Modest woman's clothing, woman's modesty and sexual purity thread

I think that Christians, atheists and LARPagans call all agree : Women are dressing as little as literal Whores and that it has an extremely bad effect on society, leading to the ultra-sexualisation of the society, leading to degenerate sexually promiscuity (((hookup culture))) and thus corrupting men and women and destroying the foundation of marriage and procreation.
We also can agree that women are being more and more "entitled", more and more masculine and degenerate, and less and less submissive,quiet and modest. We have to thanks (((cultural Marxism))) and (((feminism))) for that.
So I propose this thread so that we can talk and share pics on why it's important for women to dress modestly (with a lot of clothes), how hookup culture is harmful to the entire family structure in society, how women ought to behave, pictures of well dressed women, about sexual purity for both men and women and the purpose of sex (not orgasm and pleasure but procreation inside of marriage), …

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The best clothing for European women is our own folk-dress.
It is stylish, modest, yet beautiful and connects us all spiritually with our ancestors.

European Folk-culture is the best Folk-culture. All else pales in comparison.

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I think you are right. Women should always wear dresses…Always.

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It's as if being bullied in school wasn't enough for this masochist.

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In my experience modern women who dress more modestly and appear as more innocent are even bigger whores than the obvious whores.
Obvious whores are trash or average at best and have no self esteem, so they go out of their way to behave and dress trashy for attention. And it gets them attention, but it all ends there because the men who give them attention most of the time don't see them as anything more than that. Now the more modest ones are usually prettier and have more self worth and recognize that men like that but expect more out of men and are more vicious underneath all that. Of course there must be some decent women out there (usually in rural areas under strong male authority) but don't assume they're good just because they appear nice.

In a superior type of society, fundamentally the driving force behind enforced women modesty is essentially an ascetic aspiration. If men were perfectly spiritual by birth, there would be no need for it, but they aren't, and they know the power matter and especially sexual lust has to drag one away from God/Being. Thus Men, oriented towards God/Being, essentially make sure that said material distractions are reduced to minimum, but since women are nevertheless needed and cannot be removed completely, this comes down to a removal of woman from public spheres as much as it is possible, and if not, at least to a minimization of their carnal and non-carnal power to corrupt the spirit.
The decline of a society and the sexualization of men and the public sphere go hand in hand.

I don't think atheists can understand or conceive this properly outside of some particular secondary practical consequences.

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How about this…it is none of your business what I wear. None of your business what other women wear. You want to live around fully clothed women because you have no PERSONAL SELF CONTROL?

"That file already exists!" thing is really annoying. Sometimes, you can't post a picture because some dude posted the same pic than you 3 months ago on a thread that refuses to die.

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Keep quiet woman.

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Hello,I see people are mostly posting pics here but I have one question and help from you guys.So,if I want to stay clean until my marriage is that beta male and cowardly?Because,in my country when I would say things like that,people would just laugh at me and make fun of me,but I really have wish to accomplish that goal and to be same like my ancestors were.Tell me what you think guys,and btw this thread is awesome.

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Make me…oh that is right, you can't. How about you learn to control your mind instead of acting like a stupid nigger?

The purpose of sexuality is intercourse open to procreation inside of marriage to raise children in a strong and stable society. So men and women ought to be virigin and sexually pure when they marry and then, have many and many fruitful sexual intercourse and have many and many children.
Don't listen to guillible men who have been mislead to think that to be an ultra sexually degenerate """chad""" is good, it is not good, it is extremely corrupting to both men and women and it leads to catastrophic consequences, the kind of situation we are living in right now thanks to decriminalization and the sexual liberation.
See the pics above.

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How EXACTLY hypocrite, is this thread supposed to accomplish this for you? This is retarded. CONTROL YOUR MIND AND STOP TRYING TO CONTROL OTHERS!


Nothing will ever be good enough for you and you will eventually end up just like a sand nigger in a repressed and psychotic state due to your inability to exert some self control.

Listen to this user. He is your friend.
As a former somewhat degenerate, I can tell you with certainty that having sex with many women is a fleeting pleasure leaving nothing but the same inner emptiness the next day.

This thread reminds of the perhaps a little too ambitious meme campaign I came up with last year. Too ambitious in the sense of, I didn't think this would actually catch on yet.

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Honestly, most of us don't have a problem of self control unlike the the rapefugees.
It's just that constantly seeing women wearing clothes like belts that barely cover their genitals instead of shorts kind of kills the attractive traits. Whenever a woman exposes her body, nothing happens inside the brain any more. Exposing female parts doesn't mean anything at all. I'm not sure if it's just me but I get zero sexual urges as I used to as teenager when I see female nudity. And I'm only in my 20's. I completely accepted the message "she doesn't dress that way to please you". At least I'm unconsciously doing my part in helping women having a world where they're aren't objectified


Here's something you don't know. Seeing scantily clad young women arouses men subconsciously. It's a hardwired biological reaction. The prostate is stimulated and tenses/inflames with subconscious arousal.

Repeated prostate arousal of this kind is a major cause of prostate cancer. So when I'm walking around town and every single woman is wearing skintight leggings or jeans, every single one of them is increasing my, and every other man's, risk of prostate cancer.

So yes, it is my business. And it's not about self control, it's about men and womens biological reactions to each other. We are sexual creatures.

Our brains are wired to notice these things, below our conscious control. Fertile asses swinging around in front of my face, catch my eye before I'm conscious of them, just like moving things in the woods catch my eye because I evolved to be a hunter. If I notice, and don't look, it's already too late. We notice sexy bodies before we can think not to look. This not only contributes to cancer, but it halts reasoned thought and creativity. It's part of how young men become massively oversexualised. We're constantly being drip-fed arousal, whether we want it or not.

I can't walk around town in nothing but trunks, even though I would like to in summer, because it would scare women. I recognise my physical body has a certain power. It's a consideration for others not to flaunt it and intimidate people. Your body has a physical power too, to distract and charge men up sexually. But you have no consideration for others, you just want attention and to be able to do whatever you want, and everyone else has to accomodate you because you're a self absorbed cunt.

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A few weeks ago I saw a Chinese couple in a Walmart parking lot. They'd obviously just got here and were wearing a very different style of clothing than Americans, much more modest, like . A UFO could have landed right there and it would have looked less out of place than they did. Truly bizarre. You just don't see that here. But it really put into perspective how much of a negative effect degenerate "fashion" has on burgers in particular.

Get the fuck out, whore. You want equality with men? You have it.

Except, in a man’s world you aren’t entitled to our respect just because of your vagina - which is nothing to be proud of considering it’s been ravaged by every penis within 100 miles of your campus. You’re nothing more than a self propelled rotten coin slot that gets pummel-fucked by Tyrone every night. You have no value or redeeming quality besides being a sex toy, and even that won’t last much longer.

Enjoy your depression and suicide at age 30. Now go make me a sandwich.

Men who want to protest women dressing like sluts, should walk around in public in nothing but trunks.

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clothed girls turn me on more than naked girls


There sure are a lot of Muslims promoting Sharia in this thread.

Corsets and ankle length skirts please and a modest hair covering.

Yeah, let the cunts try to complain about having to see Cletus's sweaty rolls as he walks, or trying to shop and getting instinctively frightened by all the topless tattooed thugs hanging around.

Men get instinctively turned on by girls in tight clothes, let's see thots "just look away" or "control themselves" when they are instinctively frightened.

This whole board is an islamofascist board user. I thought everyone knew that at this point. Here is the rundown in case you didn't. Zig Forums used to be a small web site…their largest board was /islam/, then the islamofascist kikes/turks thought that since the NEOCohen islamofascist destruction of the democratically elected government by nazis (really islamofascist/NEOCohens) has gone so well, meaning that drugs rape of children, sexual trafficking of MILLIONS due to OPEN BORDERS and pedophilia with their main clients (disgusting shitskins and niggers like OMAR, saudis, etc who want to rape underage European pussy or little boy asshole).

So they got rid of /islam/ because they couldn't attract Europeans and began again under the guise of European FAMILY VALUES like National Socialism. National Socialist Germany was 12 years not a slave to the kikes, which is why they gather the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET against Germany to destroy it forever…anyway the semites, being as clever as they are decided that they would make and PROTECT Zig Forums (that is the only way this board has survived) so that they could try and weave ISLAMOFASCISM into National Socialism and get the support of regular European men for an islamic globalist reign of terror that would have no president in history either before or afterwards for the reign of terror that they plan on implementing over the entire globe.

Just saying, you know threads like this one, that are KIKED THE FUCK UP TO THE HILT WITH SANDNIGGERS…well, there is a purpose for this…and it is fucking awful. This is the story of Zig Forums.
This is the story of this 'OP'.
This is the story of the NEOCohen ISLAMOFASCIST agenda.

*government of Ukraine by

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The problem isn't women, it's men. We made this, for generations men have neglected their fatherly duties. We have allowed women and strangers to raise our sons. A man should provide and take their boys along. They need to instill in them what it means to be a man. Fathers have now been absent for too long. Too many nights out with "buddies" drinking, too many nights after work spent in front of the TV, too many non-existent fathers who lay their sperm and walk away. We made it this way, we have allowed our children to grow up without fathers, without discipline, without instilling work ethic and pride. We have allowed our boys to grow up not knowing what a man is.

I think you mean too many fathers are dying on the treadmill user. Many fathers and mothers are financially present in their children's lives however, the (((labour world))) has created a separation between the children and their parents so that they can live off sustainable resources.

kek newfag

Fully agree, although the usual suspects have tried their hardest to encourage men to neglect fatherhood and the spiritual aspects of brotherhood by doing everything possible to beat men down into submission to the almighty kike bucks.

They have emasculated and destroyed our Aryan elders of the warrior and priest classes. We are the only elders we are ever going to have to right these wrongs. No one is coming to save us, except us.

Yeah. Let's create a new faction for your political RPG for fedora fags.

This is the biggest paradox between good economy and good parenting.

Obviously kids financed by welfare are not going to end good, but kids raised without parents bc their parents are too busy working 8-9 hours a day isn't ideal either, they have no concept of father figure and become impressionable to the first thing around.

Which by the way, also makes them without mother figure, on the sense it's just the person at best you have dinner with, that you spend 10-5% of your time with, and also end up without any concept of motherhood or womenhood and want to gf the first THOT in front of them, which obviously ends up in disaster.

The problem is that the binary choice of being raised by welfare or being wealthy family yet no parental figure has no easy solution.

No matter how much "family values" you have, it won't work due to literal separation of kids and parents because of workforce, exception being vacations and when they aren't separated, it's welfare-tier parenting which only generates more poverty.

No idea how to escape from this trap.

Dr E.Michael Jones talks about it, the solution would be a return to Moral Catholicism, with strict sexual morals and criminalization of sodomy and usury.
The goal is that by having a very pure and moral society, we can hold CEOs and industries accountable for their immoral behaviors (crappy wages).
The goal is to bring back the family wage (instead of the sodomy wage) where a man can earn enough money with one standard job to house himself,his wife and children and so that the woman can stay at home to raise the children and do homework, all of that with a confortable margin.
This is the goal, and this will boost marriage, procreation and happiness. Of course, we would have to exterminate feminism which is a double Jewish Plot to weaken and divide society between men and women and in order to double the work force and half the wages.
Here is a short video he did on this subject, about the "Wage of Sin", the sodomite wage.

We have also allowed this, we went along with commercialism. Everyone idealizes the wealthy, the materialistic, the shallow. One only needs to point to the Kardashians fame to realize this. The 60's played a big part in this, after the 50's costs started rising faster than wages, this forced both parents to work. Thus began the downward spiral and brought us to men wearing skinny jeans.

Pretty simple - women shouldn't work.

Ah yes. What replaced morality during the past 3 centuries are the passions of the higher beings shared with us who rule over us with an iron rod. His research basically confirms the freemasons's theory : "In order to rule over men you must turn them into animals through corruption".

This is a major part of it

Religion is not the answer, religion was designed to enslave. It's just another tool for control, and power.
We need to stop coddling those that offend, we need to teach our boys right from wrong, to stand up to those that would oppress, just look at that video in the NY Subway, that fuck kicked a 78 year old woman multiple times in the head and got. Not one man stepped in, no wonder women have turned to other means to help protect themselves, as we males have failed. We need to severely punish child abusers and rapists. They should be publicly hung, for all to see.

Even if women do not work, we still see the Father figure as a rare thing, which is an improvement over no parenting, the son has a better idea of what a woman is, but is still impressionable and vulnarable to any self destructive idea of manhood or masculinity due to only seeing Father on weekends and dinner time at best.

Christianity was "designed" to free people from sin, from people's passions, from people's urges/impulses and from people irrational lust for flesh, to avoid people being trapped by their sins, by their addictions, a little bit like "Brave New World".
So yes, Catholicism is the solution.

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* If you don't put hard and strict moral boundaries and sacred rules to a man and that you give him total "liberation" from the Moral Law, he will be enslaved by the powerful and he will be enslaved by his passions/urges and he will be utterly corrupted, sometimes more or less permanently.

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We have lost our tribal ways. We used to have a sense of community, to our neighbors. We used to hunt, and move in our community. It used to be strange for a child to move far away from the community that raised them. Now it seems strange for the children to stay. Commercialism has made it so our communities are dead, children have turned to social media for their tribe. To a wasteland of shit. I am all for shutting down all borders till we figure this shit out. Let us heal our communities, teach our children the value of rural America. The value of community and helping your people.
Stop throwing money overseas, fuck em, if they come to us we destroy them, burn them to the ground, and them come home, back to our communities.

No religion is never the answer. You keep wanting to join up with the serpent and then you wonder why you are still here, dead. I figure it will take someone like you hmmmm, maybe a million years to come to grips with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY rather than relying on the serpent to 'fix it' when he has no intention of 'fixing it for you because he loves having you as a slave.' You trust in men rather than in God and everything you propose and speak of is a reflection of this deadly logic. I should remind you that as part of Eve's punishment she was told that Adam would rule over her.

She was the ruler before she was cursed with having you rule over her…hahaha
Male leadership is so profoundly BAD that God considers it a curse on humanity

Faggot, the trick is to get a gril that doesn't want to be a thot and make her a young mom. Then send that bitch to work to make monies because she doesn't know how to parent; you do. Then your kids will be like the kids of old, without the jewry of religion. They will seek the glory of Odin instead.

Every time you call somebody an intel your only blaming yourself.

You truly are clueless, we live in a society, we aren't just individual atoms. Humans are a political and social creature, there is Social Order and Moral Order involved and if you let everyone do as they wish, it will lead to cultural suicide.

Kids growing with a paternal figure is good. The best thing would be a good balance of mother/father roles,

Lack of father leads to kid seeing the drug intakers at clubs as the "male model"
Lack of mother leads to kids seeing THOTs as "perfect women for emotional investment"

Not saying there's an obvious solution but at least let's recognize the problem.

What if you fell for Jewish propganda and defiled yourself already.

I am a man and had sex with 4 different women in my life. All of them…..hookers.

This was before I had any understanding of things and had any real values. I never was taught anything when I was young, my parents just left me to the Jewish vipers and decided to let me figure things out on my own because they believed it was immoral to force values/beliefs on me.

Zig Forums has been my real parent that has guided me to truth and I have been here for the past 2 years.

I just wished I came here when I was younger and learned proper values and my parents didn’t just leave me to the Jew vipers and normie civilization to fuck me up.

Every single day the pain from my mistake kills me. I only did what I did because I was so desperate to emulate the feeling of being loved and having a girlfriend, I felt so weird/abnormal and outcasted for being a lonely virgin wile everyone else had sex, girlfriends and social lives. I felt ostracized to the extreme for not being a part of normies culture. It eventually got to me and I caved at age 22 and made a dire mistake. I even made it 3 more time to chase that feeling of being with someone in hope it’d fix the crushing feeling of rejection and ostracism I had.

I only ever wanted a girlfriend/wife and to have kids when I was young. I felt like I would of been able to pair bond instantly if I was ever able to get a girlfriend at the time. Now I feel I fucked that up and will never get proper pair bonding now. My testosterone is low, my guilt high, my virginity ruined by gross hookers, just a shell of a human being that has been born in a cruel Jewish hellhole.

I should of been proud of being different then the normies and proud that I had not ruined by purity like all the normies. If I had Zig Forums as my mentor back then I would of been saved and maybe had a chance of raising a wholesome family with a nice wife.

I still do everything I can to help make mysel feel pure again so I can pairbond but it feels hopeless still because even if I do succeed in feeling pure again, all women last the age of 25 who is single already has had 10+ partners most likely.

My only chance in modern society is a 18 year old, but I am 25 and only getting older.

also leads to faggotery.

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Don't be so defeatist.

The average male who had sex with "tinder girls" is not that much better from male that has sex with hookers, so you're much less disadvantaged than what you think.

This is the paradox, finding out just how cornered you are actually increases your chances of sucess rather than decreasing them, assuming you can surpass the emotional drain of the discovery.

25 y.o. is plenty of time, assuming you can invest in yourself enough and keep trying to learn not only the old morals, but more importantly, to understand the old morals with their timeframe for extra points.

Plus with hookers you had the implicit deal of no bonding beforehand, there's plenty of burned out guys out there who more less gambled their emotions away on women who pretending to want a BF instead wanted to try the 30+ guys lifestyle.
Not trying to moralize the thot, more pragmatic to see it as a problem of lack of information/lack of gender figures while growing up leading to completly confused arrangements with opposite sex.

That is much more traumatic in terms of mental damage.

Thankfully the Brain/Mind are extremely resillient things, so there's always time to recover in those 2 paths, assuming you don't give up internally.

Good thread.
Does anybody have suggestions for modest clothing that's still modern looking? Traditional clothing is nice but my country doesn't have a traditional dress and I don't want to look like a tumblr woman who believes in magical crystals and cursing people with candles and shit. It can be hot here in the summer so long skirts and sleeves might not be the best idea.

Also what do you anons think is a good amount of makeup? Thot levels are obviously fucking atrocious but I think little amounts can look really nice. Any thoughts?

Checks out. Not going to say it is the only cause, but can be one of the causes for faggotry, or at least to open vulnerability to being indoctrinated by said groups.

i think that is nonsense. There is no inward progress through making surroundings more supporting. It is all about controlling your own creation, that which is happening within.

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I have always thought a little makeup and just standard clothing was hot. There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing Jean's or shorts down to mid thigh. You don't have to go drastic head to toe and not show ankle. Wear decent clothing without revealing your cooter, and your ass hanging out. If you wouldn't want your daughter wearing it, you shouldn't either.

There should be a balance between full puritan and full degen. Both are not for everyone.

Skirt more or less on knees level (either slightly above or slightly bellow) should be moderate ground.


Back to kikechan moshe.

i bet you drink and smoke too you gullible faggot

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There goes woman, proving to men everywhere once again that she deserves no right to participate in the public sphere.

Fuck off

Last time I checked we were talking about society, not ourselves. I can control myself just fine, but I have no control what other people do. No who else can control themself? You. Now quit kvetching and put some fucking clothes on.

Nice ad hominem. See them in every thread on the topic of women.

That's right goy. If you don't want your girls to get fucked by nigger cock at 13 you must be a muslim goy.

1st good thing: you are here.
I also recommend Zig Forums if you're open to faith.

This aside. The best you can do now is to be the best version of yourself. I am in a similar position; I lost my virginity with one girlfriend. Now I cannot offer my virginity to my wife so I intend to make it up by being the best man I can be physically and spiritually. That means that I cut down all masturbation and porn, work on gaining good job, read books, work out, I also go to church a lot and educate myself in faith. Like…the hole in my soul healed somewhat but I cannot offer what I do not have. I hope my future wife will appreciate what I do for her and our future familhy right now and that she will forgive that I do not offer virginity as a marriage gift.

So that;s my advice. I feel like this is all I can do right now. Of course along with not sleeping with another women and screwing them up, just waiting for the marriage.

Man I cannot wait.. I feel like I am ready yet…but the woman still is not around. More time for me to work on myself. But one gets weary of the search.

Great thread guys.
What we all need to do:
Create an immovable island in our souls that cannot be shaken by outside discrepances of modern degeneracy.
Leave tinder, instagram whores to losers who want to live for their hedonism.
Cultivate beauty, virtue an strength for the sake of your people and in the name of God. When you find hte right woman, commit fully to her, marry her, have as many kids as you can and grow them up so they will be fully grounded in tradition. Show respect to your ancestors and continue your blood line the way they did. Be strong, uncompromising. Do not get dragged into fucking whores because "muh pussy". Save your seed for the best woman, the flesh of your flesh, your other half.

Be the aryan man you want to see in the world. Your example will inspire others around you.

Start by dropping porn, masturbation and hookup now.

Whore confirmed

Goat fucker confirmed.

HAHAHAHA you think the kikes are going to allow you to live your dreamy fucking fantasies? LMAO…you don't know or understand the FIRST THING about their agenda…all those things you mention are 100% antithetical to their agenda. You are going to have to kill the semites before you are ever going to have a chance at living your 'dream'…it is baffling that you cannot see the trap that is set or that you think you have a future as long as kikes/semites/turks are on this planet.

Women dress like ladies at work (their boss is the alpha male of their life), like sluts for other women, like hobos for their man.

You know, redtexting your words doesn't make them louder. And even if it did, the loudest nigger is not always the rightest nigger.

As for the judgement of the semitic wargod, I don't give a shit. Jewish fiction should have remained in the middle east. But even if we take it seriously, your interpretation of the Torah is baseless. You're cherry picking verses to highlight and ignoring the rest. (((Yahweh))) was not trying to punish mankind by making men rule. He was putting Eve in her place for listening to a talking snake (which is dumb because Eve had no knowledge of good and evil so Yahweh is being a faggot for whining about it but that's beside the point)
Nothing in the legend of Genesis even implies that Eve had any power over Adam before they ate the magical fruit.

God, the conversations religion makes me have. Here I am arguing over a story about a talking snake and a magical fruit.

The ladies of Zig Forums, apparently.

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jewess confirmed

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Ok, Hitler avoiding contact with women is retarded, he was married. I agree with everything else but that's bullshit.

And do you recall at what period of his life that he was married ?

No. I don't know what time that quote was referring to but it doesn't matter. He obviously had social contact with women. Family and friends.

If you can't control yourself, is that MY PROBLEM or yours?

Get yourself to a island or monastery. Let me try to explain it again so that your tiny brain can understand.




(this makes you a nigger BTW)











If YOU can't control YOURSELF, it is not a fucking random strangers problem, you fucking retards.

It's your problem when you get raped, whore. Nice how you keep making this personal though – very feminine of you. Now tits or GTFO, catlady

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A couple of niggers right here.

Do you niggers know what happens when I go into a grocery store?
I calmly select and pay for what I need, browsing for new and old products…
I do not need them to 'lock away the food' or put the food under special coverings so that I can't see it lest I

An user said that you get prostate cancer because you can't control your lust just walking around town; like you HAVE TO FUCK EVERYTHING (women, men goats, dogs little kids etc)…I hope that the prostate cancer kills you because pieces of shit like you are parasites you are you obviously don't belong in polite society (first world).

The image is both of you.

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Just stop dressing like a whore, that's all we ask.


No that is the first thing you ask that WE modify OUR BEHAVIOR for you rather than you MODIFYING YOUR OWN BEHAVIOR. I would ask you to MODIFY your own behavior instead. That is what will make you stronger and not weak.


People should לא ללבוש בגדים, IMHO.

the only point I can agree with you on is that hookup culture is bad for society. Its also bad for people's personal physical and mental health.

Der Mensch und die Sonne, by Hans Suren, was promoted by the NSDAP. The book advocated nude outdoor exercise.

The images therein contained nudity, and the book advocated for nudity, yet notice how the images are not pornographic in nature.

The NSDAP understood the human body as a thing of beauty to be admired.

The NSDAP understood healthy sexuality as natural, necessary, a wonderful and enjoyable aspect of life, and something to be encouraged. The purposes of sex are to build strong relationships between men and women and ultimately to reproduce: and as long as this is understood, sex is a great thing.

The purpose of women is to be good mothers and good members of society, not to be submissive, quiet and modest.

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Why must you ruin a thread and be a faggot, OP?