This is not a phase 2 and this doesn't have anything to do with whether the Holocaust was real or not...

this is not a phase 2 and this doesn't have anything to do with whether the Holocaust was real or not, to the general public, it is going to be real and as the anniversary comes up, that reality is going to be reinforced either way, so the best thing to do is to manipulate that truth to our advantage or for the honks, it's fun. This is what shitposting is essentially about: to sway the lies or the truths by turning it on its head. It's in the bagelniggers' nature to out themselves because they need their victim status

it's peak shitposting with great potential to rustle some jimmies of all sides or walks of life. It's making it impossible for the jew to remain hidden in plain sight: you speak up because you don't want to lose your victim-card, or remain silent and admit to white genocide.

Chaotic neutral isn't pushing it one way or the other, it's just disarming the jew of their weapon, which is to be the victim.
This is simple and seemingly unbiased, just concerned about human life in general and that's what makes it effective and good.
People freaking out about how this is admitting to the Holocaust having happened are still playing along because this is probably/hopefully going to spark fact checking and discussion and if it was "just white people" who were killed anyway, maybe it wasn't that many after all
Shitposting Royale

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's impossible to directly challenge it. but INDIRECTLY you can. these posters are BAIT. it will confuse people when they first read it, it will produce weird emotions and thoughts that will stick with them and make them think about jews ethnically, why someone would even make this. it's a culture jammer.

also if it picks up steam it will force jews in the press and academia to respond to it. they will either have to say that unequivocally jews ARE white or NOT white. if they ARE white then the holocaust isn't about ethnic jews being genocided but just a religious WHITE group. if they say they AREN'T white then that will redpill many normies who will then realise they are a complete, distinct ethnic group that are not a part of the white ethnic group.

it's a lose/lose situation, depending on if it picks up steam and can't be ignored by jews.

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"White" is a jew-invented term which intentionally falls short in creating a distinction between Europids and jews, whilst at the same time creating an artificial division between the light-skinned and dark-skinned caucasoids.

The jew-controlled media has made efforts to convince you to call yourself "white". Following that it has made efforts to convince the world that "white" is bad.

Why would you want anyone to use the term "white" then?
Why would you want to lend any sort of legitimacy to the minefield of lies which is the holocaust?

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But they seem to enjoy being white sometimes

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As do you, it would seem, jew.

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What is more jewish, taking a stab at sitting up the holocaust as the anniversary comes around, or defending it?

Who are people going to listen to, the guy who is selling the same talking points that have been successfully subdued for over half a century, or the guy who are blaspheming their greatest accomplishment?

A good angle to do in leftist circles is to state that the reason the holocaust is focuses on so much is because it was a genocide of white people, and then ask why the genocides of non-white people aren't more well known.

Here are some examples you can roll with that can be useful for various reasons

Muslims Afghans killing Sikh's. Also interesting in its own right because the Sikhs would fight a famous battle while under the command of the British against these Afghans about 100 years later. Useful because it throws a wrench in whole British Empire being the ultimate evil thing

Pakistan genocides Bengalis for siding in a war on India's side in order for Bangladesh to secede.
Pros: Fuck Pakistan
Cons: Kissinger directing US foreign policy tried to cover it up because India was getting cozy with the Soviets and he was sucking up to China who supported Pakistan. Kissinger also indirectly supported Pol Pots genocide in Cambodia for reasons of driving a wedge between China and the Soviets. Focusing on how these things were related to courting China can potential deflect if Leftists start trying to blame this on whites like they do with the Rwandan Genocide claiming it was the belgian's fault. (In regards to that, Hutu's and Tutsis were class based distinction, it is not like the Belgians invented the two groups, they already existed beforehand, and Leftists support killing aristocracy so tell them that the Rwadan Genocide was merely an African version of the French Revolution or Russian Revolution where the aristocracy was killed. Ethiopia was had a monarchy, but when the Derg Communists took over they started something Ethiopian law considers the Red Terror the Dergs perpetrated a genocide but international law does not because commies)

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To deflect accusations that the Rwandan Genocide was Belgium's fault, you can argue that the un-colonized Ethiopia had a red terror that Ethiopian law considers to be a genocide but international law does not since those killed were based on class or whatever. You can argue that had some colonial power declared the upper classes to be their own ethnic group, then the world would have considered the events in Ethiopia genocidal. State that African's overthrowing their artistocracies was something that was going to happen regardless of colonialism due to communist influence

Ethiopian Red Terror:

Now remeber the point of bringing attention to these genocides of non-whites is not to try and pin the blame for these genocides on non-whites, but rather I am listing these in particular because blaming whites for them is difficult unless they are a well informed leftist. Ideally looking for who to blame is not what anyone should be doing in this context, because the focus should be on the victims, who are non-white, and contrasting it to the victims of the holocaust who are white, and then getting people to wonder why so much focus is place on the holocaust.

On the side benefit however these unknown genocides of non-whites on non-whites does help though as it helps dispel the "white people are the source of all problems" myth

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came across a website claiming to be "the voice of the real black left" or something along those lines, and they were Rwandan Genocide deniers because the Tutsi leader after he took over the country ended up ruling the country as a vehicle for American Imperialism in their eyes.

Here is their website if you are interested.

Pic Related is the Congo War and how Rwanda made Congo their bitch to get an idea of what they are talking about. It is quite interesting to here their perspective on things. It seems like the Tutsis are the Jews of Africa lol

Some more genocides you can use are the Dzungar Genocide, perpertrated by QIng China with the help of Uighurs

Relevant with the Uighur conflict. Part of me thinks the only reason that we have enough information on this to call it a genocide is that it plays into the CCPs desire to weaken the claim the Uighurs have on Xinjiang, as the Uighurs were used as shock troops. I certainly believe that China commited lots of genocides, but the fact that this one in particular has enough information about it is because the CCP is publishing it. I think that the Qing perpertarted lots of genocides but that only this one is being dug up by the Communist Party because it is useful to them. But don't take my word for it because I am engaging in tin foil hat mode about it. It is useful because it is called a genocide though so it plays into the narrative of ignored genocides.

Next is the Assyrian Genocide

The Armenian Genocide was also included a genocide of Greeks and Assyrian Christians. Assyrians aren't that well known in the west, but their genocide is useful because they are another people who claim descent from antiquity like the Jews, but they are brown middle easterners so we barely hear about their genocide

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Not obvious at all.

So they spent some money on the shilling but it's still insultingly stupid.
Fucking clown world.


Yeah, people don't believe your lies any more. You can create as many threads as you like. Your tricks are few and we see them every day.

That's actually true though, the Tutsis are the Kikes of Africa.

iam not the threader xD chill goy

The Holocaust Happened

jews arent white.
fuck off back to cuckchan.

Hutus did nothing wrong!

if jews say they are white:
another aspect of white privilege bla bla, what about non-white genocide

if jews say they are non-white:

imagine seeing a load of jews arguing on twitter on whether or not they're white or not.

normies will see this confusion and a portion will start looking into this. some prominent figures who take on the JQ somewhat fairly like molyneux and owen benjamin will almost certainly weigh in and get more attention.

jews will be forced to choose between white-status or losing the specific ethnic victimhood status of the holomeme. it's perfect

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Definitely has potential. Don't be deterred, keep floating this, things can take a while to catch on and don't let angry or (worse) absurd responses draw you in, and then tire you out.


Jews are not white.

Great idea! We should cut off our foreskins and start racemixing too, that way they’ll be less suspicious before DOTR!

nice font