Hay I’m Australian and because Zig Forums is banned in my country only way to get to Zig Forums is a VPN kek so anyway this was on tv today and I almost ripped my eyes out of how shit it is
This is a shit show
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I thought it was shit too but I'd like to know your reasons for thinking that.
By not being a muslim and not bragging. Lol. Do they really think he got his advice and plans from Zig Forums? Fucking retarded cunts. How do Muslims commit rape under the radar how about that?
Hi Strayan dude.
Well, honestly the vast majority of people who used to post here are gone. Leaving 3000 shills and muslim fags and lesbians in their place, so it became /leftypol with the IQ to match. If you want to see Zig Forums at its heyday you need to look in the archives. For example, A SHIT TIER THREAD LIKE YOURS WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN TOLERATED BEFORE…comprende?
They think just because we are on Zig Forums we are white supremacist and just because we don’t like getting blown up does not mean we’re white supremacist
I think most of us are unironic white supremacists m8
i kind of miss imkikey
they don't think that they know we're not but they're trying to push it
i just come here for the news and banter
I was really hoping they would have had on of my posts from the op but they didn't
I am 100% White Supremacist though Strayan dude. We are the only people in the world who are a net gain. All other cultures and all other people are a parasite on our nations, our inventions and our technology. Other people have nothing to offer us in any way, we are simply glorified babysitters taking care of subhuman trash. They say we don't 'have a culture' but that is only because our culture is SO COMPLETELY DOMINANT that nothing can even hold a candle to it in any way. All modern advancements, all transportation, all medicine, all manufacturing, all food production and consumption, all weapons, all music and technology and art is all European in origin. NO ONE CAN COMPARE TO A SINGLE THING WE DO OR HAVE PRODUCED HERE.
Our nations, when not flooding with subhuman invaders rank highest on peace, lawfulness and astronomically higher in productivity. There is no one who compares.
Our people are the most beautiful people in the world. The most sought after of all humans by subhumans and humanoids. We are superior in every way.
true…I decided a while ago that this was simply a collection site for the kikes to gather up the names of the people they wanted to murder in the next turk/kike/khazar/ashkenazi purge of humanity.
They did the same thing in every nation they have ever destroyed and this is sort of the 'global' gathering spot for their most vocal enemies (people who were brave, productive, beautiful or moral; they always reserved the worst tortures for them).
I think to be a white supremacist, you just have to recognize that the overwhelming amount of benefits to human civilization have been brought about by those of European descent. Medicine, technology, engineering, chemistry. Everything that makes life easier to live, that makes it harder to die, and everything generally more pleasant.
Its stupidity to post WITHOUT a VPN.
muh racism
Daily reminder that Hapas are superior to whites.
and now we will eat you sweety
you're too smart for goyim i'll be watching you
Oy vey, that's antisemitic!!! It's another holocaust, never forget the 6 billion.
Who the fuck uses an aus dns? Just change that you dumbass.
Why didn't you fight back when the jews took your guns cunt?
All of us will become actual thought criminals within our lifetimes. Our only hope now is to accelerate. To do my part, I'm leading the effort to translate into every language Brenton's manifesto. We already have many European languages done and this week I will begin my efforts to publish them in paperback format. My hope is that enough people will be radicalized by the reading to strike a multitude of effective blows against the system to help take it down.
Keep trucking, user.
I salute your effort on our behalf. If we only had 1,000 who were dedicated and brave and using their God given talents to work in favor of the preservation of our race like you we would be doing much better.
Can I get a link?
Yep, they'll miss us when we're gone. They'll be nothing of quality left to debase
You retards never check the catalog
that happened in 1997 during the reign of the boomers, can't really fight back when %95 of the other people wont lift a finger. Lucky the USA has the NRA.
There wasn't a way to "fight back". When gun bans come the police say a certain gun is banned, tell everyone that it is illegal posses, offer amnesty for people to turn them into police stations, then you get arrested if the police see it in your possession in any way.
Its not like cops go door to door collecting guns, they just gradually collect all of them through buy backs and arresting people when caught with them. Most of the arrests happen because someone will call to report a burglary or something and the cops find the gun when they investigate and arrest the unarmed victim. Its not really possible to fight back under these circumstances without being branded "insane" or a "terrorist"
We'll all be considered the T word shortly anyway. If you're not willing to do what is necessary then was the point of having them in the first place? You sound like a demoralization shill or someone still trapped in conservatism.
You don't have to be a "white supremacist" to recognize the genetic superiority of whites. All empirical data, modern civilization, and past civilizations illustrate that whites are objectively better. The label "white supremacist" exists to be stigmatized by jews so that whites are discouraged from viewing their race in any positive manner; so that instead, whites are encouraged to view being white as negative.
As a white person, you are actively discouraged from associating whites as being better or inherently better in any way. That is why jews rely on social stigma. Stigmatizing and guilting others is a commonly effective tactic to control people's actions.
Which group of people feels guilt the most? Whites. Whites are capable of feeling guilt the most because it is appropriately used as a device for self-correcting behavior, experiencing empathy, and even as a learning tool. Jews have exploited guilt to control how whites perceive the world.
Sooner or later, and hopefully sooner, Zig Forums must refocus on fighting the over-active proverbial nerve that is tied to guilt. Unwarranted guilt is so debilitating that the ancient thinkers considered it to be one of the most dangerous pathological feelings. We're in a war against jews, and yet one of the most costly wars is against emotion itself.
It's hilarious how willingly they turn a blind eye to the hundreds of Islamic attacks. It really reveals their ugly agenda to the naked eye.
U r stupid.
Not all ISPs are blocking it
Nah, what you're promoting is the whole "come and take it" boomer meme. I'm just saying that's not how it works, when guns are banned police won't be going door to door, therefore you can't "fight back" unless you directly attack the police at a police station or something which is both stupid and useless as you'll get killed immediately and almost no one will find sympathy with you.
See that's where you're wrong. When it gets passed legislation or near it is when you leave and do whatever. Not wait for them to start, whether through confiscation or other methods like you stated. I don't see anything left to lose at that point and death is nothing to fear.
It's almost like these kikes want to get busted and rounded up into gas chambers along with their low IQ moslem front liners. The shooting was literally 100% discriminating and anybody who still remembers that words have meanings can understand this. He discriminated against a group of people which worships a book that is an instruction manual for subversion and ascension, and which has historically done little other than rise to demographic supremacy and destroy indigenous populations.
The truth of the matter is that even a propagandized normalfaggot can see this truth easily. Even the tiniest amount of awareness of the current state of world affairs along with the smallest pinch of knowledge of world history is enough to see that BT's action might be the only rational thing for an able bodied man to do when presented with this situation. There are literally zero examples of mohammedans living peacefully with others, and our corrupt and compromised pedo rulers are inviting them to live in our lands on our dole. They deserve to be shot for the fucking hubris it takes to move here and leech gibs for their little mohammads. I guess they've been taught to expect jizya. Wonder who had the foresight to pull that off?
This is why censorship is going to increase rapidly: the truth is becoming so painfully obvious that no amount of conditioning will stop the masses from calling things by their proper name. In this case: "invader".
Tor cannot be subpoenaed, it's impossible.
Will defeat your zero records VeePeeEnn just the same.
The story of Mr. Terrant is about his beautiful conversion, from aussie shitposter to aussie shitshooter! 😹
I've thought this a number of times. I don't understand the appeal in being a victim.
What's up with this alleged shooter shit?
You say this but the counter to all that is: facts, statistics, maths, science, data et al. is raciest and sexist and it's all a white male construct. How do you argue against that? You do elude to the war of emmotions.
How do you mean? There is obvious appeal in the sense of short-term, leftist-driven action. There is no appeal in reality, though. I'm a victim of circumstance (as are all alive) and, rather than wear this as a badge of honor, I hate the things which have caused my degradation and strive to be other than they have intended. The corruption which hits our volk is undeniable, and our institutions are complicit to the ultimate degree.
The corruption is so thoroughly embedded that to destroy it is, likely, to destroy the system which feeds the (overbred and far too numerous) cattle. This is one of their layers of defense.
I am in a hotel and was just graced with an amazingly progressive television commercial: gayniggers with literal AIDS should be happy about themselves because some jew pharmaco has invented yet another chemical means of keeping retarded, sodomite niggers alive.
Leave morality behind, folks. So long as productive white folks exist, they will be taxed into "no reproduction" mode in order to pay for the disease ridden sex of gayniggers and other assorted sodomites.
Can't go on. This whole thing is too clownworld. Thank YHWH, the literal desert-demon, that I have hollywood to distract me.
It’s called presumption of innocence. Maybe you heard of it.
Yes, user!
As Nietzsche said, "Guilt is a petty tyrant". It was used in by the Jews/Christianity to defeat the Romans and it's now being used to finally stamp out those who carry the torch of western civilization.
If the things we judge Haiti to be a shithole by are cis white male constructs and thus are biased subjective standards, then why do they need to move here? If our cultures are so wildly different, with such divergent concepts of good and bad, then why would being separate be negative? Seems like we would both benefit.
If diversity means filling my town with garbage and drugs, then I'm fine without it even if the Africans insist it's not shit. If we can't see eye to eye then how is this strength to be forced to live near each other?
Can we finally end this kosher "Western civilization" meme and start using the proper name of "European civilization"?
Shit cuckchan tier thread. Reported.
Would you happen to have a Lithuanian version?