What are you going to do if the United Stated becomes Communist and takes everything from you?
At that point, there is nothing you would be able to do.
The fact is that the entire world has been taken over by 'collectivists', and it is only a matter of time before all of the Governments of the world unanimously reject the notions of freedom of speech, freedom of self defense, and freedom of religion. There is only one country in the world that still protects those liberties.
What are you going to do when that is over?
No doubt, there are many of you who believe that Communism is a good thing (or at that restricting personal liberty is acceptable in some way) sadly you are mistaken.
Marxist economic is empirically unwise; like blood letting or eating lead.
The Inefficiency of Totalitarian Government Super Powers causes more harm to the working class than the business models of even the most evil capitalist. (Even wall mart did a lot more good for the world than Karl.)
If you are a supported of Socialism, please consider the applications of individual autonomy.
The opportunities are ENDLESS now that we have the internet of things.
I'm not telling you. I suppose we should be in revolt today. But the instability caused by a communist government would aid in rebellion. I hope that the enemy is that stupid.
Ayden Morgan
A barrel roll. The answer is always a barrel roll.
The US will not become Communist, but it will become a fascist anti-white AIPAC controlled state.
Dominic Gonzalez
at what point did americans become sniveling little btiches?
guerrilla tactics create a long and devastating conflict. with the size of our country being what it is, it would take more troops to secure it then we currently have. it would be a state by state war. we would need to kill the police that are loyal to the new regime though or break and program them MK style.
torture and drugs mixed with flashing lights and cannible corpse would do the job nicely.
all it takes is one hot slut to get a soldier alone. shank the Pvt. and take his gear. repeat when you need more ammo. kek then you have a rifle and body armor. you can then double down and do that one more time and just like that you have a sniper team. eliminating targets that are smaller working up to larger engagements. finally taking back washington DC and the nation.
we got this one.. just like we had the last war. your welcome bitches
What are you going to do if the United Stated becomes Communist and takes everything from you?
as if the Billionaires running the nation would ever allow that to happen.
expect your standard of living to decline, expect millions of turd world immigrant who will drive down your wages and be happy with less. expect the rich to get richer.
expect pot to be legalized nationally so the elite can make a profit off you numbing yourself into apathy, expect more identity politics to keep us all divided,
Fuck off rat. The reason a worker in 1978 could make a living wage is that he lived in a white society, wasn't taxed to death, and didn't have to compete with millions of illegal and legal immigrants. Boomers like you deserve the rope.
Colton Mitchell
It's not "over" just because some newfag says so. Fuck off or lurk 2 years.
Ayden Myers
fuck you. I watched it happen.. Beef packing used to be the second highest paying industrial job in America now it's the worst because the fucking elite brought in spics to bust the union.
and they'll keep in bringing in more. What they cannot automate they'll use turd worlders to replace you.
your generation is saddled with the highest debt of any american generation in history due to rising college tuition and faces ever decreasing wages.
but don't blame taxes.. the jewish ceos who send your jobs overseas have seen their salaries increase 300^ since the 1970's while your wages have been stagnant and their taxes have gone down as well.
Great time to be a jew in America. Thank you Ronald Reagan
But instead of focusing on that.. the media will have you celebrating faggot marriage and trannies getting their surgery done at public expense.
Aaron Harris
Won't happen without a very bloody civil war. I imagine EU/UN/NATO troops would be deployed to the USA. There would be drone warfare on both sides - globalist vs nationalist. Economy would stop. Ex-welfare recipients would join the commies and kill nationalists for food but mostly die in the process. Looters and gangs would have a free-for-all and eventually get recruited by the secret police like the jew gangs of the Cheka and NKVD in the USSR. The US military would be splintered due to some of the obvious pro-globalist plants in high positions. People would be suspicious of one another due to communist infiltration. Neighbors would rat each other out to the commissar to prove their serfdom to the party. It will be hell on earth as a new generation of (((communists))) try their hand in totalitarian power. Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Microsoft will merge and be used as the international registry of citizens. No id, no food, no housing. Seems like all the US billionaires are globalists and their mercenaries will do whatever they're told. It will be a surveillance state with thought crime punishments. People who were in full support of globalism will be surprised to find themselves as enemy combatants since their jealous neighbor reported them as a nationalist spy. It will be hell on earth but won't last nearly as long as the USSR due to mistrust and constant bloodshed.
Golly jeepers, I wonder where that politically incorrect thread about immigration went? All we have in its place is abusive pretendy dreartimes about racism! This is totally mandatory for the slaves who rule this place! Nobody here is to think too much of their own thoughts or have truth, no siree. There’s something downright subversive about posting something as true as immigration lowering crime! You can drop rape rates by legalizing prostitution, too. Prostitution revolts sexually conservative men, making them less likely to immigrate, more likely to emigrate, and more likely to get caught if they commit a rape. Oh yes, more likely to get caught! Sexual conservatives are far more likely to commit rape!
Jack Turner
There isn't enough rope in the world for all the work we'll have to do.
we will do the same thing we did last time we had a tyranical government. Probably to the same effect except we can put videos of traitors hanging online and meme them.
Ethan Hall
The USA is that country that destroys them around the world.
Where do you think the "concept of hate crime" originated?
Leo Nguyen
How does one defeat an enemy?
Robert King
just your threadly reminder that we are now in the winter of 1918
Cooper Mitchell
It's jews, idiot. Communism is Jewish. No more Jews, no more communism.
Jordan Lopez
Numbing the population with pot vs liquor makes financial sense. Potheads only get mad if the dealer isn’t home (although I’ve seen my share of autistic screeching from older ones).
Owen Brown
Male prostitution isn’t unionized, faggot. Now go run along and let your boyfriend pack his.
Jonathan Clark
Want to buy a gun in Alberta? Find an RCMP civvie.
Justin Lee
Masons, user. Jew = Wej = Glaswegian. Chinese too. And the Franks have been plotting return ever since 1789. Count on it.
im not giving any of my shit up. i dont have any guns that require licenses. if shit really went down, they can have my meme rifles, but the ones that i have 1000s or rounds of ammo for they'll never find. nor will they find the ammo.
then i guess i'd become an active "domestic terrorist"
Kevin Watson
hitler was a capitalist, but he did not approve of judeo-capitalism. he had no issues with people enjoying and being entitled to the fruits of their own labor, he was fine with private property, inheritances, etc.
what he didnt like was putting the banks squeezing currency causing endless debt encouraging shady business practices and dog-eat-dog attitudes between companies and everyone else. he didnt like putting profits over people (judeo capitalism). hitlers ideology and henry fords ideology were one in the same. most people are grossly misinformed about henry ford. they talk about "futurology" like its some newfound high-tech utopia, and it was literally the goal of henry fords business model, and thew reality for many people at the time. henry fords goal was mass production so people had easy jobs, wouldnt work as much, and be able to spend time with their families and be mentally healthy and make enough to live comfortably. as technology improved he would be able to essentially pay people to do nothing helping his fellow countrymen without having to compromise the quality of his own life. why would he put his own workers over profit? because back then the rich didnt seperate themselves all that much from the common man. having fellow members of his community be both mentally and physically healthy would ensure that his family would grow up in a healthy environment. judeo capitalism is make as much money as possible so you can live in a gated community and petition the govt to flood the cities with dangerous migrants for cheap labor, so you can live in luxury knowing none of that will ever affect you or your family.
they were both great men and its absolutely disgusting how history books treat them. but the truth is there for anyone that wants it…