5th generation cell signals use millimeter wavelength radiation. The very same kind used by those illegal strip search booths you find in the Somalian Delivery Airbus terminals. This whole scheme is a plot by the Jewish oligarchy to conduct illegal strip searches on every single US citizen in the nation.
The real reason behind "5g" technology
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm saging but 5G operates in the right band it could be used as an active denial microwave weapon on anyone within the grid.
uh, in laymen's terms?
Try using google if you don't understand basic physics, retard.
try making a quality post, including sources, faggot
OP is a faggot but here's some tips
1. This weapon operates in 95Ghz range by boiling moisture under the skin. wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System
2. 5G network operates from 28-60Ghz and uses beam forming to pinpoint targets. Since plan is to cover city with them with antennas every 300m you could probably combine beams to form an active denial weapon on anyone in the network: sdxcentral.com
Fuckin boomers and women. Scared to death of their own shadows
Are you shitting me ? 95Ghz is not between 28Ghz and 60Ghz stupid fucker
And what the fuck are they going to do with the ability to see every man/child testicle silhouette images ?
Jack off to them would be my guess.
Cook your balls and make you sterile.
Holy shit this makes a lot of sense. Am I nuts to worry about this? I plan to have beautiful aryan children in 3-5 years.
Up your preparation faggots.
Wear tin foil briefs
I tie a wire around my dick so I can earth myself whenever there's an outlet nearby
The thing is that they could not triangulate the beams on any random location. I think.
That's a miniscule part of the reason for pushing it.
enlighten us with the rest. genuinely curious
you can also alter quite a lot of chemical reactions by focusing enough power through constructive interferometry by altering ions exchanges, enough to simulate a massive neurotoxins overdose in the central nervous system of any bad goy they chose due to chemical exchanges between neurons happening too fast or not enough
you can also obtain extremely detailed 3d maps of all the objects in the space covered by several towers, precise enough to locate all the firearms, their orientation, their state of readiness, the number of ammo engaged or in the chargers, and with sufficiently precise antennas read the serial numbers on the guns and casings
if the environment is silent enough in radio waves, you can probably also focalize on any light object nearby (paper, lampshade,…) and measure its vibrations to use it as a microphone spying on a whispered conversation, in an enclosed room, several houses away
these are only immediate and trivial applications deducted from basic scientific knowledge, I'm sure there can be much more
Walk among us as kings safe in the knowledge that we are unarmed because we have to walk through a backscatter machine to leave our house and have our leased car drive us to the factory, shop, or mortuary.
Any time some faggot on Zig Forums posts "The real reason"/"The truth" you can safely dismiss them as retarded schizos.
You realize that the specs for 5G say anything between 600MHz and 50GHz, right? Do you understand what an incredible span that is? It ranges from the high end of the radio/tv band all the way to just under infrared light.
No, but what the ubiquitous presence of myriad 5G transmitters will enable is realtime mapping/3d modelling of every public and private space.
With the right technology, the 5g radiation will acts as the equivalent of an ambient "light" source for a "microwave camera". The data/surveillance center will be able to access a 3d model with everyone's position on it, name tags/data like you have in a 3d FPS game.
EM radiation behaves just like light, and can be used for the same purpose.
Even people not carrying a device will be detected due to absorption effects and triangulation.
Proof of this concept has already been shown, you might remember the flurry of articles about Wifi router emissions enabling 3d modelling inside of properties?
Same concept but designed into the infrastructure.
Why no public outcry then? This is retarded. Imagine combined with a.i, profiling and robots.
Say, why can't any average Joe do this to spy on everything? Imagine criminals getting their hands on this, spying on banks, industries.. hell it is a gigantic threat to every military on the planet. How are they able to receive the signals?
You kind of had me until:
Nice one, 7/10
You kind of had me until:
Nice one, 7/10
Because the public is dumbed down. They are busy hearing about orange man bad and the new Burger King burger
Do you think wealthy upper class people will like this?
fuck you OP,
anyone interested in being intelligent about the EMF saturation problem, see
basically, you can only save the smart people. and they already know what 24/7 exposure to exponential rf can do to human physiology.
So the best thing to do is talk about how to protect yourself, and your high IQ.
also this post was great.
Of course, you can literally see through walls with a wifi router, look for a jewtube video of some jap doing it at mit. easy as pie.
years of reading schizo garbage on 5g and this is the only info on the topic that makes any sense to me
so much schizo garbage indeed, that is how you know they are nervous about intelligent discussion on the use-cases.
I have given up on the public caring, so I know all I can do is try to be as efficient with personal home shielding as possible, because the agenda will go forward no matter what,
Shill retard
This is what the (((wiki))) says about 5G safety
Mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) and mission-critical video and data are expected to be furthered in 5G
That's it. one line, totally unrelated. mission critical will be defined as bubba being able to watch porn without drops
yea i dont even think ill be monitoring this thread anymore, why do people even post here anymore? all the posts are garbage and im pretty sure only 1 out of 5 of them are actual people.
fuck this shit, the internet is dead.
No. You are the shill. Or just stupid. Destabilising our trust in the government and the public. Hope they get you one day.
real schizo hours 👀👌👌👌👌👌
the average joe can barely operate facebook and criminals have yet to carry out a major cyber attack on infrastructure despite it being software-defined and networked for decades
oh nevermind you're retarded
Let's see. If the OP, who doesn't provide the slightest sources, is correct regarding the wavelength and the application of this technology in airport scanners.
Then at the very least the System could use this network combined to AI to detect any concealed weapon.
In airports, these devices allow the guards to see the flesh of people without the clothes, so wearing a mask would become utterly pointless too.
That and perhaps with a tuning of frequency, I don't know, unlocking the capacity to target specific people over a prolonged period of time to induce illnesses, perhaps sterilization, but that would need to be checked with sources.
Also, in order to push the 5G network into a global city-cover ADS, the frequency would need to be changed.
It must be understood that there is no consumer request for such a network. The former generations aren't even maxed out and haven't even had time to make enough money.
Think of it. Companies will need to spend money for updating the network and installing new antenna sets.
In sheer capitalism, you'd stick to 2/3G and profit from it for decades before even trying to move on to a greater generation.
Let's have links baby.
We need to document that too if it is that panopticonish.
If true, think how frightened they must be
it seems very possible to use 5G and adequate antennas to get the same result as a en.wikipedia.org
what do you find weird or false in what I have said?
1/8" of lead liner in the clothing. To disable the device easily, throw a heavily leaded solution + paint onto the components. If properly coated you have just lined the vehicle with lead disabling its radio weapons, cameras, and possibly communications.
I would be more worried about blinding lasers /deafening speakers. One exposure and you're crippled for life, good luck with the protest next after tending to all the fuckers that are now blind and deaf.
Fine by me, only niggers and spics walk around in public with illegal drugs and guns anyways. If it means faster internet and more niggers in prison I consider that a win/win
These threads usually end up anchored at least.
Makes sense, they quit doing stop and frisk because it was to anti shitskin. Remember people Trump is dismantling the prison system as we speak we are getting less law and order not more.
yeah, a bit like those quaint and vaguely terroristic shit like "free-speach" and "encryption", right?
here is a very incomplete list of what can be done with microwaves at 5G frequencies
note that everything that can be done at lower frequencies can anso be done with 5G, the table is additive downwards
the very interesting bit is "molecular rotational spectroscopy"
this is the frequency range where EM energy can be used to vibrate complex molecules, and either heat them, destroy them or prevent them from reacting easily with other chemicals because they are busy vibrating/spinning and can't react chemically with molecules that don't have the same spin
unhoslter your weapon and point towards temple, you glow in the dark faggot
5g is bad not because it "strip searches" you from hundreds of feet away as the (((OP))) claims.
5g is dangerous because it introduces random psychosis into a population.
5g is dangerous because it causes miscarriage.
5g is dangerous because it causes cancer.
5g is dangerous because it causes sterility in both men and women.
5g is dangerous because it causes dangerous mutations in progeny still in utero.
5g is dangerous because it causes a number of other significant health side effects.
5g IS NOT dangerous because it's a fucking strip search tool.
lol you are even more cringe than the OP
Fuck off kike.
It's a figure of speech, seek treatment for your autism
actually, this is false, it can be used to induce deliberate and carefuly chosen brain dysfunctions in a selected individual
by inducing a blocking of specific neurotransmitter capture within the synapses
exactly the same process as SSRIs or neurotoxins or any number of psychoactive drugs, except with EM waves at the right frequency to vibrate the right molecules, instead of a chemical compoud that interferes with the ordinary biological process
can you be a bit more specific about what you find "cringey" in modern physics?
dude, it is dangerous because of ALL OF IT
5G is a weapons system masquerading as a communications system. It can even kill humans and animals. research embassy health attacks.
Fake and gay. That was a made up story to put pressure on China for trading with Iran and "oppressing" Muslim Chinese
Fuck that tin-foil hat OP, better get a full suit of armour
KFC has you covered
Reminder that CM wants these kinds of boomer schizo posters on Zig Forums to dilute discussion and divert attention away from actual problems.
Not to mention they are to dumb to use any add blockers.
Why did the NYPD stop doing stop and frisk? Because it was anti white lol?
Don't threaten me with a good time
nope, whenever you are within range of a phone tower, no need of phone
and being able to fry selected parts of it, the "staring" is inconsequential. It will be made by machines anyway
for a "good-goy" enough value of good
the system is far more advanced than that, it can be utilized for behavior modification. this is why it is being rolled out free of charge, imagine a system that lets advertisers read and edit the electrical signals going through your your neo cortex in subtle ways, and those are just the benign applications.
I thought those were shunted off to the side because they showed your peepee.
user, I..
One of these days there will be a better Zig Forums with actual moderation somewhere.
This poster has some interesting info though