A Cure For Alt-Right Aggression? "Men’s cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma"

C'mon guys, why aren't you healing your traumas and cuddling other men? This is normal masculine behavior!


"Twice a month, half a dozen men gather in Plymouth Meeting to help each other work through past traumas.

Their chosen method of healing? Cuddles."


Attached: cuddle group.jpg (1400x932, 206.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


our only trauma is ptsd from seeing shit like this

Doesn't seem to do much to cure the left's aggression. I think I'll pass
maybe try it on niggers


All male cuddling groups sound like a gateway to the alt-right to me.

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Glad I never fell into that honey pot. Holy shit.

Why is this news? It’s almost like the narrative is the real story here. Oy vey.

There's obviously no way a normal man wants to cuddle with other men. To be straight means to have a functioning biological aversion to being too close to other men for long. Fags have that part of their brain underdeveloped and so lack the aversion to male scent and touch. Normal men want to cause trauma towards their enemies, not heal it.

Porn and sexual abuse cause deviant sexual behavior

But there's 5 faggots, user. Maybe my gaydar is off

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we call it rugby where i'm from … faggot

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You look at that face and tell me he isn't getting railed in the pooper shooter. He knows what's up, and it isn't just his dick either.

thread reminds me of this

Those fatties need to be hanged

The article said half a dozen so I took the (((journalist))) at their word

Impotence incarnate.

“I love the feeling of his penis dislodging my internal organs. Now I know how my wife feels when her boyfriend comes over!” *giggle



All alt-right men are soft bodied boomer pussies with no steel in their hearts. They will get the rope too.

what a badass wrecking that pussy fags face on the egg ball field look how swole he is i bet he smashes shitskins daily no way he has all that muscle just for ball games

like it or not he gets paid for smashing into shitskins and aryans alike as a test of his might … this is what the red mist looks like

Well shit, that's probably why we've got waifus.

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Patrician taste

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A nice grouping for target practice.

It's got nothing to do with the alt right at all. Outreach to the alt right is important to the growth of the movement.

Their body shapes are freaking me out.

Attached: AaZPPIu.jpg (339x421, 13.99K)

No, jew, faggots made us mad.

Bet they were all discharged REMF "vet" faggots too.

lol. No thanks.

Gay as fuck!

Attached: turning_the_frogs_gay.png (1133x967, 265.32K)

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I am legit homoexhausted I can't take much more of this gay shit.

Now women play that.

cuddle me alt right




hey that's the wrong one


The last 100 years have been absolute shit. I hope the world ends soon.

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Cuddling usually kind of hurts, and not in a good way. People don’t have to be rough for me to feel that way. It’s just not comfortable. I was open, I tried it, and I didn’t like it.

Most people like skin-to-skin contact more reliably and completely than I do, so don’t let me discourage you from being open, too.

Autism speaks

If one is gay and a jew, doesn't that count twice?

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Trauma creates men.
Hard times create men.
Cuddle groups create faggots.
Man the fuck up.

I agree and I'm not an autist or a sexual assault survivor. Physical touch enrages me for some reason similar to the response most people feel when someone uses chalk on a chalkboard.

Cringe as fuck.

Attached: faggots.png (1440x900, 1.34M)

Note to anyone with money problems, you should be out robbing these old faggots.

Quick reminder that none of these people will ever be killed and no one will do anything to stop it.

I don't think suppressing all your feelings for years, drowning yourself in alcohol and then putting a bullet in your head is a good way to handle things. This, though… this is some fruitcake shit. I don't ever want to be that close to another man.

Hurrah. Decline of West in near.

The alt-right are faggots and kosher. Masculinity has been under attack for decades but it'll outlast every attempt to stifle and destroy it.

Every other race is allowed to have normal men.
If you don't act macho in Mexico, you're a fag.
If you don't dominate women in Africa, you're a fag.
If you don't beat women and fags in arab countries, you're a fag.

In America, if you're white and gently disagree with a feminist, you're an extremist nazi killing machine and deserve a twitter campaign against you.

Oh god it's mirror universe Dwarf Fortressman and he's completely fucking cucked and lost weight due to HIV.

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Try it on niggers, sand niggers, chinks, nips, or beaners and see what they say.
They're only attacking white men.