How we win

In the age of Tarrant, we have two options.

Train and fight, or have as many kids as possible and homeschool.

If you're being a faggot and just browsing the internet and not doing or encouraging these two actions, you're dead weight.

Aim for ten kids or a hundred enemies. You choose.

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Accelerationism doesn't benefit you, retard. You can't paint a house purple by demolishing it entirely.

In Israel with mossad like tarrant did?
I, as a vargtard, welcome the coming decades.

Tell me in what way the status quo is beneficial. Take a stand you pathetic kike.


Oh look, (((someone))) is offering us an either/or choice. Where have we seen that before, and by (((who))).

How about wyppl just fucking move to where they are already a supermajority, let the abandoned cities rot, then reconquista in a few decades. b/c until the last white commie has died at the hands of savages, you won't have the numbers on your side to do shit.

That meme makes no sense in the context of the accelerationist strategy. You invoke fear in Muslims by murdering their families. Then they want revenge so they go around killing more white people, invoking fear in the cucked whites, so there are more high IQ, high causality attacks. This cycle continues with more oppression from the kikes and you got yourself a gradually progressing civil war. Brenton was just the lighter igniting the gas.

You don't improve the status quo by making it worse for everyone else, numbskull.

So flight?

Exactly, you don't improve the status quo, you destroy it.

You're speaking big boy ideas here. Anti-accelerationists can't think that abstractly.

based and deurbanization pilled

It makes no sense because accelerationism makes no sense whatsoever. How does restricting speech and self-defense for other whites help whites?

sage this stupid shit thread faggots

Use a fucking map that shows demographics

On second thought… Stay where you are, and bareback fuck and creampie as many different niggers and spics as possible. At least you'll improve their gene pool and not shit in ours.

Because both of those things are happening now and are the ultimate goal regardless of what you do. The system is looking for any and all excuses to do it. Accelerating can provide an X factor by causing the system to over-react, over-extend, and slip up radicalizing others, or at the very least forcing them to put up or shut up.

Most gun owners wont do shit if the law dogs come to take their shit. We live in a low trust society thanks to the FBI's COINTELPRO meaning you'll have to lone wolf it even if the system came down upon you slowly without accelerationism. Given those circumstances most people don't have the internal strength to fight back against a SWAT team taking their arms. They'll give them up.

You will not win anything without my leadership and guidance!

I ask you a question, answer it.
And fight, you dumbass mongoloid.

Because a forced gun confiscation results in civil war and the government over-spending itself, retard.

Right like the sandnigger that burned a goat or whatever and set off the arab spring that did nothing.

Elsewise, anyone kno where i can buy a decent wife these days?

The arab spring pretty much brought down all the arabian states that were not in favor with israel.

Vargtards get the rope too


no one is doing anything until the gravy train runs out and by then we'll be outnumbered by shitskins and ZOG will have robots for an army.

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We have many options.

Let us not act like clowns like Tarrant even though we like it, or that we want to.

It would be better for a white jihad, have children and teach them to over take the system from with in.

These are contradicting statements you dumb nigger faggot.

Why would you improve something that has gone beyond repair. We eliminate the threat, but not destroy and rebuild.

What's the difference between a good Jew and a bad Jew? The good Jew fucks you slower.

-Bobby Fischer

>Oh look, (((someone))) is offering us an either/or choice. Where have we seen that before, and by (((who))).
(((they))) don't understand this is understood here