I'm honestly curious what's going through these peoples heads
Be norwegian teenager
What jewish teachers and media told them.
virtue signalling, what else
I was 15 too once in Europe, and when you are 15 usually every excuse is good to skip school and do something else.
So they get to skip school, and feel good about protesting something. It's a win win situation for the average modern "European", if they can be called so.
They will grow up someday
They're mostly women, so you answered your own question. Instead of doing actual work they'd rather virtue signal for (((social media))) points
Fucking hate protesting, most of the time its just fucking worthless.
Was this a global thing? A couple weeks ago here in my town in the UK they got school kids to do something similar.
Unless you do it right, skip the fluff and go right for the jugular.
It should be a crime for children to protest. They are too young and gullible. If they can't handle the responsibility of booze, they can't handle the responsibility of a protest.
Yeah fucking 3rd worlders producing
Teenagers need to be given legitimate causes to follow, otherwise they find their own cause and you end up with shit like OP.
Now how often do people even do that? Those cop shooting black protests are a bunch of nig at nogs walking around at night aimlessly screaming and breaking stuff. Almost every time I see a protest its pointless and doesnt do anything.
That is all that is really going through their heads.
>be (((Norwegian)))
trips of truth
Ok retard CO2 is an essential element that is REQUIRED for planet life to thrive on earth. There is no such thing as 'muh too much CO2', take a fucking biology class will you'. The only thing that might come of having too much CO2 would be that there is more algae in the ocean and that plants grow faster.
The reason that they harp on this is because they want all living things to DIE and they are pissed as fuck that the life cycle is continuing. Greenhouses pump supplimental CO2 into them just so that the plants grow larger and more vigorous producing larger and higher quality yeilds. If there is more CO2 available you might not become dependant on big agra and you might be able to feed yourselves so that they wouldn't have TOTAL CONTROL over all living things.
*plant not planet
The problem is that the country we are talking about has next to nothing in pollutants and is virtually clean. Yet we have a bunch of retarded women protesting. Did you know that the majority of sea pollutants come from the shithole countries like india and china?
These same women will be the first to put on swasi armbands when it looks like we're winning.
Well yeah, sewing is women's work.
I agree…they are a weapon that is used against their parents. This is also used to D&C them from their parents and cause them to dispise their parents when there is a difference between the ideologies.
They are told by their teachers and by the state (their 'authority figures') since they were little (rather than their own family) since they were 'sent to school', that they are brave, knowledgeble and that their parents are antiquated and stupid and not knowledgeble. This is typical kike trickery and it happens in all facets and spheres of our nations at this point.
God, I pray every day that the kikes, turks, semites are slaughtered to the last man, woman and child for their fuckery on this planet.
Yeah, there was some global climate protest recently. They had it in my city as well, and CBC did some radio interview with a protester saying that "white supremacy and climate change" need to be dismantled. Leftists (in particular the progeny of Judaized academia) will go to any length to make a connection between white people being evil and issue X. This isn't anything new. The troubling aspect is that the person they were interviewing wasn't even of high school age.
Tarrant would have had a far greater impact if he had targeted an education faculty instead of a mosque. They are subverted beyond repair.
The youth in Western countries are primed to protest about problems that have already been solved
It stops them targeting the real problems that will blight their lives
You are right they should just shit on the environment like a nigger so that their nation becomes like Haiti and they live in the ghetto like nigger scum. Look user, outside of the OBVIOUS ISSUES with the D&C between children and their parents and the incorrectness of the information I have no problem with my own people loving and caring for the environment.
I am actually starting to think THIS THREAD is sort of a kike/semite D&C between Europeans as well…
You literally think this because it was repeated to you over and over during the last few years. No other reason. You're repeating what the jew told you and you didn't give a single thought to any of it, otherwise you would know that CO2 is not a pollutant. I might as well have turned on the TV.
The whole "muh CO2" thing is because they want to tax people for breathing.
Education facility, judical system, government buidling…but none of them would have pointed to the CLEAR CULPRIT in this scenario.
As I pointed out yesterday on Zig Forums how many of you thought about trannies before the fucking deviant half niggers invaded our nations and now pedophilia, homosexuality and trannies have to be accomodated because otherwise how are the goat fucking pedo niggers, and brother fuckers like OMAR, going to get their fix of little boy asshole?
If we don't kill all semites (turks and kikes) before that day comes (meaning kick the war off THIS YEAR) then we deserve to watch while our children are tortured to death in front of us because that is what we are worth and that is who we are as a people, disgusting TRASH.
They get free from school to protest.
Had the exact same thing recently in my town in England. News paper was reporting on it like the kids came up with the idea, and it wasn't just lazy arsed teachers who wanted a few days off. One of the cleanest towns in England surrounded by natural beauty areas that its famous for as well. It's beyond transparent.
They get free from school to protest politically correct shit.
They protested somewhere the people cared a lot about the environment, and that is just as expected.
these people actually unironically tried to get CO2 listed as a pollutant a couple of years ago and were rejected. Why are none of the people interested in actual pollution (Particulate Matter, Water pollution, etc) noone is adressing the sinking O2 levels. all we get is this middle school level discussion about muh co2.
This has been happening in Australia too… all these idiot schoolkids skipping school for organized "climate change" protests all around the country. Clearly this is being (((organized))).
Same in Canada, The media have been
recently showing those kids that totaly came up themselves with the idea to protest pollution.
Yeah, let them sperg. Once they'll grow up, show them the pollution shitheads in india and bugmen chink produce and they'll make a 180-turn in a instant
Go back to the kitchen, whore. Nobody says that not caring for the environment is something to strive for you absolute retard; there are just more urging issues than the feelgood idioces these kids virtuesignal with. Do you think that if they won't take a day off of school to "protest" whatever they think they protest against once a year, Norway will suddenly ramp-up its pollution? No.
That's a lot of diversity for Norge. Shameful display.
guess who owns their media, guess who runs their schools
Potato nigger here.
It seems to be globally coordinated. Last week there was a march here by school kids to the parliament in Dublin.
Two months ago there was a report in the news that Ireland was the "worst country in the EU for combating climate change". Well I'm glad we're doing something right. Still I knew there would be trouble, so of course they started herding the sheep.
In other globalist news, tomorrow Wednesday will see groups of teenage school kids being brought to the Cloneskeagh Mosque in Dublin in order to "encourage inter-faith dialogue" and to "show solidarity" after the Christchurch partisan offensive against foreign troops.
So the disease is spreading everywhere.
The Clonskeagh mosque is the biggest in Ireland and is the European HQ of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Inman there has been in Ireland for 24 years and still can't speak English.
I hope there isn’t a fire caused by a lightning strike or by some other accident.
It would be a real shame if a nice place like that burned to cinders. A real shame indeed.
got some statistic that isnt nearly 10yrs old?
Such improvements in 4 yrs.
In other words, they use Facebook
But that's wrong you retard
Looks like Russia has improved but China has got worse.
Kinda obvious really. As the more highly populated areas become richer, they willl want things like artificial lights and maybe even a car. Or maybe to be able to eat meat.
We will tell them they cant have that. But they might just say 'no'. And then we will be forced to nuke them.
Pale ayrabs
in case you didn't know, northern peoples need to burn a lot of energy to stay warr during the winter months
you obviously don't have to heat your home in Africa
this graph comparison is unfair, it doesn't take into account CLIMATE
co2 is not a pollutant
looks like america with all those niggers
It is globally coordinated, there have been protests throughout Europe for a month or so. The same kinds of vulgar slogans as well.
The kids aren't coming up with it themselves, some even get to do it as a school assignment.
That's how stupid the people doing the climate "science" are.
Q1. What % of the air is CO2?
CO2 is less than a mere four 100ths of 1%! '''As a decimal it is
0.038%.''' As a fraction it is 1/27 th of 1%. (Measurements for CO2
vary from one source to another from 0.036% - 0.039% due to the
difficulty in measuring such a small quantity and due to changes in
wind direction e.g. whether the air flow is from an industrialized
region or a volcanic emission etc)
Nitrogen is just over 78%, Oxygen is just under 21% and Argon is
almost 1%.
CO2 is a minute trace gas at 0.038%.
… the vast bulk of the population have very little knowledge of
science so they find it impossible to make judgements about even
basic scientific issues let alone ones as complex as climate.
This makes it easy for those with agendas to deceive us by using
emotive statements rather than facts. For a detailed breakup of the
atmosphere go to:
Easy, they are brainwashed
Q2. What % of CO2 do humans produce?
… Nature produces nearly all of it. Humans produce only 3%.
As a decimal it is a miniscule 0.001% of the air.
All of mankind produces only one molecule of CO2 in around every
90,000 air molecules!
Q3. What % of man-made CO2 does Australia produce?
1% of the 0.001% of man-made CO2. As a decimal it is an
insignificant 0.00001% of the air. That’s one, one-hundredth
thousandth of the air. That is what all the fuss is about!
That’s '''one CO2 molecule from Australia in every 9,000,000 molecules
of air'''.
Q5. Is CO2 is a pollutant?
… CO2 is a harmless, trace gas. It is as necessary for life - just
as oxygen and nitrogen are. It is a natural gas that is clear,
tasteless and odourless. It is in no way a pollutant.
Calling CO2 a ‘pollutant’ leads many to wrongly think of it as
black, grey or white smoke. Because the media deceitfully show
white or grey ‘smoke’ coming out of power station cooling towers,
most think this is CO2. It is not: it’s just steam (water vapour)
condensing in the air. CO2 is invisible: just breathe out and see.
Look at it bubbling out of your soft drinks, beer or sparkling
wine. No one considers that a pollutant - because it’s not. CO2 in
its frozen state is commonly known as dry ice. It is used in
camping eskys, in medical treatments and science experiments. No
one considers that a pollutant either. CO2 is emitted from all
plants. This ‘emission’ is not considered a pollutant even though
this alone is 33 times more than man produces! Huge quantities of
CO2 are dissolved naturally in the ocean and released from the warm
surface. This is not considered a pollutant either.
Q6. Have you seen any evidence that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect?
There is no proof at all. The Intergovernmental
Panel for Climate Change (the IPCC) has never produced any proof.
There are, however the following proofs that it can’t cause a
greenhouse effect.
• It is true that CO2 can absorb heat a little faster than nitrogen
and oxygen but it becomes no hotter because it cannot absorb
anymore heat than there is available to the other gases. This is
against the laws of thermodynamics. All gases share their heat
with the other gases. Gas molecules fly around and are
constantly colliding with other gas molecules so they immediately
lose any excess heat to other molecules during these collisions.
That’s why the air is all one temperature in any limited volume.
• Even if CO2 levels were many times higher, radiative heating
physics shows that it would make virtually no difference to
temperature because it has a very limited heating ability. With
CO2, the more there is, the less it heats because it quickly
becomes saturated.
For a detailed explanation go to:
>3rd worlders producing
Reminder that the "pollution inequity" is calculated using the following logic:
good grief what an eyesore
You know what else would be a real shame, another partisan attack to eliminate foreign invaders. A real shame
That's because it is, I'm from Croatia and I work in education and a month ago I got sent an email about some "Fridays for Future" shit where we're supposed to give kids "ideas" for signs and slogans they can regurgitate.
I didn't participate at all which had no repercussions because nobody actually gives a shit, so I just spent the whole Friday with my fiancee.
Kids are politicized. They have almost no say in this stuff and only the ones who are already thinking along the same lines of their educators as far as "stupid ideas we should all do as a collective class" get approved. Student gets brownie points for recommending what the teacher already wanted. It's very Pavlovian. It's the same mistakes modern parents always make by underestimating their child's intelligence allowing the child to constantly trick them by playing dumb.
This is how childless liberals reproduce. Just like homosexuals molesting young boys to cause a lifelong trauma, educators rape the minds of the youth to cause a split personality within them forever. A part of them that's lived by the lie for half their life, and the inner voice that's apart of who they really are that always knows the truth.
It's unfortunate that school shooters are wasting their time on classmates and not lighting up teacher conferences. Even if the government sets the curriculum these days they're the propagandists who choose to shape the worldview of students into a unidirectional viewpoint.
It's not CO2 you should be worried about. It's methane.
Imagine if you told the truth
Do you think the climate change debate would go away overnight if it were phrased thus?
have you heard of the greenhouse effect?
They're not even 16.
The adults directing them are 100% responsible for their actions.
user, I..
Not gonna bring up plastic pollution and how almost all of it comes from Asia and Africa?
They're protesting the governments approval to dump waste from a metal facility into a fjord. Even though last time all fish died. This protest is great.
They show and voice that they do not trust the politicians and they protect a fjord from a Jew that wants to make more money.
Unfortunately people assume the protests is about something else and make retarded claims.
Also kids are retarded at that age so their message is chaotic so it's easy to missunderstand what was the original starting goal.
But the dissatisfaction these kids have with politicians should really be admired. They are willing to even go out and protest against the government's decision. Think what they may achieve with some guidance and fuel
dumb (((jew)))
Just dump it. We used to do this, and while it kills off local sea life for a few years, it's not permanent like the environmentalists used to think.
Simple. Indoctrination is going through their heads.
Being fat = pollution
kill them
Why though? Clean fjord with fish is better then a rich Jew.
what a cucks weow
you know what's going through their retarded little heads..
teehee, mb this will end up on facebook!
maybe i will get a big picture in this year's school book!
maybe this cute boy will pay more attention than me
they don't give a fuck, just following trends and their retarded teachers
No. You'd just get a full-page ad in WaPo denouncing you as an anti-semite.
these little shits are getting organized all over Europe now and they can't even muster a modicum of effort
and don't forget:
Skipping school lmao. Which would be cool. If they did it because public education is trash.
I wish it were a bullet.
Oh wow, a Leftist understands the concept of "per capita"! Will wonders never cease?
That doesn't work like you think it does.
MUH sience
the little shits organize nothing
astroturf isn't growing either
Sounds exactly like Québec
I'm sure SOME of you still know how to remedy the situation
My stock response to global warming hysteria is to point out that the true organizing principle of the Chinese government is to deliver continuously improving living standards through unrestrained industrialization.
not the kids themselves, it's whoever pulled the strings to get this Greta Thunberg finngolian into the media spotlight across all of western Europe all of a sudden
this global warming hysteria is just a pretext to organize the European youth into a singular Neo-Bolshevik movement
see &
Back to the kitchen, whore.
What is this? 2006? Fuck off watermelon, just come out say you want to de-industrialize instead riding Al Gore's limp dick.
People aren´t thaught an absolute basis for morality any more, be it faith in god or hard work and reason through the CTMU. This leaves ones interpretations relative and malleable by (((PR firms and media propaganda))).
>Yeah fucking 3rd worlders producing
Why do you think the term NPC is applied to these people? They are literally programmed beings. Nothing they do is a product purely of their own mind and volition. They are the definition of slave.
I'll give you a clue, the fat cunt teacher in the first picture told them to do it.
Do you really think a bunch of 15 year olds will suddenly decide to do it, on a school day, and each design their own personalised sign.
class: "YEAH NO WORK TODAY!!!"
parents oblivious, expecting that their 60% income taxes are paying for real education.
They'll send them all on a new Children's Crusade soon, but this time they'll all be wearing ball-gags and have a lube dispenser taped to their backs. Marching for the climate, all the way to arabia.
Yeah it is to instill yet more guilt, because their next official excuse is:
I'd rather see the world ended by a planet-killer asteroid than have it subverted like this.
Also, you should spread more about ireland, because no one realises what is happening there. 5 million people, and the INDIAN homosexual prime minister there has declared that he wants 1 million third world immigrants in there within 5 years.
Ireland is being killed faster than anywhere else, the religion targetted deliberately, with the same indian piece of shit having crosses taken down in all hospitals, as apparently they offend the muslims. Nevermind about the irish.
The IRA should be shooting these fucking traitors, but unfortunately the IRA are a bunch of marxist cunts that helped all this to happen.
Make it happen.
Ireland for the irish.