when will they stop butchering their own terminology??
Words don't mean anything anymore
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It's a slander tactic:
Step 1, Create a boogeyman (like the "alt Right")
Step 2, Slander and discredit boogeyman
Step 3, Associate your enemies with boogeyman
Step 4, Watch as guilt by association magic happens.
Yeah hey. They can't foil me though. That's why the apologist tactics I see from Ardern and such in the eyes of the shooting make me feel unwell. They have such little faith in their identity and feel so small from these tactics, they feel they must apologise simply for being white.
White guilt is the most pathetic trait in leftists. Do they not realise they give the "oppressed" sandlads exactly what they want by feeling guilty.
are you a potato?
ethnically, yes
The Alt-Right was just a joke, that got media traction.
Those "leaders" were self appointed. Nobody voted for a Jewish Shill to be the "leader" of the Alt-Right.
At best, it was a joke gone viral, that people thought they could profit from.
At worse, a government controlled psyop that didn't produce the right wing terrorist they so desperately wanted.
Fatal flaw is that if any term is overused in broad way, it eventually loses its original meaning and renders its effect inert. Eventually people stop caring about being called buzzword of the day.
I wrote something to spread to normalfags a while ago, but neglected to finish it or properly organize it, so I'll dump it here instead.
What is the "alt-right"?
That is the exact question I faced when I first heard a news outlet mention the term.
To this day the general public doesn't seem to understand the full meaning of "alt-right". To some, it's a group of internet losers, to others it's fascists, and to even more it's Nazi Trump supporters.
Therein lies the problem with the term "alt-right". It's a word with a nebulous meaning, something uncharacteristic of words absorbed or created by the English language.
In order to come to an understanding as to the true purpose and meaning of "alt-right", you'll need knowledge of certain events, articles, or overall attitudes by various groups of people.
The first, and one of the most humourous events that comes to mind is Rick Wilson's pitiful diatribe. Broadcast on January 1, 2016, Rick Wilson attempted to rally his followers by saying:
Step 1) Get enormous payment from the Left
Step 2) Announce on Zig Forums you're gonna do something rather than commiserate w/ other Zig Forumsacks.
Step 3) Actually do it
Step 4) Profit
Please ignore potential double spacing, I'm copying from a text file.
Fast forward to April 18, 2016, and the Vox Media headline: "What happens when white supremacy is bitten by a radioactive monarchist spider? Meet the alt-right."
As you can tell from these first two events, "alt-right" was, and continues to be used to join disparate groups within Donald Trump's voting base.
If you were to investigate the various subgroups that are described as "alt-right", you would see that nearly all of them are some type of classical conservative. Republican, Libertarian (limited government republican), Constitutionalist, National Socialist, Traditionalist, Fascist, and many more are all lumped together under one term.
What does "alt-right" even mean?
"alt-right" becomes "alternative right" when split and unabreviated. What's alternative about any of the political ideologies I've mentioned? Are they edgy like "alt-rock"? Are they gay like those alternative scene boys?
Or are they alternative to the current false dichotomy of the Republican and Democrat parties?
When something is labelled as alternative, it's implicitly being described as "less". Maybe it's in reference to the target's capabilities or acceptability; either way, it's being classified as abnormal.
In this case, "alt-right" is the media's response to political viewpoints deemed unacceptable by their dogma.
The best way to test this hypothesis is to see if current year media outlets label The Founding Fathers as "alt-right".
kill them
kill all journalists
end the lies
1: No Compromise
One of the core tenants of current year politics is the necessity of compromising, reaching across the isle as they put it, to achieve any goal. To draw a line in the sand against anything not approved by the media is sacrilegious, so wholy unacceptable that it means the end of your political career.
All of the groups blanketed by the term "alt-right" want someone to draw the line, as seen by the spread of the phrase "BUILD THE WALL". This obvious rallying point is a physical manifestiation of the act of drawing a line in the sand. In this case, it's a line in the sand against demographic suicide and ethnic replacement.
2: No Mercy
For too long the American people have been told to take mercy on criminals and foreigners.
Send $129,808,527,000 dollars to Israel! They're our greatest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East!
3: The exposure of blatant lies by private citizens.
Some of these are little lies, half truths, or bent words. None the less, they are all lies.
Questioning any of these lies, or telling the truth means you hold "racist, anti-Semitic and sexist views"
The most intelligent nexuses within the groups blanketed by the term "alt-right" are quick to identify these lies by asking the standard reporter questions: who, where, what, when, why, and how, then using a highly developed form of mental pattern recognition to sift through the garbage.
Who benefits? Where did this happen? What happened there recently, and when? Why are they saying this happened? How did the event occur? What is the timeline? Who are the witnesses? Where are the impartial observers (security cameras)?
4: Peace
The various groups blanketed by "alt-right" tend to be comprised of people who work towards peace through the minimal action necessary.
Do you want to cut crime by over 30%? There's no need to arm and train police as soldiers, just stop the crime at the borders.
If a political target is peaceful outside of recorded instances of violent provication, how can you spin them to be a murderous villain?
How do people referred to as "alt-right" behave in public?
Do they use words rather than violence?
Do they become violent as a means of aggression or defense?
Typically they use violence as means to defend themselves from violence.
This is a recent inclusion after the recent happenings
Were Brenton Tarrant's actions in defense of his people, or did he travel to the homeland of his enemies to kill them?
Yeah, but this method isn't a good one. It will eventually suffer the 'boy who cried wolf' thing. When everybody is a populist fascist no matter what they do, everybody will be.
You don't belong here, you fucking spud. Zig Forums is a rutabega supremacist board, now get the fuck out.
5: An Amorphous Blob
Who is the alt-right? They're Nazis and Libertarians and Green Party members! They're Russian agents posing as candidates in order to undermine our great democracy!
What does the alt-right stand for? They don't want immigrants! They're racists, anti-Semites, and sexists! They want small government! They want mass censorship of colleges and liberal news! They want to destroy the environment! They hate China because China stole jobs and pollutes!
There are very few options when fighting a horde unified by only a few immensly powerful goals.
You could attempt to battle the horde head on. David Brock attempted to do this during the 2016 presidential election using Share Blue and Correct the Record.
Various forum moderators and website owners did it for free.
Mayors allowed liberal rioters to attack the horde in various cities, and Chicago even allowed then Candidate Trump's rally to be shut down by rioters.
The horde was already immune to shills, and reconfigured itself to eliminate censorship violent or otherwise.
You could ignore the horde. That doesn't work when the horde gains power the longer it's allowed to exist.
You could warn people about the horde. Hillary Clinton tried to warn people at her alt-right speech on August 25, 2016.
And what happened? She looked like a fool screaming about a horde that nobody outside of the horde has seen or is equipped to comprehend.
Your only option when faced with fighting something that wins no matter what you do, is to subvert it's structure or the function of it's members.
Good, so stop playing and arrest the beaner fag at the motel.
The problem with the characteristics of the group as a whole is that the group is indescribably unacceptable.
They can't be sold as simple villains.
They can't be singled out effectively.
They can't be lied to.
Public opinion doesn't sway them.
The nature of it's targets, and the speed at which it was disseminated instantly indicated to me that "alt-right" is an engineered term.
In my words, an engineered term is any term whose definition is defined only after it's creation, while at the same time using cognative dissonance to elicit an emotion.
An example of an engineered term used within The United States would be "undocumented immigrant".
Any immigrant of The United States who does not have proper documentation is an illegal alien.
In this case, "undocumented immigrant" is used to illicit the response: "They're just like us, so we need to apply the laws of a legal citizen to an illegal alien.", and "They've broken no laws by living here!"
Unlike "engineered terms", natural words, terms, and phrases have definitions which exist in the minds of their users long before they're given form.
Ideas like "up" and "down" are exammples of this. A monkey or insect knows what "up" and "down" are, but are unable to form them in language.
Words never HAVE meant anything, OP
All that matters is duty done
Well done, user. Hopefully this will open the eyes of the less observant / intuitive.
Speech - the act of transferring meaning and information through vocal organism; language.
Lying - the act of causing an effect through language emulation.
Language, borders, symbol, faith, currency, leadership - the things meant to unify us.
In conclusion:
Newfriends can learn about the alt-right and what it stands for by reading these helpful posts:
nobody is buying your bullshit sand nigger
I don't even have that many nat soc pepes on my computer haha.
Well done well doneing user. Hopefully this will open up to more well dones.
An important and oft overlooked mission of our enemy is to defile our language. Language is incredibly important, and English is, or at least was the most diverse and expressive of all languages allowing speakers to convey all manner of meanings which in turn allowed them to perceive of the world in a more thoughtful, knowledgeable and broad way. This gives the speakers the ability to more fully comprehend what is going around them, it allows them to be able to have vastly more categories to put something in, to understand something more clearly.
There is a deliberate attempt by our foes to reduce language as much as possible. It started with simple things like 'envy' and 'jealousy'; jealousy is supposed to mean that you feel pride/devotion/protectiveness/loyalty/vigilance over something that belongs to you. God being 'jealous' was a positive thing, it showed that He was loving and devoted and willing to fight for what belonged to Him. Envy meant to covet/desire something that you cannot have, evoking feelings bitterness and spite, as well as contempt for the rightful owner. Today the two have been reduced to meaning more or less the same thing, with there notably not being a 'positive' word to convey a desire for something that belongs to you.
We see this play out on a much broader level today with words like 'nazi', 'fascist', 'alt-right' as well as 'socialism', 'tolerance', 'diversity' and 'equality'. None of these words mean what they used to, they are all largely abstract terms that broadly mean 'something good' or 'something bad'. All nuance is lost, to the extent that many people today equate the word 'intolerant' with 'hate', and 'tolerance' with 'good'. To tolerate something must mean that you initially find it distasteful, and should it be revealed that we were only 'tolerating' homosexuals in the original meaning of the word; as in we find it to be something negative but put up with it anyway, we would no doubt today be called 'intolerant'; which just shows how degraded these words have become.
With the masses largely thinking in abstract black and white terms they have become very easy to control. It also works very well against the educated who would use the words properly. No longer can we refer to ourselves as 'jealous' or 'intolerant' in a positive way, for those words will be understood by prospective allies as meaning little more than 'petty and hateful'.
The degradation of our language is near certainly one of the primary objectives of the great enemy. We should make an effort to bring back the true meaning of these words. The common normalfag likes to believe itself enlightened and still virtue signals about their high regard for literature; we should abuse this by force-feeding them the true meaning of words and making them realise the often negative aspects of their approved new speak, whilst showing the positive aspects of those terms used most often to demonise us.
Positive reinforcement is like a fight against the negative subliminals.
And this is the real tactic. Not calling someone a fascist, but associating them with an exaggerated, often imagined boogeyman. And then they have to denounce them. Giving no time to talk about what you want and with the added benefit of constantly associating you with 'bad' things. So. Do you denounce boogeyman? Do you?
He looks like Ron perlman
I have to disagree with you on "nazi"
Projection is largely a liberal trait, but it owes it's existence to the jew.
The jew has a tendency to project the crimes and faults of itself onto it's enemies.
What better way to project, than to take the final piece of your people's name: Ashke"nazi" and use it to accuse your enemies of being the monsters you really are.
I'm absolutely not saying "they're the real nazis" like so many boomers.
I'm saying the jews created a boogeyman based off their racial characteristics, and their actions in the Slavic states.
If you know what you're doing, you can throw them off-script when they try that. Exercising sheer audacity is a powerful method against it if executed correctly. Complete deer in headlights response if you succeed, a career destroyer if not.
Wonderfully articulated, user. Made me consider how the impulse to apply generalisations and labels to everything was never really extricated from the instincts of the demoralised, whether or not they have cast off conventional religion and love to profess their unbiased enlightenment to us.
You should start a blog.
This, but unironically.
Oh, and if you aren't already familiar, philology is a very interesting and underrated area of study, which has spawned a few threads here and there.
If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. - Confucius, "The Analects of Confucius" (551 - 479 BC)
Is what they've been doing for 80 years straight smearing nsdap germany and hitler.
When you go around calling everyone Nazi, you will end up with a world filled with Nazis.
She needs to take some dick, she'd be less upset.
But is it worth it to make a blog for maybe 4 posts a year?
4 posts that maybe a few people view, and maybe a few people donate some cash, only for it to be inevitably shut down for bullshit reasons like whitelocust.
And those 4 posts would inevitably be drowned out in a sea of noise.
I toyed with the idea of selling my work to an online "news" source but didn't want to take part in that filth.
I could post a crypto address for rich anons, but even that doesn't sit well with me, because it's as bad as being a tripfag.
Certainly. It would give you far more time to take care in writing them, without any stress, and the output will more likely be at a quality that would still keep people checking that page every 3 months. Or if you feel your output is still not enough, consider contributing to smaller-name sites like Renegade, where re-hosting existing articles from elsewhere on the web is quite a simple affair.
With the pic I linked to (>>12494394), there is no known method of permanently removing the link to a page, with spending inordinate amounts of both effort and money - the most a party may be able to do is to go after your domain registrar, if you are using one. And assuming you're using a free one (e.g. Freenom), re-registering an address will only take a minute.
A sea of noise may obfuscate your message a little, but in a world where popular 'independent' media cannot even be trusted much of the time, we need all the help we can get.
One would need to apply legal pressure to an untold amount of gateways that could each be in any country. And even then, you could just use a local gateway.
Why not just start referring to kike babies as hoooolacouasssst survivors then?
Alt-Right never existed. It's like the whole "Nazi" thing. There aren't any Nazis left in the world. The few people who might have been in that party are very old germans.
There might be actual fascists out there, but you'd never know because that word has been abused to the point of absurdity. It's not like socialism/communism where they are constantly attempting to implement collectivism every chance they get.
When we do get into a new movement, it will have a new name that we define, not that our enemies give us.
It means whatever they want it to mean in the moment. It seems like half the time you're arguing with someone they are using an entirely different dictionary. There is the objective definition and then there is muh feels.
Rev up those ovens.
Great summary. I saw a series of long posts and thought it was going to be another effortpost about muh altkike boogeyman. This is pretty much entirely accurate.