If there are 5 per 100 people, everyone applauds how diverse the community is

If there are 5 per 100 people, everyone applauds how diverse the community is.

At 5-10% there is an occasional spike in loudness, but it's usually isolated and brief.

People are usually too embarrassed to say anything, and it temporarily abates.

At 10-20%, disturbances rise dramatically. People occasionally hear loud hip-hop music from a passing vehicle, yelling, and fighting– usually later & later at night, as an outgoing signal of rising 'diversity' in the community.

At 20-30%, the loudness & behavior is so disruptive that well-meaning families begin to stop going to certain public areas. Fights occur to establish dominance, and fights between females occur in parking lots, usually over a male.

At 30-40% minor public incidents give way to more serious crimes, and somewhere in the community the first felonies occur, targeting the elderly or defenseless.

Reaching 40-60% we see an atmosphere that is so loud, dangerous, & unpredictable that it interferes with peaceful activity. At this stage people's gut sense of "safety" in the community is eroding. Anticipating the unexpected starts to factor into simple decisions like going to the store or getting into one's car.

At 60-75% you can expect covert drug use, and concealed guns. Good and decent families are moving away. At this stage loud bass thumping from cars is now an advertisement for illegal drug sales.

Now, at 75-85%, walking down the street is a risk. We find hair-trigger, unprovoked violence, usually targeted against those of other races. Calls to 9-1-1 demonstrate slower & slower response times. Local businesses deteriorate, as does the general condition of the neighborhood. The last of the liberal, die-hard families vacate the community they have cherished for decades.

At 85-95%, the public institutions in the area (schools, libraries, etc.) slowly wither from lack of use. Consumer places (food stores, day-care centers, etc.) show graffiti & territorial gang signs, and gang membership now outweighs the number of non-gang people. Drug sales & prostitution are open and obvious. A gunshot is heard every week. All businesses which are still in operation (liquor stores, stereo wholesalers, etc.) have bars on the windows.

Once a population of 95-100% is reached, there is debris everywhere. A large number of dwellings are ruined or burned-out. At this stage, the economy of the community is nearing total collapse, and good jobs do not exist. Emergency services infrequently patrol for fear of risking officers' lives.

The name of the neighborhood is now synonymous with violence & gangs.

At this stage the spread of this condition bears characteristics similar to the unchecked spread of a virus, and adjacent communities begin to show signs of following suit.

And last but not least;

Are you the bear, or the boar? And did the screaming help?

Attached: realpolitik.mp4 (1920x1080, 11.44M)


I've brought up 3 kids.
I always move at stage 1

Where will you move when there are no communities left to run to?

Remember that Jews are doing this to us. The Jewish Zionists have declared war on the white race in Russia, America and now in Europe. The clouds have been unsuccesfull in fading away the truth, but the truth will succesfully fade away the clouds. You challenged the law of nature, hihi.

"You always move"
Rather just create strong children, user.

What about an Amish-style rural community with no or little technology?

This is a fair question. I will have no choice but to fight, but that will have to wait until my children are independent

I have given my children the best start that I could given the resources and information I had. I never wanted to strengthen them by bringing them up around non-white scum. They are red-pilled enough to understand the dangers that lie ahead

dont wait, if we lose theyll end up cucks anyway. theyll respect you more for fighting if we win and they will understand when they get older.

dad of the year imho

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They need me now, it is a fact of life. A father dead or in prison never works out well for children. Sometimes the best contribution you can make is bringing up the next generation well

It's funny because it's true


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since when? 2011?

excuse me, imagine that I didn't type since

This is at least 5 years old and makes no allowances for the concentration of mudslimes in major cities where the effect is magnified.
However, it remains an easily digestible redpill

Underrated post.
Needs a bump.

did we already do this thread


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