have you ever thought your plan through? What's likely to happen?

It will antagonize the minorities you don't like to the point where they will be emboldened and funded by the rest of society as you legitimize their victimhood complaints.

Rise above. Transcend. Ignore them gooks

No I want a site created where anons will do the work of creating that list for me and I can check it and then attack those targets.


The only thing I'm at all worried about is if people will submit faulty data like antifa putting in the info of where white nationalists live then the data is worthless.

Hopefully that won't happen though.

We have to try and see how it goes.

At the very least even attempting this should accelerate things.

That's the whole point. To get them to freak out and attack us so we can accelerate things, a bunch of cucks die, and everything escalates into RaHoWa.

You just repeated what I said.

i made a tool a while back that put tweets on a map in real time if they matched a keyword, using the gps metadata that normalniggers forget to remove.
too bad you can't even get a developer account without at least 10 verified left-leaning tweets lmao

Sage for glownigger thread

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thats a very specific thing there op why not just names? its like you're creating a reason for the site to be taken down

I see right through your bullshit, JTRIG


Attached: revolution.jpg (3840x2160, 2.87M)

The site is still up 11 days after Saint Brenton slaughtered loads of subhuman scum and posted the link to the livestream here, they won't do shit and they can't.
Even if Jim the pig decides to nuke the site we will just migrate. So shut the fuck up retard.

People who unironically take this site seriously are just like people who listen to Drake songs and really be thinking he a gangster. But the same Jews who organize those lyrics organize these posts.

Don't be a retard who listens to anyone who calls you a retard.

Ok, jew

the thing is that we are dispersed all around the world. it's easier to off enemies that are in your own city. many don't even know where to start and don't even know who the enemies are in their city.

fun fact: if you do murders in other cities that you don't live in, the chance of being caught is exceptionally low. Just rent a car, do your business, and then fly back home. Thats what Israel Keyes the serial killer did to satisfy his blood lust. He would travel all around the country by plane on weekends.

but the site isnt even up yet? found the bot

Learn how to use Wordpress and make the site. It’s a cookie cutter website builder that shit tons of online stores use. Make a blog forum and rent a domain. No one is going to do it for you, and it’s quite simple to do. Don’t even need to code.


Oh yeah, use Wordpress through cloud 9. It’s really easier even that way.

I assumed it was another shill trying to argue for inaction

meatspace normies can barely into onions, but then to into extremism them is i don't even


yeah, lots of people come and go between cities. if you aren't living a criminal lifestyle, the odds of being identified are extremely low.

love thy neighbor friend

Attached: i1LQLpQj (1).gif (500x248, 1.71M)

Gtfo, gookshit

Zig Forums the site will never be taken down jim would rather sell people out than get his site taken down. Zig Forums the community may or may not get taken down if you post mean things

People who encourage violence before SHTF are shills. But if you are already looking at a long prison sentence, or are diagnosed with a terminal illness, it would be nice to have some targets lined up ready to go.

It needs to happen discreetly, to prevent creating martyrs or demonizing our cause. The point is to remove parasites from the gene pool, not get your face in the papers or force people to read a cringy manifesto.

At the moment there is Also look for rich and powerful people to whom you have access. The key is to not go too big or too small. Don't try to take down Soros on your own and don't egg the synagogue down the street. Breivik has some advice on choosing a target in his manifesto "2083".

Why don't you useless white niggers just kill yourselves instead?

Cry moar redditnigger