The 14 words first nothing else Zig Forums doesn't reflect that stop being angry and breed you faggots. I love my people you guys are smart and able. Where are your families? Stop bitching and produce kids
The 14 words first nothing else Zig Forums doesn't reflect that stop being angry and breed you faggots...
I already have a wife and two kids, dumb nigger.
good job
pls make more
No, I have a boy and a girl, I am good. I did my part. How about you?
Ok why aren't you leading this movement I am not a nigger I am an Irishmen
I can't force other anons to have children but I do agree with your sentiments… However I think you'd probably be surprised at how many here already have some as well
Why? you can't be 14 if you want your people to kill themselves
You would breed an irish woman they are top notch
I had 3 kids with a negro, is that okay
I probably would but I am in the US and already have a wife… Which leads me to ask again, have you done your part? Have you bred any Irish women?
Not even replacement level. You did jack shit.
I don't mean to come off combative but Zig Forums is so blackpilled and negative. Where is the optisism we are going to win
If I recall, Tarrant quoted statics saying white women needed to have 2.06 children… I have 2, how the fuck do I have .06? The blood and tissue from my wifes period?
Golly jeepers, I wonder where that politically incorrect thread about immigration went? All we have in its place is abusive pretendy dreartimes about racism! This is totally mandatory for the slaves who rule this place! Nobody here is to think too much of their own thoughts or have truth, no siree. There’s something downright subversive about posting something as true as immigration lowering crime!
You can drop rape rates by legalizing prostitution, too. Prostitution revolts sexually conservative men, making them less likely to immigrate, more likely to emigrate, and more likely to get caught if they commit a rape. Oh yes, more likely to get caught! Sexual conservatives are far more likely to commit rape!
As I said.
Look nigger, I can't do all the work for you. How many fucking kids do you have?
i am not a breeder because of my flaws i am a solider for the 14
I'm a zoomer. How many kids did you have at age 17?
Huh? What kind of flaws? You mean you can't find a girl to fuck you?
None. I'm in my 30s now, had kids in very early 20s… But I am willing to bet anything you won't have more than 2 if you have any at all.
Get your dick wet for the first time before telling me I haven't done my part, boy.
How about you kill yourself, you honourary boomer.
Go back to 4cucks, underage faggot.
I have autism and i am a sociopath yes i am a failure zoomer plan find your girl and breed our people need you
You got it. I'm sure as hell not going to end up like 6b26a1.
You're making it sound fetish-y and I don't like it.
This thread is bad and you should feel bad for making it.
My parents made 7 I want to at least make 4 German Hungarian French Scottish amerimutt
Survival is a fetish now ok
I've got three boys faggot, and they all know how to shoot and hate the jew.
You do realize that their mass production scheme will end with the biosphere being polluted beyond repair, right? Two kids is fine. Developing a biological weapon to target the infested shitholes is next on my to-do list.
Sorry to piss off the board but Zig Forums is not helping young people with this message we need encouragment for our young men
we are losing the breeding battle