Trump's 16D chess is starting to unfold, the (((democrats))) will not be safe.
Trump's 16D chess is starting to unfold, the (((democrats))) will not be safe
god damn you MAGAniggers are fucking retards
Take this faggy Trumpnigger kike shit back to 4cucks. Trump sucks Jew dick and as such is the enemy
saged and hidden
This is the past 3 months. Time is running short, (((they))) are literally taking our freedom away, one resolution and bill at a time, every month.
Fucking hell, what is wrong with you MIGAtards
Trump is also one of (((them))) as well
fuck off MIGA boomer
Donald J. Trump
-Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.
-Terminated the Iran nuclear deal.
-Cut all foreign aid to Palestine.
-Signed away $38 billion in US aid.
-Staged a coup in Venezuela.
-Reneged on troop withdrawal in Syria.
-Supported annex of Golan Heights.
-What has Israel given the US in return?
-Declared May as Jewish History month.
-Pardoned Scooter Libby.
-Commuted Shalom Rubashkin.
-Adopted a broader definition of anti-Semitism for public schools, stifling free speech.
Who does this man serve - Americans or Jews?
But (((they))) aren't jews
Trump protects jews from (((you)))
Fuck off Pepe, you have to go back XD
oy vey look at my 1488D nadzee trolling to hate trump
In the same meeting, he stopped questions and then loudly supported Israel's claim to the Golan Heights. Strange to do at the same time, unless it's to assure that (((they))) are safe from the investigations. Either he's biggest kike wanker since Reagan or he's playing their game of gaining their trust to purge them. Or he's gonna purge honest Americans to solidify (((their))) power. Anything is possible at this point.
>Or he's gonna purge honest Americans to solidify (((their))) power. Anything is possible at this point.
No, that's the only possibility.
kikes are out in force. the end is near
i can almost taste the tears you shed after they said "no further indictments"
Not a Demojew or a Republikike. I just don't like Zionist shills.
Unless if you can get me some irrefutable evidence to prove that he isn't one.
Daily reminder there are still 1000 glownigger shills on Zig Forums and most of them will be in this thread.
OP is an aids-ridden cocksucking nigger
Thanks for the redpills, this will come in handy.
At least I'm recognizing several possibilities for discussion purposes and not gaslighting.
First step to making Israel great is ensuring all the Jews return.
You can't really call yourself a chest master if everyone you play is a complete retard.
got some more for ya
Why do you faggots care? Muslims don't care. No protests and no war from any nation that surrounds Israel. Except for a few shitty rockets from Hamas who Muslims don't support.
saged and reported for being off-topic
This seems like an appropriate place for this.
(Ignore the caption)
Like a Boss…
Trump isn't a jew you fucking retard. He's just the shabbos to end all shabbos.
Shalom rabbi
You are the retard to end all retards.
I was going along with the joke. Sarcasm isn't easy to read through text however
I was saying the entire election that Hillary was acting as a martyr for White Nationalism.
That her entire facade was engineered for the specific purpose of eliciting a paradoxical reaction.
Her plan worked flawlessly.
Get out.
Newfaggotry is a disease.
Fair enough. My apologies.
All those pictures prove is that Jews really are God's Chosen People and guaranteed a Trump victory.
Sucking mooslum cock
us MAGA niggers keep you safe.
didn't see your black ass on the
battlefield with me and the boys.
you must have been busy sucking
of dogs and play faggot games with
your cuck friends.
i get it though. not everyone can be a winner.
love my country and the bastards that live in it.
even the whining soy warriors. theyre so much fun
to punch.
so fat stinky and squishy. its like punching your moms
Hello goyim
Safe from what?
jihadi john would love to push your shit in user. kek
And you're a sandnigger shill
one of who? the good guys or are you another wacko fuck that thinks he's a Israel first and only fag?
Israel has the right to exist. just like you have the right to see a therapist.
its America first and America second. the rest of the world is currently burning. fuckem
Is Vice news paying you?
Choose one buddy
His family will, in one or two generations, be full kike. Why the fuck would he purge his family? this man betrayed anglo-saxon america. he's a traitor.
the jewish state may want others to have butt raping dune coons but we the people say..meh
i get it though. questions need to be asked about jews in America. they sit on the boards of every major company pushing anti american agendas.
destroying families and turning little girls and boys into soy warrior twats.
trump is just a president. if you want something to be done then act. start fucking with movie premieres and delete YouPorn. Dame the man and save the fucking empire. if you hit their cash follow they will maneuver to protect themselves but making a giant bleed..thats a message
According to pompeo, trump was sent by god to defend israel, a modern day queen esther.
I see Bibby came to check on his provinces.
You don't know how to quote?
mike pompeo needs to be fired and replaced if he's puking out that kinda bullshit.
You poison our food, water, air, and imaginations, yet do we shine as bright as upon the first morning.
this shit isn't new. its been happening since the bringing of time.
Im not sure you do get it. Jews arent just sitting on the board of major companies, they are at the top of the MIC, they devised the income tax system and fed to work in conjunction. They created the independent executive agencies, ffrdcs and think tanks. They own all international banking and wrote the law for fractional reserve banking in the united states. They did 9/11, they created islamic terrorism, like its a sports drink. They created the film industry and wrote the rules to keep it.
What they have in store next is going to be very painful. The united states, in order to have any hopes of liberating itself, must go through a very traumatizing catharsis, not only because we've been trained to treat every problem as one that requires killing, accepting no restraint, but that our entire history for 100 years is not only a fabricated narrative, but an inversion of reality. We didn't win ww1 or ww2, we were defeated. We didn't prosper with Keynesian economics, we were poisoned and as a result, we've corrupted our politics to africa-tier level of corruption, Accepting with complacency, conspicuous and wanton violations of law obviously intended to degrade the rights of citizens. The only path forward, in any form, would require the general population to accept and internalize the fact that they have been used and abused, and it was so direct and obvious the entire time that only the unfit could endure such a humiliating con.
This is the primary reason populations cant see that the world is under powerful and direct control of judaism. Its not a phase, or a temporary inconvenience, it is a world order. Society is entrenched in its flow of energy, and has built multitudes of ecosystems entirely dependent on the precarious control paradigm created to prevent its commandeering, by jews. What is going on is entirely tied into why our cities are as large and dense as they are, why our food and resources are distended in a complex logistical stretch across continents. Why our farmers stopped growing food to support populations within 50 miles, now growing monoculture soy and corn for international trade. this is the equivalent of a jewish world power that will reign in one capacity or another for probably hundreds of years, if not for a human extinction, whichever comes first.
Once/if people realize the humiliating reality of their disposition, especially americans, they will react the only way they know how. This is a mistake, the jews are prepared for it and they have no problems whatsoever with killing billions of people, all over the world, including other jews, and have the technology to do so.
Unfortunately, we probably wont even have that opportunnity to make that choice because the jews are now very busy with trump, conflating the patriotic identity, which trump has maneuvered to embody, with the defense of jews. This week they started dropping brand-seeds, "juxodus" which is the media signaling to jews to leave the Democratic party and move to the conservative party, neither of which are real at this point, both of which are entirely in the hands of jewish world gov. They intend to identify muslims with left, jews with right, make them inseparable, then eventually destroy the left while brainwashing the right into serving the jews to do so. There will be external and internal war in between, and plenty of guidance from msm and alt media to explain the boundaries of what you are allowed to think about it.
The last time a society bexame aware of jewish domination publicly, it was germany, and the result was a build up which resulted in the livlihood of the nation being given to one man, and whether by design or not, due to the international mobilization of jewry through their vassal states, that nation was destroyed and now is lost forever, and in its place is something which is only a pathetic and unremorseful shadow of an entire people who stood along side the world with vibrance, beauty and life. It wasn't just a loss for germans, it was a loss for all people of the world.
The same will happen to the united states if they dont wake up. We are destined to that path now. Recovery would require radical change which would necessarily result in civil war simply because the inability of the current populations and logistical infrastructure to maintain itself without international jewish investment in what is an unnatural and inefficient malignity, born and nourished soley to one-day be discarded with prejudice, for a greater scheme of our permanent depotism.
>he's gonna purge honest Americans to solidify (((their))) power
I fully expect this.
Russian thing was just Trump needing a way to distract from his total failure on Immigration and Illegals.
Trump and The Jews needed something BESIDES his ongoing total failure to secure the Border and deport Criminals.
No Mexican gangbangers are least bit worried, much less in hiding. On the 1 in 10,000 chance they are deported, they know they can return effortlessly.
Hopping the Border for a 5X deported rapist Mexican is about like your typical American going to the DMV. Sure, you gotta pretty much set aside most of a day, and there is always a chance they will come up with something stupid that forces you to waste another day, but its doable.
Newsflash: those Guatamalans were bussed in by…
Wait for it….
Israel! That's right, everyone! Team Trump staged that shit!
There are no good sides to choose.
yep, Google "Guatamala death squad Israeli".
The Guats are our enemy, the Jews are.
Then sue them then faggot.
Another country has no jurisdictiion over the UNITED STATES
Especially an illigitimate occupation like isnotreal.
Lot of black pill faggots stinking up the place lately.
36 billion to Israel, for their security.
Jack shit to build the wall.
I think you know who Trump and the US government serves, and it is not the American people.
slide thread
Trump is a mega kike and a complete failure
For all his donations and betrayals, he still hasn't put boots on the ground in Iran or started an all-out war in Syria.
I hope that Trump's betrayal will awaken the American people to the JQ. If not, you guys deserve it.
Everybody who says "no wall" is lying to you and is probably paid to be here.
I thought you faggots finally fucked off. This board is anti-Trumpstien. Go back to >>>/qresearch/
Ebin misdirection you absolute retard
Sage, zognald gtfo 1488
I for one am very eager to see what happens now that the Mueller investigation is over.
If the wall existed, the MSM would be bitching and moaning about it 2/47
Pat Little 2020
I'm not wasting my time for that orange kike-fellating loser again.
Then don't retard. I'm not a votecuck. The reason to vote for him is not to win the election. It's to cause more chaos. If he can get 2% or more the jews and their golem will chimp hard. Certainly in the media. It's just further escalation and agitation. Think big. Have fun.
So many undercover muslim shills on this gay website
Why does Trump sound like a 12 year old impersonating a grown-up?
Is he intentionally dumbing down for his audience?
He didn't bomb it and he hasn't just declared the Syrian land known as the Golan Heights an Israeli territory.
Course they'll have to get some good goys to go in their and clear the mines the Israelis laid during the 6 day war.
I don't really want to say it, but for fairness I want to point out Q said Mueller was /trumpsguy/, and that may very well have been the case.
If you want to create chaos, vote for the left, then meme that white people can't win elections because of demographics. Whites will start to get racially aware very quickly once shit like UBI and wealth taxes start hitting them hard.
I disagree with this. The good sort of accelerationism is anything that kicks the Overton window rightwards. The Brentaning is a good example of such. The shit form of accelerationism is where we deliberately help our adversaries win by siding with them in the normal way. Our goal is to incite them to run leftwards, not do it for them.
Why not both? I plan on voting in their primaries for the most troublesome candidate. I'm still voting for Pat in the general, if he can scratch 2%, then he and by proxy other WN will get federal election bucks from the government. Otherwise they'll have to change election law to specifically exclude "us" and further prove our point to normalfags. It's a win either way.
Keep the MAGAYS out please.
Too much dual loyalty. I don't trust him anymore
only one thing is possible at this point.
(((trump))) has had numerous opportunities to stand up for Whites. He has taken none, and multiple times has spoken against White nationalism.
(((trump))) has had multiple opportunities to stand up for jews. He has taken every possible opportunity to place jews over Whites.
There is no more room for 'chess' wishful thinking. You've been betrayed by a kike shill.
Wilbur Ross is the true president.