‘Heartbreaking’: Sandy Hook Father Dies in Apparent Suicide
Jeremy Richman was the father of first-grader Avielle Richman, who died in the 2012 school massacre.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did this dude know about the Clintons?

Nothing of value was lost

Just like the two Parkland "survivors", huh?
Mass exodus of crisis actors?

When will false faggers learn they're expendable useful idiots.

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fuck that gun grabber faggot

Is some glownigger agency panicking now that their coup against Trump failed?

Yep, they probably faked this fags' death and gave him a one way ticket to Israel.

Well, FBI and CIA are full of diversity hires and FOB immigrants, so I wouldn't doubt it.

Suicide is very common. The statistic is about twice that of homicide (of another person). Twice as many people die by their own hand than by somebody else's hand.

Actuarial tables tell the story.

Age is also a factor. Older males check themselves out of the game at a big rate.

So this guy - - just a common statistic.

Lot of convenient suicides happening in the school shooting industry these days. Makes you ponder.

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inb4 another hit piece about how trump is giving 50% of US territory to israel or some such bullshit.


They took that plane down in ethiopia that was full of anti vaxxer scientists right as msm started their anti-antivaxxer conspericies too. Weird. Almost like their killing people off or something.


Now this is suspicious as fuck. I'm willing to bet Obama's left testicle he was simply murdered, not even suicided since they won't release the details, which would make it obvious it wasn't a suicide.

Take meds

hey the black lives matter niggers are dying mysteriously too.

I think it's mossad.

dont tell me that's the family laughing about the false flag on camera

Found the jew

fully agree. If they dont know the cause of death but are confident it was a suicide. Guess shooting himslef would have too ironic….maybe they can blame some obscure soviet chemical weapon for some reason people almost can believe that.

In all probability you are corret.
Another possibility is that despite his stance against guns, he didn't use one to an hero. He probably used legal prescription meds.
Now check the figures on how many Americans die from prescription medication, against how many die because muh guns.
There's no logical reason to ban guns, they are far from the biggest tool of death. They don't want people realizing that.
However it's much more likely this NZ false flag is too important and they are removing anybody who could spill how fake it was. Not putting a black dot on a screenshot in photoshop and saying its a bullet hole fake, but still pretty amateur.

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actually, yes

That's why no one takes you seriously.


These white niggers are always a good laugh

Sir I'm gonna need to see some sauce

This. These people are being killed as a reminder to the rest of them to stay quiet. They should make their own insurance policies confessing the false flags to be released should they get suicided.

Shart breaking.

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So basically he used a gun to kill himself but they have to cover it up, because that would be embarrassing to the anti-gun agenda.

Yeah Im sure people tied to controversial events that specifically have very iffy facts surrounding them all generally suicide around the same time all the time its very common, even though these events were years apart and the only thing they have in common is this and apparent suicides. Yeah. Common…

Here is the kike approved version on jewtube where they edited out the laughing

Pretty sure those are just niggers being niggy…they do love to kill each other

Men are far more prone to killing themselves with firearms than other methods, so you might be right. Really can you imagine walking around UNARMED after you supposedly went through sandy hook? You be a mad person to not arm yourself at all times.

"In the entire history of the planet, only a slave was required to be unarmed." - me

Don’t be fucking thick here man and show some god damned intelligence
Also , ( ( ( richman ) ) )

Pretty sure they all are minus nsa niggers

Ignore the shills, they're not even trying to shill correctly, they're trying to say as over the top and ridiculous shit as possible so as to derail any chance of discussion from happening.

Sandy Hook was actually a false flag hoax.
Brenton Tarrant was real.

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Shame. I was hoping it was the father who had such a fun time before talking to the press

I want to see how high the count gets before April. Can we get up to four? Maybe even five?

Crisis acting is like any other occupation. It involves a skills set which has to be learned and practised, theory and praxis.
These crisis actors with years of experience living their roles have proven their skill and value as psyops assets.
Now, in any other sector, a company wishing to exploit your high skill level simply offers you the work and pays you for your service.
With crisis actors it's slightly different. They can't take up a new role without first being "killed off". The reasons for this are obvious.
So what we have: numerous top-tier crisis actors being prepared for something big.
The preparations could include plastic surgery and/or gender inversion/reversion. This is another benefit of transgenderism in politics/media - one actor can play both a male and female role, simply by changing clothing, voice and body language.
Real example:

is this the same faggot who was caught laughing and then getting into character for the cameras? cant tell with the bald head

Hello Zig Forums.
You did a great job exposing this FALSE FLAG deception…

Someone tried to smear alt-right ideology by associating it with this shooting…

In archived thread 12916717, some of you were so wise or lucky to upload fragment of the video with sha2 starting 42773b27…, already at 03/15/19 01:07:58 UTC. (Because otherwise, facebook video is gone, catbox/bsckol video is gone, but you have a sha-2 timestamped here of that, what you uploaded here, even good as a fragment…) This proves there was no time to fake it on your side… (Or how did you manage to put gray bags over most victims heads so fast and paint a fake blood-spill on the carpet ?)

In the group on left side of the mosque, there is one victim at which he never fired, there are 10 people lying all face down or with sacks over heads, where he shot 4 (four!) shots (you can watch it in slow-motion), some of them also behind a column out from the sight of first shooting. When he returns there second time after cca 30 seconds (after first replacing the magazine in the passageway), there already is trail of spilled blood on carpet at least 3m long ! Afterwards he was just shooting into already dead corpses…

On the right-side of the mosque, a man was calmly standing while he entered, while there was already shooting at the entrance into that room. There are at least two victims on right side, that were behind column and were not in sight of first shooting. Also on right side, the victims have sacks over heads.

Beside else, there was barefoot victim on entrance to mosque, who had blue socks when he was returning some 30 seconds later…? That was probably just for distraction or attention attracting ??

I guess 10-20%, that all shooting is fake.
But I guess 80-90%, that someone really shot those muslims at the mosque, already BEFORE starting the facebook live-stream video. Some of the muslims in the mosque were actors, complicit in the deed, and some were lying on both sides already dead long ago (how long does it take to spill blood-stream 3m far and a more than a foot aside?)…

I see 0% chance, that Brenton Tarrant has shot 10 people on left side with 4 shots, all of them falling face down one over another.

The _brute_censorship_ of the video means, that NZ government is COMPLICIT in this CRIME and does not want it exposed…

The Whore, who rules NZ, mis-used this to try to disarm the population, she has stinged them as a snake… (They pretend, that people do not need weapons to defend, that the police will defend them sufficiently? No, they just proved, that the police will instead defend the invaders, and that (((they))) are one of them, but white people are not one of them, they hate us so gravely, as that whore J.A. said…)

They viciously tried to smear White-Genocide and Replacement-Agenda Warnings with Christ Church Mosque Shooting.

We should be angry about this deception against us !
You, Media and Jacinda the Whore, you are HATERS who hate us, white conservative people, with so grave hatred you even sacrificed those muslims to smear us and our due ideology with this false accusation… !

Well, then about the Manifesto, this is instead, what these FAKERs wanted us or other people to believe that is associated with the shooting. There are right things, mixed with wrong things, it was very probably written by an European and not by an Australan, and by our ENEMY, not by one of alt-right people… It was possibly written by a jew, since it does not name the jews beside one little mention…?

(Some versions of the document have PDF time-stamp at 7 hours after that shooting in a british time-zone, I'm not sure, which version had CNN with 87 pages, but that's probably, because he published DOCX beside the PDF here on Zig Forums linked and some journalists posted the PDF they made themselves from it…?) (Also thank you Zig Forums folks, that you uploaded PDF with sha2 starting d9017cfda… sized 888387 bytes still in that first thread already at 2019-03-15 01:32:50 UTC…)

Archived Facebook page of Brenton Tarrant (archive/i2dfr) shows, that it was established mere 2 days ahead, and that he uploaded cca 10 article links with images per minute, some waiting, and again cca 10 articles per minute, so all carefully prepared, to intentionally make an association of these pages/images with his planned crime… (Just by comparing the times it is evident, that the face-book posts were placed there IN ORDER TO associate them with that crime, which was already planned then…)

I'm deeply disgusted …

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Good riddance.

Could they possibly come up with a more unprofessional name?

Hello shill

Go back to where you came from

cool picture, although Breivik instead of Hitler would create a more consistent theme.

lol why?

No, it was faked AGAINST us.

Not that easy…

Don't you understand, how grave accusal against "Replacement" Warnings and white-identity groups generally they made by this FALSE FLAG…?
And you (8ch) are now translating this into all european languages (I've seen it mentioned elsewhere), but it is an enemy trap, not a real manifesto of a real shooter…

Here Zig Forums was unintentionally complicit as their tool to spawn it (they used 8ch in order to smear it !), and it has also merit on exposing their fakery by readiness of 8ch-posters, who managed to post extracts (of both video and manifesto and facebook page) and archive them soon before it was all exposed by media worldwide, before you had any time to fake it by yourself…

You don't understand yet, of what all (((they))) made accusal and harm… Which sub-liminal messages are there… (For ex. why "Christ Church" is associated with that ? And not only this…)

The wages of cuckery is death. Nothing of value was lost.

Fuck off retard. This isn't a Tarrant thread and your writing is an EYESORE.

Pretty sure this is the same guy and family that Miles Mathis wrote about as very easily spotted as being crisis actors.

InB4 the daily isreali hijackers take over this thread with the usual illogical and comical

The jewish hijacking of the movement didn't just start with Donald Trumpstein's election hoax, but it gave us all an insight into the pattern and behaviour of the obnoxious isreali jews tasked with astroturfing Zig Forums with endless pro-zog bullshit and ability to get legit anons removed from here the instant they mass report users here.

Based psyops FTW

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again, kys in your cubicle you glow in the dark deep state cumguzzler

your coup failed, your agency is a failure and your time will come

I've written that to a Tarrant thread, but before completing it, the thread was removed ! (You are incorrectly shy of your 8ch role in this case…)

Well, I'm a white european, fluent in five alive languages and reading-able in three antiquity languages, but not a native english speaker…
If I've written it in my beautiful language of which I am a Patriot, you would not appreciate it much…
If this board had a country-flag as elsewhere (you know where) I can be proud of my nation…

Well, but it's both false-flag shooting, both with agenda to disarm people, it's related…

You seem decent enough, although I don't agree with your assessment of the NZ issues, you have a right to voice such things. Please keep it in the Tarrant threads though, it just turns others into an argumentative shitshow. Then again this one amounts to a "press s" thread so it doesn't matter much. Also a tip for your English writing. Don't use all caps, makes you look like a spastic boomer. If you want to emphasize a point, use italics or underline.

Kill yourself.

Which ones?

That the shooting was impossible this way? (striking ten people by mere four shots onto one pile? striking people behind the corners? that the people had gray bags over faces?)
That they try to use it to disarm people by deception? That their censorship is brute?

That if the shooting was fake and government is complicit, then the manifesto is also at least partly fake and is used to intentionally connect this ideology with a despicable murder that almost everyone condemns?

I'll try to find another… This one had Saint-Tarrant comics at the time the other thread I tried to use was removed…

Why? Actually, you (Zig Forums) make a bad service to patriotic and identitarian movements by translating that manifesto to other languages and giving it publicity in association with this shooting, because the shooting is being condemned by many and it is unwise to associate our preservation ideology with it…
Well, because many things in that manifesto are right, but by this deed they are being placed into a rather wrong context…
And it is wrong in other things too - for example it is worthless to shoot one masonic jew Merkel, it would not help us any way, they'll place there another puppet…

So this guy gets to be a new dad of one of the killed in florida that supposedly did the same. Next FF in Texas still?

Has Hogg begin rope shopping yet?

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In NS-Germany Tarrant would have been hanged immediately for killing unarmed people!

Uh huh.

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In NS-Germany Tarrant would not have been necessary.

He was probably upset that there was no publicity for his dead daughter because it was all being 'hogged' by people like David Hogg. Who wasnt even present at the time of the shooting.

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for me it was pic related that sealed it as a hoax.

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It’s not an-hero unless it was done for the chans, you historyless dipshits. You’re enough of a broken slave to abuse people, so you should be enough of a broken slave to use the terms correctly.


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Tarant an-heroed; he threw his life away performing for the dishonest people in this space. OP’s spotlight is on someone who didn’t.

Ok Ahmed

Tarrant didn't kill himself you retarded shill, the only argument you can make is that his freedom is worth way more than 50 dead muzzies. St. Brenton should be free to finish his work.

This is a common thread with crisis actor families.
The vast majority of them CANNOT summon up tears, NOR act naturally.
Here's Jo Cox's supposed family, trying hard not to laugh, and showing no grief whatsoever.

Faked against us? Seriously I beg you, disembowel yourself posthaste you slack jawed sonofabtich.
Literally thereafter refer to us as 'you', typing out the sites name which anons never regularly do here. Are you a native israelite? English a bit difficult to lie in for you?

Do you even care to make an efficient attempt at being a provacatuer pissant? The hell is this statement even predicated upon evidence-wise mah boiii?? Going to the extent that you exaggerate outright lies on this board, for shame goldberg

That is a female-to-male transgender.
She will turn up again in a female role.
A crisis actor with that level of deep cover experience will be in high demand for THE NEXT BIG THING.

You come here spouting in-group terms from a list your handler has provided you with, but don't bother to learn what they mean.
No wonder you are forced to resort to this line of work, rather than producing something of value.

Maybe you'll have a better time relating to their reactions when your kids get executed for no reason.

I'm not saying this isn't a false flag, but c'mon.. You're just scaring people away from what you're trying to expose when you start denying shit the MSM reports cuz 'muh Alex Jones' or some other fuckwit said so. Just like the fucking "oh the magazine was already in the mosque" bullshit dumbfuckery being peddled.

inb4 Tarrant gets released after gender-changing and converting to Islam while marrying a big black man in prison.

Loose ends always tie up in the end


Try not sticking to the script you've been handed, and you'll at least have a chance of flying under the radar.
If you think that one day after burying her sister, smirking and freakish twitchy head movements are the norm, then you're sadly deluded.
But you're not deluded, you're a narrative protector working for the jew.

Don't be so rude, dude…

No, I'm slovan, which means "people of word", or "slavyan", which means "people of glory"… Anyway, a white european… One day you could understand, that true Aryan people are Slovan R1a people foremost, which also includes east germans and hungarians (R1a DNA can be traced to Iran, when Slovan Aryan people brought Vedas to Iran and India), or other R1 Europeans in general…

Why "you"? More often I use the 4-that, you know…
(Since here they censored me sometimes and I'm not glad about that at all, because this way you 8ch look like a cloaked enemy… Now I've got to post from other ID… And the 4-that has got automatic archive service, which I need sometimes…)

Well, here I write sometimes too, but it was probably already rolled out into history, but you could enjoy for ex. my A.H. MK edition still here:
(It was quite a lot of work to make it portable into two small PDFs)

So I'm not a complete stranger here, and still feel in this case I can write as "you" in that Tarrant case, I was not much interested in it until recently…

Sandy Hook is a similar case, both were invented to disarm people…

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News flash: No one is normal. Especially not you fucking paranoid motherfuckers. I read the manifesto from Brenton Tarrantino and I honestly was sympathizing for a while until I seen how fucking lowly and paranoid you all are.

I didn't think it was some petty white supremacy BS at first, I thought it had more meaning, but after seeing all of you fucking paranoid schizos on here I still don't blame him for what he did, but he will probably be the only person on here to ever do something for some collective "cause" with all the trailer trash inbred honkeys and aspies in here thinking about pulling an Adam Lanza Sandy Hooknose, just a bunch of talk in here and not any real organization… Just a bunch of paranoid white guys with small dicks who've watched too much BBC porn and haven't gotten laid enough.

I honestly hope that Brenton sparks some shit up - I know the US has been preparing for "mass civil unrest" according to our very unreliable sources on the internet, but who knows it may be true.

I just know that when most people think civil war or something retarded they think of some hillbilly nigger slave fights when in reality it would not be anything about race it would be the police protecting corporate interests vs. civilians paired (most likely) with hyperinflation and the likes that comes with it.

Racism is a tool used to divide, and TBH I think the Semitic ideologies are as well.

So I guess he wanted a different employer and/or threatened to talk like an idiot.

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself before someone helps you.

This, why the fuck would anybody think this guy is actually dead

You're holding your breath he's going to start exposing crisis actors? Good way to pass out, never going to happen

I hope a drunk nigger crashes into your car and destroys your spinal cord so you have to continue living in a state of paralyzed agony.

The other day I was asking how it was that two Patkland survivors had committed suicide but no loudmouthed lawsuit-happy activists from the Hoax did. The next morning this happened. So … how come more Sandy Hook parents haven't committed suicide?

Why does he have eyes like that?

Do you have any evidence? Got some links with dates for ALL of these coincidental suicides you speak of?
A link or two?
Or just talking out of your ass?

Got to get those group rates for overseas flight

All the paid actors are going to be suiciding a lot more and media will attempt to be as quiet about it as possible.

Hello Zig Forums, is this where you go when you get tired of debating the marxist application of auto-fellatio in piggy's playhouse?
Or are you so pathetic that attempting to troll on Zig Forums is the only way you can get your rocks off anymore.

David Hogg is the crisis actor who played the role of Adam Lanza.

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3 gun control advocacy suicides in 3 days
So organic. . .
It's interesting that the coroner in Broward County was replaced in 2016 because someone framed him for stealing $500 off a dead guy.
In addition, the chief medical examiner in FL is the same guy that identified Saddam Hussein's body. He's also registered in Charlotesville, VA.

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Funny how that's the only picture of lanza

It was just a childhood picture of Ryan Lanza with Ryan's ID planted on the corpse.

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why do lanza's images all look fake as fuck? are they call computer generated or something? and didn't "Adam" have a brother also?

Thank you brother.

Are these crisis actors demanding more hush money and getting (((suicided))) ??

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There are dozens of MHT's and PDF's on all the discrepancies. I came to realize the event wasn't meant to be perceived as real by those who looked hard enough. It was a brazen exercise to show that it doesn't matter what people who look hard and ask questions think. It's about what you can get published and broadcast on mass media – because truth seekers are in the minority. Most people will only accept what they consume through big name news outlets.