Priest Suggests Irish Catholics Just As Likely to Be Terrorists As Muslim Migrants
Kevin Doran, the bishop of Elphin, Ireland has criticised those who identify as “Faith-filled” while spreading fear and mistrust of migrants and refugees, particularly those who are Muslims:
So this Catholic priest throws his fellow Christians under the bus in defense of Muslims, claiming that these migrants “contribute to the ethos” of their Catholic schools. What “ethos” is he talking about? The “ethos” where Muslims deny the divinity of Christ and instead worship “Alah” the traditional arabian moon god and the pedophile “prophet” Mohammed who exhorts his followers to kill all “infidels” which include Irish Catholics? Or is it the “ethos” where so many churches in the U.K. are being converted to mosques and neighborhoods into “no go zones”?
And that “commitment to the faith” that Doran praises Muslims for is exactly what makes Muslims far more likely than Christians to commit acts of terrorism. There is no part of Christian doctrine that encourages Christians to kill anyone who opposes them or who doesn’t believe in Jesus, and to compare the two “faiths” is patently absurd. The Europe that Muslim migrants are so eager to live in was built to glorify Christ not Mohammed, and if Europe had been dedicated to Islam instead, it would resemble a Third World country that no one wanted to live in. To tolerate Islam in a Christian country violates the First Commandment, but apparently “diversity” doctrine has replaced Christianity as the true “ethos” of New Ireland.
The Catholic Paddy's had every right to be pissed with the mainland government, though I didn't necessarily agree with their methods. Once all parties sat down a degree of peace was reached, the violence reduced significantly, from all sides.
The problem with Muslims is the Irish people from all sides will not be able to reach a political settlement, especially once the Muslims get to 10-15% of the Irish population. You cannot reason with ideology which is so far amiss of modern western society.
This priest needs taking out back and knee capping, he is an insult to his congregation and Christianity!
The crux of any organized resistance against our enemies requires unity of purpose between Catholics and Protestants, as well as unity between Christians and the rest of the far right. The primary goal of feds and shills is to promote disunity and distrust to demoralize us and turn us into a bunch of squabbling factions that are incapable of anything. Things like this just remind us that it's our common goal to promote justice and righteousness even at the cost of our own lives.
Sebastian Rivera
The desert religions have been and remain pure cancer upon the Earth.
A man is walking down the street in Derry, when another man with a gun appears behind him and holds the gun to the back of his head. The gunman asks. "Are ye a catholic or a protestant?" "I'm an atheist" The man replies. "Are ye a catholic atheist or a protestant atheist?"
Brandon Clark
A man is walking down a street in Belfast when someone puts a gun to his head from behind and asks: - Are you Catholic or Protestant? The man, scared shirtless, tries to find a way out of the situation: - I'm a Jew! - he says. - By Allah, - the attacker responds. - Today I am the luckiest Syrian in Northern Ireland!
Alexander Garcia
White Muslim > nog Christian
Leo Cook
Universalism was a mistake. While I approve that its important to call out bad behaviour in your own group, it's despicable to sell them out to foreign hordes like this. Muslims will not convert to christianity, get it through your thick skulls already.
Ryan Anderson
Yeah, but when are the IRA gonna do something? hopefully its no deal brexit and they chimp out hard. only recent thing is a carbomb outside a courthouse but that was a few weeks ago
There’s a great struggle against lies and violence in this world. People who throw over their own “kind” are on the right side of it. Civilization is the triumph of peace! Integrity is the root of science!
I spent years fighting malignant American interventionism abroad, and my reward for opposing the military-industrial complex was to get junked from the left for disloyalty. The angels sitting in judgment were not to have their sins revealed. That is how it goes. Those who will not tolerate the open discussion of flawed histories are not equal participants in a fully reciprocal ethic.
Still I value all mankind. If there is a race with which I would identify myself, it is not determined by pigments, but by pacifism! I have the mastery of my emotions to dwell eternally in peace! How many of you can say the same? How many of you *deserved* to be cast down by the angels?
Gavin Moore
The important thing is you aren't just a cuckold faggot. You are a PROUD cuckold faggot.
The real redpill is realizing terrorism works How did the good friday agreement come to be after all?
William Green
Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Ryan Martinez
All happened because of some ceasefire because IRA goons seen their chance to enter into goverment, the one they fought against for years and they kept getting fucked over with losing weapons and spies. loyalists had a ceasefire a year or two later then the agreement was made in 1998. it was really just gerry and friends betraying everyone then ian and goons agreeing with it because any more fighting could have made things turn out differently. major reason it happened was because the british army withdrew, many fags seeing that as enough progress, instead of going to reunify the island.
Hunter Young
There have been more Irish (IRA) terrorist attacks in the UK, than there have been islamic attacks. Westminster, London Bridge, Manchester Arena, Lee Rigby etc etc etc were all freemasonic/jew psyops. The real islamic terrorism is that which the press tries to ignore, i.e the grooming and rape of tens of thousands of white girls and boys up and down the country, by muslim "gangs". And you know what, they're not even organized gangs, they're just GROUPS OF MUSLIM MEN, because that's what muslim men do in White countries. Calling them "gangs" implies that this isn't something which all muslim men either approve of or engage in, when it certainly is. Jews cover up the true crimes of their fellow semites, while publicizing fake crimes of their own making. The purpose is to create tension, while not exposing muslims as a whole to negative publicity. The jew line: The reality: The problem is the jew. The symptom is the muslim. But they aren't blowing up anything. Nor crashing cars or trucks into pedestrians. Why would they, when they have it so good? They don't NEED to do that. They will have eliminated us by demographic warfare by the end of the century. The jew wants you to ignore that and focus on fake events. Christian religious leaders joined/were replaced by the jew decades ago, of course they will only repeat the jew message, except for when they're called upon to create tension.
Samuel Baker
Well Kevin you'll certainly be sitting up and paying attention when you're dressed in an orange jumpsuit and about to be decapitated. I knew a guy here in potatonigger land who developed a hatred of Muslims after working in Nigeria's delta for a few years. He used to do undercover work by pretending to be a Muslim. He was a language ace, a great actor, and knew all their weird passwords. He'd go to the biggest mosque in Ireland, the Sunni Clonskeagh mosque in Dublin, and see what information he could pick up. They'd tell him how they were going to take over, how stupid Ireland was to take them in, and also tips about how to defraud social welfare. And these Muslims are actually quite well off and well educated, lots of doctors etc. They're literally an invading army, like the Ottomans. And like in those days, the Jews are siding with them to help them in their war against the European Christians.
Catholicism got mostly overrun by a schism of liberal modernism and left a wreckage of "traditional Catholics" in disagreement with each other how to react to it all:
fuck yourself. Catholicism is just the first wave Judaic subversion of European society. Catholics were never allies to native Europeans, but ALWAYS voted for laws and policies that benefited jews and minorities. Fuck catholics.
how come all non-cucked resistance movements gets villified by mass media?
Christian Foster
Its likely that a Christian will choose one of his sect to save/work with, rather than of his own race.
Easton Moore
Free yourself of the dogma of that cult.
Aiden Fisher
No, he is perfectly in-character for Christianity. Christianity has never been different from this. It's always been this cucked, and everyone who says otherwise needs to pull that stick out of their ass, take off the rose-tinted glasses and take a good look at what their local church is doing. A neutral and remorseless look. Your church wants you dead as much as the average kike. It's time to move on. Christianity is dead. Good riddance, now let's move on to something of value.