Charges Against Jussie Smollet Dropped

Chicago gaynigger and 'Empire' actor will not be prosecuted. Sticks to story of being attacked by MAGA whites.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking knew it.

Someone was paid off.

Fucking nigger. Hopefully next time the lynching is real.

reminder this misching is a literal fag jew and Rahm Emanuel is a mossad pedo


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Did chicago police drop charges ? Or did IL attourney general do this ?

Or did he cooperate by snitching on something else far worse he knew about ?

Also, do we file this under black priviledge or Jewish priviledge ?

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jlp is talking about it rn

sounds like the state attorney general will decline to press charges. No word on the the status of any federal charges that were rumored to be pending for the prior mail shenanigans with the letters.

Did the Feds drop the charges against him too? I thought they were going at him for mail fraud.

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I am not suprised. They can't punish jewish gay nigger. That would break Matrix.

Yeah his rich lawyer who probably told the city they would drag out the trial until it bankrupted them in costs.
White people should nig out.

gotta get the Mueller report off the news cycle

Fucking invisible White supremacists! Fucking invisible White Racists!

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Accelerate , this is great

There will be no more charges to anyone anywhere. If the faggot nigger is let off then there is no justice system (beyond obvious I know)
Fucking faggot nigger

One law for thee, another for me.

I'm thinking his jew privilege allowed him to walk free.

You just know the left is seething at not sticking to their guns and stonewalling on this instead of throwing him under the bus. The next time this shit happens, they're far more likely to hold the line, seeing as how this fag is getting away with being caught in an absurd lie and telling police he was willing to testify and send two innocent men to jail presumably.

Why was 'March 26, Senate vote on gun confiscation bill' Deleted ???
03/26/19 (Tue) 06:00:04
>Sen. Rubio’s bill goes further by incentivizing states to confiscate firearms through a $100 million 5-year federal grant program. This means that states that pass Red Flag Laws will receive federal funding and states that do not will be punished by not receiving that funding. This is quite literally a pay off by the federal government to push states to create gun confiscation laws.

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100% this is some butthurt nigger judge taking revenge for Trump not being charged.

absolutely this

Very much puts out the wrong message. Let's just hope the narcissist can't keep out of the limelight and goes to social media with a new improved bullshit story where he is a hero and Trump supporters are all evil. But now the cops are all evil, especially the white ones that just want to keep the black man down. Then let the stupid bitch dig his own grave when people start poking holes in his little alternate reality.

because the only realistic way to go kinetic is opposing gun control and they fear you talking about it

Pic related is the State's Attorney responsible for dropping the charges, stating that "he would have only gotten community service anyway" so there is no point in prosecuting him. This shit is corrupt as fuck.

This is some OJ Simpson -tier bullshit

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we should keep it in the existing thread

that is one disgusting negress

ZOG is not your friend, white man.

Fuck off with your trumpstien pivot faggots, this is an assault on the white race not you zog emperor.

Except OJ killed a kike and a coal and bagel burning whore.

Whites need to start lynching. Now.

that thread is completely and utterly obsolete and irrelevant, I'm afraid.

Some good soul ought to shoop her ape face on a gorrilla or something and send it around. Very ape like face even for a nigger.

Never underestimate nigger nepotism. They might be low iq but damn if they don’t cover each other’s asses.

What a repulsive ape.

ok Zig Forums you have a free punch - you can do it for real and no fucker will believe him


The "Just Us" system strikes again.
There is no justice -only 'the narrative' matters. This country deserves to burn to the ground so we can start over. Now, where's my MP3 of "the British Grenadiers"?

Fuck off shill.
Black jurors on the OJ trial admitted they let him free for Rodney King.
They do this sub-teenager mentality tit for tat shit all the time.

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you have a free nigger linching … american cucks could hang this negroid from a tree and claim he killed himself because of the shame ..
americans should reverse niggerize europe -leave america to the spics and hybrids - europe and russia .. lots of space and opportunity

He got deferred prosecution. Program for non violent offenders. If people try to shill and say he didn't do it, no, he definitely did. It's just that justice was not served.

they've additionally announced that the records are sealed and he forfeited his bond. will try to have vids up soon if no one else does

Niggers never hold niggers accountable.

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Yeah I guess its payback for trump pardoning that dead nigger boxer that was convicted of human trafficking white girls, silly me.

he may still have federal charges come up for mailing fake anthrax to himself

This sends a horrible message (unless you're really on the accelerationist trip). This is going to send "believe the victim" insanity to a degree previously thought impossible. The media / leftists are going to stick to their guns next time.

I thought that was what I was looking at

I've kept it up to date nigger. The other one was slid into oblivion. You just want some (you)s.

That's actually a good point. The White normalfags will just scoff and say he's the boy who keeps crying wolf.

wow fuck this racist nigger

oops, did I say I naughty word?

Sorry for saying "racist" that's only for white people who believe in the 14 words.

Bullshit rigged "Justice System". Truth is, that nigga's charges were honked from the start.

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not deferred prosecution. charges were dropped and his record expunged.

The justice system is a joke.
Violence is the only answer at this point.
Our government is no longer fit to rule over us.

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One day brother, for now we LARP side by side.

Let's hope one day it's more than that shoulder by shoulder.

They make it more obvious by the day

remember this is entertainment/news and """culture""" in 56% amerinigger land

Kek. Fair enough user. I figured if their office got a bunch if shoops they'd cry victim all over the news. "Evil racist ypipo send hate mail" kind of like pepe's of old. I think normalfags would get a kick out of it. There needs to still be the occasional comedic ops.

this isn't a popularity contest, fuckstick. Go post on reddit for upvotes and gold or whatever. This shit is a paradigm-shift in the saga of the gaynigger that cried wypipol and any previous thread would be full of stale bullshit. Sorry if you feel slighted.

There is nothing wrong in being gay, but lying is wrong. This cannot be compared to oj trial.

Fuck off nigger coward.

Niggers are gettin uppity

Faggots get the rope too faggot



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you're not going to do shit

t. Sunshine Sachs

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perfect digits for filtering this jew fag

Everything except the ongoing FBI investigation for the letters is literally irrelevant now. They dropped the Chicago charges. It's done. Sorry you wasted the effort in the previous thread, but that's how shit goes with sharing a country with corrupt niggers, i guess. I dunno why you expect people to scroll through miles of moot discussion to get this point…

Oh good, it's rodney king all over again.

I would be amazed if he skated from the federal stuff. The postal service absolutely does not fuck around with this kind of stuff.

Nobody was paid off. The kike assholes who run the justice system love niggers and hate whites. They also adore niggers who are made men with their fellow kikes in Hollywood. They'd prefer for this to just quietly go away.

Brent Tarrant would actually lynch the faggot.

Friendly reminder to any newfags that laws are a meaningless piece of paper and if you are white you are literally breaking the law by existing, and that if you are colored you are adhering to the law by "breaking" it and destroying communities. Shit like this is what redpilled me and got me to drop "muh constitution" lolbertarianism in favor of National Socialism.

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I am not really surprised this thread has discounted the Ari and Rahm Emanuel connection and (((Smolett's))) heritage in exchange for an opportunity to say nigger nigger nigger


The only good thing about this is it's causing more people to walk away from the democrats. They are absolutely corrupt.

to what end? Shits corrupt. Jews are gonna jew. Niggers are gonna nig. What do you get out of "connecting the dots" at this point? You already know whats going on. What do you hope to prove by hyping "connections"? Sometimes you guys can't see the forest for the trees. And by forest i mean, niggers.

And for every one that "walks away", five more walk across the border.

That doesn't make any sense you retard. National socialism wouldn't do shit to stop any of that.

NatSoc would have stopped the faggots cruising and trying to steal other men's date's before getting one's ass kicked then blaming it on white men.

I guess he had a copy of

umm, what?

NatSoc wouldn't allow niggers any rights in the first place you double retard

I just have to say what the hell?
This is so fucked up.
not right

Couldn't we beat this nigger and not be charged due to double jeopardy? No one would believe him anyway, he is the boy who cried wolf.

vids of announcement and press conference

Attached: WGN-TV News Chicago 26 March_0002.webm (640x360 8.07 MB, 2.35M)


some after anaylsis

Attached: WGN-TV News Chicago 26 March_0003.webm (640x360, 6.54M)

Haha! You obviously don't understand what socialism is. Fucking idiot, piss off

How do you not know what double jeopardy is? If you're a white American you need to un-fuck yourself immediately.

A white national socialist society wouldn't have racial divisions to exploit, nor would it have halfling Jews or homosexuals like Smollet, newfag.

This was all a Jewish psyops from day one. A bunch of Jewish actors helping a shitty Shabbos Goy Reality TV star build his dwindling support back up for his Israel First agenda. Combine this obvious psyops with the Mueller Report and Trumplestein wins 2020.

Thanks m8


y-y-you're joking right?
He's not a shabbos goy, he's an actual kike. Also not a reality tv fag, he was on Rich Niggers: The TV show.
The one time it's an actual Jew faggot, you say it's a (((Shabbos Goy))). What the fuck even was the point of that?

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We don't say its name.

This. If we can just get more people to vote for the Israel-first Republikikes instead of the Israel-first Demokikes, the White race will be saved in no time! WWG1WGA

He forfeited his bond. Same type of thing happens all the time in leafland. "Donation to Crimestoppers or United Way" is the usual in exchange for being a good goy for a few years.

to all you jews, niggers and hybrids: - you cannot stop us, we have survived for tens of thousands of years far worse than anything you can dream up. you fear us because we are not victims but victors